Entertainment, because they do have to have something to say, or they go broke… fear mongering, because that is how you control the people. Keep them afraid, so they clamor for more rules and more policing power and control over society/ thereby denying freedom. Keep them afraid, so they don’t present a problem, but bow down with their heads on the floor to indicate: “we won’t look, hear, or speak”/ just make us do, what you want us to do. The intent being: “I am then innocent, he made me”/ the reality being: you hid from the truth, and chose to mutilate reality into something you could control. Instead of courage, “a mouse hiding in fear”. Life will fail on this planet, because what you call “Innocent”/ is nothing more than cowardice. You lose/ you condemn every life and every child to be murdered: while you say “not in my lifetime/ let the child survive only if they can.” How is that not murder, you deliberately chose NOT to do what was necessary, for another life to have any chance to survive. The world has changed, nature is being exterminated/ mutilated/ threatened in every aspect, by the liars, fools, failures, and fantasies of a tiny few diplomas; the work and demands of a tiny few who do control all the numbers, and enslave therefrom all the people. The net result of: “don’t worry, just accept my increase in charges/ and pass it down to your customers is: the end of that line is, THEY HAVE NO WHERE TO GO. The people without options to make the others pay, are increased in burdens just because of greed, NEVER “a right”. Thereby slaves. That list continues to grow, as reality proves, not only is nature under attack, but all of human society. Don’t need you/ don’t want you/ don’t care; how is this not “the leadership” of America!
The reality more correctly being: “hey, I did what I could/ having failed that, I am just taking care of myself, LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE”. But the truth of that is: a nation divided into those who took it all/ and those who lost everything but hate, and the expectation for revenge. “got nothing left to lose”. Think about that scenario, and understand REAL fear is coming, not just the fantasy kind as is so consistently displayed for your imagination; to control your ability to unite for justice, nation, life, or even the planet itself. Just can’t do it, even though without a planet/ without an environment/ without a disciplined nature/ without food or water or oxygen to breathe; all you get is HELL.
As the university diplomas desperately take their last gasps before drowning in the economic sewer of their own creation. Be thankful, that at least as of this moment: the absolutely INSANE creations of their disgrace on more important issues of life, environment, and everything else but toys/ has not yet come to fruition. Money is an irrelevant conception of men, trying to win. The reality of life, environment, and everything else is the difference between value, life and living, OR disaster/ heading to complete chaos; as an existence in time ending. The money is just your promises/ OR MORE correctly in the reality of this time: the vast majority of these promises called money or debt is just the expectation of those diplomas and all they stole from life and society/ intending to “be our gods”. Consequently although the majority of humanity will suffer greatly because of it/ the reality is also: stripping the liars, thieves, and cheats from their ill-gotten gain. It ain’t because the university diploma set out to kill society, by creating all the pre-existing conditions setting the stage to war. Its just: they are SO DAMN STUPID/ they just didn’t care, and they just didn’t want to know, and they just consider themselves so DAMN SMART; they cannot be told. Even if proven wrong/ none listen. So we end the tragedy and disgrace to this world: that has been university leadership; with the simple words/ none, were so blatantly stupid, so arrogantly bastard; as these! WHERE IS LIFE MUST COME FIRST? The answer is thrown down the sewer. Shame on you!
So then what is next? The question being: HOW do we resolve all these threats/ all this stealing/ all this LYING, CHEATING, AND DISEASE of arrogance: without ending life on earth with complete chaos, and weapons of mass destruction? Because that is where we as a world are heading.
The obvious solution is “we take away their toys”; with world law, and world policing; so they can no longer threaten us with these. The obvious solution is world bankruptcy/ and the complete change from letting failures and fools decide what the currency shall be: TO THE REALITY OF CURRENCY IN EVERY NATION DECIDED as a relationship to population. “So many numbers, per citizen”. To stop the “societies thieves”: That’s all that’s needed. The reality of international currency determined by gold/ silver/ or other non-counterfeiting example of value: no more cheating, sustained. The reality of disciplines in credit assigned by: NO more than ten percent of expected work income, over a period of twenty years. All parties, individual/ state/ nation/ world. Fail to stay under that percentage, and you are automatically bankrupt: and must prove, worthy before another loan can be granted, by staying within your means, for at least one year. At which time, you may ask for one percent of your income more/ fail to pay that back; and you will prove staying within your means for the next five years, before you are allowed to try again. Unless that failure is caused by medical realities; in which case, an individual trial shall be allowed to determine if at fault.
There can be NO MORE MARGIN BUYING of any kind on the stock market: it is counterfeiting. There can be NO MORE conglomerates of any kind in business: this allows business and industry to be attacked without cause. There can be NO MORE monopolies; such as are microsoft and walmart. Microsoft because they control/ walmart because they invade. Armies are never welcomed in society/ because they always lead to a failure in peace and harmony: you cannot control by force. Peace and harmony are sustained by freedom and the liberty to compete successfully: that means individuals working hard for themselves/ which CANNOT be done, if an army has taken control.
