Created for your consideration, rather than your understanding.

The consequence of life, IS your relationship to thought. The dimensions provided by body or mind are in truth, strictly a secondary experience. The quality of life is the reflection you conceive in the "heart, called your own destiny", here heart means: a desire that you would sacrifice your life for. This relationship, that you form with your life, is an expression of your own identity, among the people you do live with. The concept and development of life is, the critical relationship between truth, and the respect freedom brings to the expansion and breath of every identity/ love is the dimension created in thought whereby honesty learns the lessons of honor, and conceives of hope. Desires form and opportunity begins. Breath means "the pulsating rhythms between creation and its destiny."

The quest for blessings beyond time, understands that compositions in order are formed through the disciplines called wisdom. Therefore the possibilities of eternity extend from a relationship defined by that order and developed by that discipline. The formation of truth as the building of a distinct creation called you, is the request for an invitation into "this world". You shall NOT enter without truth/ you shall NOT enter without an invitation, and your acceptance of the consequences.

The human conception of a lie, is the refusal to let truth lead/ the demand to hide from reality and describe fantasy instead. The human reality on an individual scale is thereby as simple as: will you accept truth, will you accept reality, will you choose love: or will you lie? The choice is yours.

This document exists as the evidence of work, the participation of discipline, and the purpose of love, as it honors or seeks to honor OUR CREATOR! All the words of these documents together, are not more or less than this.

Understanding recognizes the question: why do people lie? And wisdom answers: because truth scares them and reality makes them fear. This in turn leads to fantasy, & therefrom the escapes called want & pride form the boundaries that sustain and become selfishness. Selfishness is the decision to be isolated, and choose whatever power that can be found: irregardless of damage to any other life or thing. These are FAILURES. The useless and tragic creations of man & woman to convince themselves they are in control. The reality is: truth is in control/ while freedom allows a lie to sustain itself for a time, reality will come and truth declare itself superior: therefore in control. Truth has no tears, it is only truth.

These documents are then about living, the compositions of "a utopia", because truth, compassion, love, respect, and reality all create "a wonderful place to live." if you would only cherish them! The existence of time is about friendship, an opportunity to prepare for eternity, and choose life/ it is not an enemy. Therefore we begin with time. The existence of an opportunity that expands comprehension & transforms experience into the basis of knowledge from which we grow, as individuals, and as society. Life and truth are then possibilities that exist in eternity. To participate in this adventure, time is then the essence described as "the building materials" for existence beyond this physical life. Life is truth conceived by thought/ formed by discipline through order/ and developed in freedom by the relationship we form or are given as form, to the comprehension of an experience we choose to express. It is this comprehension that defines the existence called an individual/ therefore it is this understanding of a decision that manipulates the outcome of a human life. The quest for eternity demands, it is not fair, or just that manipulation exists. Thereby you are required to surrender manipulation, & the deceit which surrounds it, or you die.

Here begins the development of time as your friend, for time modifies your relationship as life, to your existence as an individual decision to produce a journey called wisdom in you. Wisdom allows you to understand the dimension & integrity of your choices. Wisdom creates a structure that conceives of life, by building upon the foundations which you accept as critical to your own existence. Wisdom refines the experience of order, and gives you soul. Wisdom thereby reflects the truth, that you have chosen a destiny called eternity and opened the consequence with respect from your heart. Heart means, the expansion of life, from the basic aspects of survival to become an experience generated within an understanding of living/ rather than a much simpler description as life itself: the isolated boundary of individuality. Living seeks the expression & dimension called FAMILY. Family exists as a destiny formed from the journey you must take between heart and soul: even if you fail/ mercy shall assist you, if this is your true desire: be brave. Thereby family asserts this is a decision you shall make, because the door is open and the path is in your own heart: meaning no one can refuse you, or stand in your way/ you alone decide. Family means designed by thought as a place beyond ourselves, this opportunity changes from life by definition/ to the interactions of thought by its relationship to freedom. You have entered "the living" and thereby exist within the expressions of eternity.

JESUS is my teacher/ you may accept or deny this, but there will be no discussion.

As to relationships formed as eternal, the composition is by RESPECT! Therefore it is your failure or your honesty and honor that decides. Here the question confronts all: WHAT is thought/ WHAT is eternity/ WHAT is living eternal, and HOW do we enter therein?

These are questions which transform existence and define life itself/ therefore all aspects of power must be removed: because humanity is NOT worthy [are there not those who covet power, abuse others, and seed violence/ I will not increase their damnation: Damned means: "I just don't care anymore"/ this is a judgment]. The answers are then expressed without comprehension and built without structure, that you may survive the impact and sustain reality.

Life means "the existence of thought", this is not a debate as to the intellectual [the ability of a mind to measure or compute distance]/ rather thought confronts action or reaction and resides in the expansion of law. Law is a defined interaction which develops energy by the definitions of boundaries. A boundary completes the dimension of assigned spaces in law. Law compliments energy by becoming a participant in existence created by order and discipline, as law directs it to be. There are 24 primary laws in this universe: they are not to be discussed! Do not ask.

