Of living life

Reality says, to conceive of harmony and live in happiness/ THERE MUST BE, critical decisions directly selecting the quality of life for all. That translates more simply as, we owe to each other the respect necessary to expand each others life in happiness/ rather than simply competing with each other. This is a broad range of fundamental social decisions, specifically intended to "PUT LIFE FIRST, not money, time, or ease." The consequence of industry is pollution and risk/ therefore the decisions that limit pollution and establish less risk, are preferable to those that do not. More simply, those products that are hazardous, produce more pollution, consume rather than provide, and so on are all within our social decisions. The reality of resource management is also a distinct right/ as these keep us all alive/ and nothing else will. Quality of life, is not found in "vacations, or a host of other excuses; for your most valuable contributions to someone else is your life". Who you are, is your most valuable asset! If you don't know who you are/ then it is time to find out. The most simple tool is also the most critically correct: you are what you want/ need accounts for everything else, and it is not a choice. Therefore consider carefully what it is you do want/ because life and want are against each other. Life desires happiness, peace, hope, courage, everything a miracle is or can be. While want can never be satisfied, because then it would be "nothing/ all done, its over". If you choose life, then quality of life is found in the honor of living, the relationships in courage and love, the respect allowed another creation, and VERY much more! If you choose want/ then all the world is nothing more than a means to your end/ and they are "in the way/ or merely to be used, sold, or abused." The influence of want on the American society is tremendous! Everywhere, the truth identifies a relationship with want that breeds selfishness, hate, lust, and greed. The power oozing out of the "life blood of the nation"/ its economy/ and its primary industries have found corruption to be tolerated so long as, the people are "blind, dumb, and mute". Therefore the rally is, "let the magic show begin". To that end, countless hours of pointless babble, tragic elections, and a court system in "rags" have become the standard. Rather than concession and compromise strictly for business. Or power shared among the so called wealthy/ it is time to return to life, hope, and the self-respect necessary to apply peace and happiness to society itself. It is time to quit being threatened/ quit being manipulated/ quit being a toy in some ridiculous game. If you will not choose life/ then want will continue, until it sacrifices your life and makes you extinct.

Change requires an understanding in the basic reality that determines the grounds that must exist for business and the basic requirements of society/ and what society may demand for itself, apart from business, or in conjunction with it. This concept is most easily explained in the matter of railroads, and the consequence that they bring. Trains are necessary, as tools of society/ therefore the complications they produce in doing their jobs shall be tolerated, because society needs this to be so. Trains also spend a great deal of time idling/ stopped somewhere on a siding or between moving cars, and so one. It is this idling that represents the basic question: who has a right/ the people to quiet, if the noise, the pollution, and the resource loss are for nothing of value? The answer is: while the train is moving, it does have a right to the space it inhabits, but must conform to reasonable expectation and honest relationships. BUT when it is stopped/ there is NO TRUE cause for an engine to be idling, and interfering with society and its environment. THIS is a choice, not a right. The complaint "doesn't start when its cold/ needs to warm up/ need electric or vacuum or whatever the complaint bears NO acceptable reality to the damage caused. People will argue, "the fuel consumed, is too small to be noticed". The reality is multiply by thousands of engines at idle and it is not. Recognize that the fuel is transported, refined, distributed, and all these require fuel as well, and I do strongly suspect it becomes a million gallons per year or so [although I have no facts to support this as I know of none to bear witness to]. Irregardless of the amount, it is strictly wasted resources, and that must not be done. As mentioned before, world population is growing at 2 million more human mouths to feed, EACH WEEK/ every week/ and will continue to increase unless humanity stops. This too is a decision. As to engine starts or warm up: FIX the problem, or get a fuel oil furnace to heat the engine or park next to power line cables for "an extension cord" or small "car size" engine with this purpose or whatever/ but NO EXCUSES. As to any other cause suggested due to a parked train/ it is clear and certain, because the evidence the train can be turned off without incident: means your complaint is mute. If there is a real problem/ then fix it/ NO excuses. Therefore the understanding is this: what a business or society needs in truth, must be tolerated; because it is needed. However what a business or members of a society does that is UNNECESSARY, and simply blind or don't care about the others IS A MATTER for the court to decide in favor of the citizen. That means simply: as in the matter of vehicle traffic on the highways: tire noise can be deafening all by itself when massive numbers of vehicles are involved. The elimination of all motor noise is impossible/ therefore reasonable reality requires this. However/ tire noise can be mitigated considerably by tire design, compound selection and size. Therefore although the noise is necessary from motors "within critical boundaries"/ the noise from tires can be governed by the needs of people and their environments. This applies in simple solution to virtually all the major conflicts between people and the actions of other people. It applies to behaviors, the definitions that freedom must allow/ and the respect required from life, for life. It applies to pollution/ whereas some pollution must be allowed/ while the rest that is non-essential, can be eliminated with the use of other materials/ is too dangerous/ or can be moved to other less environmentally damaging areas: DO come under the governing of RESPECT FOR LIFE FIRST! There are no areas of human endeavor, that does not translate in the same way. There are NO MACHINES or other that can be allowed to exist, that are fundamentally damaging to people or the environment of other people: these will not be built! Those already built must be tolerated if necessary/ but reality says, the limits are "the least damage possible". To that end: people may need to be paid to accept the reality/ or the people in the area, may need to pay to support the improvements that exist only for them. The demand to leave the area, can be no greater for the business than the citizen(s) involved. There are no machines built that will not conform to the simple command: within 3% of the least invasive machine built that does a comparable and reasonable job. This includes noise/ pollution/ vibrations/ risk/ or any other non "Life first" mandatory reality. This again is most easily recognized in noise pollution or smell pollution. People have literally invaded the farm area's as they have everywhere else. If you don't stop/ then you won't eat. However the reality where the concentration of people becomes high is: the noise must be contained to a minimal level/ and the smell must also be contained to a minimal level as best methods allow. The reality is, the people who have invaded the farm, owe the money for these primary improvements: unless there were none/ or these have eroded to a worthless value. The reality of forests and all that means is very simple also/ NO MORE can you cut trees mercilessly/ the forest earns respect and requires honesty: YOU WILL plant trees and harvest according to your crop. You will leave the forest alone wherever possible, you will be careful to leave the best, wherever you do cut minimally. The fish in the sea and all its other creatures are in great danger, you will stop the factory ships, and determine the size and type of nets and boats that will truly sustain life in the sea: smaller ships and more fishermen, not factory workers at sea. You will stop the factory farm, before you have nothing left of your antibiotics. And so on. Quality of life is not a money issue/ contrary to what you believe. Quality of life is an honesty of experience/ not of luxury or ease, not even security beyond a realistic level. Quality of life is not about consumption/ consumption is not about security or power. Consumption is the race to see who can keep the other from getting the prize. A little boys game of "king of the hill". If you believe toys are your life/ then you have no real life, it is a game. If you believe a vast military is your security/ then you are deluded about the reality of other weapons and militaries around the world.