America, Europe, and most of the world have been economically destroyed: by the simple truth, “those who took over leadership”/ CHOSE to take more money for themselves, and their army of followers. Its why they wanted control over government: TO TAKE MORE FOR THEMSELVES/ as is true of every trade union that every existed. Those unions which fought for justice/ to be praised as elementally helpful to us all. Those unions which fought for personal greed at societies expense: if not all today, I don’t know who is different/ or more clearly “the exact opposite of justice for society”. The university is a union of specialized trades; no more or less. They printed the money/ to make the rest their slaves, to give themselves resources without end. OR MORE SIMPLY, when government employees print money: its so the “richer man” can essentially “steal gas from the station”/ and make everyone else pay; just another thief, with different tools. The reality being bankruptcy for all. They print money, to bring in more slaves/ they fail, when the slaves already chained to their jobs: REFUSE to be replaced, by even the less fortunate/ making all, “worship the image of: the rich (we CAN make them)”! Because there is no such thing as a rich man/ who does not make the rest, poor men; so as to be rich. Money is not a number, it is the lives of people promised to work, resources NOT shared, but for me alone. When too many claim “to be rich”/ then all of society is POOR: because the thieves are many, and the workers are enslaved, grumbling, and ready to rebel. There is no such thing as: employed by the rich! That is a simple lie without substance or truth. WE EMPLOY OURSELVES, by our needs and want/ it is the rich man who stands in the way of resources that make it possible to survive or do what we wish to do: “therefore we have to pay him/ or have nothing, because he won’t share or care”. That is his idea of a job: stop the people from taking for themselves. But oddly enough, that HAS been important simply because without some control over resources themselves: the masses of humanity simply take everything from nature, and make life on earth a desert, a death, and a disaster that cannot survive. So the rich man exists: BECAUSE YOU WON’T STOP destroying resources, in a sane and disciplined manner without him. Therefore the future rests upon YOUR DECISION, to be fair with this earth, and its life: or not. The rich man is not fair! The rich man simply keeps the masses away, because his greed and selfishness demands MORE for me/ AND HIS PRIDE insists, “you cannot be equal with me”! So the question is not whether you can dispense with the rich/ the question is as a humanity CAN YOU BE FAIR/ RESPECTFUL/ AND DISCIPLINED WITH LIFE ON EARTH? Your answer will determine your future as a planet/ because you are too many people to continue with “the rich man”. YOU MUST choose better, or this earth will die. Because things have changed, no longer the “rich are a national problem”/ the rich are now an international problem: because instead of a dedicated environment which has limits. They now market around the world, so there is no limit to the greed, and consequent ravaging of this earth and its resources. The end result is: DO BETTER, or you will die. Which then does prove the elemental truth: that international trade is BAD/ because it fails to keep or sustain the local environment; ending in tragedy for all. Even though the rich man applauds himself continually: “see, I GOT IT ALL”. He too, loses everything/ because a destroyed earth, is a dead self; its just a matter of time.
The power mad say: “we got it all/ we know who they are”/ like the Nazi SS, the reality being, computers have made us all vulnerable/ information everywhere, collected under the disguise of terrorism; but in reality as is consistent with the purposes of the Nazi SS. That same information is easily mutilated into: kill them/ by those who will come; because humanity will either choose war, or peace. The middle ground is ending, because the population is now so severe: it will soon be, “either live or die”. Don’t think they collect yours: every internet site you go to is collected/ every transaction you make without cash is or can be collected/ your phone or internet or GPS in any device can track you, or has tracked you, everywhere you go. What you buy/ the magazines you buy/ everything you do; including filling out any warranty or other is all collected to establish your profile; your internet identity which can be used to decide: “This one is trouble/ or this one can be bait/ or these will make them suffer, or sacrifice, or murder, or whatever we wish”. With robot warriors, they truly need very few people to participate in controlling you; with weapons of mass destruction, how many will not fear: but do whatever they are told. Etc/ etc/ etc. We are 7 billion people, one on roughly every acre of growing land on earth: the world has changed, and soon everything will be “sacrificed OR protected, and the people unhappy”. There are many realities that will change; frustrations and violence will grow; people will surrender to hate/ and without a true intent to fight for nature itself, we all die. Not hard to grasp, everything is threatened, by a population too severe. Can’t kill them/ won’t help. Either we find a different way to deal with every problem, or life here will fail. It is that simple.
In the elemental truth that is our reality; the critical question is NOT, “how much money you have”/ but whether it is enough to survive. An internet search, for a person in need resulted in these. Use at your own risk. I have NOT, investigated further! This is an old listing of fuel costs between different heating sources; still useful but you need to do a little math. Remember too, that the expiration date is not “its all bad now”/ it is merely the last sale date. Be wise!