Here begins the discussion of thought as relationships rather than comprehension. Critical to the existence of energy is "the placement of trust": or more properly the storage of energy as one entity combined to achieve one expression of energy as an action or reaction. Human physics declare "for every action, there is a reaction/ reality says: for every expression of energy there is a dimension in time. The difference is chosen, by the truth conceived within an action or a reaction. Eternity explains: where there is no reaction there is NO change, in the dimension created by an action/ therefore it is eternal. This is enough for you.

Living eternal means: entering ascension beyond the definitions of life, as the expressions of energy become the existence of energy by living as thought. these things are not within our abilities as life here/ we must be accepted and then invited. TRUST is MANDATORY/ NO exceptions.

Heaven is a place in mercy devoted to "the praise and worship of life." it is as eternal as GOD Allows it to be. Life here is designed to be about LOVE, RESPECT, AND THE HONOR of being ALIVE!

The question occurs, what then is life without ascension into eternity? The answer is "a creation in love". The difference is a limited freedom in heaven/ and a destruction that comes from your decisions to live in time, if you do not ascend. Because reality and truth are literally just as easily enemies as they are friends. This too is enough.

The comprehension that allow greater understandings also allow a greater disrespect. Therefore because of your extreme poverty [YOU are lacking truth, respect, and honor more than ANY other generation of humanity: you should be ashamed]. To give you more, may bring immediate judgment/ because of your disrespect. Even so, order demands more shall be given/ because you stand at the door of extinction.

WHAT is thought/ is not a question, rather this seeks the evidence and basis called critical truth: therefore an identity is involved. Where there is an identity searching for critical truths, there is also a relationship, with that truth. Relationship means, a portion or passion described by this truth has been accepted by this identity and the consequence is knowledge. Thereby in knowledge, the relationship formed becomes an understanding/ and it is that understanding that transforms "the reflection I have seen of myself"; this into the possibility of joining this truth to become as truth would have me to be. A relationship is thereby the foundation of a friendship. True friendships refine the intensity of life into the honesty of an honor born by the presence of your soul into the baptism called truth. Baptism means: I HAVE chosen, or been chosen by life, to experience a friendship that exceeds my existence; that I may expand from the prison of my body: into the expression of creation itself. Body is a truth defined by time. Soul is a truth honored by time/ therefore if you fail to choose honor or honesty, your soul leaves.

Soul enters creation as thought/ nothing less enters true eternity. Soul is your participation in friendship through your creation called trust. You cannot enter beyond heaven {described as "the pearly gates, if you will"}/ unless your trust is complete. The reality is simply: "The energy WILL consume you"! Therefore trust is the foundation upon which we anchor ourselves in hope, to concede the vulnerability of life, and present ourselves to Our


Here the opportunity asks, WHAT does living for an eternity truly mean? The answer simply: what do you desire to create, explore, hope for, or build, and who will you choose as family/ how will you share your freedom, when will duty and respect demand your work, and much more. JOY, is not a matter of survival/ rather it is the expression of truth as reality gives the owner, freedom without fear. Here concludes the descriptions sought by religions. Therefore make your own decision/ but do understand truth will NEVER accept lies.

Question begins: in life where truth conquers hope and recognition identifies law/ judgment comes. In law, order assembles action: reality concedes to energy, and truth refines existence to identify whatsoever remains. In life judgment assigns fate, the distance and dimension you shall be separated from love. In fate, the demand is not punishment, but the removal of intensity {being worthy of shared expression} and the dissipation of density {a composition cared for/ a reality composed of trust}. Order always seeks love, the expansion of disciplines that bridge the "chaos of death" and grant peace as the experience of life. In love discipline means a relationship defined by grace [the honor of being blessed]. A blessing demands shared expectations, it is the evidence of CARE. In love, that which is beautiful, assigns to memory the freedom we see within our hearts and soul. In freedom we can/ each one/ ascend into soul by the creation of our truth as love. Trust explains to ascend means: to abandon physical humanity to attain truth as "children of GOD". The essence of your ascent beyond physical boundaries is then dependent upon the evidence & purity of love/ trust displays this love, soul delights in this love, GOD Grants eternity through this trust.

In death the passage from soul to spirit DOES await your decision/ that decision is, would you sell your soul, for ANY possession: ANY consequence of pride; or for ANY purpose of power?

If you answer yes/ then to these destinations you shall go, they are from time/ therefore they end in destruction. IF THE TRUTH IN YOU answers no, PLEASE GRANT TO ME LOVE! Then mercy opens the door and energy completes your life as the passage into SPIRIT.

WHAT is spirit? The answer exists as the "Communicator With


love replies: how could I be worthy/ To communicate with GOD ?

