The lessons of life, include these simple things

1.  NEVER judge any living thing/ if they must be judged, then it is by the law alone.  Law is: the realities of life that threaten, destroy, risk, refuse respect, or violate the legitimate freedoms of others.  Because if you do, then soon you will allow yourself to believe “I or we are superior”/ and that ends in the descent of yourself, and the devaluation of another living creature, human or not.  Abortion is the judgment of another living creation/ but it is not simply woman or child; rather, it is the cost of freedom itself.  The price, is high “either way”.  Prior to “forty days, have past”/ it is truly MUCH LESS SEVERE, for everyone concerned.

2.  Freedom is a key to happiness, that has costs: if you are willing to pay that cost/ then you are entitled to do with your own life as you wish. Because that is what life gives/ and thereby what humanity ought not to take away from each other.  Simply: this is my life, not yours/ and unless what you do is threatening/ risking our lives or future/ destroying the sanctity and peace of our existence/ or violating another; the deal is, “what is mine, is mine/ NOT yours”. Even when you are plainly wrong for your own life or body, so long as it is only you that suffers or dies/ then it is your right.  There are degrees of violation, subject to neither freedom or law/ interferences into the lives of others, which are not allowed, the result:  separation is an answer where the line is “gray”. Everybody has a right to their own life/ their own decisions: that includes “gay” (its their life/ their eternity). We have a right to insist, “don’t threaten me/ don’t risk or gamble with my life, my needs, children, or my future/ don’t tell me what to do”.  But we all have a need to understand, what the reality of these decisions shall mean or do, prior to “tragedy and loss”; when possible.  Therefore an education in life, comes first.  An education in marriage is: “gay” is NOT the same as marriage, and everyone knows it.  But you can have “something else”/ because you are entitled to value your own life; however, you just cannot call it the same thing/ it is not, and all know it.  It is not true to life in a marriage between male and female:  it is true to you, only as something else.

3.  The world wants conversation, nearly as much as food or water/ because that allows an interaction with the others, that then becomes an avenue for friendship or less.  Therefore, learning how to talk to each other is fundamental to being socially accepted, and critically aligned with your own, and your children’s  happiness.  Conversation is born out of knowledge/ is expressed through at least a minimum of understanding/ and is appreciated with some small part of wisdom or need is created. It is governed by respect, aided by polite conversation and manners, and hopes for “something of value to me”.  Therefore learn, give freely when asked, or required. It will help you throughout life.  Remember, the reality of talk has a purpose, either good or bad.  While the reality of gossip is simply to play with someone else’s life, for your own pleasure.  The end result of that is gossip is the beginning of measurement/ judgment/ and consequences that nearly always cause descent in your life and their’s.  Understanding happiness, is to learn the value of all life/ every living thing;  MUST be respected.  Therefore wisdom adds: growing a relationship, means to let it live inside of you where freedom governs honesty, and truth governs hope.  A friend is found, where reality proves “I can, be myself”.  Disciplines, limits, boundaries, and truth define friendships.  Respect, truth, and freedom determine the state of love that will be found.  But only life itself can determine what time, and reality allows.  The world wants sex/ therefore want identifies, that lies will be constant.  Finding a friend, demanding and obtaining respect, identifying what is true: begins the path to happiness.  Sex will only impede that process/ because want, is a powerful thing. Want doesn’t care, because what is more important than you/ them/ or us:  “is me”.

4.  The foundation of democracy is law (it makes us all equal)/ including those called leaders.  Proving the law rules, not the employee.  The foundation of every society of peace, is justice (the reality, I need not fight alone).
The failure of society is power and pride, governed by want and greed.  These lie, steal, and cheat constantly, and can never be trusted for life.  A vote for someone to vote for me: is not true democracy. A society that wants, rather than respects truth: ALWAYS lies to itself, therefore it is destined to fail. An employee who depends upon the rules, to govern: rejects the law, because law only governs where the need is sufficient to overrule personal freedom, for the sake of us all.

 The critical means & methods,  of providing for our needs and our survival as a society;  is the difference between fair play, and war.  Fair play gives everyone a right to participate honestly, an equal opportunity to gain and serve for life.     War is the result of greed, selfishness, want, pride, power, and hate:  the things which divide, kill, demand fears, and intend to conquer the others, by enslaving them. Want is always “majority rule”/ therefore every society lies to itself, because they always want more. The end result of majority rule is: that divisions arise/ compromise fails/ resources are depleted/ propaganda multiplies/ and every opportunity for a return to truth and reality is met with greed, a demand for greater power, and a pride that is so extreme: the only thing left of government is fantasy and delusions.  That is the majority, NOT the whole, because there are always those who would do better; but cannot, because majority rather than law now rules.  The law must rule, or chaos comes.  The law must be decided, voted upon, and created by the public itself, or corruption will always extinguish it.  Corruption is simply: I want more, and will take it by subversion, and rebellion against the law itself.  In later versions it is:  I will be “their god/ their ruler, and those who fail to honor me will die”.
An economy is the difference between having resources, and not having resources. You can build nothing, “out of nothing”.  Even so, the constant of men is: IF I can take theirs away by destruction or any other means: THEN they must come to me, and pay my price; begging me, “their god”/ because of their need or want or desire.  Their owner!