Society does not remain at peace, when all its members do not have honorable access to actual qualities of environment that bring happiness and promote peaceful interactions. The issues of noise presented are in truth, far more important than they seem/ people do say "I can tune it out" and they do. The problem is they end up tuning everything out/ except what "hits them in the face". Ever wonder why people communicate poorly? It is because they are not focused on the person talking/ they are focused on keeping "the noise/ whatever they don't want to hear" out. Whether that is a person or a machine. Reality says: all the attention given to using your mind to control irritations/ assigns you to losing a large portion of your ability to focus on anything. Therefore we cannot communicate well/ because you cannot focus, without becoming agitated, passionate, or uncomfortable. BELIEVE IT OR NOT/ this is a very serious problem for any society. We must communicate, it is necessary/ the denser the population the more common the irritations, and the more common the lack of true communication. STOP IT. The reality of barriers built apply to children, to marriage, to work, and to society itself. EVERY concentration of motive that diminishes your relationships or someone else's, with life itself, ARE WRONG.

Relationships, means, & methods for altering and fixing all conditions which cause society to deteriorate are dealt with. in the bulk of www.trialforlife.info and its links. New machines to help you avoid the brunt of your economic depression are allowed: some in trial for life, and some in www.criticaleconomics.info . BUT if you fail to FIX THE PROBLEMS/ and simply steal the machines: then the tragedy of all your failures will fall upon you and civil war is immanent. The reason is, applied in simplicity to "you, primarily the university" have elected to separate yourselves from society and take control of the lives of the majority. Your intent whether planned or not, is to make them slaves, and your economy and the extreme damage you have done to the reality of all lives through all these lies demands: either bring back the truth/ or retribution will come. I WILL TELL YOU THE TRUTH: When it comes to revenge and mayhem, the passions you have instilled with your theft, arrogance, and utter careless stupidity will not save you from those you enslaved. You are in charge/ are you not? It cannot be denied! Therefore you are responsible, and that too cannot be denied: no matter who you are. The alternate reality to this is, "the majority" wanted you to save them/ therefore no one can claim superiority.