JESUS Is your answer! Your life must be recognized as a reflection of HIS. If not, then love will complete your journey "outside the inner world of life itself".

To begin a basic procedural description of simple abilities within the outer boundaries of functional understanding it is necessary to review 3 distinct compositions applied to the nature of humanity: 1) the formation of knowledge; the critical participation of work to achieve understanding; and the wisdom to accept reality and allow truth to lead. 2) the development of reason which compensates for the lack of knowledge by attributing derived consequences to explained theory. Reason thereby contributes fantasy, and the majority of failure that occurs from it. Fantasy concludes "I DON'T need truth or evidence, i am a god". 3) the consequences of mind versus the reality of thought. this battleground functions to conceive of decisions, form identity, and control purpose, intensity, desire, love or hate, wisdom, soul, and idolatry.

Knowledge is a consequence of energy and motion, it is derived from the arrangement of steps you assemble between an action which effects your position and balance/ and the subsequent reactions that occur in varied resolutions, that then identify the environment of your world. To understand means, to participate beyond the energy & motion by removing the essence of your association in time, from the reaction as it occurs and progresses toward controlled consequence. A controlled consequence is a relationship between energy, mass, & movement that order demands discipline shall preform. Discipline is a captured energy contained by order, and defined by parallel [the existence of consequences not yet realized] environments that establish control [more clearly, captured energy is released in defined environments, once released boundaries are tested, and if the structure holds, time is created. The passages beyond time are an ascension, step by step, into freedom]. Work means to control the energy in time, that you may proceed within the creation of possibilities that form your identity and produce a relationship with knowledge that leads you to truth. Truth means RESPECT has entered your environment where teacher & friend, now conceive the creation of your soul! Many turn away, because truth requires the lies be left behind.

2. The acceptance of fear produces reason to modify the cowardice of poor behaviors/ thereby building an alternate existence confined to measured influence rather than known respect. The difference is a lie. Thereby lies are used as the bond, "that holds all the excuses together"/ when truth comes [freedom failed], all excuses fail. Here the failure of humanity is commonly attributed to "the devil, satan, and other names around the world"/ these are said to be evil. Reality says of time: these are excuses hiding the truth that your own fear is what you have chosen for yourself. Fear is "the development of control, by the use of power. Power is thereby a goal of fear, that the reality of life inside may control its own consequence of life: and those who choose power want from you, the right to control without cost to them. These things are NOT decisions but a relationship bound or chained to a hidden truth. That truth is you assume you can be god/ "if you just get far enough away from the truth, to accomplish dominion over life, and make them behave as if they were your own world. The suicide terrorist believes "life here is worthless for me/ heaven holds EVERY WANT, in absolute excess, FOR ME , alone [after all, "70 virgins to be your slave"] leaves nothing for the women". Do you truly believe GOD Has no respect for women? Do you truly believe, your lust and greed will be "not only tolerated"/ but provided for, as if GOD HIMSELF Were to be your slave? The final destination of a terrorist, before extermination is instead, THE FEAR Given by GOD HIMSELF To you.

Lies are common to all humanity, because the evidence says: you shall not control/ the human response is WANT, or I want to control. Particularly in this day of rampant intent to control, by any means/ the expressions are designed to destroy the sanctity of personal decision. The constant bombardment of media, advertizing, "murder and criminal intent or lust and greed, with power and selfishness all day long", the failure of politics [truly it has become for sale], religions [don't care, and won't share: just leave me alone], and the excuse and seizure of power by the "so-called experts"[a university degree expects leadership and wealth; doesn't matter what you actually do] , constitute a critical and intentional maze of confusion. Thereby preparing the masses for their own insanity, their own execution. And their own REVENGE against you. You are at the edge of insanity, you have contributed to your lives, "the potential critical collapse of ecosystems, the potential holocaust of genetics, the failure of compassion [without change you will choose WW3 ] and many more." All because of the lies you have reasoned will be or are at this moment, a "power for you". The truth is your power is about destruction, and the consequence is, it WILL consume you/ unless truth and respect and reality are chosen to lead you back to life/ rather than armageddon. Some will argue: blatant lies! In response you are asked to recount: exactly what happens when all these things fail/ or any one of them. Explain to us all exactly how you will intervene when genetics fail? Will you fix it? You cannot! Instead you will claim "evolution will fix it"/ will you not? You have no other defense. Let's assume for one second, that this lie could support you. By your testimonies, evolution takes "billions of years". Therefore if you damage one single reality/ then how many billions of years will it be before the lie of evolution can fix what you say will save you?

3. The mind exists to measure for you, that you may grasp understanding through the steps called order. Identity does not exist in measurements, because life is too complex to understand. Therefore reality [an environment completed in 3 parts] grants the questions: WHAT is a miracle; WHY does creation exist; and WHO am I, and what is my position in this truth called life?