  A depression/ recession or similar,  is simply about the game men play with money to enslave the others, or collect trophies.  When “the winners, won too much”/ therefore the losers now have nothing to bargain with, so that they starve until:   war demands you will pay me, “Or, I let you die”.  You will lose too, as I destroy your life as well.  Because life and death, ain’t a game no more.  It ends when the masses have had enough of death, mutilation, revenge, jealousy, and hate.  And are willing to work at the jobs they did create;   consequently society never improves, because the games men play insure we shall “start over” soon.  War makes us, because the “winners” won’t share, and there is no other way apart from bankruptcy; to get reality back, and end the trophies.  So that all can return to “equal”/ as best we realistically can.  Limited capitalism: the demand “everyone shall make a living wage/ and no one shall achieve grotesque wealth”.  IS THE METHOD of sustaining an economy for the benefit of all the people.  Therefore the end of war, and a new future for life.

5.  Every government, every official is just a group of individual people who have been assigned or given the job of regulating something for the rest.  There is no such thing as “the government”.  There is only the people hired, who are just like you and me/ except for the fact, that power or authority, as is somewhat necessary in regulation of society:  can influence our lives, for good, or bad.

 Want is always a liar/ every people or nation wants; consequently liars do become officials because they learn, “just tell them whatever they want to hear/ give them what they want: even if it will cause war”.  Because the people lie to themselves about what is valid or real/ refusing truth for the sake of their want.  Because they get jealous of the rich, the officials, power, pride, etc;  and demand the same for themselves.  When corruption is evident and real, that demand grows.  When poverty is real, the “mob” forms, growing restless for an answer/ to the future they do fear.  Consequently mass hypnosis occurs, when a leader speaks to the fantasy of what “we can do”/ rather than the reality of what truth will allow us to do.  Mass hypnosis is: “the amen, as in religion”/ wherein we all state, “we  agree”, and thereby form an army of ourselves to enforce the “road to ruin, we demand”.  OR MORE SIMPLY, we are righteous/ we are correct/ we are “saviors of ourselves, and you: if you go along”: if not, then we have a right to kill you, because you corrupt our world.
Every government of the people reduces power, and limits the influence of their employees.  Every government that is dedicated to power strives to increase the number of government employees; commonly giving them more than the rest: thereby creating its own army (we are in this together), to defend its greed.  Paid for, by making the rest slaves.  Civil war comes, unless the entire nation goes to public court: to realign what is proper and fair to all.  To investigate and prove what is, or is not democracy to us all.  And to establish JUSTICE through the resolution called law, and constitution.  Not your way/ not their way/  not my way/ but our way, as a nation/ state/ etc.  The foundation of our way is: the constitution, what we have agreed, SHALL BE FAIR to all.  Not a majority by vote (we want), but a union, a direction, and a future (we are);  by justice, through law.

6.  The element of business in society is not governed by money.  Rather all business is regulated by the needs or desires of the people themselves/ thereby creating a market, and a reality for what business does.  Money acts as a tool, to simplify transactions between people/ to let me, work for someone else, even though they have nothing to offer me that I desire or need:  because money allows me to find another, and exchange the work I did do, with them instead.  Business is corrupted by the simple truth: “the vast majority demand: I WANT MORE”, for me: to hell with them.  Therefore inequality arises, selfishness overwhelms reality, and the poor versus the rich begins.
. But money is also a weapon, because the collection of money or its counterfeiting, theft, etc; becomes an army that takes over control of humanity; seeking to enslave/ demanding “everything for themselves”.  When there are resources enough, the people are happy until someone controls those resources and demands payment changing the dynamics of society: by adding “the rich”. Then, “the government employees” change, by expectations clearly intended to control the rich. But most often corrupts, and is used to control the poor by protecting the rich and their greed, power, or pride, with prison and courts and police or military who understand:   “If not with us/ then against us, an enemy”.  When resources are scarce, the people grow restless, as they fight to survive, and war begins;  if not resolved.  That includes invading others, to steal theirs; it is a common misdirection so as to not confront each other with their own reality.
It is easily controlled by society itself: Divide the money into what is used for necessities, and watch over that money carefully/ and then money used only for “luxuries beyond need”; as a reward for workers.  Thereby solving the problem of how to control the money itself, for the sake of an honorable society.