The damage of numbers in this economy is very simple: anyone can have as many numbers as they want/ it simply does not matter. The problems with numbers is/ sooner or later those with lots of numbers, want work and things done for them: lots of it! America has survived on Chinese labor primarily, for at least 12 years now/ they do it because they need the work for their people more than they need the time for themselves. Immigration HAS kept the truth about credit at bay for 12 years or so by now/ because the people come without debts/ therefore they can be given great debts quickly: according to "business": they know, someone has to do the work/ and those with great numbers will not. This leaves the middle class, most of whom believe in fighting for the numbers, because they believe in the fantasy of money, without value. All will tell me: "IT STILL BUY THINGS with that money"! And to these I do say, whether you accept the truth or not/ has nothing to do with me. Reality shows that YOU the american citizen claim numbers resulting in roughly $15,300.00 (fifteen thousand, three hundred dollars) per every man woman and child in this world. Source is www.federalreserve.gov flow of funds table L.5 total liabilities in relation to total assets. That means again averaged out, including americans 7 billion people claim you should give them $15,300.00 in your work and possessions. Or more simply averaged out you would owe, per each of 150 million taxpayers (an exaggerated amount of taxpayers)= one taxpayer owes 46.6 individuals $15,300.00 each. Do you intend to pay? Then cough up $712,980.00 per taxpayer in assets and work. This does include the materials such as houses, and businesses and such/ but I will and do suggest to you: what you actually own averaged out per taxpayer, is not going to help you. YOU are literally bankrupt/ YOU literally are out of credit/ YOU literally MUST FIND THE TRUTH, and work to correct these problems fairly: OR YOU AMERICA, and then the people of the world/ have truly seen nothing of terrorism and civil war as yet. I know this is not what you desire to hear, but it is true. I know you go to work, get paid, buy things, and all seems "reasonable". But it is time for you to understand this: if you take the 87 trillion dollars or more as it is certain to be, and give half the taxpayers the debt and the other half of the taxpayers the intent to collect from you that would then owe the debt/ THEN you have created a situation where one taxpayer looks at a single other worker and says you owe me $1,160,000.00 dollars: do you truly believe you will collect, one million one hundred and sixty thousand dollars? It is more important to realize just how much those who consider themselves to be rich, fundamentally expect from every worker. For instance, the richest man expects about $300.00 per person, from every living human being in America to be paid to him. Look around, and count from baby to invalid by $300.00 apiece/ and realize how many are not workers: that means you! Is this fair/ of course not. Do you have to do it? Not if you fight, because the money is a lie, therefore it means nothing of value. Consider the truth about 87 trillion dollars of debt, and its interest payment divided among 150 million taxpayers; at 5% interest every individual taxpayer owes an interest only payment of $29,000.00 for last year, plus all taxes, plus whatever you otherwise need to survive. The fight is: very simply: we refuse to participate in the lie anymore/ therefore it is time for truth and reality ONLY. Just remember WE THE PEOPLE are the government, therefore we the people need not starve or surrender to those called wealthy: WE can say " not you either, if we don't eat/ you won't drink". And so on. No violence is required: SIMPLE HONESTY, AND THE VALIDITY CALLED TRUTH. It is work and resources that is asked for with money: therefore let it be known the work and the resources belong to us/ not just you. The court as well belongs to us/ NOT just you. The government is OURS, not yours. And reality says: if you fail to accept constitutional guidelines for equality and fairness/ then for treason, there will be jail: judge or not/ rich or not/ president or not/ WE WANT JUSTICE! And justice demands, a fair and accurate reality/ in all things. To achieve with certainty this in truth, the critical definition of every business, government, or non-profit "high-level job" shall be consecrated with the words: IF YOU FAIL the purpose of justice in this job {justice means, with no intent to harm, defined by honesty and honor through duty}/ then immediately you shall go to prison, your pension, your salary, and your right to hold a "high-level" job disappears: when you go to jail. The term criminal trespass, or conspiracy, or theft appear: because if you sell the justice that belongs to us, the rights or truths or freedom from us, or strip or control the resources we need to survive/ then you are GUILTY! If the problem appears because of what you did, knowingly and with intent to harm/ before you retired, or left the job/ then we will come to get you, and everything you possess. If this is not acceptable to you/ then DON'T ask for the job.

In every economy around the world, it is not money, not government, not business that keeps the people happy and at peace/ it is resources, access to resources, education, and limits to people who take too much. And then the removal of power and weapons without true cause, that bring people peace. It is power that damages all peaceful people/ it is weapons that allow this power to exist. We are now so many people, that as a majority we can control the few who are desperate for power. It is necessary to be organized for this purpose/ therefore every community must support and identify groups of people intent upon that support. This is NOT a part of policing, this is a reality of society: that there must be those ready to respond when a threat does come. This is NOT a vigilante group, you have NO RIGHT of judgment/ unless conditions are very harsh for all. This is the honesty of people who believe in honor and accept the duty and responsibility for there portions of society. To this end, you shall have agreed upon "by-laws"/ you shall require that all who define themselves by "this name" shall know and understand these by-laws and keep them. Then it is the court that must maintain peace and bring happiness/ therefore the people MUST always be directly involved in their courts. NO EXCUSES (this means you).

Before the weapons can largely disappear, an international court system and methods of intervening in nations must also appear, and find itself NOT governed by men/ women: BUT HELD IN PLACE WITH very distinct LAW. NO EXCUSES. An international military where only the honorable, the courageous, and the honest need apply. These are soldiers of valor/ men from the world over, whose comrades have selected them because their hearts cannot be bought, rather life has produced in them the discipline required for JUSTICE. You will conceive of and build a single universal language, it will be capable of being signed for the deaf/ you will let the nations pick words by lottery/ the greater the population, the greater the number and variety of words [keep it short].You are to understand EQUALITY FOR ALL. You are not to be "nation builders/ not freedom fighters/ not weapons for any form of government, or any nation. Instead this military is strictly for, the REMOVAL of government leaders who do not respect their people or the "united nations book of law". You WILL NOT "pick and choose"/ you WILL NOT assassinate/ you WILL be blunt, warning any before you come as to why, or what they must do. You WILL be clear as to what specific disrespect must be repaired, and you WILL go ANYWHERE this law sends you to go. The "united nations by vote" determines the law/ but YOU are not their weapons, YOU are "the police" for this world, and where the law is clearly broken and in desperate need of repair/ then it is your job to bring these leaders to JUSTICE; a trial before the world. As to leadership, any group of 1200 soldiers or more may suggest a leader, by vote among these soldiers. From this group, the leadership forms. Every 7 years or less, you will vote again.

Truth says take a look at all your weapons/ take a look at all that has been stolen/ take a look at all the broken lives: AND THEN tell me what the outcome will be/ if you do not take the necessary steps right now, to deal effectively with these problems. As of this moment/ everything necessary to survive still exists. As of this moment/ failure is "knocking at the door"/ and every moment counts. There are no people who truly want to fail. Given the option to work together for every persons benefit/ they will do so: even the "university" is not so stupid, that they cannot see "the writing on the wall". The only question is whether your pride and theirs will kill you/ or if you can kill it? Pride will not let you survive/ therefore you will surrender its rule/ or you will die. Pride is the excuse to play games with someone else's life/ someone else's future/ someone else's hope or love. Pride is the demand to rule/ to take revenge for yourself/ to measure someone else's life or freedom or rights. Pride is the advantage used to instill fear and gossip in the others. Gossip is simply "the spreading of stories" in conversation, to belittle and demean innocent lives/ it is the use of irrelevant detail, to laugh and taunt at other lives/ it is your decision, that conversation means more to you than the life of another individual: and it is very wrong affecting all aspects of life. Your decision "to keep them in their place"/ is your decision to enter hate; hate is the only doorway to hell.