Miracle establishes order as the foundation of existence and life/ therein the development of disciplines & the use of energy comprise the reality of our association with time. Miracle means a boundary imposed upon a distinct form of energy in order/ separated from all other forms of energy or order. Miracle constitutes the evidence of superior composition/ therefore it designs the integration of form within the reality of discipline to introduce the organization called an identity. An identity is found, rather than formed by examination in freedom of the function in miracle that produces thought.

Creation in terms of the human mind competes with death, while aging transforms any doubt, that death rules over this body. Therein creation is said to "be devoted, only to believers". Let us look instead at reality more clearly. Creation is the development of organized energy/ wherein our lives are represented by our freedoms, and our ability to survive. The laws of physics suggest energy never dies/ it merely changes from one expression to another, although dispersal results in an entirely different concept of order. If we are energy/ rather than body or mind per se, then our lives are about what the energy does rather than what the body or mind can do. Energy is the basis for all existence/ there is no life and no organization without energy: not even a mass. The composition of life is then not concerned with mass/ but with energy itself. The comprehension of foundations that support life, are not guesses: they are truths. Truth is "like a law/ that is also judge". Truth says: creation exists because disciplined order allows it to. Do you disagree? Truth says: all discipline is a result of comprehension/ and all comprehension is a matter of thought. Order is a reality of truth, given by thought. Therefore thought comprises our most basic foundation of life. Do you disagree? Reality says you do. Therefore answer the question: if you are willing to bet your eternity on a gamble of "quadrillions to one" [the largest recognizable number by most] rather than the truth of far greater odds: then "how smart are you"? Prove it is less/ prove anything about evolution apart from adaption [ for adaption is proof of perfect design/ and has nothing to do with fantasy or gambling or arrogance]. YOU LOSE!

Creation is "the curtain" held in place by GOD AND OPENED BY GOD, upon this world in the miracles we receive. A miracle is Only opened, to those whom HE CHOOSES. Creation thereby exists as a "reward" for belief. Creation transports the believer beyond the experience of time, where honor resides in JOY. And life resides in PRAISE GOD !

Here where creation, miracle, & truth meet to understand existence by the presence of "I am ALIVE". Reality completes this truth through the presence of SPIRIT. SPIRIT means "My friend, Is GOD ."

DO NOT begin saying these must be voices or commands or any other human description. Instead spirit and friend refer ONLY to the distance creation and all its boundaries, doors, and passages are from the experiences of your life! To know SPIRIT is to communicate in truth, and refine the reality of your identity by the purpose & desire of your heart and soul. Here begins the creation of thought in you.

We may now begin again, within the possibilities of decision and the compromise held by behavior that competes with truth to isolate you from the integration of truth into your life. A decision applies consequence to your beliefs; it gives you freedom, and the honor to accept and build your own identity. Ability stands for "I can choose for myself/ whether right or wrong, matters not". The application of ability to behavior functions as the primary freedom of human intellect. We can be wrong, even if it kills us or another. PAIN teaches society of its error, and righteousness appears. Righteousness means: YOU are not worthy of your freedom/ therefore I take it away. Freedom replies NO/ but power says YES, and the battleground is formed. Battleground refers to "armies competing for space, and the power to control your decision". The opposing armies are freedom (the opportunity to decide) and power (the reflections of lust, greed, selfishness, and the intent to rule: that the mind illustrates, from the past either as history, something seen or heard, something done ), therefore it interferes with honesty, by presenting fantasy or measurements.

Human freedom is NOT bound together by truth, therefore all manner of "disease" exists. Human honor is bound by truth, therefore NO honor exists where the disease and lies come first. Human power attempts to consume the evidence through excess/ much like criminals throw the evidence (such as money) of their crimes away/ and return to need quickly. The critical battleground in every individual of life is not a social consequence, but an individual one. The battleground of your mind is a relationship based upon decision & how you interact with mental process. The mind measures thereby if you fail to produce a decision, then you shall be confronted with all the measurements a mind can make: memories are searched for comparative details, and what returns depends upon what has affected you mentally in your past. These are then integrated with demands for power, commands for revenge, and wants for freedom beyond the complications of "being right". These battles are not about control, rather they exist in the simple framework of being free, and asks you "To do what"? What is called morality thereby appears: as we are free, except for __________ you will decide: if society does not agree/ then you are called criminal or insane. The consequence of human conceived perfection appears here, and its intent is too control. Perfection reasons: "I am right/ therefore you must obey me". This is not about enslavement/ instead it is about righteousness, and the assumptions that "things are more important" than the people involved. YOU are wrong. The consequence of perfection is the relationship fails/ because you proved "the other one was not worthy to stand "next to you, as an equal". You were right/ they are wrong: it is very simple. The consequence of righteousness is failure, "not in the things you do/ but in your life, because you have tried so hard not to fail". The reality here is simply "life is hard/ because I cannot be fair". The truth here is simply: I wanted to prove myself, my knowledge, and my will to be honest and honorable/ the reality instead became simply pride.

