Like so many things, the lies exist until proven to be the disaster they actually are/ only then it is too late to change the tragedy. Consequently in the case of genetic mutilation/ the whole world of life dies. There is NO going back/ like AIDS or any other form of pandemic or disaster to life: once you open “pandora’s box”/ there is no closing it. No matter how many tears will fall. The sites, the information about what has been going on in these labs around the world: torture/ terror/ crucifixion of all life, by injecting chaos into the living environments of “everything on earth”. Will not go unpunished. They are horrific/ and you pay those who do this/ you give them money and pride and power to continue for their lies, and temptations “we will take every tear away”. NOTHING, LITERALLY NOTHING/ COULD BE FARTHER FROM THETRUTH! How about considering reality for just an instant: how much life and body or mind are you willing to lose? This is not a game, the genetic reality of DNA is nature itself/ and we cannot put it back together once it is destroyed. The people playing “god”/ cannot stop a single disease, cannot repair a single mutation, cannot do much of anything they claim; but steal your money, and lie about a future they cannot create. Did they stop a single pandemic? NO, but they can and literally are creating many of their own by crossing species boundaries, and mixing them all together: A KNOWN CAUSE. What happens when a mutilation begins to appear in every creature: suddenly one foot grows backward instead of forward/ your nose ends up coming out of your ass. Or you just can’t create tears anymore (eyeballs not lubricated, can’t move them, they go bad, you can’t see). “But its just tears”! What about your joints, that let you move? Or you cannot feel touch, or eat: because it is more complex than it sounds. Or teeth start coming out of your forehead/ or organs are no longer “hooked up”. What these damn horror stories are doing, is playing god over the bodies of life. WHO IS worthy of that/ WHO understands. Its not a game/ its everything we value as a living creation: and you let them gamble, “we can do better”. It is an absolute guarantee, just ask any mutilated body {arms blown off, feet, etc; or just tinnitus, an ear problem} you will desperately want to go back to how it was before the tragedy came. But it ain’t no game, this is now life; and miracles are few and far between. No going back!
It is absolutely INSANE. The insane don’t care, because the arrogance of playing god, tempts them beyond their will to stop. The utter foolishness, and blind contempt for reality, an underlying schizophrenic (lost in the game of delusion) reality in their mind: AND YOU GIVE THEM MONEY, let them do it, and refuse to care. “Noah’s flood” will be coming to your eyes/ as you learn what a horrendous mistake this was. TOO LATE, the world of life is lost.
Those who believe, are like all believers: can’t prove me wrong/ therefore I must be right. Even though when the truth itself is absolutely obvious: THAT WE ARE NOT gods/ and the only thing mutilating life will create is death and horrors beyond belief. A true believer says, “hell no/ I won’t accept that truth”. Because that, refuses to allow him or her, “to believe that they are, or are going to be gods” themselves. Being human is not enough for them/ so they make fantasies, and belong to delusion. Until the life of tears begins. The sites above are one of many, lost in the schizophrenic delusion: that we can investigate, and destroy and rebuild, because we learned how/ by crucifying life. Whereas truth says: once you have completely destroyed the genetic balance/ disciplines/ definitions/ participation’s/ and foundations of an intricate system of realities and thought that literally builds every living thing on the planet. You have destroyed yourselves, because no matter what you learn/ THERE IS NO GOING BACK. Destroying what is actually “more perfect than us”/ is not a game. Trying to rebuild life, from what you previously destroyed, IS BEYOND INSANE, and can only be considered as SATAN. For lack of a better word/ because you do know what it means. YOU CHOSE to destroy this world. Thereby why should you not reap your reward? How is that not fair. How is nature in CHAOS, going to “improve your world/ your body/ or your life”? It absolutely could not be more insane/ unless you look to the energy experiments which are just as bad. One determined to bring the same fire as is on the sun here. The other absolutely determined to create the same conditions that caused the MOST DESTRUCTIVE EVENT, in the history of this UNIVERSE; right here on earth. The list of available words to describe the human condition that allows or decides to do these things IS LACKING. So we just end with SATAN. Religious or not, it fits, as the closest description we have. Stop them or die/ it ain’t a hard concept. TAKE AWAY THEIR TOOLS, their electricity.