Do you still not understand/ this is not about me? This is about all the lies you have done/ all the failures you have made, because you are afraid of life ending: because weapons of mass destruction can do so. Well now your reality proves your fear/ and you do stand at the gate of extermination. Either slowly, or with unbelievable speed: with all the tools and ignorance "university" has given to a few to decide. You are now going to decide if you have what it takes to honorably take back your world from the edge of extinction/ or simply surrender it to extinction. This is not about me/ it is about YOU. If you fail/ then you will die. It is not a question, and there is little time left for you to decide; because soon your wanton destruction of resources will leave you with nothing, and then you fight. If you fail/ to remove the absolute disrespect of genetic mutilation/ and as a consequence remove the religion called evolution/ then you do deserve to die: and you shall. If you hide, you die/ because that too is a choice. I do wish for happy words, but reality will not allow it/ truth says, you are too close.

The simplest reality realized is "we don't have ANY money" not even a little/ therefore the question is HOW can we build without this resource? How can we survive if we accept the truth, that we have nothing? The answer is: money does not matter, "Once the screaming and yelling have stopped". The critical consideration is your expectations and their promises have disappeared, NOT your lives, what's left of your resources, or your abilities. Therefore it is your ability to communicate, to trust, and to define truth and act with wisdom that determines your fate. YOU MUST DO EACH OF THESE, literally well. Understanding recognizes everyone as equal! Doesn't matter if you were rich or poor/ it was all a lie, NOW you are EQUAL! IF you refuse to be equal and society does not correct you, war is coming. Equal does NOT mean; if your living on the street today; you will be allowed, to take over a rich man's life and throw them out/ or ANY such description. What equal does mean is "the american dollar is dead/ your pensions, social security, investments, stocks, bonds, and savings are all gone/ and the expectations for your future in luxury, are gone"! However, everything you need is still here, including your ability to work. A detailed list of how to survive and how to divide is provided elsewhere/ you may choose it or not: BUT if you spend all your time fighting for pennies, then discipline and order agree: your time will end for life, because You were just too foolish.

The question then becomes: first what is being done wrong/ what must we stop/ and then what must we do. The second is how can we be sure/ that we are all beneficiaries of our actions? The answer is, build only for everyone/ not for individuals. Such things as true public transportation/ and the changes necessary for a minimum 30% initial reduction in energy usage. If you fail to stop global warming, then you will not eat: you will go to war. Did you know, that at the rate your machines use oxygen from the air/ the addition of a billion more people, the damage they will do/ and the merciless cutting of plants that provide you oxygen: within an expected 7 years, you will be breathing as if you were on top of the mountain, at sea level {with NO possibility of recovering}? Did you know, the factory farms that use life, abuse life, consume life, and destroy the possibilities of continued food from life, are also destroying your antibiotics (without constant feeding of antibiotics, these farms cannot exist). No antibiotics mean no surgery, NO defense against biologic attack for you/ virtually no medicine: roll back the clock to the nineteenth century. Livestock are not your toys/ they are not simply your food (reality knows, they are an intended and important part of your diet) although complex mechanisms exist to suggest your attack of these creatures of GOD Will end in their extinction from you. But this is not the time for such discussions: END THE SLAUGHTER of these animals: treat them with respect! Ending "the slaughter", DOES NOT mean stop killing them for food, they are a gift for that end/ BUT IT DOES mean, stop abusing them, stop killing them without mercy, stop and let them live at least a little as life was meant to be lived by them. There are many changes to be made/ BUT just as important as they are: CHOOSING the society you desire, must occur quickly, and this means communication, and VOTE . JUST START, and life will take over. Humility is the door to all life and living that survives/ I STRONGLY SUGGEST you start practicing it. Humility is not a failure/ it is a decision to leave the others behind, and find life for yourself: it is the first step to freedom. BUT it is also the first step toward GOD And if you fail to bring respect/ you will be VERY SORRY.

