Words, that describe

the "greatest living humanity" the world has ever known:

this is you/ either as the greatest for good OR the greatest for evil,

YOU cannot be both/ you will choose!

In the expression of words, the greatest irony is: we find both peace & friendship/ or the means to acquire hate, and the purpose of an enemy.

The web sites listed herein will reflect the reality that brings both of these compositions to your life, and demand you decide. Therefore I DO say to you, the purposes aligned & created herein ARE DISTINCTLY for peace, freedom, love, and respect. But they are also filled with warnings from reality, and the truth that currently carries us all to extermination. Some inventions are freely given herein/ some advise is provided/ some opportunities are designed in detail: all are for the purpose of your survival & eventual freedom through peace.

Those who use the perversion of an education to manipulate and control are chastised. Those whose weakness have contributed to all this failure, have had their jobs "redesigned". And in general the contributions of greed, lust, power, want, & selfishness are exposed/ by the fundamental relationships they form.

This is KNOWLEDGE, and presents the eve of understanding in humanity/ and a foundation for you to build wisdom upon. This is also about the judgment humanity HAS passed upon itself; and the critical information required for change and survival of the human race. These words do seek to exchange your "guilty plea"/ into the basis for mercy, and the understanding of life, eternity, energy, & thought. Therefore the common experience of humanity produced by emotion/ feelings/ loss/ or sex are all given voice and understanding.

Therefore I do say to you: DO NOT hide/ rather live and thrive, and change by all methods capable of allowing you to survive. There is still time/ BUT, no more than "moments". If you don't care/ then the evidence provided herein for Armageddon exists/ and is on display herein. If you think a "rapture" will carry you away to "your version of heaven"/ that too is discussed.

The critical information is conceived around your "CRISIS TO COME"/ and thereby selects the words that identify all the questions of humanity about life, eternity, energy, hope, and truth that will not endanger you further. These are secrets hidden from the beginning of time, given to you.

Of many herein, I choose this one to begin:

There are questions in human complexity: HOW do people change, from stability, peace, & love, into the insanity and consequence of hate?

The answer distinguishes failure as the inability to accept that the consequences of their decisions or the reactions generated by someone else's decision have distorted their expectations for their own future: they are "mad". Mad means: I now know/ that it was all a lie. Your futures are clear, dependent upon the choice given here. You will die/ or you will change. The relationship we share with life is, the passion we bring individually to the journey that constructs our future. Here complexity asks of you: IF you did not create your mind or body/ then WHY do you believe your body and mind are your life?

People reply: HOW could we believe otherwise/ our time begins with body & mind/ ends with body & mind/ and is measured literally & throughout as body and mind! NO one enters time without body & mind, NO one returns from death, because body & mind are dead.

These things are true, but their expression reveres time as life/ rather than life as the basis of experience in the environment called time. The alternate of a question is a definable action. Thereby humanity experiences the question of life/ rather than asks, "the question called life". This is a constant that must be divided by truth/ to allow the foundation of thought to exist. Therefore the journey of life and the journey of time walk together; but they are NOT the same.

Preliminary expression enters existence as the basis of life. Your expression is added by the development of your humanity and the consequence of your honor, respect, discipline, love, order, & harmony; OR the lack of these. Therefore your beginning quest for life is ALWAYS, the search described by miracles. If you fail to search/ then life cannot enter your humanity to teach: you simply exist thereby until time & energy destroys all your gifts. Death is NOT the end/ because time is not a true beginning. People will argue: HOW can we be, if we have not yet begun: time is everything to humanity.

The alternative to understanding is a definable reaction. Therefore the human experience is to express a consequence, rather than examine a truth. Truth extinguishes "the fire" that consumes from existence the basis of creation: the actions that gives us "the right" to explore freedom. These rights are: the acceptance of personal dignity, not human dignity [human characteristics are totally irrelevant]; the acceptance of personal duty, the kind discipline requires of order; the acceptance of personal respect, an honesty that knows restraint; and love, the existence of honor sufficient to survive. The action that allows these to form is life. Therefore life is not only a definable action/ it is FOUND in creation as the beginning of time: For true life, begins in freedom. Found means, a search has occurred, therefore an opportunity created.

Here question distinguishes a controversy: is life found, if so then HOW & WHERE: what is the meaning of WHEN (time), & what is the outcome of WHY, & WHO searched for us? It is clear we did not find ourselves. Each of these questions for the foundation of existence. Therefore each of these questions divide truth, as it applies to our life/ by the fundamental details of critical reality.

Critical reality asserts, that the 3 composites of truth: Energy, mass (organized energy), & space, MUST EXIST! Therefore existence is described within a physical consequence of basic relationships that determine each of these "things". A thing is the creation of a "participant" in the relationship that supervises truth. We will not discuss energy, organized energy, the consequence of a particulate, or space/ you have NO respect/ your failures prove it. We cannot discuss relationships that supervise truth/ you have NO HONOR, you would die.

But perhaps the division of truth forms no real threat to you.

