This is a reply to the court. Court documents below.
Discipline requires three distinct things in all matters that have consequences: be willing to pay the price, or don’t go/ understand the basic parameters that are dangerous to you, because an attack can occur/ identify who and what is a predator, by the evidence at hand.
In the matter of trial 14SC-2, EVERY possible opportunity to address and compose or establish constitutional law in this courtroom WAS provided. The IL attorney generals office/ the champaign court/ the IL supreme court who was clearly advised; and other departments involved whose job it is to protect and defend the constitution of both state and federal government. PROVED they would not adhere to the law/ by the failure to respond to that law. The failure that the attorney general’s office established in their one and only filing. The failure to observe legal foundations of democracy, and apply class action status. The failure of a courtroom time that was changed, to the end of “business hours”. Because there was to be NO TRIAL; these things do not start at the end of day. Trial would have established legal contempt for the law; from the judiciary or the lawyers involved/ and I would have been thrown in jail for that contempt, “you breathed” that was enough. It was then prudent to remain out of jail/ and available to finish this work. The fact that I must establish that truth, consists of betrayal in the courtroom. Because where the law IS NOT OBVIOUSLY IN CONTROL; by documentation to support that. Then criminal undertakings will follow; it is as predictable as time and history allow.
Which allows and predicts: that ANY LAWYER in this state, or this nation, as has been established by federal trials as well. That desires to make a name for him or herself: can in fact use the trials, James F. Osterbur established by irrefutable evidence, in a courtroom. To declare that our democracy has been invaded, and our rights, our state and nation, our wealth, our world as is terrorism against us all: and due process is NOT to be found, protected, defended, supported, respected, or applied by citizen rights: as the guarantees and purposes clearly stated in these constitutions, or in the judicial or leadership oath of office each has sworn allegiance too.
That is treason, and it constructs a deliberate anarchy to invade and change our state and nation for the clear purpose of stripping our lives of freedom, our nation and state of money by counterfeiting and lies, terrorism by experiments demanding to play god, and enslaving us by their addiction to power, pride, and prejudice against us.
Therefore it is true, simple, and plain: that any legal team/ any lawyer on his or her own/ any organization that desires to fight for life on this planet, our nature, our future, every child, and this state or this nation itself SHOULD IN FACT IDENTIFY THEMSELVES. Either to the court in their own district with similar lawsuits declaring that constitutional law MUST BE UPHELD. Or by mailing to me at my legal address: a contract that establishes how and what you would do, in the exercise of legal rights and democratic law> a federal trial, that will now seek justice by gathering communication and purposes that are strictly for justice, guaranteed rights applicable to every citizen: in this UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. And by whatever trial you may seek in this state or any other; as the judicial refusal to obey the constitution throughout the ENTIRE court system of this state, and all federal and supreme courts. Has proven to be treason firmly established by law, oath, and courtroom trial.
IT IS A DUTY TO REMOVE THE TYRANT, and the TRAITORS. Thereby: return our lives to the democracy we earned, we share, we paid for with life and Sacrifice and truth. Returning our money, our future, and everything that has value to ourselves.
THAT IS YOUR CHOICE! And it is absolutely necessary, those who can should do so. It is absolutely necessary, those who are able to help pay for this work should do so. It is absolutely necessary: that our entire planet MUST BE PROTECTED, “from an arrogance so insane/ they gamble with every life on it”. In far more ways than one!
Every foundation necessary to prove: our democracy has been stolen/ our money has been stolen/ our lives have been stolen/ our opportunity to depend upon a future that is secured has been stolen/ our securities in every form and right have been stolen/ and our duty as both state and nation exists to confront the perpetrators of those things with law, cannot be denied.
Therefore the reality of truth now confronts you: Are you going to do what you can do/ to return our democracy, our constitution to power and its place as our government/ to protect our world, and every life in it, including “your child”. Or are you going to let everything called value, in every life: to be destroyed?
This is not a hard concept: if the constitution does not rule us, particularly in the courtroom. “This is not America” anymore.
This too is not a hard concept: being wrong about igniting a ten million degree fire here on earth just “expecting it to extinguish itself”. Is a one time, horrendously ludicrous insane reality: with experiments to do that very thing, happening right now. Nature being massacred coming soon, by things we cannot control. Resources lost, that will make it impossible to survive.
While an individual might believe “we can rebuild this democracy with a gun”/ as is bloody civil war, and a man’s way in nearly every historical reality. YOU ARE WRONG; because more important than democracy is THIS ENTIRE WORLD THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION. And beyond that, resource loss would condemn us all/ regardless who won. Because 7+ billion people have overrun nature’s ability to sustain us all alive. Kill a billion people/ and there are still 6+ billion to go. THINK about that, before you get your gun/ etc.
Truth must lead, reality must decide as best we can. The consequence of law and its enforcement will provide a different world, if we use democracy, and our own ability to understand: LIFE ITSELF FOR THIS PLANET SHALL COME FIRST. Want, is irrelevant/ because lies will finish the extermination of our entire world. We must have truth, as best we can. It is not an option/ it is all we have left.