The relationship we share with " the evil ones/ whose hate is consuming their souls: so that nothing of miracles exists in them anymore. Is very simple, hate demands an answer to why: must I die? That answer is; because you fell within the trap, and instead of climbing out in humility and asking for encouragement, guidance, and learning/ YOU CHOSE hate, revenge, and became a violent one. Therefore the death consuming you from the inside is your own. The questions of society, with regard to evil are also very simple: how do we find them/ how do we kill them/ how do we cleanse ourselves of this mess? The answer is: whether you like it or not, found in the skunk (consider the truth of his life in the forest or city/ he is left alone). The use of an offensive enough scent, will mark any person/ drive them away/ stop a rape/ and allow the rest of society to know WHO must be questioned and establish who had contact. THEN society can deal effectively with these problems. Therefore give the women, children, and men of a particular location [different smells/ chemicals] the necessary materials particularly in rings, bracelets, and necklaces. Where it is bad across the world, providing guns, training, and other weapons to the women, children, and appropriate men will; even out the harsh reality. The use of scent will alarm and inform calling the community. The use of scent will identify them in the light, and aid in tracking. There must also be useful police, resourceful courts, and certain justice: the world can help. Evil says: I/we will make them pay, for the tragedy that is my life: I am not happy, and I will not see others with more, than me. Peace says: I/ we will entrust our lives to the court; I/we must appreciate that fact. We must accept, that there are those who have failed in their lives, and we MUST therefore obtain justice by honorable men & women supporting and becoming police for us all. But in no way, shall these police have authority over us/ it shall be the law, as fundamentally agreed upon by our own vote that shall be the authority. The police are to be, the people of discipline and order/ assigned to the duty of educating, teaching, and punishment [when no other method exists]. Order is NOT a simple thing/ freedom requires order to bend sharply/ because people are the existence of life: therefore the right to choose exists beyond the choices of others. However, when that freedom significantly impedes or threatens another life/ then society has choices of its own. There are NO purposes for revenge/ instead reality understands : if taking the weapon away is sufficient [in violent rape/ that means castration], then that is correct. If proving in prison that you are not above the others, that humility has literally changed your life/ then it is time to be free, if society allows it, then that is correct. If the essence of your intent in pain and suffering is to mutilate, torture, or just prove you can produce fear: then death is our answer, because it is yours. In the reality of pedophiles/ the truth admits, there are only two types: one hides in the fact, that they are SO AFRAID or so depressed, from their relationships with people, that they trust only children/ and as a consequence cascade into the horror of deviant behavior: that we are not allowed true judgment/ therefore each case must be dealt with accordingly. The second type is a clear judgment made for us: they have chosen "society HAS HURT ME so badly, in their view/ that NOW THEY WILL HURT SOCIETY, by attacking what society holds dear". Revenge is not acceptable/ but neither is a predator among us. Predators with an interest in hunting people, are hunted and shot.

I am not "building a society for you, I cannot"/ even though the words are specifically intended to allow you to rebuild society for yourselves. I am not leading you, there is no interest/ and no point: these are realities dependent upon your desire, and your decision. Therefore you must do it. It is the arrogance and pride of those "with university degrees" that has given you all this trouble/ but they are not alone, truth knows: nearly every citizen has said "leave it alone/ I am making money". Even when they had to accept the truth, its just numbers and lies/ everyone confronted demanded "they don't care". Therefore understand clearly, "the same" will NOT work for you! You must accept the decision to participate in TRUTH AND REALITY and follow them for the rest of your lives. The people in charge could not see past their own wants, or pride; and still can't/ the people who followed did not see past "this moment in time". Selfishness became rampant, and you, believe it or not, have come to the day of reckoning. That means simply: your decisions here will become life or death to you. Prove me wrong! As is constant, all your lies, cause the problems to multiply substantially. The consequences are intending to destroy you, because you have been playing where you did not belong. There are many projects currently underway in universities and business that will destroy you, genetic, physics, economic, "just everything"/ if they are not stopped, nearly every one can. The issue of economics in these matters are irrelevant. Irregardless if you make an effort economically to be fair, and rebuild society from all the damage you have done with cowardice and numbers, these university and now business projects mentioned above will still kill you. The court does not wish to be informed, thereby you must make the court listen. The court or more correctly justice is the only true answer available to you/ And still the court plays, knowing it should not. The people hide, knowing they should not, just because they know not what to do, or when, or why; but mostly because they do not want change/ and they do NOT want to pay the price. They know what they believe they have, and do not like to gamble: which is odd, when you consider the ignorance and blatant treason with which evolution is taught/ and people submit to. And the reality continues to march to its determined end: your extinction. Therefore I tell you correctly, existence is a fragile thing. As in death, there will come a time/ when nothing else matters. As in life, the choices you make/ the things you do, will determine your existence.

I will "prophecy" life on earth is extinct before 30 years has gone by/ if you do not accept true change. I do not prophecy, but this is just too plain to avoid/ and too serious not to say. It is highly likely you have less than 10 years at best. Just your fusion experiments alone are due before 3 years have past: fusion is nuclear fire, and if everything nuclear is fuel/ then how will you control it? The answer is once started [doesn't matter how], you cannot! Fusion will consume the earth just as it does the sun. You fool yourselves thinking "we are improving plants and making them produce more: lets do everything"/ BLIND IDIOTS, while the breeding programs are improvements to plant production. Anything beyond is the coming holocaust of all plant life on earth/ because what you do to attain maximum production is remove the barriers, and OPEN WIDE the doors, to plant mutilation, biologic attack at a species level, fundamental alterations in insects, virus, mold, fungus, worms, and others: Leaving you wide open for a earth scale attack of everything you eat. BLIND IDIOTS/ STUPID FOOLS!

People "castrate" themselves [male and female] by believing they are either "too smart to be fooled/ irregardless of the evidence" or "too dumb to understand/ even though they are alive, and that proves a distinct level of competency". The rest "don't want to be bothered, BECAUSE NO ONE LISTENS TO ME ANYWAY"! BUT I tell you true, cast these things out and believe life is worth the fight: investigate the evidence, do NOT simply believe me/ and then work for your life and your future or you won't have one; and neither will your family or friends.