The critical truth of our existence is, that liars, thieves, and cheats have been in charge of government/ industry/ university; etc. Everything has been altered according to the diploma, and its reliance on “their books”. How is that not a religion of its own/ we are perfect/ we are right/ we know everything/ give us your money, because we promise to be your god? They have been your god, you believe anything they say/ the media reinforces everything they say/ the constant demand is: “they are smarter than you/ the expert is right, regardless of reality or its truth”, and they took control over society. Re-engineering and re-designing this nation as they desired. They gave themselves all the money. When that was not enough they gave themselves fantasy numbers and claimed it was a debt we the people MUST then pay. Because they promised themselves that we would in fact be their slaves: is that NOT what the promise of pensions, etc/ far beyond the average person can expect means? They are entitled, because they were in a position to demand “sign the debt/ or we won’t teach, or treat your pain, or give you a job; etc”. In legal terms that is nothing more than extortion; common practice in “organized crime”. Didn’t earn it/ demanded it, claiming government intervention to prove you cannot refuse us. “Government” by their definition then comes to mean: whatever we want/ we are immune/ we are sovereign over you: or more simply “kings and queens” who own you/ rule you/ and enslave the scum that is less than they say they are.
Government by the reality of democracy is: THE CONSTITUTION, AND ITS FOUNDATION DOCUMENTS, the bill of rights and declaration of independence. THESE agreements between the people themselves/ their own guarantees to each one: instructions to the employees, regarding OUR RIGHTS and FREEDOMS/ NOT their authority, but their restraint by law and oath: to do, what we demand/ and they promise, is the law that governs us all. NO exceptions.
The university diploma: has worked/ slaved/ threatened/ deceived/ bribed/ tempted/ controlled/ rebelled/ sold/ stolen/ lied/ cheated/ disgraced/ disrespected/ disavowed/ and declared treason against the constitution itself. Declaring it to be “dead”/ and no longer functioning, so that they no longer have to obey it: but may do whatever they please: because they have declared themselves to be: OUR RULERS! Not our employees. Or more simply “enemies in our midst”/ trying to steal this nation; with subterfuge. They made us bankrupt/ by giving all our money away, or taking it for themselves. Look at the facts. They spent
TAKE A HARD LOOK at where the money goes. The vast majority by far, “to the university educated”. To their pensions/ to their job/ to their control of healthcare, and refusal to allow competition/ to what they do, NOT what we do. How is it, “we are so worthless you should ask”/ that they get all the money? The answer is: you are a slave.
Remember this: that the foundation of all greed is, to control everything/ and reduce the rest to LOSER. Thereby fundamentally controlling them, killing them, or just refusing access to them; so as to get everything for free, “as the rich man does”. “Its not about the money/ its about superiority, and a demand I WANT EVERYTHING, FOR FREE”. Numbers (money) are not work/ they are not sacrifice/ they are not the difference between whether you survive or not: UNLESS they do control you.
The money does control: Because the rich man does not share, and never will. Rather than help for you: ALL the con games are lies directed at the propaganda “just let us do it our way/ and we will make you rich”. For the clear and deliberate purpose that is stealing/ cheating/ fantasy in numbers/ and so on. OR, as is the current reality in the post office/ the rich and powerful stole the money out of the post office, made it impossible to rebuild that wealth; and are now seeking to destroy the jobs of thousands so as to retain more money for themselves. The purpose to reduce them to slaves, so the rich man gets more. The same is true of military: going to remove thousands of men and women from service/ so as to replace them with robotic killing machines (easier to control) instead. If you believe that will make you safer/ you’re a complete ass. Every job, is fundamentally challenged now by some type of robotic interference: just going to the grocery store, is either a very long line for a person/ or use the robot. Every job in manufacturing the same: don’t want you, let the machine have your job: the fewer people there are with options/ the more slaves there will be. The more those who do have something will grant themselves to be “gods” over you/ after all, you have nothing, and will be allowed nothing; until the day comes you sell your body for nothing, and the rich then begin to say, “see, they are worthless/ lets kill them; its just garbage”. It will only get worse.
Every small business will soon go bankrupt, as the robot takes over; allowing the cost by volume to be less: essentially forcing the people to survive by choosing “less”. Can you not drive? Can you not group together to go to the big store so you can survive: how then can they not do anything they want, forcing you to beg, forcing you to be numbered if they wish, forcing you to be imprisoned for simply saying the wrong word. Because if they hold the supplies you need/ OR YOU DIE, and there are no other options for you: you will do what you are told. The end of options (small business is dead) Makes more people unemployed, and unemployable: which forces all to take less, because the competition is about to become severe. Making the university, the builder of machines to destroy mankind in all different ways, by countless threats/ that much more: the controller of every destiny/ the king or queen, that will sell you like worms, or use you for entertainment in death, to watch you die/ mutilate your body , and whatever else comes to their mind.
