Cloning News

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Key to Growth Differences Between Species

The tiny, little-noticed jewel wasp may provide some answers as to how different species differ in size and shape. And that could lead to a better understanding of ...  > full story

Gene Affecting the Ability to Sleep Discovered in Fruit Flies

On the surface, it's simple: when night falls, our bodies get sleepy. But behind the scenes, a series of complex molecular events, controlle ...  > full story

Researchers Develop Gene Therapy That Could Correct a Common Form of Blindness

A new gene therapy has the potential to treat a common form of blindness that strikes both youngsters and adults. The technique works ...  > full story

Why Does the Same Mutation Kill One Person but Not Another?

The vast majority of genetic disorders (schizophrenia or breast cancer, for example) have different effects in different people. Moreover, ...  > full story

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Doggy Genes

Molecular biologists have completely sequenced the first dog genome. Understanding how genetics plays a role in canine diseases could lead to new. ...  > full story

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