People will accuse me of intending to "take over leadership /of being the anti-christ, or some such thing". This is a diversion, simply to take away the reality of a crisis, and point to something else: change the focus/ and you can avoid the work! I am not going to contest with you/ beyond what the evidence already reveals. If you want to follow these goats/IF you want to be religious fools, then go ahead. It is not my "job" to convince you of anything! It is not even my "job" to care about the reality that you must choose. It is only my job, to do my best to see you get the message/ that you may choose and not simply die without warning. What you do with the evidence is "your business"/ but I will not be helping you to make me a scape goat, for the convenience of a few. As it is always true, people lie to themselves about themselves, and then hide so they don't have to admit the truth! Take an honest look at the lies surrounding you, and understand that YOU are the only person that can fix yourself: it is worth the price/ YOU are VALUABLE. Take an honest look at society, at the lies surrounding you, and understand we are the only people [NOT another generation, this one] that can fix ourselves. You will buy nothing with a gun/ guns are for war. The common lie is "I am not my brothers keeper/ I will not sacrifice my life, for his problems"/ the reality is we are now in this together, for we are too many for any other way! YOUR common reality is: you have lied and kept lying about all things/ you have consumed and desired to consume and over-populate, until now the entire earth and its ability to survive is in question/ and so on: because YOU didn't care! The time has come to understand life/ life says, if you don't care/ then why should I? Life says; either you live or you die/ by the choices you will make in the next 3-4 years/ and the work you do.

You will spew, "we are doing good" right now/ why should we believe different? After "the frothing at the mouth is done", ask yourself about tomorrow/ where will your needs come from? The answer is: It is your life or more correctly your death, when reality proves you wrong, that you will lose. You are not asked to believe herein/ you are asked to investigate the evidence and then decide. If you are too lazy/ then you deserve exactly what is coming. If you are too proud/ then surely "a god like you" cannot die? If you want an excuse/ never fear, someone will think of one for you, and you can whisper in your dreams, "how you were just kidding" when reality sucks the life out of you. Look at your big movies/ and all the fantasy. It has become your excuse not to accept reality, and just be blind, deaf, & mute/ believing in guns, violence, and make believe. Fantasy will not save you/ pain and suffering and blood will not prove me wrong. Reality allows no "second chances". This is it. Just because, your situation is at the door to a world wide crisis.

There will be those who accuse me of not being an "expert"[I could not agree more, I am a student/ or soldier/ or even perhaps a slave: because nothing I do is about a reward]. They will contend, because I am not an expert, nothing valid or true can exist in ANYTHING I write or say: content doesn't matter, it is their approval I didn't get. I tell you for real/ I am a "high school graduate/ middle c's" Surely you and your "big brains" can defeat me and my words easily/ aren't your experts UNIVERSITY GRADUATES? How could such big brains as yours [your description, not mine] be fearful or afraid/ simply come before the public and the court and make me "look small and pitiful, and weak". What could be the problem? How many more voices share your head? Surely you cannot be afraid. Do come ahead, I am waiting. But do understand, the language to be used is "common and real"/ the science applied will be qualified only in truth, and that does not mean: just because you say it is true makes it true.

Of the many lessons we all must learn/ the definition most crucial to a happy society is PATIENCE. Patience is a decision/ it is not more or less. Patience means: I CHOOSE to understand, I choose to support my own needs with character, & I choose to be forgiving of myself and others. Therein patience is an identity assigned to body & mind, of resilience & hope. An integrity & dignity without end, because it has entered soul and become the existence called myself.

The essence of life is defined by existence/ this constant refined by identity examines truth & portrays duty through behaviors we call patience. Therefore the ability to be constant in the explanations of ourselves/ by the decisions we make applies & binds the structures to the building that is our contribution to soul. Decision is a relationship enhanced by the expansion in composition that translates and transforms honor into work/ and work into dignity. Do you know what dignity means? It is not the human considerations of rules or robes or simple things. Dignity means, that you may stand before GOD And ask for mercy, instead of beg for life. Dignity means, that you have attained family, because life has made you worthy. Dignity is not a relationship with men or women or children/ rather it is the honesty of a heart that has chosen GOD And loved beyond the simple truths of men or women or children. Dignity is the beginning of life.

Above you see in "small, pitiful, and weak" the words portrayed as ridicule. Ridicule is the expectation of measuring by the rules, and victory by assuming superiority. These are the boundaries of failure/ because they speak not to happiness or hope, but the equations of destruction, goals, and the execution of a "right of be god"/ a judgment carried out. This example expressed in apathy examines humility and asks: Is it better to be true to yourself, and to life/ or is it more important to see yourself through the eyes of the world, and ask of life; please hide me. Honesty says it is necessary only to be "true to the truth", and all other realities of value and existence will follow you, all the days of your life. Humility works, by demanding of you/ that you see the truth, in you: and then choose whether it is truth that you will follow/ or society that you care about.

