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Analytical Study of the Ogallala Aquifer in Sherman County, Texas,
Projections of Saturated Thickness, Volume of Water in Storage,
Pumpage Rates, Pumping Lifts, and Well Yields
Bell, AE | Morrison, S Report 253, September 1980. 64 p, 18 Tab, 75 Ref, 24 Maps.
To provide information concerning the water shortage problems in
the High Plains of Texas, high-speed computers were used to
conduct evaluation and projection studies of groundwater
resources. Historical pumpage has been approximately eleven times
the rate of natural recharge. Sherman County 's total annual
agricultural income of $65 million is dependent on fresh
groundwater supplied by the Ogallala aquifer. Severe overdrafts
threaten to deplete the aquifer to the point that it may not be
economically feasible to produce water for irrigation. Water-use
patterns between 1960 and 1972 were used to develop an aquifer
depletion schedule. To estimate the volume of water in storage in
the aquifer, an electronic digital computer constructed maps
reflecting the saturated thickness of the aquifer. A computer
program also calculated future saturated thickness at individual
well sites. Estimates of current pumpage were obtained as were
estimates of the Ogallala 's well-yield. The report uses maps,
charts, and tabulations to make reasonable projections about the
future conditions of the Ogallala aquifer. (Garrison-Omniplan)
Descriptors: Texas | Aquifers | Groundwater potential | Recharge | Water table | Ogallala aquifer(TX) | Sherman County(TX) | Water supply | Irrigation | Storage depletion | Rainfall | Precipitation intensity | Hydraulics | Water wells | Data collections | Computer programs | Digital computers | Storage coefficient | Projections