7.  The disciplines of healthcare are now threatening a world, with population increases so extreme, we are literally about to eat ourselves out of an environment to live in.  Or face cannibalism and die.  Choices must be made/ the reality of survival of the fittest, proves true; as an appropriate means test of who gets to stay.  It was, the right thing for our world: because this population increase threatens the entire planet. Had it not been for death balancing birth/ none of us today would be alive.  The choice is, nobody dies for little things/ nobody stays beyond what is fair to the rest, including those unborn, who hope for a future. Not a judgment, or desire;  a reality of our time/ failures from the past.  The reality of antibiotic failure/ genetic mutilation/ loss of food from a variety of sources/ tainted and lost water/ oxygen depletion/ resource depletion/ insect devastation (these feed far more than you know, birds/ fish/ reptiles/ etc)/ the end of pollinators (no fruits or vegetables)/  ocean starvation (a dead ocean feeds none),  extinction of species cuts the chain of life; weapons of mass destruction; and more; threaten us all.
Our existence serves to create:  The reality of time, determines  what is true in you.  It is NOT death, but eternity that you should fear: “what is true, cannot be altered therein”.  This is, “your chance” to decide what your truth, eternally, will be! The question of eternity asks: how do miracles get here?  The delusional fool replies: evolution or more simply “we shopped/ we wanted/ we chose/ we won, without even a mind”.  A reality so filled with fantasy, even a dog knows better.

8.  Elemental to every human existence is, the expression and experience of purpose and desire.  What you do with your life is determined by these base elements of your own decision. Why you believe (whatever it is), or accept faith in truth & thereby courage: “ which elevates, the heart”/ subsequently  creates the foundations upon which your life, and your existence shall rest.  Is a choice. Courage is a decision to accept the cost, of purpose or desire;  no matter what that is.  Purpose is a passion that grants time and energy spent in pursuit of something greater than self.  Self only knows want, therefore it is a liar from the beginning: “because you want, what you want/ and nobody gets to refuse that in your mind, so you lie, to get what you want; adding I have a right”. Desire is a decision to participate within the boundaries of a distinct discipline, for the sake of its true reward.  Such as is love, happiness, hope, living, body, or mind.  With these, life is worth the price. Beyond self, the creation of a desire that cherishes and protects life honorably;  is a purpose, that redefines itself as love.

9.  Thought is the elemental essence of life itself, without thought there is no recognition, therefore no freedom or decision or movement that matters.  Animal means: the mind measures finding limited value or hate; but it is not capable of conceiving in life “beyond self, or self interests”.  Thought is our participation within a spiritual world called truth.  Spirit means:  beyond time, the laws which govern this universe “talk to each other”/ our ability to perceive of that “conversation” represents thought, and the comprehension of truth.  Truth is a description that participates within the laws that govern this universe; thereby all that exists, interacts.  Thought governs our participation in truth, thereby we govern our participation in this universe through thought/ the body mass, exists only in time.  Past the point of no return, as is death: the essence of our individual truth, lives in the participation of thought. Thought is then the “body of energy” we inhabit as our environment/ while the relationship we achieve represents “the mind under our control”.  The reality of a law expressed by its identity, and presence in time and space.  Is a presence, that participates to bind the universe together. What is not time, is an energy that becomes so extreme “no consequent reaction” is created, by its presence. Change is achieved, without “for every action there is a reaction law as in time”.  Where there is no  “elemental reaction” to an energetic force, there is no deterioration in time (a perceivable end)/ therefore time does not exist, and eternity begins. Thought participates as “the spiritual connection” between eternity and time; because our reality extends beyond ourselves, to influence life, or life to influence us.  It is influence that serves notice of a possibility called relationship/ it is courage, that accepts the invitation.

10.  Sexual existence between male and female, is a passage between souls: where true love opens the door.  This is rare, because men and women search for pleasure instead of love itself. Shop for partners and trophies, instead of search for love.  Love is: the fundamental search beyond self, that achieves the reality of a decision to participate:  without cost to you.  Or more simply, my life desires (it is free) to be with you, to help you, to understand you, and to know we can depend on each other.  Therefore love is always fair, always true to its purpose of life expressed as honest and true to you, always respectful, and always willing to be merciful, if the law and reality allows. Sex between male and female is intended to be,  the culmination of trust, that has proven to be: “justified because of you”.  Where there is trust, a union of hearts can result. I am truly alive, “in you/ and you in me”.  The heart explains, the treasury of life and value that you are to me, is just as important to me, as my own life.  Where true value is known, and accepted;  there in the essence of male and female joined: a spiritual connection is made.  We have become, as one.