There are so many rules in human society, everybody wants "a piece of the action"/ a right to tell the other what to do; so it seems. People keep track of "how many times, did you fail"/ so at a pre-determined level, power over you may exist. Honesty asks: what is truly a right? When may I say to another, that you may not? The answer to both is essentially the same: it is my life that gives me the right, when it is your life/ then boundaries apply. In a society, this gives authority only within the existence of damage done, or your behavior endangers this other; applies liberty to life in society. Liberty is not simple freedom. It does not give authority for ANY SMALL OR INSIGNIFICANT act. Therefore you as a society, must identify what is "small or insignificant" and remember NOT to interfere in less than what is crucial for a respectful to all life, society. This is NOT an easy task/ take a look at your disrespect, your failures in law. Take a look at all you do that influences other people to make decisions for themselves based upon your actions, reactions, deceit, or just plain belligerent behaviors. Freedom is freedom, and unless it endangers the other, it must be allowed. For a reference, the homosexual male is viewed; "no hostile descriptions allowed"/ even though they do wage war on society itself, by allowing the gossip that wrecks friendship, tragically damaging their own lives, and even spreading disease/ on a rampant scale. Freedom demands, that they are free to do so; apart from spreading disease! This issue distinctly aligned with A.I.D.S requires social intervention. One such solution allowed by society is a vasectomy for anyone who receives a disease treatment/ a jail cell for anyone who remains damaging society for a significant period past the time where they would know. This is BY VOTE of society/ not by decision, but by reality. There will come battles with drugs in this call for freedom/ drugs are successfully ended in discussions elsewhere. The remainder of drug use is limited to the weak. Although this weakness is shameful, just as is homosexuality and others, it is not for society to decide: BEYOND what does not endanger society. Let them be/ but do demand "educational tools/ their acceptance of the consequences to their lives/ and do provide the possibility for an honest return to society", if they choose it. Freedom is too important, to be involved in "things that reduce society to their level". Life is too important, "to throw them away, without a chance to return"! The difference here is in the contradiction: you will control the drug, not the people, by methods described [this is a right/ because of the damage the sale of drugs, or their manufacture does to society]. You will not accept legal or political argument "this is unfair"/ you will do for society, and let people have their freedom according to reality, not simply truth. If you do not bend/ then as you see from all the drug trouble today, you break.

In every aspect of life, there have always been questions of "what does this all mean"? The relationship we share with eternity, is questioned by all. The purpose expressed by our future here, a question without end. One of the great lies, or every religion is: "you must surrender yourself, to find who you should be". The truth is: you must surrender who you believe you should be/ to actually find out who you truly are!

Our lives were not given to us as an enslavement to ANY ideology. Our lives were not given to us for the purpose of sacrifice, or any other method of devaluing any other life. Our lives are given to us to experience the essence & liberation of that very life, within us/ that we may know freedom and seek truth. Truth demands HUMILITY first/ the destruction of your own pride second/ and the dismantling of your righteousness third! Each of these defends the truth: IF you will learn something from GOD Then YOU SHALL remove the failure & debris & causes for shame, that stands between you and these lessons. Do you believe, you know what GOD Thinks? Do you believe, you are going to heaven or hell, just because YOU have decided, admitting to yourself, GOD has no say/ because "your little books" suggest to you, that you are right? This is clearly a road to HELL!

The most critical step into adult behavior is: who shall I be? The fundamental role of every true religion is, to give direction that you and the soul inside/ may begin the journey toward eternity. this PATH is NOT about any other life/ this path is strictly about creating the possibilities of a relationship with GOD In you! No one else is involved/ no one else can stop you; just you. REMEMBER THIS GOD IS GOD OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE does not need your sacrifice/ NOT your "enforcement of HIS PURPOSE OR WILL! Can you read GOD'S Thoughts? Whosoever pretends to be "GOD'S Weapon or tool or savior, LIES". AT BEST, we are servants, soldiers, students, or even slaves [not worth a reward, not for you or me to decide]. The difference is in the interpretation. If you are not humble, if you retain pride, or if you are righteous, "and know God's will"/ then you are a LIAR, if you claim any interpretation. Because you have NOT studied or learned the lessons of life. If instead you have chosen GOD and accepted the price of "Leave the others behind, and choose to learn/ or turn away", then the knowledge you possess is about life, and not some type of participation in death. The very first lesson is: NO life, including your own shall be harmed. If you get hurt or even killed, because you chose to enter where you would be hurt or killed/ then unless in truth GOD HAS sent you/ this has happened because you did not listen to reality. GOD Does not destroy. Rather when destruction has come/ it is because the "trash & disease" HAD to be washed away; to give those still alive, another chance.

How many of you, now say to yourselves, "I will kill them, I will remove the trash"? If you do, then understand this clearly: IF YOU JUDGE/ then you chose to convict yourself of revenge, hatred, violence, murder, & the destruction of GOD'S OWN WORK ! In more simple terms; HELL is waiting for you. DO NOT JUDGE, you are wrong. DO NOT sacrifice, You are GOD'S WORK TOO! DO defend life/ do NOT assume death is an answer, it is failure; unless reality demands this must be so. DO DILIGENTLY WORK FOR JUSTICE, For all of life. Remember this, if all you desire is time/ then you have no part in eternity. If all you desire is power/ then you have NOTHING to do with truth or respect. If all you desire is selfishness/ then hell "holds a special place for you"! There are those in power today, that believe "they know the truth/ they have found the enemy". It is simple! The more correct assertion is: it is you who are too simple! There are no front lines, there are no diplomatic threats or invasions that will secure any nation/ because reality has changed the world. Our threat is ourselves, for we are too many/ and humanity just doesn't care enough to choose to survive according to the ways of truth. Therefore unless you change this very thing/ you shall NOT survive: WAR WILL ENGULF, and end this world. Do not be so stupid as to entice the end to come more quickly, by picking fights. DO UNDERSTAND, that this is a decision for peace that only the entire world can make for or against together: and they surely shall, because no one has any other choice. Don't believe it, then prove it is not so! This trial for life, is for this specific purpose; that all may have their say; the evidence be presented to all; and all of life shall decide. Don't want to/ then reality will prove who is correct; BUT IT IS A GUARANTEE, there will be no second chances.

Remember this as well: if you will be honored with eternity, it is because you chose HARMONY, and lived so that mercy could grant you love and life. If you would be chosen for life, it is because RESPECT & TRUTH have granted to you, a right. If you would belong to GOD then HONESTY will testify, he or she is family/ because, The SANCTITY OF GOD'S WORK, and the joy of sharing life, was cherished in their SOUL. PRAISE HIM.

