It is essential, that we should know, where life and a future that will survive, can take us.

Among the various realities in time, that life in society can provide, the critical foundation is:   HOW do we share the work, so that we can care about the experience and define ourselves as happy?   In the past, the answer to all social problems was simply to consume more resources.  Today with 7 billion people, and even far less; should you choose to continue that/ the world shall be empty/ nature shall be dead/ and humanity completely without options to survive in just a few years at most.  We are roughly one person now on every single acre of “growing/ green land” on the planet! Growing at 2 million more mouths to feed each week/ growing up, thereby wanting more every single day.  Think about that as you consider the available resources not yet consumed.  Thereby knowledge does provide the understanding; that only wisdom can accept:   WE SIMPLY MUST SHARE, or we will war.
Sharing work, through limited capitalism understands that everyone must take care of themselves/ but at an income level that is determined by public vote: which then demands, “the others” have needs too.  The opportunity to work increases.  By creating “old time/ small town environments” again; each little section of humanity finds itself required to take care of each other and participate as best you can/ thereby self-sustaining, rather than dependent, upon the whole.  The summary is: “the great migrations of humanity” are soon over.  Each one, will deal with the truth of their own destruction, their own decision, and their own development/ child birth/ etc.

 The demand of democracy is:  we the people shall own all natural resources together/ and provide access to ourselves/ thereby social equality;  as life proves it is necessary, for both state and nation.   This removes the very rich:  Because access and control of resources including education;  is what makes people rich (I can enslave you).  Every education is two fold: part is for you/ part is for society and its work.  Therefore society owes, and must pay for the education it demands.  But individual people also owe for the opportunity, and the welfare while in school: which means society shall bid upon these “educated”; and they shall then work for society until that bill is paid.  For instance, if one place bids “one year free here/ and we have paid for your education: then free”; you work one year honestly, and are free. Too many students and the years required shall rise. “Its by bid”!  Etc.  The right to be called educated is NOT by diploma/ it is by national testing; pass, whether by schooling or not; and you get your degree.  NO irrelevant, prejudiced, or misleading questions allowed. NO color of skin/ size/ age/ gender/ or other shall interfere; educated or not; simple and plain.

The question of machines is a very important one, as all of us are familiar with the fact they do make a difference.  But like the chainsaw, a very useful tool/ it has become a weapon, for deforesting the earth and must be controlled.  Same is true for all tools.  The foundation of food production is:   many hands are far better than a few.  Consequently farm land unless farmed by the family owning it/ shall not remain in the hands of those who have retired or do not work the land.  This is the food/ you cannot play games, it will be owned by those who do the work.  Each county shall decide for itself, by those involved in agriculture: how much land any individual or family involved in farming can own; by vote.  The reality of our need for food MEANS:   NO more new subdivisions are allowed/ rather you will over time condense back into cities so as to provide more food. NO more land consumed by non food practices.  NO more fresh water tragically impacted, by fuel production (currently all together roughly a trillion gallons a year) and there is much more destruction of water resources. That MUST END, or you die.  Insulating everything heated or cooled, at much higher levels,  is required.  Protecting the water shed is required/ protecting nature is required. Protecting the ocean is required. Etc/ etc/ etc/etc/ etc/ etc/ etc......etc!
The foundation of working in America is, “its all about the money”!  The new foundation of working in America and around the world is:   WE MUST PROTECT OUR WORLD, thereby making decisions that defend ourselves, but respect all life and environment.  One of the biggest realities of that being:  oxygen depleting IS A GRAVE CONCERN, that must be addressed immediately. Every fire consumes oxygen!  Regardless of what you want, the question is breathe or die?
Our ability to express and experience society with kindness, gentleness, compassion, happiness, respect, and more is ALL centered upon the single truth:   that we must be friends.  We cannot be friends with those who hate/ it is an absolute opposite reality; therefore a division is realistic.

Our ability to express and experience freedoms, wherefrom happiness grows; IF we have love inside.  Is dependent upon time, resources, and education (school or not, is irrelevant; I have no higher diploma); do I not sound educated?  Time is a gift of “my needs have been met”/ therefore I may live for myself, or family (whatever is my desire);  in this time.  Resources are determined by want/ because want determines greed, selfishness, jealousy, and all the trouble of man and woman.  Therefore the critical test of time is defined by the simple truth of whether you can control your wants or not. 
The primary want is sex, but the primary desire is friendship, and all its attributes including love.  Therefore a critical question will be:   what to do about sex?  The critical answer is given to women to decide/ because it is men who determined the reality of this day: “not working”/ therefore discarded.  The critical answer to friendship is more internal, requiring that you “expand beyond yourself”/ and accept the risks of being friendly yourself.  These are lessons to be taught, at every level of life/ particularly among the young, by those who have demonstrated they do understand how.  It’s a choice/ even when the world seems against you: you are still the primary person involved.  It is hard today/ that is a judgment against you, because it should not be.  You failed, yourselves.