The mind causes you to work, if you fail to work, for the reality of your life in all ways: then you will be consumed by the developments from that failure, that separate you from your soul. Soul is the distinction applied by truth, as the decision to journey into truth, and let truth decide. Decision is your opportunity to join that which you desire to become. Acceptance means, "I will participate within family, as desire allows". Family is the integrity of a similar desire. Desire means: creation grants freedom to every identity composed of courage/ therefore desire finds the strength to accept destiny.

Returning to the basis of human "thinking" common expectation points to a goal and humanity responds. Reality initiates the crossroads of intellectual comprehension, and the passages "to the left/ isolation, due to greed, lust, selfishness, & control:: to the right/ fear due to hate, revenge, apathy, and power. Want determines the level of your failure. IF or when you pass beyond the crossroads through an opportunity presented as truth/ then reality responds by teaching what is truth and what is lie. Your failure to accept the lesson results in your placement inside depression, suicidal compromises, and tears. These are NOT punishments/ they are lessons: it is up to you to respond with respect and discipline. Do you not know why, respect & discipline are important?

The common human excuse for failure is: I AM GOING TO DIE/ aging is not kind/ I WANT NOW! Each of these tie to distinct behaviors that undermine and tear apart the fabric that is society. Therefore death is the primary excuse to behave without discipline or order. Behavior is isolated to a physical body/ thereby behavior does NOT function to identify the "tragedy of a lost soul". Rather love grants mercy and hate demands judgment. More critical to life is your relationship with soul. Even if your "life is a shambles, a tragedy, and bound in tears" YOU still exist as a relationship born in creation, WITH THE RIGHT: to ask, seek, and knock, with your heart, at the door called soul!

Your body IS going to be destroyed, therefore it exists as a minimum of respect, to the comprehension's called life. Life distinguishes you, from existence as reality distinguishes truth from discipline and order. Life expands as the evidence of thought allows. Thought is NOT the evidence of intellect/ NOT the measurements of the mind/ NOT the influences of time/ & NOT the function of "I". Thought begins as the dimension between life and death/ therefore it describes the foundation called existence & becomes creation by the evidence of its truth. Dimension means: the displacement of all that is NOT thought, at every level not associated within independence and clarity.

NO true allowance will be given in thought to suggest you may manipulate and thereby be destroyed. The consequence that becomes life, is also held beyond your description simply because , you are not worthy. I say this not as judgment, but more simply as reality. The consequence of a life based upon "the plotting and planning of an action or the revenge, hatred, or fear of a reaction". You live for the excitement of "playing god/ I can do it". Abilities are not a consequence/ they are a discipline governed by knowledge & truth. An ability is your gift to society, not your right to play "king, queen, or any substantial amount more than just being human.

The earth is full of liars, thieves, & "bastards/bitches". A liar is anyone who does not work for justice & equality. A thief is anyone who sees an opportunity is anyone else's distress or injustice/ therefore a contributor to crime and failure in society. A "bastard or bitch" is merely slang, for those too selfish to participate in the future of society, the HONOR of life & love; and choose instead apathy, power, or simply don't care about anything but themselves. IS THIS YOU/ then repent.

WHY you make these choices, for such little things as pride, want, and fears is governed not by survival but by "the sound of applause"/ you care more about the conversations of other people, than you care about life.

LIFE is not about the other people. This is an important lesson. LOVE is about the other people, and your relationship to them. Life is the difference assembled by compositions called order that conceive of disciplines without end. Freedom is the "extra's" that make life grand. Love is about family, the understanding you are important too, and the honesty "I will make room for you, in my heart, and in my life."

Stop believing in things/ stop believing you are better than another, just because of _______/ stop believing an idea or a work or a title can make you bigger or better than you are. And start your personal journey irregardless of the others, into the eternity of your soul.

YOU will "be shown the way"/ even if all your questions are "BUT WHY"! The answers come when humility opens the door to your heart, and YOU clean out the darkness and the debris, left by humanity. This is a journey without pride, and that is why so VERY few, choose it. Even so, this is the beginning of eternity within those who do choose it and pay the price. These are the preparations necessary to survive the energy of eternity. By the reality of its existence, I do thereby warn you/ you will murder pride in you (NO ONE ELSE, is to blame for your pride, but you) Or your pride will murder you. These are the extremes that depict creation or destruction, as a simplified existence; heaven lies in between these, because it is where mercy controls and freedom is defined for you, instead of by you. Pride is thereby seen as the enemy of life, the consequence of failure and the end of your life. Prepare correctly before you enter into this war.

A paragraph for the few, not the majority: you will then understand that MERCY will greatly help you, if heaven is your desire/ only those who truly search for freedom and the eternity of life itself, and willingly give RESPECT, need enter the war.

Be patient, be fair, be alive in trust, and then accept only what is not a sacrifice/ but instead is strictly honest and not about pride. These are decisions.

