Not a small matter, or worthless pursuit/ a foundation principle identified in the beginning by democracy; but expressed and created in reality BY LAW.

        When we the people MAKE OUR OWN LAWS/ then we govern ourselves, our nation, and our world.  It is that simple.


        But it requires RESPONSIBILITY AND RESPECT; or you fail/ and every threat, that has been identified and clearly conceives of world extinction; will come true.

        Responsibility means: YOU SHALL do your part, in the work and realities that not only define us in justice, fair play, and equality/ but will also accept and participate in all things survival as best "we/I" can.

        Respect means:   fundamentally, there is no difference in life itself; we are ALL,   "GOD'S   CREATION"   Which does make us equal.  We are without doubt dependent upon every other aspect of creation and environment, the chains of life that we MUST SUSTAIN, or everything living dies with it.  That does NOT allow for games!  That does NOT allow for gambling with extreme energies;  or mutilations!    That does NOT allow for a few, to control our lives; and decide "they are like gods' compared to us".


        THEREFORE control means we shall remove all the threats which confront us NOW; or die trying as a world.  Because there is no survival if we do not destroy the things that are about to destroy us.  You "want/ want/ want/////////////////want, and more want, or don't want" but there is no world for you to live in/ nor things of any kind to want, if you let this earth die.      We must protect this earth, and do what is required to keep it alive.  THIS IS NOT, the same world as it was fifty years ago;   we are now 7 billion people and growing at 2 million more mouths to feed each and every week.  Already one billion people are hungry on a regular basis; and if you think "just let them die"/ it is GUARANTEED, soon the hungry will believe:   LETS KILL THEM ALL, for letting us starve.  Is that not so?

        We cannot simply take, whatever you want anymore.  Nature cannot survive it!   It takes no "genius" to understand that as fact.  It takes no "genius" to understand, TRUTH must govern us all today; because it is want, that brought us all to the door of destruction, even a dead world.  We must do, as truth itself, identifies reality must then be.  Truth is a recognizable fact that identifies a critical participant, in why this has happened, or come to exist, or builds, or destroys.  It is never want/ truth is the essence of reality.  While reality can identify destruction as well as building/   WISDOM and the ability to survive will accept only what grants:   "LIFE FOR THE PLANET, must come first" in every decision that we make.  There is no time left to play, as is clearly proven by the evidence/ because when it is so obvious, that we are now going to die, because you failed to stop this:   IT IS TOO DAMN LATE!     WAKE UP, or you fail; every child/ absolutely everything alive depends upon NOT being wrong.


        So, lets review the basic facts:

1.  Your scientists are gambling with all life on earth in MANY different ways; they will kill you, with their experiments, and that makes them terrorists.  Too late to stop means/ proven true; means we are all dead, no possibility of stopping this now.   Consequently the experiments which gamble with all life on earth;  must be stopped here and now.  The realities that clearly establish WE CANNOT be wrong in this; must be changed, as is environmental losses/ ocean system collapse/ ozone/ and many more.

2.   Your geneticists are mutilating all life on earth in countless ways; fully intending to completely destroy the very foundation of life, NATURE ITSELF: which is the instructions on how to build "bodies of life".  They want to play god themselves, and endlessly combine all forms and species of life and living into the deliberate concentration of what can only be described as BIOLOGICAL WARFARE, to the entire planet.  Because one single organism released into life, can invade and destroy us all.  They cannot prove it isn't so: do you want to be wrong?  "They CAN'T even WAIT" to release everything they mix together, completely disregarding the horrors of what they do create; and subjecting the world itself to their insanity.  Thereby intentionally trying to destroy us all.  They are "pure terrorists"/ and extreme LIARS; "going to fix life".  The truth is they are bringing ARMAGEDDON, which means nature in chaos.  THESE, are  More correctly described as "SATAN" himself.  Because the destruction of every living thing, by mutilation and pandemic CANNOT be anything less.  Consequently they must be stopped here and now.

3.  The endless failure of "your free press" is now proven to be fundamentally absolute:   they don't care enough about life/ the planet/ or you to intervene and communicate everything or anything that is absolutely necessary for us all to know.  To protect ourselves or this world.  That is treason, the deliberate and willful intent to propagate and pander to the destruction of life and planet, CANNOT BE less than "the enemies of life." How is that not worthy of taking away every tool they have to influence us all, to propagate deceit (refusing to identify our lives are in danger.  The diploma's literally gamble with all life on earth).  Theft (refusing to identify that these debts are nothing but inflation hidden so we don't share, and the few LITERALLY plunder us, without so much as a complaint)/ and The endless delusions of a diploma so DAMN ARROGANT they are literally mutilating every life on earth.  Throwing them in prison until we decide their punishment, is only fair.  Traitors come in all sizes, shapes, and colors.   They want pride and power instead of life/ they want control over our lives, instead of sharing life with us, or caring about the future for anything alive.  How is that not "filled with shame"?

