MARK 13 from the Bible

Begins with, the impressive construction of that time. This is countered with, "it shall not stand"/ for there is no bond. This is devastating to the disciples, and they do ask WHEN?

JESUS Replies, "many will come saying, I can save you/ follow me". There will be turmoil & strife, & disrespect. Wars will have been fought, even world wars/ & the earth itself will begin to complain of the burden [it starts to die]. The SPIRIT OF GOD Hands down a message to HIS PEOPLE/ a message of concern to all leaders of the earth. Witnesses come forward to change the world, that it may survive/ therefore the world must choose. The prophecy of Mark 1: 1-8 begins here.

The abomination that causes desolation is an atomic bomb, or other weapon of mass destruction, PLACED to cause World War 3. YOUR reaction to this is also a decision. The vision states, "a few shall survive, nuclear holocaust", thereby a time to repent/ until the absolute destruction of radioactive damage completes extinction. During this time people become religious. At the proper time:


Verse 30 reflects upon the lives of these people, for even though their bodies are gone/ the presence of their lives in this story of JESUS Remains quite clear.

The book of Daniel 9: 20-27 allows prayer to be very important. The "seventy seven" are indeed seventy weeks of seven days. In these days the people MUST find their answer!

In Daniels vision, after the message is delivered there will be 7 weeks until someone is appointed ruler/ I am only a messenger, NOT a ruler. Then for a year & 10 weeks, the people make choices and rebuild. The people grow tired of new ways, and remove this ruler: giving nothing and taking everything from him or her. Because of this revolt, world war 3 does erupt, and ends life on earth. In a single week, all who shall be SAVED, are SAVED! Then JUDGMENT extinguishes humanity from the earth.

In the reading of Mark 12: 35-37 the understanding of HOW JESUS HIMSELF, Declares to revisit the earth someday shall be accomplished. It is by the HOLY SPIRIT , for life truly is in thought and not simply in a body. Therefore I do say to you:

THESE are the most powerful words ever written in the history of earth! BUT they are NOT the most important/ THE HOLY BIBLE is the most important work and words ever done, because it allows a bond to be created between life and its CREATION, AND ITS CREATOR! Nothing is more important than that, period!

I am just a plain & simple man/ and these words and their purpose is literally MORE than I am! THEREFORE these words simply "cannot be from me"! I am taught/ I am honored, that I am allowed to write for you/ but I am not more than equal to any other life.

If you do not know what it means to establish true change/ then read 2Peter 1 of the bible.

I will help you begin: FIRST you must require all weapons of mass destruction PEACEFULLY destroyed, whether by force or not/ these must end!

The words you must use are similar to these:

WE THE PEOPLE, ARE defined, protected, & compassionate through the realization that those among us, who are military, DO SO for our liberty, freedom, & peace (and for theirs)! The truth that defines this world, in this time & this reality, is VERY SIMPLE: that weapons now exist to destroy the earth and cause human extinction! NO military on earth can defend against this reality/ therefore NO military on earth has the right to hold ANY of these weapons. DISARMAMENT of such weapons MEANS: Life can then have HOPE! Reality means: WE, THE WORLD, SHALL Do this together/ OR we shall all die together, because the failure of one single person, through one single insanity can destroy us all: WHAT COULD BE MORE INSANE? Truth declares NO NATION may retain even one/ NO nation may be allowed the opportunity to reproduce or produce, even one/ & NO nation may refuse!

The demand is simple: together "by the percentages, with all nations watching" we will destroy these weapons at the same time. The argument of "hidden devices"/ therefore we cannot: IS REFUSED!