Jealousy is your demand for rights & rewards you have not earned/ it is thereby the "sign of inner poverty", you are thereby worthless, UNTIL you change! To understand someone important to you, may be lost because of "gifts you do not have"/ is not a jealousy, it is merely the evidence of love and the value of friendship as it finds the treasure that is your heart. Where there is NO hatred, then this is true.

THOUGHT is an opportunity in is simplest form created through strength as the ability to "stand against the energy" and let it pass through. More critically correct, it is the courage necessary to allow energy to expand the definitions of your existence and create new and different understanding. The lack of order is by definition an expression & experience of voids, and spaces, and definitions without truth. Energy searches these out, and thereby demands wisdom; because energy without discipline becomes chaos. If you search, then you must control, struggle, and survive through wisdom against energy/ or become insane.

Here, the compositions of a decision are formed:

1) to allow possibilities beyond your control, by the definitions of your mind & body/ presents the consequence of energy.

2) to accept new & varied relationshi0ps that are not fully formed in you, within the direction you choose and have chosen in life/ supports the integrity of your position as necessary to the outcome of you.

3) to recognize the reflection you see as your life "staring back at you" lacks basic parts and pieces that you must work at, to assemble as your missing identity. This respects your life and the opportunity in truth you are.

4) discipline asks of existence, DO YOU CHOOSE to learn of the evidence and ways of survival, freedom, love, and the dignity of thought? Or do you hide & pretend life has no meaning, therefore no consequence? The decision here is a separation from energy/ that you may not be a reaction or action/ but more clearly the definition that completes existence, for the purpose of eternity.

Some will continue to measure, let them go.

The path to life is literally a relationship that cannot die! Thereby understanding reveals TRUE LOVE (truth, because it cannot be changed) (love, because it is a relationship without end, where honesty & respect make it so), is the path of life.

THE ONLY EXAMPLE, the world has ever known of



Therefore HE is this path.

There is no intent to create fear/ superiority/ or anything else certain to be suggested: These are the things taught to me, it is my job to explain them to you as I see fit. You may do with them as you wish.

The consequence of thought is life, the reality of life is "the experience", the truth of life is a decision: will you enter as a participant expanding honor & joy/ or will you fear the truth; that the intensity & extremes of energy MUST be dealt with, and therefore hide/ fearing death and waiting to be destroyed? Look at your life & your world/ energy can be dealt with, BEYOND QUESTION: Why fear? Recognize the miracles in life and know you are loved, be honest and be alive: WHY choose less?

Some choose "to be human"/ rather than children of GOD ! It is their right. Some become evil, because they believe in THEIR failures, rather than GOD?

The relationship we share with time is simply: time controls the energy that is our experience, thereby we need not, this is our key to freedom as humanity. Time also brings destruction, because "THE LAW of the UNIVERSE", says it must be so. We are born & live within the barriers of this body human. The consequence of a barrier, limits the expression & experience of life: we must INTERPRET through the physical barriers/ rather than as life in truth. Truth EXISTS: this is an important reality! Thereby the relationship we share with truth exists in the dimension of our reality, that truth shares with the expression & experience of this universe/ because what is truth crosses the boundary of every dimension. Life is "the foundation of truth", it exists because we as life CARE. [truth is only a consequence without life/ life is only a reality when thought exists]. This is the evidence called love, that life found truth and created a home within for truth, with friendship, hope, & the eternity provided by truth called freedom.

Here begins an examination of life & truth/ the consequence called purpose. What shall you do, with these gifts?

We live in a dimension beyond consequent destruction/ time pauses energy, that we might comprehend life. Time is "a world apart, from true energy" whereby desire can be formed, and identity found. Desire is an opportunity/ identity is a participant. Desire is then a door leading to the path called wisdom, wherein barriers are broken & soul comes to mean an invitation beyond ourselves. Soul arises within order to compensate discipline with the freedom "to be found, through destiny". Here SPIRIT is, "the intensity of CREATION, looking directly at you/ us": it means, we have journeyed into eternity. This is FAMILY in us.

SAVED BY JESUS CHRIST May now be understood more simply. HE allowed this journey into all things, to be "shortened". To the miracle of HIS LIFE/ to the understanding of love, duty, & respect/ and to the honesty that life is not so simple as "flesh & bone". Hope is the discussion of life without questions, therefore it reflects only passion and gives only grace. GRACE means, a new beginning, complete with the possibilities of a new life. Here, the recognition of a new life, discovers in existence a destiny hidden from time & experience. It is simply, "the passage called MERCY".

Understood, this is following JESUS, as seen in the passions of HIS LIFE! Those passions were LOVE, LIFE, DUTY, WORK, COMPASSION, HONOR, RESPECT, TRUTH, REALITY, AND GOD ! These are not religious behaviors/ they are the honesty of HIS BELIEF, AS SEEN IN HIS FAITH.