4.   The university is used as the enemy/ providing experts to lead the masses astray, providing armies against us, to ROB AND STEAL EVERYTHING they want; making us their slaves instead.  Who has the money?  Who has the power?  Who has created the vast majority of these threats, which can exterminate our lives?  Who leads the invasion of debt, and the reality of an inflation that is hidden, so they alone can benefit from counterfeit numbers?  Who failed us all, by not attending to the base fundamentals, truths, and realities of what does or does not KEEP US ALIVE?  Who claims to be superior, and yet here we are facing our own extermination from the planet; with weapons and realities they create;    IF NOT "the university diploma"?  Who has no grip on reality, and does not care other than the university; just one of those institutions: in Urbana IL, the U OF I ; recently spent 121 million dollars on a football stadium addition, so a handful of people could pretend to be "rulers" 6 afternoons a year.  Currently the ten year old scoreboard is not fancy enough; so they are spending an additional $6.7 million dollars; so they can "be great" 6 damn games a year.  Not to mention all the rest; so they can pretend to be superior 6 damn games a year.  Who pays, add it up: lets just say 50,000 students for the sake of easy math: that equals $134.00 per student for a scoreboard, to be used 6 times a year.  But Nobody pays/ because it is all counterfeit money, until the day everything economic collapses, and we the people are left out (no free money here) to be their slaves.  Answer the question, the university diploma leads does it not? They have taken over "everything" have they not?  Therefore what we have today, is absolutely because of their own leadership and decisions/ their lies, deceit, failures, and theft.  How is that not so? IS NOT, the fact that the medical profession through the university controlling the outflow of doctors/ THEREBY controlling the competition, and raising the price in a direct monopoly over our lives the primary cause of medical expenses: they still don't graduate a single doctor more, than they did in 1960; even though the population has doubled.    Don't forget, it ain't just men; that bring us here; it is the diploma; the power to rule is, "we are, the damn experts/ YOU have no say".  How is this result across America, in so many ways:  NOT the same as being ruled by organized crime?  Consequently the power and pride of university MUST END; and the reality of redefining our world: by truth;    for life first, absolutely MUST begin now.  Or we die!  Not a threat, a reality of and by the evidence clearly defined.

5.   The critical consequence of our population growth CANNOT BE SUSTAINED.  That means we are making choices that will either kill the future, or MUST RESTRICT behaviors that cannot survive and do threaten us all.  Women are the incubators of life; which means they control.  Because in terms of sexual creation of life and babies what is male contributes little, and few are actually needed.  Women are IN CHARGE OF THEMSELVES/ no man has a right to say, their bodies must change.    That means women decide for themselves/ decide if the future holds cannibalism, or not.  That means: men have an obligation to assist women in making their decisions by whatever means will aid them/ and that does include the reality of payment for becoming sterile.  You must decide what your future brings; for yourselves in this matter.  But you MUST make a decision for life/ or you chose death.

6.  We turn to the realities which affect not only people, but nations instead, as the people who live within them.  We learn that the university leads the charge to discard the constitution of this USA; because they want and have taken control instead.  We find civil war is just a reality defined by too few, have taken too much from the rest/ have fought and taken control over the courts, causing them to be irrelevant or just plain criminal; and the people say, "WE MUST do something".  Having been reduced to violence/ the reality of cost as is clearly found in America (coming)/ Syria/ and many places across this globe is:   THE DAMNED LEADERS have taken too much. They stole/ lied/ cheated/ and ravaged us all; in secret, with a propaganda machine employed "as the news" to keep us all in the dark, until it is too late.  How is that not true today?  Your nation is bankrupted (by the few/ the diploma's who demand too much; when reality would not support it: THEY JUST COUNTERFEITED MONEY, and claimed it was a debt);   still stealing; its just using the courtroom against us all. For a claim that is nothing less than extortion. One and all.  Lies, violence against society;   and nothing more.