The reality of TORTURE, to slow and terrifying death for ANY ONE who is responsible for any hidden device/ SHALL BE CERTAIN AND WITHOUT QUESTION! THE ENTIRE WORLD AGREES: We the world shall join together if any indication exists as to hidden devices ANYWHERE in this world. NO ONE NATION is allowed to be missing/ ALL SHALL GO, including the people of that nation where a device is said to be hidden. WE SHALL "search & destroy" , AS A WORLD, without question/ without conference/ without repercussion, until that threat no longer exists! Failure to mobilize ALL the resources and ALL the necessary people of that nation, for this effort shall mean: "the government officials in charge SHALL BE IMPRISONED for no less than 7 years (according to the extent of their failure) " YOU WILL HELP", NO EXCUSES! IF any nation fails to properly respond: ONE SERIOUS attempt to inform and educate the public shall be given/ THEN if any the people of that nation fail to respond properly/ The ENTIRE economic structure of that nation shall be SHUT DOWN. This means NO import or export or loading or unloading/ NO raw materials shall be used, mined, or extracted/ NO banking of ANY type or kind shall occur/ & NO communication or media shall be provided or allowed. This shall not be less than 30 days/ nor more than 120 days, per occurrence. IF "bloodshed, occurs for the world's soldiers/ AS A FAIR reality"/ THEN these soldiers shall remove themselves and the destruction of these infrastructures shall begin. DISCIPLINE determines how much will be taken from you by this destruction. There will be NO sympathy/ you will pay close attention to arrogance and punish properly in REALITY.

YOU will take nothing from this country you go into [this is thievery]. YOU will NEVER enter any country for this purpose without FAIR & PROPORTIONATE military from all nations. YOU WILL DO YOUR DUTY, and protect the world, and every life in it! Other matters as may be involved are DISCARDED/ leave them alone: you are about weapons of mass destruction only. There is ONLY ONE SINGLE REASON, that demands your right to protect the world itself, and that is the elimination of this threat!

IF ANY nation, says to you: WE WILL NOT! Then with every weapon and every resource available you shall prepare to attack them. IF ANY USE OF such a weapon as these occurs YOU SHALL CONSUME THEM: Be CAREFUL how you read! With every nation you WILL Tell these leaders, to surrender themselves and to prison they shall go Or they shall die! AS IS NECESSARY, you will defend yourselves with all military might/ as necessary you WILL attack these leaders and the top 2 percent of that nations wealthy as they also determine every aspect of control by society/they control the rulers, just as much as the rulers control them/ and as required you shall insure the public KNOWS "Stay away/ while these VERMIN are removed". The problems in Iraq, are built of pride and arrogance/ the assumption of "rebuilding in our image, IS STUPID/ you are not them, they are not you/ and the only true reason america sits as it does is the resources available to it". YOU MUST use what is available/ you must accept the determination of the people, but you must not accept what is violent, harsh, or useless: the people who help have rights also.

This is literally a matter of life or death for this world, and nothing less will remove this threat from your door. If death occurs, then you are to understand that this is the price of survival for the rest. Therefore ANY nation which does refuse to disarm completely [within 3 years] shall be militarily REQUIRED to disarm FIRST! IF the government refuses to disarm/ THEN offer the military of that nation: IF they produce these weapons and disarm without the government/ THEN we the world shall come and give these military men and women ALL the wealth and ALL the possessions of their nations top government officials and their top 3 percent of the wealthy shall also be "cast out naked, and with NOTHING"! YOU shall inherit all: divided one third evenly all officers without reference to rank/ two thirds evenly to all enlisted without reference to time served. IF we come and there is bloodshed to any degree/ these numbers will change depending upon that bloodshed. The government WILL then be turned over under this instruction: present as a society, by signed petition of at least one thousand signatures the men & women you shall have lead you. These will enter the lottery: first draw is yes or no/ if yes, this is the lower tier of government/ if no then these draw again until the last one, male or female/ young or old becomes "leader": UNTIL the next election at 3 years from this date of beginning. IF the government or the military refuses to surrender these weapons of mass destruction/ THEN every ship, tank, truck, plane, and so on SHALL be stripped from them& the military of that nation shall be no more: NOT for 100 years! This is an all or nothing decision: CHOOSE YOUR FATE! With HONOR, defending humanity and this world


with ignorance, DEAD in less than 3 hours, when the human insanity controlling your destiny today fails, and the insane cause world war 3 to destroy you all! YOU need not believe me to die/ examine, investigate, and choose.

