Of things & compositions which give meaning to life, our existence begins & ends within the truths of thought, and the environments of soul.
Humanity clearly will complain "only body & mind matter"/ BUT reality KNOWS that the body is only a tool of the mind, & mind merely interprets or "tries to interpret" what the soul translates in simple terms from the dimensions of our thought. Miracles are the basis & foundation of our existence/ because they are the evidence & testimony of what came before us. Ignorance, pride, & utter Stupidity have suggested "life is just an UNBELIEVABLE series of accidents and mistakes". HOW PATHETIC! Religions assert, "we know enough, to claim the prize". While reality says, YOU are the prize! Truth contends, humanity knows only a very little.
Thought is a dimensional exaggeration, that conceives of levels by the variations associated with "the steps in the ascension" of individual identities. Each Identity boundary, is then a different environment. Therefore thought and the development of soul assigns new & different meanings to every level. Life is translated by thought, learned by soul, and designed by our ability to participate with energy. Energy is NOT god!
GOD Cannot be defined, NOT EVER!
Our Relationship to GOD !!!!!!!!!!!! May only be seen, through the miracles provided by HIS LOVE. These miracles are clearly LOVE/ even though human corruption builds a wall that demands "no".
Here begins the question of why does humanity do this? The only answer can be; "they want to play god"/ not simply be grateful for life itself. Humanity responds simply: why should we like "work, or pain, or death, or suffering"/ why should we want loss or heartache, or a life with problems we cannot fix?
The answer is KNOWLEDGE! For knowledge is required by life/ loneliness establishes the need for love, pain & sorrow the dimensions of personal growth and duties that lead to harmony, & loss or heartache give us all, the passion & the right to proceed in freedom because we have now born the price of failure in our hearts, and understand there are consequences to our actions. When there is wisdom, there is always HOPE. Where there is hope, there is always purpose. Where life is defined by true purposes, we exist and expand to the consequence of life itself.
The development of eternity is NOT, "a small thing". The understanding of energy as it creates the compositions of a life/ or more correctly transforms identities as creation decides/ means you must accept the responsibility of being alive, or you shall not attain freedom. Responsibility completes existence, as you learn to comprehend boundaries and obey the order they demand from life. Discipline is the difference between life & true death. Therefore the life we share here on earth, is an education in minimal consequences, & the joy that life can be. That means eternity is "not a game"/ it is a relationship with energy that cannot be avoided. If you will not be disciplined/ then you cannot be free, it would be the end of your existence. Heaven is for you/ but you will NOT be sad.
Reality knows, you expect or hope for life to be an endless series of entertainments, just for you. Life is NOT about entertaining yourself only. LIFE is about the creation of JOY in us all. Therefore society becomes a relationship designed and integrated by behaviors and freedoms expected to refine the reflection of yourself, that you may choose your truth and your place, and present your efforts to society itself. Society then improves, or begins to hide/ jealousy erupts here. "Because I does not share", it searches for power, and therein establishes failure. Humanity obviously does not like its own reflection, therefore it hides in lies, power, selfishness, want, & pride. This reality competes with life for the direction of your energies & the purpose of your existence. If you lose/ WAR comes, to clean away the tragedy of personal failure and give those who remain, your place. [a soldier IS either "an honorable duty, because society needs you, or a personal disgrace to yourself"]. The difference is found in your own truth. Death is not your duty, it is your gift to society and to life/ do not die on purpose! The reality of tragic "body loss", is a very distinct reminder to all of society, that the cost of war is very high/ it is your testimony to this fact, that is used to instruct society to choose BETTER!
Today your failures are quickly approaching war, and your war will be your end, because that is the decisions you have made. NO GREATER POVERTY of mind or spirit could ever exist in society, that what these choices prove. Therefore "this human society/ these generations living" as a whole and single entity, must now face the true decision, of life or death by the choices you shall make. You cannot return to "your common practices". Because over-population, the coming resource crisis, the tragedy of your pollution and so many others/ simply will not let you. Either you will chose true life, Or you will die. Think not: remember all the engineering disasters, every expert said "it could not happen"/ when it did, every expert says, "it was two or three little things" that combined at the same time, to bring it all down/ or we simply didn't know. YOU the society of man & woman, have chosen a hundred or more, BIG THINGS/ to cause disasters beyond your imagination, here and now.