        To control leaders, WE THE PEOPLE MUST ESTABLISH THE LAW, that will then govern the leaders!  We the people MUST employ our own policing force, to then GO GET THE DAMN LEADERS/ and take them to court; where we the people shall judge by our own law, in absolute public trial.  To control the bloodshed; IS SHALL BE, that any leader that refuses to surrender to trial, CAN AND SHALL be sentenced to death, and appropriate weapons used to establish that as fact will be granted as necessary.  By making the law ourselves, WE RULE OURSELVES AND OUR NATIONS, even our world; because there are literally demands that we can make over our rulers, for life in this society and this world.  There are demands to watch over and regulate resources/ damage to the environment/ pollution/ and the rest, irregardless of the nation offending.  WE CAN DISMANTLE AND REMOVE every single weapon of mass destruction; firmly establishing ANYONE even suspected of bringing these things back, SHALL BE KILLED.  Not a game, fail to obey and you're dead.

7.   The fundamentals of religion and economics are much the same: both require disciplines shall be kept/ or it all falls apart.  The difference is, economics allow the money to decide/ while religions tell you, the hierarchy shall decide/ or whatever book you believe in will justify the illusion one way or the other.  WHAT IS TRUE however, literally establishes the impact of either upon life itself.  Economics that hold to a regulated value that cannot be defeated, because the people themselves control it/ and the majority shall never be wealthy; because wealth is about making the rest POOR.  It ain't about the money/ it is about making the others be your slave; in all but the tiniest set of circumstances or realities at work or play. Limited capitalism controls the wealth, and divides it among the people according to your own contribution.  Religions form the backbone of society itself, because they do cause and create a disciplined order to civilization; even if wrong, they do provide structure, and a limited education for many.  They do create a hope, and a value beyond simple want.   BUT like in America today, whose religion is the university is our god;   like them, the discipline of Christianity was exchanged for the discipline of the university/ and as proven true, the university has no discipline when it comes to declaring themselves rulers, or stealing the very fabric of society from its people.  Neither do they care, for any truth; fantasy and delusions are their substance;   "Toys and trophies" don't count.  The substance of life first, is the only thing that matters to our survival, our truth, and our happiness: the university religion has failed on ALL COUNTS; becoming the destroyer of life instead of a builder of life or living.  The absolute insanity of a religion within a religion as is evolution to the university religion itself;   constitutes the demand, "THEY WILL BURY YOU, AND ALL LIFE", in the grave of their mutilations.  It is absolutely not ignorance anymore, because anything with a mind;   CAN UNDERSTAND, life ain't no accidental mixing of chemicals, etc.  It exists, BECAUSE THOUGHT CAME FIRST!  THAT is a proven reality.     Neither you, nor your "extra special gods and idols, at the university" can build a life/ can even come within one actual step of building a life; after more than fifty years of trying.   Because it is far too complicated. [chopping up life itself, so you can rearrange it, and call yourselves god's; is just more insanity. ]  And yet evolution says, "without a mind" it all just fell into place out of chaos!   NOTHING COULD be more insane!  Nothing could be more "witch-doctor magic;  throw some shit in here, add some sugar, demand money, and make them beg"; because fear let's you.   Even an ant, has a greater level of intellect than you; in this matter.  Insanity is NOT a big enough word.   Therefore SATAN returns, as your only true description/ because that is the depiction of "something destroying us all".  How is that not "the university mutilators"?   SHOW ME, one damn thing where mutilation was "good"/ it doesn't exist!    Yet the DAMNED mutilate life every single day/ throwing that mutilation into nature itself hoping for some great miracle they can claim for themselves; "going to be god".  SATAN creating pandemic's and destroying life, is all they have to offer;   it takes a tremendous fool, NOT to understand that.  A complete and utter idiot, with an IQ   equal or less than a worm; or perhaps its easier just to call them a   "Hell-whore".

          Adaption is merely the evidence of perfect design, "I knew, this would be needed, so I prepared";  how is that not true?  Prove it shit-hole!


        The fundamentals of life or death for this world are very simple: either respect the truth as life itself will identify for the vast majority, or die.  Let the truth (as best we can) lead, or die; because we are now so many people on earth, there is literally no other way.  Respect the fact the ocean has limits, feed the creatures of the sea; or die, because we cannot survive without them, and they cannot survive the reality of what humanity has done or is doing unless we change.  Respect the truth, that every fire, and every engine consumes oxygen; and the biosphere 2 project provided ALL the information required; to understand, if we don't stop/ we won't breathe. The storage of oxygen which is ozone, has been keeping us alive; as radiation and chemicals continues to knock it back down to earth; simply won't last much longer.  Respect the fact that all the fossil fuels we burn contain heat, a human release of "BTU'S into the atmosphere with so many zero's behind it that it is incomprehensible; but nonetheless a fact for this planet/ and that does not include the mechanical generation of heat designed for air-conditioning.  It is not a game:   so long as you can "MELT ENOUGH ICE"/ the earth can sustain a more consistent temperature.  BUT WHEN THE ICE IS GONE, not only is an incubation environment for a primary base ocean food source gone; stopping life in the ocean as a link in the chain, that is fundamental to its existence dies.  This world will suddenly heat up tremendously, there will be no reprieve, and every weather pattern will be broken; including the currents which life in the ocean depends upon as well.  Add to that the reality of men, weapons of mass destruction, and the assumptions of men which are:   "Kill them, and they won't cause no trouble, no more".  Which of course is not true, because someone will be left/ who demands revenge.  Kill a billion people/ and you still have more than 6 billion left: war  solves nothing.  Only the law can help us now.