As this insanity comes to its fruition; the end of life on earth. The wars/ the cannibalism/ the abhorrent terrors of mutilated bodies/ THE HORROR of a reality that can never be fixed: the end of life, food, and bodies, and everything of value; as we know it. All because these damn university gods you worship, and refuse to control: ARE KILLING YOU, AND TRULY SETTING YOU UP TO FAIL, and DIE. It ain’t that the majority are “bad people”/ some certainly are so arrogant, and filled with hate, they are dead inside. But the majority are just filling time, playing games, and pretending “its not my job to protect or defend life”; not what I am paid for/ and besides “I am not going to lose anything, for you”. Like everybody else in this society, they care about themselves/ they want greed to give them everything for free/ and they don’t give a damn, unless they are paid. WHO IS NOT like that in this society? Not very many! JUST LIKE YOU, they want a good job, they want a good paycheck/ and are willing to sacrifice whatever it takes, from someone else’s life: to get what they want. Can’t be a damn winner/ without the trophies. Simple as that. And if you ain’t a winner/ then you’re a worthless damn loser, and should be thrown in the garbage; ain’t that right? Of course, there are many in the university that say “ain’t me” I fight for people/ but of course what they really mean is: THESE DAMN STUPID PEOPLE CANNOT think for themselves/ therefore WE MUST take over their lives/ confiscate their money; AND TELL THEM WHAT TO DO/ or more plainly manipulate, tempt, and control them until they do what we want. Can’t be gods/ without slaves.
Nonetheless, lets look to reality for just a moment so as to see if this is just “ranting and raving”/ or reality itself? As we look above at the expenditures of the US employees, who evicted the constitution, destroyed the foundation of money, and participate as our rulers instead of our employees. What we find is whether this site is completely accurate or not. The federal price for the year 2012 is expected to be: 6.2 trillion dollars/ doesn’t include state debts, personal debts, financial debts, agriculture debts/ or other. 6.2 TRILLION divided by 100 million people (1trillion=$10,000.00 per each and every person of 100,000,000 people; or one in three) for easy to understand math is $62,000.00 per one in three of us (do you think there are more than one in three workers?) spent by our employees on our behalf this year for their participation in governing our lives. Divided by 312 million people the latest figure= $19,871.79 per each and every single individual citizen (babies and all, just for the year 2012) spent by our rulers in government employment. Did you get yours? A family of five then had the payment extracted of $99,358.97: as their debt rise of just what the federal government employees will spend, on our behalf, in this year alone. Including all revenue, borrowing roughly 2 trillion dollars that we might see. What we don’t see is the reality of payments made by the federal reserve, to bankers/ to foreign nations/ property giveaways/ resource giveaways/ and whatever else is required to get these loans, as a pretense of reality. Just a delusion or fantasy/ proven by the truth that 15 trillion dollars in just federal debt/ WHICH DOES NOT include social security, as that was removed as an expenditure to “balance the budget under Clinton”. 15 trillion is $150,000.00 per one in three citizens, of debt. 15 trillion, the claimed GDP means: those same 100 million workers divided equally; must then create individually in personal sales “$150,000.00 apiece/ in their jobs, for their company, etc. OR there cannot be 15 trillion dollars in GDP.
Or more simply, the delusion is real/ but SOMEONE GOT PAID THIS MONEY: expecting you to be their slaves. Someone charged us as a nation $19,871.79 per each and every single individual citizen (babies and all, just for the year 2012)
And everybody says: “but I DON’T want to pay this bill/ or go bankrupt/ or stop all the plans I have made”! who does! But the reality is, our employees/ plus their army of diplomas; took the job for which they were hired, and made themselves a “credit card/ with our name on it”. They then spent every single penny, they could get, on themselves. You can complain/ but you cannot “get the money back”: because it doesn’t exist anymore. UNLESS you make the “rich man” return what he stole, by denying access/ controlling and removing capitalism/ and redistributing our wealth to himself. That is what bankruptcy does. We are broken by our employees/ but in bankruptcy, we can make the rich man “feel our pain” and experience the truth of what has been done. The rich control government, because they control elections/ the judiciary/ the legislature/ the medicine/ the media/ and everything else: but your vote, and they propagate lies, and use experts/ to deny that you may think for yourself. They will not agree, to bear the burden of what they did do. But they cannot deny our constitutional right of redress of grievances; whereby we insist, and control government ourselves: to say, “yes you will”. WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT, and we will return it to the purpose and reality of democracy as it was meant to be. By vote/ not war.