Second: you will have nothing but heartache and mutation, if you do not end the crucifixion of life/ the arrogance of genetics. STOP peacefully, the people who play with life as if it were their toy/ TAKE AWAY their tools! Third, begin the process of changing relationships and decide, HOW you shall work and live.

I am aware you "believe in the university", you assume it has created measures for you which are better than any life has known before, and you trust them as "better than you". I do remind you of their failures, on every side/ their successes are simply "the mechanics of physical properties, the communication of intricate properties, and the use of antibiotics which makes medicine possible {no surgery exists without antibiotics/ most would simply die, as in the past}". The failures are simple ones: Evolution rests upon ignorance & stupidity, and your willingness to let them fantasize. The assumptions of age of the earth, are little more than wishes upon a star. The corruption of economics is certain/ the tragedy in waiting of political, judicial, and democratic truths are only "moments away", for they have no clue, how to survive when reality hits. The arrogance of nuclear war/ the pride of biological war/ the chemical truths of chemical war are all proof of stupidity beyond belief. The pollution of basic needs. The wholesale destruction of every important resource, or eco-system is without doubt/ you will soon see for yourself. The destruction of your water. The destruction of your food supply with genetics/ NOT plant breeding, intentional genetic mutation without respect: you die without these foods. Plant mutations have already spread throughout the world. The medicine which grants to them their base of power over you/ HAS NOT been met with the respect necessary to control populations, and you WILL suffer because of it. The ridiculous wastes of "space cowboys", as a mere coverup for the use & spread of rockets to deliver weapons of mass destruction/ or the illusions and fantasies of idiots: YOU are not going space traveling. The over-fishing/ the contamination of dense livestock containment will have UNEXPECTED consequences. The devaluation of all life, is distinctly charged to "the demands for power, that are only possible by control of government and the constant propaganda that is spewed out onto the people. The journalism that converges onto irrelevant data/ that the rich & powerful may hide. The stripping of democracy to insure the rich have their say. The use of insurance to cover up fraud/ the extortion and blackmail of the people. The use of the court to cover the absolute plague of larceny against the people by lawyers. The fundamental breakdown of education. The critical stupidity of a college degree to be used as a means to enable wealth/ is nothing more than a trap for the youth, stripping life from them and replacing it with greed. And so many more. There are substantive realities in nature that are threatening lives. There are critical lapses in simple democracy. The lack of honor or respect primarily stems from the university [are these graduates not in charge of all important facets in society/ they have indeed claimed in the last ten or so years/ the command of at least 98% of business, medicine, politics, and judicial realities]: and yet you give them your lives! Take a look, are you better off, than you were 10 years ago? YOU are just more in debt/ because the idiots of college, are focused on one simple thing: while the world is composed of billions of interrelated realities and truths! How could you expect any different, what is common sense is: nothing works as "one single thing"/ what is important is the harmony of the whole.

All knowledge can be useful, yet lies invade, just as professors sometimes barf & vomit on their students/ because who can stop them? "They are, gods here". YOU give them this power, because you want solutions to your problems and a place to run in your fears. Reality argues, truth knows not only a fact but the consequences of that fact/ while the university knows only a few things which change from time to time. YOU are wrong to give them this power/ and if you do not change this, you will die. This is NOT a speech against university/ this is a "reality check" and intentional relationship addressed, to discover the truth of this particular facet of human life. WE NEED RESPECT, not just directions/ WE NEED TRUTH, not just dreams/ WE NEED LIFE, not just lies that become a tragedy to our lives. To achieve this: YOU MUST BE PATIENT, and you must watch over them, you must control them, and you must learn to question everything they sell you: because this is the money/ and they are greedy, and without respect. Your businesses are filled with liars, thieves, & cheaters/ liars tell you what grand and important decisions you will make by choosing their product/ thieves sell you their product only to find, what was believed to be complete now requires additional expense/ cheats, describe for you "how protected you are", only to find out "the small print, or tiers of lower management are nothing more than excuses for selfish manipulations". The university provides the advertizing and business and financial the lies. The destiny of life is not about "how to react against the constant attack produced by human actions. The destiny of life is about, the truth that leads away from actions without honor/ to achieve a life where reaction is minimal, because thought has achieved respect. That respect builds HONOR, and honor provides all happiness. DO YOU DESIRE HAPPINESS? Then quit following your leaders, and learn to accept your duty: Duty here means: accept honor for yourself, and live accordingly. WANT is thereby cast out, and life begins anew. MANY will come forward, demanding retribution for such words as these/ there will be constant propaganda if the words prevail: ALL BECAUSE you the humanity of earth are important/ ALL OF YOU! Because together we as humanity do change the world/ NOT you or I/ but we, the universities, the political officer's, the people, everyone: EXCEPT those bastard's who are too corrupt to honor justice, and respect.