        In the elemental search for justice, and the foundations that give us all peace and harmony/ the need for governance is necessary, whether you like it or not.  With the law we become rulers of ourselves by erecting the law as our ruler/ as the definitions and descriptions of what can be enforced against us as individuals, what we can enforce as our freedoms, against those who would rule over us.  The law is otherwise blind, it knows only what we allow it to be: which means we must choose those words very carefully, and adapt them only when it is clearly necessary.  Or we lose.

        A vote is functionally of minimal or no value, UNLESS you honestly know, what it is you are voting about and why/ what it is that will be gained or lost by this vote.  People are rarely known, and they can be bribed or threatened; making what you believed "unreliable" at best.  Therefore a vote is truly about the right and reality of choosing the law/ and the employee of government is about enforcing that freedom, or that restriction on your freedom, that WE THE PEOPLE have chosen for ourselves.  A vote MUST determine the amount of money that will be applied by government, in the various partitions that we describe.  Or more simply, the least powerful form of governance (the opportunity for our employees to decide for us):   IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.  That means we must work for our society, and do the best we can to decide exactly how the future must be;   because once in place, it will be hard to change.  Once the basic frameworks are decided, the rest shall be relatively easy and require little true work, to maintain.  But we must do the work of defining our future and describing our society, OURSELVES;   with every purpose understanding, the future WILL be desolate, if we do not respect and protect the resources and realities that we all do so desperately need to survive and be happy.

        Those things are accomplished as a world, rather than a nation:   therefore WORLD LAW, not only controls and brings the leaders of nations to court to be judged by we the people; and by our own laws.  But it SHALL control the destruction to this planet, and its life by that same reality of law; and it does not matter, "if some starve, or die, or fall ill, or believe themselves lost"/ because the planet itself; the future for us all, and every life that follows, MUST comes first.  THIS IS NOT, a small or insignificant matter; therefore you will address it with HONESTY; and provide for each other in the ways that are possible, when you can.

        To create world law, and its possibilities of peace and harmony: WE MUST have one single language among us all.  That language MUST be sign-able for the deaf/ MUST be translatable to the blind (as in braille); and must be a composite of every people on earth.  Consequently every word that shall be used will be divided up, and chosen by the people as a percentage of the population ( for every, "so many people", equals their decision as to what this word shall sound like, and be written as).  Every nation gets at least one "fundamental word"/ you will draw them "out of a hat" so to speak, so that it is fair.  The words themselves shall come out of a "deaf person's dictionary"; BECAUSE they know what the necessary words are.  Let the people themselves decide/ NOT rulers.

        Let the people who become your policing force, be from every nation:   the best you have, for justice, FAIR play, and equal treatment under the law.  Let them be replaced every four or so years/ with only the leadership allowed to remain for NOT MORE than eight years.  So that none can build a hierarchy; and all can understand:   IT IS THE WORLD, that is important here/ NOT you. No "special nations"!  It is our future as a planet that will be protected; the reality of individual failures, are individual penalties.  The demand for national failures is:   YOU DID THIS/ therefore you fix it yourselves.  With realistic help, but make no mistake: you did it to yourselves MEANS you are responsible for the disaster to yourselves.  Where nature plays a distinct role, you will be kind.  Where people chose to "take everything they could, and save or protect nothing:   it is their own lives that are at stake/ their own decisions that threaten extinction".  WHY should we save you/ to destroy others and their world?  Prove change or die.  No exceptions.

        The reality of religion, simply put: it is your right to believe anything you want/ doesn't matter what it is; its your life & your eternity, and your mess or otherwise.  Nobody should care.  NOBODY should be allowed to believe however "that THEIR god" has to be protected from humanity/ how is that evidence of any god; it is insane.  "A god" can protect him or her self.  Simple and plain/ you ain't a damn warrior for god;  you are a fool.  GOD can do anything, is that not so; "apart from making you love HIM". That alone is your decision.  The consequence of that reality is: NO MORE EXCUSES.  No more media claims "its about religion/ IT AIN'T".  IT IS always about power or possession or the lack of these; simple and plain.