So then we look at the chart to see WHO GOT PAID: or who is not “a university diploma here”? Because not a resource in this world, “charged you money”: rather its all about the people who stood in your way and said, PAY ME, or get lost. Therefore we begin to see, WHY the foundation of all real money was discarded. Its because “the university diploma” WANTED MORE, just like the rich man; and the only way that could happen is by creating fantasy money through numbers/ and KEEPING THAT REALITY HIDDEN; so as not to share with the common people. “Lets call it debt” instead/ so they won’t know, its all just a delusion. Still think your leaders are not liars, thieves, and cheats? Well then looks look farther: low interest rates help no one but the rich/ because you cannot come up with the down payment: so they get to buy everything “cheap”. When the federal reserve gives banks money: that bank immediately multiplies the gift by 10. Which means if the federal reserve gave them one trillion/ it is immediately 10 trillion dollars of inflation (hidden from view). Those banks did not put the money back into “worker hands” did they? No, but the stock market rose/ and any rich man can buy on margin in the stock market using one dollar to buy options worth $50 dollars. Which means that initial one trillion dollars by the federal government can easily now become in a single day= to $500 trillion dollars in the stock market. Gee, it went up, “I wander why”: or do you now know. Add to that, there was NO economic upswing in late dec 2011: only more debts added, because the american public was tired of spending within their means. 13.1 million unemployed as 8.5 percent of the workforce establishes a 120 million person workforce fully employed. More than one in three/ but doesn’t say who? Housewives filing jointly/ part time/ who? When they claim an average salary for the american workforce/ THEY DO add in those who make a billion dollars a year: “makes the picture look better/ doesn’t it”. Take out the one percent, and then see who pays, because it ain’t the rich man: he has tax loopholes, paid for in congress, the senate, and the presidency. He has laws written and enforced strictly for himself, so he can control the propaganda in elections, the sale of our “free press” to a tiny few, and so much more. Obama, and this congress; have deliberately spent more than any other person in the history of this world; consider that, as he tempts you into another term. And they treat with contempt any person in government, who says NO to this, organized crime.. Look at where the money flowed, these employees spent/ it was NOT “to the people”. Not capitalism or democracy! Remember this: those employed by our government, ARE NOT “the government”/ they are merely individuals like you and me! They have no right to bankrupt us: that was a criminal conspiracy/ that was fraud/ that was treason! They are not immune or sovereign over us, they are employees. This nation is bankrupt/ because they didn’t do their job. They didn’t keep their oath, as a majority.
Like it or not, its true/ and the only way to solve the tragedy of that, and resurrect the nation rather than allowing horrific civil war to come is. STOP, go to court and redefine our reality and our money; being as fair as is possible to those who earned their pay. The poor come first/ the rich man comes last: “he already received his reward”. Money ain’t nothing but a number, a promise: that has been proven to be a fraud/ thereby it was transformed into what is now a tool, to enslave the rest. Stop being slaves, your money is a delusion/ a fantasy of those who call themselves rich, but are not, unless you let them be. A worthless dollar, is a worthless dollar/ and it doesn’t matter how many you have! Money is: what we accept as payment for our time/ work/ sacrifice/ and ability. NOTHING more, and nothing less. Until we get to resources, because without them: we are simply dead. Resources do not “charge you money”, they simply keep life alive or not.
The foundation of life is nature. Mutilate it, destroy the sanctity of its “perfection (for the vast majority, genetics the body of life and mind: work well)”. As is clearly true, because the bodies of life we see have been alive for thousands of years that we know of. Nothing less than essentially perfect/ apart from mutilations in genetic perfection, which men and women have caused themselves: can replicate itself so many times and still be “stable, and secured”. NOT no more, as men and women continue to mutilate and crucify life, every single day; around this world.
SO THEN, WHAT WE SEE WITH GENETICISTS IS: that they are unhappy with perfection/ because it doesn’t allow them to claim “they are gods”. Rather when all life is in turmoil: who then do you suppose, expects to be “the hero”? Answer that question: who then will you be expected to turn too/ to fix the turmoil they created? Because the fools/ the absolutely criminally insane/ the SATAN’S of this world are literally in charge; and about to crucify you. Or, are you not about to crucify them/ because they mutilated life into HORROR AND DEATH?
Add to that: You are about to starve to death/ thirst to death/ die of oxygen starvation/ kill off the oceans/ kill off the environment/ create chaos in the chains of life/ destroy nature/ make this planet a sun OR blow it up in a gigantic explosion that cannot be stopped: All because you believe in the DAMNED/ AND THEIR RELIGION CALLED UNIVERSITY. Their fault in particular, because as leaders, as the extra special smart people: they led us here/ they refused to do one single thing in real terms to protect, defend, honor, respect, support, or share life and define happiness for anyone or anything. Choosing instead, THE MAXIMUM AMOUNT OF GREED/ SELFISHNESS/ WANT/ AND PRIDE that was possible. Selling this entire world, and every life in it: for fantasies and delusion and death to you and me. Just didn’t care; filled with want/ dribbling greed like diarrhea from the sewer of their pride.