The critical test of work is: that we must all share that work and produce what society needs, and as best we can what all society deems necessary to be honestly happy as a community of people sharing this existence.  That requires time, but shared it requires less time from each one/ which gives you time for lovers/ children/ friends/ family/ hobbies/ and more.  What you don’t get is endless resources, which means you must devise better methods of sharing what you do have to work with or use.  You are able.  Critical to our survival is the reduction of resource usage/ critical to our survival is the reduction of pollution/ critical to our survival is the protection of nature (WE LIVE, because they live; IT IS far more involved than you think).  MUTILATING EVERYTHING OR ANYTHING IS SIGNING OUR DEATH CERTIFICATE:   WE WILL DIE. GAMBLING WITH OUR LIVES OR WORLD:  IS INSANE!
As a democracy WE DO have the legal right, the moral obligation:   to decide what our future will be/ by the investigation of evidence and the reduction of that evidence into the truth of what we can or cannot choose for ourselves.  By vote.  Fail to do the work, and you reap death instead of life.

We are bankrupt as a nation/ state/ and majority of individuals:   consequently like it or not: you must declare bankruptcy as a nation, and start over so as to get hold of your reality and provide a future for your children.  Bankruptcy simply defined:   “Makes the rich man pay”.   But make no mistake, it will leave no one untouched.  If you do the best you can to be fair/ you will begin a new world with new opportunities to be shared.  You must continue with some debt/ as in international debt: but that does not necessarily mean they get what they want/ rather we shall build a new world instead of relying on money to decide.  You must continue with some old debts, which means “nothing is for free”.  That requires once a new currency is in place: the percentages of a mortgage for instance/ will be a percentage of income: that shall be placed under the framework which is now “an average wage”.  For up to 30 years for a house.  NO new credit, until you have established as a nation: THE TERMS, which will not increase currency numbers available/ except by public vote/ and not beyond what must be given constitutional status as the maximum limit; and the terms of how the people gaining the loan SHALL pay it back themselves.  No more blaming the children/ pay it yourselves.  RESPECT reality.  The maximum debt limit for any nation is 3 times its national income proven.  In america for instance, their income is a lie based upon the fraud of wall street, and financial cheating in government and beyond.  Prove the income, demand strict obedience to fundamentals such as infrastructure/ and turn to a world court and policing to dismantle most of the world’s military.  We cannot survive weapons of mass destruction, which means they cannot remain: by world peace through law requirements.
WE MUST provide time for the ocean to heal itself/ WHICH REQUIRES two distinct measures from humanity: more grain production therefore less fabric and other production to address the need for food world wide.  We MUST feed the seas, which means human bodies SHALL be ground up for fish food/ to feed this population of 7 billion people.  Refusal means the ocean dies/ therefrom so do you.  Reality proves THERE MUST be limits to population growth, by whatever means you choose/ there can truly be no more, “the earth is full (birth and death must equal, or reduce the population)”.  Like it or not, that is our reality.  Nobody dies of “little things”/ but extreme medical care is no more.

You can play and die/ but you cannot live, unless you accept that what is verified as true, and substantially certain: as is that factory farm or confinement agriculture WILL end in famine/ war/ and death for billions.  Because the antibiotics required, will fail soon.  And you currently have no other means of keeping livestock alive/ this must be changed.  It is substantially proven true, that you cannot continue as separate large armies around the world: because we must cooperate with each other to keep nature alive.  Nobody gets to say: we will destroy nature and earth/ oceans and environment; and there is nothing you can do.  World law MUST intervene, because this earth is all we have/ and we cannot be “substantially” wrong anymore.  Or we all die.
This is simply NOT “telling you what to do”/ this is recognizing we have one planet between us all, and that is the difference between life or death for every single one of us.  How is that decision, NOT important to you.  How is that decision NOT a distinct decision of “all of us to make”.  No more experts/ we all live or die with these decisions, because that is what we are threatened with:   therefore we all “get a vote”/ including the children, who will vote by their parents hand. 
Or more simply: within the perceptions of our coming reality, there are truths that cannot be avoided.  If we fail, to make the true and correct decisions to avoid catastrophe and collapse of everything we will need.  The end is obvious, and the reality akin to every biblical  prophecy ever made. 
Fail to resolve the economic crisis/ and you will have civil war.  Fail to resolve the water crisis, and you will war for water sooner than you can even imagine.  Fail to resolve every threat, and it will appear with a vengeance, destroying everything you failed to protect.  Fail to stop the mutilation of all life/ and the bodies of life WILL FOR CERTAIN/ become mutilated beyond recognition; ending creation, for “man being god”:   you WILL be HORRIFIED, and soon.  Fail to stop the experiments with energy and you can be death, in “ a lake of fire”/ or simply blown up by people believing they can be god.  Etc/ etc.

Make your decision, BE INFORMED/ SEARCH HARD FOR THE TRUTH:    Why be sacrificed by fools?  Answer the question.   Do not hide or run away, THIS IS EVERYTHING; nobody escapes, so there is no cause for fear.  It is a literal decision we will make.  Run away/ hide/ refuse to believe/ or whatever it is:   is meaningless.  Because what is true shall decide.  Change means different.  Different means women in charge, believe it or not:   because this is, “the best men did do”/ and by the evidence we CANNOT survive their decisions.  We will not survive as we are/ nature, environment, population, etc will NOT allow it much longer.  We will all die, or we will all change, for the better.  Want be damned/ reality by its truth must decide our future.  Simple and plain/ CHOOSE LIFE FIRST.