Truth is divided by the development of thought. Thought is "the introduction of a guide", to the direction of a truth. Truth therein is a reality, while thought alters the relationship of that possibility called truth, by creating the existence of "levels in understanding". These levels define critical expression/ but it is ONLY A DECISION, that conceives & creates a destiny. Here in simple terms, it is found that truth exists in many levels of intensity, truth defines a reality with opportunities other than action & reaction, & truth is the environment that conceives & creates. It follows then, that if truth exists in many levels/ then the critical realities formed by that truth also exist in different levels/ or more simply energy, organized energy, & space are subject to the influence of these levels created by thought in truth.

It also stands, that if all existence requires energy/ then space has energy, for it does exist. The critical definition for freedom is: "to do what"? The critical demand of energy is: to act & react. The critical source of truth is: A PATH, that divides and balances consequence, that understanding "may bloom". This path then describes the journey toward an invitation to thought. Thought is by its first examination "a harmony". Therefore to be invited into thought/ reality and truth must both demand the decision in you, that shall grow as harmony.

We may now begin within the human composition of a decision/ the essence of love or the reality called hate. Complexity says: a journey without a destiny results in a weariness, fears, or dread. These are the emotions of organization without order. Therefore as time passes, the need to pick a direction grows. The foundation of insanity is built upon a "failure to decide/ then comes anger/ then comes reaction". The destruction of self relies upon hate to rule the decision, so you don't have to choose. The understanding of love gives rise to the questions of life, love, honor, dignity, & then disciplines all follow. When failure occurs instead, it is because pride has over-ruled love and your own heart stops "beating: a term identified with existence as time". Where failure exists, it is the intensity that decides the outcome.

A decision called human, resides in the alternative to accept a new and different level of understanding as complications occur/ or simply to refuse the lesson. To refuse means YOU have now chosen to "stay where you are"/ because your belief is, the life beyond is not as important as what exists here and now. Therefore a decision in human experience stops the consequence of truth and demands, "NO more". Where this failure rules/ WAR occurs as that human being demonstrates "I knew, life was better before". This is a failure because education decides the future, and your place in it/ when you choose to stop and demand no more/ then your journey is over, and your destiny found. These are true failures, defined by the result that truth does not lead you, and instruction is abandoned by you; for the games of ignorance. Ignorance means simply, "I refuse to learn/ I will believe my stupidity is sufficient": all respect ends!

If you will do no better than this/ then your opportunity here in these words is meaningless. If you do choose life/ then your search beyond self, begins now

PRAYER, reveals your life/ to you!

Throughout the existence of human life, are the competitions to sustain happiness or feelings of value, versus the constant demand of loneliness or the "understanding of death". It is this critical separation in the standing of life that defrays & confronts "the human instrument" called body & mind. The question why, asserts the imaginary goal of "why not". Reality then intervenes through the evidence called truth and states: energy is the basis of life, a building block critical to the expansion called Creation. As time, we exist as a chemical energy critically dependent upon the fluid mechanics of an active & vibrant relationship to the processes involved in dealing with those chemical needs. As life, we are critically dependent upon our relationship to discipline and order, as it functions within the barriers to our environment called time. Life, cannot be measured/ only time. Thereby the existence of life Creates an Identity with time, that then asks: WHY am I alive? This question divides and multiplies beyond the scope, or identity of our lives, and cannot be dealt with simply. Therefore only 3 partitions will be granted: fundamental structure, critical relationship, & foundation existence.

Fundamental structures are the beginning of eternity, as they produce & create an environment "married" to energy and the relationship with life called RESPECT! There is no such things as life without energy/ therefore only 3 definitions apply to eternity: life in freedom (you are married with energy, to be free), life in heaven (you are loved, and granted an environment for life), or destruction, energy is consuming you. What you should recognize here is the lessons you receive in time, for understanding energy & the preparations including death that demand: YOU MUST LEARN.

A critical relationship is much like the fluid dynamics of our bodies & minds/ we must enter within the cycles of expansion and fundamentally display our decision to express & experience ourselves. Without decision identity fails, conceived by decision our identity competes within the foundation of our existence. Here begins the compositions of thought that design harmony, and elect the consequence of our true behaviors, to the reality of our existence in truth. Only truth survives, only truth lives/ the lies of humanity are bound by time, only to be released in death: it is here, you pay. We then understand that truth will define us all, life confronts us all/ to achieve our decision and our truth. Reality conforms to the teaching and lessons necessary as an identity to recognize and accept harmony; or not. The relationship identified by the existence of happiness or loneliness is strictly one of freedom & the costs that can be measured for freedom. Freedom means, "more correctly", paid in advance. Thereby the existence of freedom is the right to choose as order allows, while value means, "the discipline required by order, lives within me"! Loneliness is a demand for freedom that cannot be achieved (at this time) because discipline has failed. Loneliness is not a personal failure, exactly/ rather it is more correctly a failure in order & the opportunities of decision & choice. That order, is defined in reality by very many factors.

Separation comes to divide lives & compete for position because instead of harmony, humanity chooses to measure. Life is then "a tiny existence, simply struggling to survive in time". This allows death to be judge, jury, and the "sound of tears in turmoil."

To stand in eternity, means to "shatter & scatter the remnants of all measurements/ accept the value & happiness of the miracles that you are/ and identify WITH RESPECT, THE CREATION OF LIFE, IN YOU!

CREATION means here: destined to achieve the possibility called eternity/ found in "the light" that is life/ and given FREEDOM to receive from the passages in thought, an inheritance from