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Another church in Tehran was ordered to ceaseholding servicesin Farsi, the Iranian national language, otherwise it could be "bombed". Islamic militants with ties to terror group al-Qaida have launched the "ethnic cleansing of minority Christians" in Syria, forcing tens of thousands of people to flee the embattled Syrian city of Homs and other areas, aid workers confirmed Tuesday, March 27. Burma's military ransacked a Baptist church and broke up a Christian conference of the predominantly Christian Chin community in the latest confrontation between government forces and ethnic minorities, Christian investigators told Worthy News. The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom recommended that the Secretary of State name Pakistan as a Country of Particular Concern in its 2012 Annual Report. A registered society that provides legal assistance to persecuted Christians in Pakistan is calling for prayer for yet another Pakistani woman arrested under that nation's notorious blasphemy laws. Lao authorities have detained five Christians who attended a Christian worship service Sunday, March 25, in southern Laos amid a crackdown on Christianity in the region, representatives told Worthy News. Two fighters of the Islamic militant Boko Haram group were in custody of Nigeria's military Saturday, March 24, following attacks on three villages in which 10 people died including a pastor, Christians said. Thousands of Christians stripped of their citizenship are now being forced out of Sudan in the wake of the South's secession back in January 2011. At least a dozen devoted Christians from Iran's third largest city remained in jail Saturday, March 17, as part of an attempt by authorities to discourage Muslims and Christian converts to attend church services, Iranian Christians said. Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, recently declared that it is "necessary to destroy all the churches of the region." Only a week after Prime Minister Salam Fayyad told a conference of evangelical Protestants that his government respected the rights of Christian minorities, his fellow Palestinian officials told Pastor Naim Khoury that his church could no longer operate as a religious institution under the Palestinian Authority. A Pentecostal pastor in Cuba was recovering of brain damage Tuesday, March 13,after he was assaulted while trying to challenge the confiscation of a church truck by Communist authorities, Christians said. Authorities in Azerbaijan continued preparations Tuesday, March 13, to close down an evangelical church in the first such reported incident since the former Soviet republic introduced harsh religious legislation in 2009, rights activists said. Suspected Hindu militants broke up a Christian prayer meeting and forced two women leading the gathering to stop evangelizing in India's southwestern state of Karnataka, as part of several attacks against devoted believers across the country, Christians told Worthy News. The only known Christian in a rural district of northern Laos was under pressure to abandon his faith in Christ or face expulsion from his village, his supporters told Worthy News. A court in Edfu sentenced the pastor of St. George's Churchto six months in prison and a fine of 300 pounds for violations pertaining to the height of his church. Barnabas Aid is sending emergency relief to Christians trapped inHomsafter the withdrawal of anti-government forces from the Baba Amr district. Yet another convert and member of a house church was arrested along with many other Christians in Esfahan, according to the Iranian Christian news agency, Mohabat News. A suicide car bomber detonated his explosives during a worship service of a large evangelical church in Nigeria's restive city of Jos early Sunday, February 26, killing himself and a father and child, government and church officials said. In Xilinhot, officials from the Religious Affairs Bureau, the Public Security's Domestic Security Protection Squad, the United Front Work Department as well as local police raided a house church, confiscating its property and arresting the pastor and several of his congregation.
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