Before you begin saying to yourselves, “who do not have a diploma”/ that we are “gods” compared to them. SHAME ON YOU, for letting them, lead you to the abyss of total extermination! How are you not as big a failure as they. Could you have done any better, ARE YOU NOT just as guilty of greed/ want/ selfishness/ pride/ a thirst for power/ a lack of respect/ little honor/ failure to defend or protect/ foolish and blind: because you didn’t care enough to put life first?
But then I do remember the lesson of a small child that is used and abused, and disrespected. The reality is, an initial trust/ therefore “I want” to believe. The consequence is, when reality and truth prove this was wrong: there is nothing but mistrust left for all adults, nothing but a very stubborn demand, “I will probably never trust an adult again”/ cannot listen, because that leads to trust. Cannot believe in happiness, because that leads to letting your guard down, and being willing to trust.” Cannot play well with children, because trust is gone, and impossible to repair without jeopardizing everything else. Although some level of reality exists for the loss of access; because these others stole your media (propagating lies, about whatever they wanted, calling themselves “experts”, even though just fools)/ your government employees (claiming and demanding, to be your rulers)/ your lives damaged ( diplomas’ stealing everything)/ and your future destroyed ( by those leaving behind threats promising HELL, of all kinds). IT IS STILL TRUE, you did nothing to stop them/ nothing to organize yourselves together for life first. And still don’t. So we end with the simple truth: “times’ up, no more feeling sorry for yourselves”. No more hiding or running away from the fact, we have come to life or death for us all. And you must trust truth, by the evidence to save your lives.
Bringing us all to this simple truth: You ain’t gods/ they ain’t gods. THAT MEANS, YOU will be charged as KILLERS, of this world INSTEAD. Playing in fantasy, or letting others gamble with all of life/ driving the world into chaos, because of delusions and stupidity! Failures and fools leading. Too damn stupid and proud to stop them or yourselves. SHAME ON YOU all! Life is not a game.
You have your opportunity to stop: DEATH FOR THE ENTIRE PLANET. You have your warning that this cannot go on, and survive through real change, and different leadership. You have the necessary learning in front of you, as these sites to teach you better. To give you a start, and the opportunity to invest and learn. You have a few moments left to make a difference and survive, if you do the best you can.
But if you refuse, “all hell, will come instead”. It’s a choice, until the point of no return goes past. After that, its death, and nothing but horror, until extinct.
Pride is a terrible enemy: it will refuse to surrender until you accept the price is, “THE OTHERS can and will say anything/ think anything/ accuse you of everything/ and believe whatever they wish”. Because you surrender that right to them/ so as to begin the journey within yourself, beyond time. Or more simply: if you are willing to look beyond yourself into eternity/ then the rest cannot come along. It is AN INDIVIDUAL journey! It is, a reality that you may not accept the influence of another beyond this time: because if you do/ then they can lead you into their destruction, rather than the choice/ you would have made instead; the truth of you. The difference is life, for you. Or more clearly, eternity has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else, you are not compared to anything or anyone: it is simply about you, and the truth of who you are. Nothing else/ nothing more/ NO religion/ and NO “insurance payments you made”. Just you, and the truth of your soul. IF you accepted what has REAL VALUE for life/ THEN you benefit by that change or reality; and your truth will show it. If however you accepted or believed what was a lie/ then you will be led in that direction, and die: UNLESS MERCY saves you. That is only for GOD to decide. We all need mercy, because we CANNOT be “less than dead” without GOD.
THIS IS NOT JUDGMENT ON YOU, its your life, and you can do with it whatever you want; believe whatever you want; and chose any fantasy you desire: its your life. THIS IS HOWEVER ABOUT YOUR REALITY, what is true/ rather than what you want or believe or fantasize life is going to be for you. THIS WAS, CHOSEN BY THOSE WHO LEAD, AND THOSE WHO FOLLOWED, together hand in hand. In other words, the “majority has ruled”.
THIS IS: Either change, or reap your reward. Because: This ain’t no game anymore, the earth is in jeopardy of complete collapse and destruction/ and YOU don’t get to be spoiled brat children, throwing continual temper tantrums anymore. THIS IS: GROW UP OR DIE. Not a threat, a reality of your choices, as humanity on earth!