11.  There are disciplines and boundaries to living; each has a right to their own body/ none are property of another.  Male and female are completely equal in every sense, and every purpose:     there are no exceptions to this rule.  Therefore everything you can do for each other to honor and respect the participation of each other in life/ the better off each person, and every society is.  The foundation for change in the future, here and now is female. Because no matter how you explain it: “this is, the best men did do”/ this is the culmination of their work and leadership:and we stand at the edge of extinction by their work and decision; their leadership.  It is a fact.
 That leaves us with women to lead, not because they are better; but because they are different.  More so, than any male understands, probably more so than any female realizes.  Different means: we DO see the world from a direction; what is male is not female/ do you not agree?  Designed by relationships that do not compete with each other; the result is “different”.  What is female is not male/ what is male is not female: they are not the same. Therefore regardless of what does come, it cannot be worse than “driven to death’s door” as men have done!

 To survive as male and female;  and explain happiness through peace; “we negotiate” with each other; for the benefit of both.  Or fail to love; causing grief for each other/ lying, cheating, stealing, and worse.  Consequently men and women choose differently for life, the future, and society itself. Although both are governed by want as a majority/ it is a different want, for a different cause and purpose.  What is true can be found: but only if both choose it for the sake of life.  To survive, we absolutely must have “different”, than today.  That is not a game, we do stand by the examination of our reality, the facts of threats that will exterminate our lives: at the crossroads.  We cannot continue as we are, or we die.  We cannot change, unless new leaders are found.  That leaves only women to decide, because this is, “the best men did do”.  None can argue, this is the best men as a majority/ as leaders, and their followers;  have done.

12.  There are endless versions of religion in human existence, most generated by fears.  All that I am aware of, were created by men/ told by men/ translated for men/ scripted for men/ giving power to men/ and blaming GOD (in some form) for their failures without exception.   Belief is the elemental assertion: “that what we decide together, as a group/ must be true”.  Faith is the foundation built upon the identification of truth, and thereby the wisdom to respect & accept that truth itself, knows the path “to GOD”.  To the creation of life, and its meaning.  What is then true defines our reality, by our choosing it. Shows itself to be an opportunity recognized through common sense: as the laws which govern our universe.  Within law, the essence of Creation is found.  Within Creation, the reality of “a distance glance” which does conceive of our CREATOR does come into view.

 Within the Christian religion;  the story of JESUS does respect the reality of our human existence, while participating in far greater disciplines, with respect to boundaries we cannot truly conceive of.  That story elevates the possibility of eternity by choosing to create the single story of love that is unmatched throughout time.  I personally find it “fascinating/ and worthy of discovery” as best I can.  NOT as blind memorization, or religious ideology/ rather in just plain lessons, taught in life and for the living;  for the sake of Creation itself. Love is the greatest single treasure of life itself, therefore the only true value of living, or the single greatest gift of Creation; thereby   GOD, to us! The story of JESUS speaks, to that love.   If your desire for life and self,  does not conceive of love/ then it is true, “we can never be” as family. Just how it is.
I then fundamentally suggest, that unless love is apparent and real for you in eternity, you cannot “be family, with love” there either. It is a choice, proven by your own truth and identity.
Little can be proven about eternity itself, simply because thought is required to conceive of more than self.  Few are willing to participate beyond the boundaries of time: MANY who try, fail badly.  It is a dangerous place, because only truth can be accepted. Fail respect, and you die.  What is beyond the limits of time, cannot be adorned with the essence or existence of time.  No bodies “rise or fall”.  Rather than an action or reaction, both thought and spirit,  exist by law and understanding. Rather than a freedom called want/ there are boundaries in every truth, that express freedom as love, or in love, for instance; as thought.  And so on. 
If you look into a grave, you see the evidence of “don’t go there”/ because it is real, it is time ended, it is freedom and choice gone/ body and mind, dissolved forever on this earth. 

If you look into your soul instead, the question becomes: when the evidence of miracles cannot be questioned;  beyond a liar or fool.  When the evidence of love so well expressed, as was the life of JESUS, becomes real to you.  The understanding;  an eternity chosen,  over time: IS the critical message of HIS life.  Added Today;  the biblical interpretations from thousands of years ago, actually become real.
We then say:  surely the CREATOR of this world, the builder of miracles and life for us all:   cannot be less than true.  Is there not more!  Let your own heart decide.
Remembering this:   only an agreement by fools, failures, hate, liars, thieves, and cheats could have brought us to the edge of extinction (life on earth about to be exterminated).   That, by the evidence:  is, “where we are”.  Yet you call them your “leaders”:   WHY?         Make your own decision/ it is, YOUR eternity.  Why die for those who hate you, or just want to be worshiped by you, as inferior to them?   Choose for yourself!