The questions of life all begin with the recognition of life itself, for we can form no question until the "mosaic of an identity has formed." there are many compositions in humanity/ the ability to process individuality & detail forms the variations called a mental IQ. Individuality means BOUNDARY, the assertion of a distinct experience that does not conform, but exists in harmony or discord to the rest. It is a failure to identify basic development of these distinctions, the result of which is called mental retardation. The critical test is not an association with "traps, whether they can or can not compete"/ the critical test is whether an ability to form individuality exists. If it does, they are truly equal to all/ if it does not, individuality can be taught if the understanding associated with rules (the why), becomes a constant source of encouragement/ rather than the application of rules themselves. More simply: action & its consequent reactions do identify borders of behavior "with pain, with love, with hope, and with happiness". Therefore understanding associates knowledge, with a reduction in the "fuzzy competition". Individuality is the isolation of intense compositions, from their "fuzzy counterparts". We ALL begin as a competition in this manner/ energy decides the outcome. Therefore the intensity of that energy divides & assembles the composition that is our ability to conceive of detail, & the relationships of life.

Energy is NOT life itself, therefore whatsoever level of its intensity is owned by you; the energy which makes your individuality possible, is SIMPLY a GIFT to you. LIFE makes us all equal, energy is used by life to honor the "mosaic expressions of color, the opportunity, & the harmony of the whole" or to destroy & hate, as the separation & control of what is called selfishness.

Detail is the honor conceived in miracles awaiting our arrival. LIFE is the respect understood in miracles that give us freedom! Identity is energy &life living in harmony with each other. Without respect, no harmony can exist for long. Respect assembles itself in the fundamental order of "common sense". Common sense IS the understanding attributed to the recognition of interrelated facts, which does establish a truth that reflects the composition of the whole/ that truth then determines reaction and adjusts. Common sense does not enter into detailed analysis of "one single thing" but exists as a "majority view" of the truth, realities, respect, & actions which precipitate perceptions to achieve a probable result. Therefore while "college sense" (the discovery of detail) is useful, our relationship to this world, is best suited by common sense, where detailed existence offers only the opportunity for change/ not the direction or purpose of life.

In american history, the demand for change (make me better, than I am) has established "college sense" as the stability of the nation. The reality is, you have thereby plodded along in complete disregard for the "entire picture", and as such, all the relationships you discarded are now coming to correct these lies. Details do not form or sustain life/ they merely enhance the formation & intricacy of the mosaic that is our lives together/ WHERE honor & respect allow truth & reality to lead. Left alone, details submit: "look at me"/ the result of which is pride, selfishness, and lies.

The issues of quality of life, cannot be assigned or explained by want/ there are NO attainable goals that represent true sustainable happiness. Happiness cannot be bought, it exists only in the definitions of being ALIVE. Honesty says: a true purpose accepts the design & dignity of your desire, and truth completes this journey in the destinies of thought: the integration of your individuality as life itself. Energy comes later. These are relationships designed by energy but are understood by thought.