Some discount the reality of miracles performed, even though the testimony of JESUS On history/ demands a level of proof we would not demand of ourselves. The question of miracles, becomes dependent upon the reality of order, and the density of discipline as it achieves a decision over energy/ the fact that no other has achieved such things, grants HIS PASSIONS to be greater than ours.

In the concert that is life, the compositions sung are established by "the heart", whereas it is soul that gives life to the honor inside and sings the song: so to speak. Our existence is literally at risk. From a thousand different threats, this "noise pollution of human decision" has entered our human existence. Tragically displacing the symmetry of nature/ and stand ready to cause us grave consequences. Several times in the writing of this message to you, I have "guessed enough"/ only to be confronted again with the truth that this is about life or death for the entire planet. Therefore at a minimum the battle cannot be over until all hope is gone. The children, and those who do care and share through love, are too important. This struggle for life, or more correctly this "trial for life" cannot therefore be won/ IT MUST BE CHOSEN. Armies and all the rest matter not/ because as you see with terrorists, a few can do great harm. Communication combined with education & understanding: so that an honest & fair choice among all humanity can occur means simply: that every reader must do their part: this is you! The value of life, IS "the treasury called love", for love brings desire and life may then find its own song, with rejoicing inside. Desire accomplishes the single task of building for the joy that is life. While love accomplishes the complex task of fundamentally binding "spirits" together. There are those lost, who cannot conceive of this harmony or song. There are those hiding who cannot believe in love anymore. There are measures applied that disgrace all humanity and cause the dignity of body to fail for the entire human race. These are not questions/ this is simple and plain. The LIGHT OF LIFE Is the honor you recognize and respect in the miracle that is your body, mind, & you (identity). Arrogance & pride have demanded you to "bow down" to the ignorance and failure that has plagued mankind from its beginning: "we can be god too/ JUST LIE". This is simply not true!

I am not a religious man, instead I BELIEVE/ because I have been given the grace to believe. Therefore I searched, needing to understand/ as I grew, knowledge became immersed in reasoning: to remove this dribble, the mind was challenged and the game was over. Only then did life become an experience and expression in following truth, wherever it would lead. You have many wants/ they are not true. Accept life. This message is now yours, to deliver or to abandon because you would not do your part. The question of life or death is then in your hands (the reader, whoever you are), for my job is done. You cannot save the earth or its life/ just as I cannot either. But I have delivered the message to you, and now you must deliver the message as you can, or it fails. Choose?

In my own reality all who know me, know I do not write about little things/ so they hide, believing "they don't want to know"/ for they are afraid. Reality says: if you hide or turn away, then you will die. But it is not a prophecy against anyone/ but everyone. It is not a prophecy in spirit/ but a reality in truth: the evidence says it is so. Again I tell you it is not possible for me to save anyone from these disasters. You must choose to intervene for yourselves, I cannot make you/ nor can I lead: it is not my way. If you the majority do accept the duty and the dignity of confronting the lies honestly, and making decisions for life instead of selfishness, power, lust, or greed: then you will live/ if you do not, then surely you will die. I will continue my own work as I understand it to be. I do expect you the reader to do the same/ with grace & truth we will survive; as the earth survives. As to the question of why now/ it has not been my right to choose. Although errors have been made regarding the wait/ the truth produced the evidence in me that I must stop: because this is about life or death, and it is not my right to choose its beginning or end. Therefore I do say to you all, STOP/ consider the evidence & the consequence long term/ decide/ and then live your truth: as you see fit.

YOU are given the right, and the demand to choose life or death, for the entire human race: this is a respect for you/ THEREFORE BE RESPECTFUL AS WELL! Do not follow the idiots/ do not follow the ignorance/ do not follow the proud/ do not follow the powerful/ and do not follow the selfish. Do not follow the religious zealot: the evolutionary priests, who have taken their lies and produced your grave. They are directly responsible for all the major chemical, biological, genetic, and nuclear threats today. Let them prove on the merits that exist in time as proof, all the claims they have made. Let them prove by the evidence/ in plain english, that their assertions of bile and venom and fantasy can be viewed as science. Science may not be claimed for theory: is this not correct? Science may not even be claimed as accurate: take a look at history, and all the times "science from every generation/ HAS changed: all wrong". Instead of the bastard sickness from a diseased mind/ let evolution come forward and prove even a single detail. For if they cannot prove dramatic evidence/ then their impact upon the world HAS been a critical failure, and the results A CRIMINAL PROSECUTION! It ceases to be religion only, when power is applied. Therefore where power exists/ criminal documentation proves an "evil intent"/ or more simply the demand to extrude violence and pain. Have they not controlled, and changed lives/ changed the world, by producing the "reasoning" : Go ahead do anything to earth you like/ evolution will put it back together, nothing will go wrong. Go ahead and treat respect for life, by "throwing and causing it to be thrown in the garbage disposer." Should there be no punishment? Of course there should be: death is appropriate/ but in this "enlightened world of political correctness" Life inside the prison walls, will be tolerated. The meaning of this contempt about evolutionary priests is quite simple; I give you your choice, either surrender your lies and get out of all schools and government and business or accept the truth that you do deserve punishment: let the public decide. I do NOT tell you to change/ I DO tell you the religious rhetoric you have used to manipulate people is confined to a religious setting/ you may never use it in an attack on life again: satan worship will not be tolerated, in school, in books used for school, or in any other fashion beyond the ignorance of your tiny existence.