In the remaining words of these documents, the fundamental existence of understanding is the critical assertion of knowledge/ that knowledge is evident within these documents. Therefore all assertion of "what does this mean"/ challenges knowledge with the foundations called truth, that truth may decide/ not humanity. Should you fail to accept truth/ then the words of Revelation 17 are prepared to fall particularly hard upon the United States of America.

We share life with eternity, through soul. Without soul, you do not exist! Therefore because soul exists, you exist. If soul shares life with eternity/ then everything necessary to share eternity as life, already exists in you.

Purpose means; LIFE EXISTS. Life is a revelation expanding before men, [I am not a woman/ I cannot speak for women] just as prophecies expand before men and women, to reveal the future by understanding the disciplines and order of prophecy. The prophecy called revelation, in the bible is given in parts and pieces/ not all at one time. The reality presented to the prophet, is not in the language, descriptions, or understanding of the future/ but is a revelation written in the language, descriptions, and understanding of his or her past. The images are like all images "a fantasy": the question is why? The answer is; as simple as men believed from an early time, they KNEW exactly "what GOD wanted"/ therefore they could consider themselves rulers. The book of revelation did not allow "we know everything", therefore the "we will make this our own", churches/ did not get to claim superiority: they could not interpret/ therefore they could not know or rule. The consequence of what can be revealed, where actual teaching or learning forms the existence of truth inside; is a SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE . This truth Establishes itself in fundamental speech; as these documents and others witness to. The fantasy of revelation then becomes a prophecy only when the soul accepts some level of truth exists. As does life, the descriptions illustrated some 1700 years ago/ DO have an uncanny attachment to today, if you allow the basic tenants: the writer can only reference and discuss what his language allows, the quality of the description is dependent upon his knowledge and fundamental applications of basic principles in real consequence. This prophet sought to explain his learning without any comprehension of "what he saw", and these are the images his mind created to interpret what he was given. That does not mean, "mentally unstable", but where a vison is concerned it does mean: you must be true as best you can, to what you were actually given. The fact you do not understand is irrelevant/ someone else is given that right.

I will help you understand a little of Revelation 16/ but then you must define the rest. The seventh angel, is the command to release the energy found in yellow stone national park. It is to be an enormous event.

I will help you understand a little of Revelation 17/ but then you must define the rest. The woman is The United States of America.

I do not desire to refine all the imagery of revelation to you, most is unnecessary/ and I deal only in truth, not in fantasy: therefore it is unpleasant to me, and unnecessary because in these very days, you will decide if humanity lives or dies; therefore the prophecy no longer matters. Like heaven or hell, you will choose one direction or the other; irregardless of the warning.

So you may for sure understand/ I am not a prophet/ I am just a messenger, taught to be a messenger. YOU must GO TO GOD . Some will accuse me of fantasy/ or under the influence of fantasy, as I suggest these matters are from OUR GOD . I say, the evidence of work in all these words, is real, the quality of understanding is deliberate and true, the consequence of this work is a life or death issue, and thereby the reality of Soul in me. HAS indeed led me to examine all aspects of our future, our lives here, and what influences future. The intensity of failure, should that occur/ IS the destruction of GOD'S WORK ! And thereby I tell you, HE MUST BE INVOLVED. Because no one, no society, not even humanity itself, will destroy this WORK Without HIS DECISION. The consequence of this knowledge is, a message delivered.

So it may be clear, the fundamental use of language herein is not aligned to sacrifice "The university, the United States of America, religions, or any other". The critical distinction of language used is to gain access BEYOND your pride! The arrogance of so many, is tragic and the foundation of greed fundamentally attacking you or more correctly about too. It is necessary to focus in minute detail to understand some things/ it is more necessary to function in the expanding arena of life, to understand the basic nature of consequences and fundamental choices for life. The United States is just another nation, not unlike any other/ except for the truth, that greater resources have existed here than in any other place for the last 200 years, of man's industrial revolution. Therefore it has been easier here than in other places. Democracy is a good thing if it is true. It cannot be true unless people are directly involved; in the United States, that is no longer generally true, the use of numbers called money has effectively slaughtered the middle class, and is working its way through the rest of the middles classes. The lies the cheating, are all a constant in all the rest of the world/ as near as media revelations account, and people met attest too. Therefore this trial examines for truth, what it is that humanity truly desires. You DO KNOW, basically everyone/ that many things are attacking your life and your security in this world. YOU DO hide effectively believing or wanting to believe, not in my lifetime/ what can I do. YOU ARE now faced with the decision to work correctly to fix all your problems and live/ or accept what media and other influence say YOU the public wants: to accept your participation in war, mayhem, and utter violence. Media presents only what the people desire to watch/ as a majority. YOU are given the power as a majority herein to take control of yourselves, your nation, & your world. This is NOT a little thing/ this is a responsibility and a duty that cannot be swept away. If you refuse your responsibility to yourselves in this matter and continue as your are, preparing for war, chaos, and Armageddon/ then you shall have it. The only problem for you is, The reality is nothing like "the games", and there is NO GOING BACK! No mercy either, if this continues to be your choice.

YOU have your option, your opportunity. YOU cannot refuse the truth, that this is YOUR CHOICE. There is NO ROOM FOR EXCUSES, either you accept each other and work together for the sacred environment of this earth, or insanity shall rule your lives/ until the day you die, or the earth ends.