Every composition is understood by our interactions with energy. Everything you see, hear, touch, smell, taste, or recognize as motion begins & ends with energy. Therefore our lives exists as "students of energy, with understanding completing the human destiny of this life". Here, an experience of the body assigns you, the student, with applications in time, by generating variations in energy. Your job, is explained by the experience, to express an understanding of boundaries/ to compile & refine a "listing of freedoms & their cost"/ & to assemble the distinctions that refine & identify you. [in the case of those who do suffer retardation/ your contributions to their lives, defines their ability to understand what is love: JESUS does LOVE ALL! MERCY is not your decision/ BUT HIS ] . The lesson of energy is "time destroys"/ the law of energy is "energy shall either dissipate or change"/ but eternity says: the composition of energy MUST be, an experience SO EXTREME, that NO reaction can exist to it. Therefore quality of life asks: HOW, shall we achieve eternity/ IF we cannot escape death?

The answer here allows: that your existence in life IS literally already completed by the energy of your soul/ that part of you that controls your environment and existence, and death. You do not have to transform yourselves as energy/ you are energy! Death is literally "the discarding of body & mind" to allow the energy to reveal the individuality of life: the identity you have chosen to be. Therefore the questions exists: IF life is not body & mind/ then WHAT is life?

This answer relies upon "what can be bound together". This asks of density, WHAT is the relationship of harmony, & why does it bring peace, unity, & family? Honesty answers: love, binds us together. Respect grants us peace. Truth completes our relationship with each other and with energy itself. Honor gives us harmony. These are "the 4 directions of life, in eternity".

The answer to "WHAT is life, then becomes refined by the question: how can we be alive without body (as the boundary of our experience) & mind (as the exploration of our expression)? This becomes a question of integrity and completes "the seven segments of our environment", in energy & life: as identity. This answer defends us from "the darkness" by acceptance of discipline & order (the bottom of the environment), & ascends from the darkness, through hope, to achieve the integrity of a unified spirit (the top of the environment/ the directions above are the sides). Wherein thought survives in us, as the "density within".

The question of what is life, now becomes: if our description is to be united in these things/ if we become established as the identity of these choices, that we DO make: then HOW can we possibly enter eternity, where energy has transformed itself into a CREATION, which we cannot even begin to understand?

The answer of life is: the interrelationships that DO exist between OUR CREATOR and ourselves shall determine our entry therein. Reality does not allow any more information than this.

It is important to respect the details/ but you MUST TRUST the reality. Without trust, reality is deformed, in thought/ & so shall you be, in eternity: if you fail.

A few will come demanding WHY should we trust ANYTHING you say? This message replies: what is beyond the understanding of man/ MUST then come from GOD As a gift to humanity/ LET YOUR SOUL DECIDE!

I am a plain man, no frills, no accessories/ just a man who has been taught & given this job. Any assumption of more is in error, as I surely have "sufficient mistakes, stupidity, & more" to prove otherwise. Some will argue "just a fantasy"/ while these words argue, honor the miracles of life. I will ask: how did you misunderstand the value of our lives, the design of body & mind, the relationships of love, and so much more? Ignorance & blatant stupidity argue evolution/ but offer only "over billions of years, ANYTHING could happen/ in fact, single cell creatures made you"! IF a single cell creature made you/ then WHY with your "big brain" can you do nothing comparable: are you not superior to a single cell organism? Million of human hours, if not billions of hours are compressed into your most intellectual gadget, the computer. This device some argue is the most complex device humanity has ever built. EXPLAIN to me, how a single cell creature built your brain, which processes roughly 10 billion bits of information per second/ while your BEST efforts of all humanity, "with your big brain" are little more than an ignorance in comparison? Answer the question/ and not over "billions of years/ you are not a single cell creature": use your "big brain". I will tell you plainly: the abilities of life, are utterly & dramatically superior!

Instead of "using your idols & false gods", to avoid truth, and the changes it does require" / ACCEPT reality and embrace truth. It is your choice/ but is it is also, in these days; Our consequence, as it decrees, the fate of all life on earth.

Therefore this message is long and intends to leave no stone unturned, that could benefit you, to demand honesty, and the definitions of honor & respect for life.