Do you know what political correctness is? It is the idiots attacking the righteous/ and compromising: that we will control the masses together. The absolute failure, attributed to stupidity stops here/ where what is true, becomes repackaged "with little bows and feathers, and little pink bonnets" to be their baby. Truth is blunt! Truth does not repackage itself, to be prettier for you/ and it is a failure not to believe or work directly with what is true. The demand "for something else" is simply the ass talking to the head, and not the other way around.

In the last writing for this purpose, it is plain and simple that the understanding that is: life without body, or mind, requires you to believe in life/ rather than in body or mind. To that end, the critical assumptions of time must end. Time is considered to be your life here/ death demands it is so. The question that thereby exists is WHY would GOD Want to "confuse us" into believing death is the end/ if in fact, life is about something else? The answer to this is more complex than it appears.

It begins with the need for YOU to understand the reality into which you must proceed. Energy is not a friend, UNLESS you control it/ and it does not control you. To that instruction, time gives you the opportunity to appreciate energy/ and not fear it. Time creates in you, the existence of an understanding in identity that requires you to make decisions on your behalf/ and accept that there will be consequences accordingly. Time allows you to experience freedom, as your participation/ but it alters that reality of freedom with the duty necessary, and the responsibility required to sustain, rather than destroy life with it. Time is a friend, because YOU are born to the consequence of honesty/ and the truth of happiness: if you refuse them, then you are not worthy of them. In simple terms then, this life is about your preparations/ whether you like it or not. And it is your judge, whether you like it or not/ because love does not desire that reality of judgment: therefore you must choose for yourself.

To end the discussion of basic interests, culminating in the respect required for life: you are asked simply, what would you be without thought? Please consider and act responsibly in truth. There will be questions, desiring an introduction beyond the barriers of time/ they will NOT be given. Life in energy is not defined by life in time/ therefore no matter what is said, it would not be a communication to you. Instead, recognize the abundance of miracles that exist in your own life, and communicate to yourself/ that these things cannot be evidence of anything but true love and respect for our lives. Some will argue, there is evil, and pain, and suffering, and life is unfair. All true/ but the consequences of human decision, are required to teach you honestly, NOT teach you fantasy. The exception to these are death, &disease, & environmental catastrophe. Death is then simply, not the reality you suppose/ you MUST give up the physical bonds to time, to experience true energy/ there is NO CHOICE. The body & mind cannot survive the experience, and you will not want them. Disease is a relationship to our decisions as life, to use and abuse, rather than accept the limits of our freedom. This results in our own mutilation of various aspects of genetic makeup/ this allows heritage to cumulate "genetic problems" and the large variety of chemicals and so on push all these things into our lives: it is simply a result of pride and the damages of failure. Our environment shall be respected, our relationship with it is simply WE, NOT it, our responsible for the things that we refused to respect/ the warnings we refused to seek and understand.

There are choices in life; you as a large portion of humanity declared GOD doesn't exist, with your purposeful expressions of evolution. You chose to allow ignorance, arrogance, and apathy to control the last 70 years or so/ with nothing more for proof or evidence than a few words of stupidity: shame on you. This simple act, has given humanity the opportunity to treat the earth and all that is in it/ as if it were "a kitty litter box" for your most offensive acts: abolishing respect, discounting love, and throwing honesty away. Just so you could do anything you wanted, without people arguing NO.

You have had your time on earth to rule, now comes truth and the simple words: either you change and do what honor, duty, love, respect, and truth allow/ or very soon, the consequences of "your rule on earth" shall tear the very soul of life from this planet. CHOOSE as if your life depended upon it, for it does.

CHOOSE, if you will depend upon the flock you have created/ or GOD and HIS CREATION. Choose, if you will be a herd to the slaughter of yourselves, or individuals living the life, and encountering the eternity for which you were given life on earth, in preparation for. This decision is yes or no/ no middle ground/ just yes we will do the work, and enjoy the life: or no we like it this way and we will rule, even though the evidence plainly supports our extermination and the end of planet earth.

Truth is a door, or more correctly a crevice which light defines as an opening in time. Honesty & honor may proceed through as only respect can define/ beyond this opening existence begins! This is then the relationship created with time, that understands hope participates to achieve creation. DO NOT lose this fundamental resource of life: you will need it to survive. Measured not by human goals, defined not by human expectation, the composition of life may be confined as simply as: a decision precedes a destiny! Therefore what you do choose, conceives the reality you do establish/ just as truth shall always define the outcome, when its time has come. The decision of life or death is now.