This is NOT "a challenge, or a threat, or a gamble" this is the simple TRUTH! AND YOU can recognize it.
TRUE LIFE here on earth would be an experience in time that allows freedom to choose the distinctions of harmony, that give us hope; and allow the purposes of love without contention and establish the foundations of life and energy that grant us peace. Harmony is NOT, "as we see it/ or as I see it", harmony is as truth applies opportunity, and life grants freedom to accept.
True life is NOT about rules, or methods of control/ true life does NOT allow selfishness, pride, power, or want. Instead life is about HAPPINESS FOR ALL, and the preparations for eternity. Truth is about the honor, duty, & discipline created for order/ and order conceives of a journey through which we find ourselves. To succeed as humanity, you must convince each other of value, equality, compassion, and respect. If you do not/ then you cannot survive; your population will see to it.
The constant in human history, is the reality of LIES. The consequence of all lies, are FAILURES. Therefore instead of rules, it is the lies that must be confronted. Instead of control & power it is the truth which must lead. Instead of ownership in marriage, it is LOVE that must give direction & rights.
Work is our relationship to need, therefore it shall never be abandoned, but SHARED EQUALLY, along with its rewards. Laziness shall NOT be tolerated/ if you refuse; then you shall be moved to a "closed society" with those others like you: and YOU shall learn.
Simple sex, is a "tool, that can & will heal or damage lives". This consequence is OWNED by you/ but your body is still free to you. HONEST sexual intimacy is a relationship between honorable friends of the opposite sex, that have chosen "a truth to share, and bodies to celebrate". REAL participation as two lives which destiny refines as one life SHARED, will find their soul together/ even if reality should find more than one life sharing. I am aware this is a "hard saying" for you/ I am aware that Paul, of the bible told you NO this shall not be: but life is not so simple as words allow, life is about truth/ and if truth says, "my heart cannot let this be so", then reality must bend. Be careful how you allow this in your life/ be careful, what and who you do commit to. Be careful that more damage is not done, than repaired. Sexuality here is a partner, (male to female) that allows your own identity to find its truth in the other.
There are disciplines defined for this life, a common cause is "WE CARE ABOUT EACH OTHER"! Therefore NO excuses are expected or allowed for "simple pleasures". Rather tears are very important, reality more so/ but caring means you shall be cautious & fair wherever another life is involved. Emotions are NOT "friends"/ these exist to elaborate on a lie. Justice in the matter of sexual intimacy assigns only one simple statement: We exist in time & body (your own body)/ and reality grants to you ONLY, "these moments to decide your own eternity". Therefore you must choose, for yourself. The question here, is recognized as "is sexuality how we choose our eternity?" That answer is no/ however it is in the intimacy of your decisions about how you shall treat another, and then do so/ that do determine your eternity: the consequence is, "sexuality does matter".
Decision means: my identity NOW exists for ME! Therefore every decision is a foundation upon which your life shall form. DO NOT be fearful. TRUST JESUS And follow HIS EXAMPLE.
For your perceptions/ my own life has made MANY "Unfortunate decisions"/ IT IS MERCY That grants to our lives another chance. Mercy reforms our past & presents another turn: SIMPLY & HONESTLY REPENT!
I am here reminded of a simple/ but complex truth: That dating is impossible, where tears demand you must stay! Be patient, knowing if love is involved, reality will share the tears, and love will return. Sexuality is not a tool to "keep him or her", it is a tool to help you within yourself/ unless you use it to "buy". Dating is suppose to be and honestly is: The honor of getting to know YOU! Therefore it should always be treated with real respect, there are NO issues of ownership. You ARE sufficient within yourself/ let no one tell you different: however if the people you know, sufficiently convince you that something is wrong/ then look carefully and change appropriately: why should you not? But do not be simply "for time, and the people it represents"/ CHOOSE GOD Instead/ if you must choose. Be kind to each other and understand the truth: that when you ask for a lifetime, EVERYONE must be cautious/ everyone must be able to say; "at this time of my life, I cannot". And even when you desire someone desperately, we must all
What a lifetime, Is intended to be.
I do pray for you/ pray also for me.