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Fusion power has the highest potential of our current realistic energy generation options. Solar, hydro and wind have great potential for terrestrial energy production, but sources for mobile transportation will still require something more powerful. Space travel, especially, will need an extremely powerful energy generation source, which fusion is most likely the future of.
Ultimately, we will have to find safe, responsible alternatives to the limited and wasteful fossil fuels we currently use for energy production. Fusion power would be an extremely effective and productive way to harness the power of nature's basic forces, if we can find ways to do it safely and securely.
While it may take a while to reach widespread implementation, nuclear fusion will create less waste and require less fuel material than other methods of energy conversion. Since less radioactive waste means less environmental hazard and less expensive cleanup, this could be cheaper in the long run and safer in general. Also, the energy released by a fusion reaction is greater than that of a fission reaction.
A fusion power plant would not release anything into the air except for steam. The radioactive material that would be left over would only remain highly dangerous for about 50 years. Within 300 years the waste material would only be as radioactive as coal ash. This is a great improvement over fission reactors which produce radioactive waste that remains highly dangerous for thousands of years.
yes because i think it would be much better for our enviorment. i look forward to using fusion in the fucture
It is obvious that we can't run off gasoline forever, so why not look into other options. Fusion power could be one of those options, and could possibly be the future of powering our vehicles. I have faith in fusion power and its ability as a future energy source.
Fusion does not produce any GHG emissions. Fusion powers is beneficial for the environment as it does not produce any harmful gases that would contribute to global warming or would harm the ozone layer.
Nuclear fusion, if scientists can figure out how to contain it, will be the next generation in energy because once the fusion process has started, it will continue generating energy continuously, even as it gives off energy for human use. Once the process is in motion, it doesn't need additional input in order to keep generating energy.
Imagine being able to power a whole city from the energy created by the collision of simply a few subatomic particles. What effect would that have on the world around us if we simply had to accelerate particles, something that can be done relatively cheaply with magnets, to provide power to the world? There would be no more debates about clean energy, energy costs, anything like that. The world would change significantly for the better.
Fusion power is not the future of energy generation, given the many energy alternatives that have become more and more feasible. I don't think there will be just one energy source of the future. We will need to use as many alternate forms of energy in the future as possible.
I don't believe that fusion is necessarily the future of energy generation. It has not been proved to be reliable or if it will really work. It is estimated that we are at least 20 years away from being able to use fusion as a source of energy; in that time another source that works efficiently may be found.
Fusion energy poses similar explosive problems as any other form of nuclear energy production. Thus, with countries now trying to shy away from nuclear power, fusion energy is not going to provide a safer alternative to any form of energy production. Thus, fusion power is not the future of energy production.
Although fusion power is a viable option for energy generation, it does not constitute the future of energy generation. There are many other options for energy generation that will probably be used in addition to or in place of fusion power, such as wind power, nuclear power, solar power, and other forms of alternative energy.
Fusion is a pipe dream at the moment. While it might play out in the long term, and ultimately I think that it will, our needs are far more immediate to wait for untested technology to save us. I think that we would be much better served to develop 4th and 5th generation fission technology for out-base line needs, and distributed storage systems for out-edge needs. Solar, wind, and fission are the way to go in the short to medium-term.
Fusion power should not be focused on as the future for energy production. It is too risky due to the possibility of a radiation leak. The use of liquid Lithium which is highly flammable causes the risk of an environmental industrial hazard. Right now fusion is a good way to generate heat. It is hard to turn this heat into actual energy.
Fusion power or any other nuclear energy option is not a good option in my opinion since the development of nuclear plants is controversial and dangerous. Any nuclear energy can be used for negative purposes and controls will need to be very strict. Consequently, we should look for another forms of energy generation.
Fusion power does not represent the future of energy generation because it is still being developed. While fusion power was first used for military applications, we have yet to see a company use that energy for non-military applications. Instead, decades have passed with companies attempting to harness the power and there is still a long way to go in the science and research of producing this power.
I think people are too scared to rely on fusion power. Fusion power uses nuclear energy which scares many people away. They do not like the thought of having nuclear energy so close to their home because it is so dangerous. Because of this, I do not think that fusion power is the future of energy. People will rely on safer alternatives, like wind towers, in order to get their power in the future.
Nuclear fusion power does not represent the future of energy generation. It will be very hard to grow nuclear power generation, particularly in the United States due to the issues that have happened in the past. I believe that the future of power generation is in more renewable sources like wind, water, and potentially the next generation of biofuels. I do not think that current biodiesel has the chemistry or best feed stocks to make this generation sustainable.
I don't believe we have even touched on a % of capability in regards to energy. The capability of fusion power is commendable for the implements it is used in today, but it is not the future in my belief. It will lead to alternative means projects in my opinion however.