In the applications of a destiny designed by compositions in truth, the relationship of that truth to the fundamental order of its reality is questioned. Therefore the demand for insight may be excessively high/ and the purpose of the questioning, can be "excessively low".

In this message therefore, the quest for sufficiency is always debated, as the formula of a "simple man" against the complex network of lies, wants, selfishness, & greed, all integrated in the failures of power. The majority may find "distaste" in this association with behaviors not considered favorable, to the consequence of society in general/ however, the reality of these problems is KNOWN by many, and still no warning or the ability to listen occurs. The demand for attention, "for any little possibility in comprehension" is then a consequence that has led to failure in society itself. The constant attempts to say, "listen to me"/ have multiplied "as the boy who cried wolf"/ and the reality of a need to be heard, where truth demands it, has been betrayed in the process.

Our relationship of "human to human" is consumed by the need for knowledge/ and the distrust of all things human, including knowledge, tears at every portion of society. Added to this distrust is the common failures of credit. The reality of credit is TRUTH MUST DECIDE. The critical problem with credit is "whose truth shall decide". This is a common failure, a critical degradation of foundations that support & give us life. Truth is "black or white/ there are NO gray areas". Whereas people demand "its ALL grey": just look at it from my perspective. Truth establishes all foundations/ therefore credit is about foundations. Truth provides the foundation of discipline & declares order/ therefore credit is about freedom. The human corruption of these is: strictly about WANT/ SELFISHNESS/ & EASE: therefore credit is about none of this/ not ever. Credit is NOT "a governmental program: it always corrupts". Credit and the money available are a democratic program whereby detailed discussions occur prior to a VOTE, by the entire society: as it shall describe for itself, what & how much, shall money be loaned for. {ideas are for patents which shall then pay the inventor, BUT belong to the society.}

The consequence of games, including the damage done by "teasing, the purposes of ridicule: to conspire against truth, that none may be seen as "slightly more educated than I", and lies themselves, are all responsible for failed attention when it is needed. A college education, or the gain of money, or the success of business" are all applied to the performance of a proof, "that I am entitled to my opinion". The consequence of this proof becomes: those who have defended their claim, now become arrogant/ while those ridiculed and berated, NOW desire to be more. More comes to mean, "by any description, including more hateful, fearful, deceptive, and even violent." The meek, simply learn to follow and not say a word. The judicial branch is not attacked by this trial/ rather it is applied to the same scale of integrity, as those they judge. This is a demand, not a judgment/ therefore learn the difference by integrating the basic parameters identified herein.

The critical need of presenting a warning establishes a parameter designed by the extent of an educational premise: that the insight provided must be beyond all common expectation or the participation of a college degree may be interpreted as sustained, by the reputation of the entire university. This last is irregardless of content or respect, "the university, merely exists as the purveyor of permission, to proceed without supervision." Therefore we have geneticists playing god/ evolutionists proclaiming single cells are smarter than they/ and weapons of mass destruction ready to destroy life on earth: just because they can". HOW MANY more? Well lets see, "there are lawyers and judges who make a mockery of the court/ government officials who believe we the public are too dumb to find our ass/ business people who fail all aspects of social behaviors, pollution hidden but not for much longer, and an education system which teaches nothing of value to the main body of their classes/ roughly 90 % leave with little more "than the clothes on their back", because their true needs were never met. And on and on.

This trial, therefore warning is sufficient to be heard by all who desire life. The reality however is communication is dependent upon an information cradle that supports the demand to talk and accomplishes the need to discuss. The media then use this as bait to solicit their business agenda. The opportunity of media to accomplish "for the public good" is allowed/ they are not the enemy: they do tell you as much as the public truly wants to hear. Therefore as you consider the consequences of following their suggestions to you: I DO advise you/ this time it is literally about your life, your future, & your eternity. IF this is not worth your time, effort, & work to clarify and identify and protect/ then your life is not worth an intervention on your behalf. I DO suggest you consider this carefully. NOT because it is in your best interest to do so/ even though it is! But instead, because failure carries a price beyond any possibility of life. IF this is too small, or you believe the words herein are "insignificant" for you/ then hear clearly: There shall be those witness come forward who shall instruct you better. Their job is NOT to convince you, not to tempt you, nor to abandon, reject, or demand from you anything at all. Their job is to enlighten you and if you refuse, then surely your reward as life in this world shall be quick and sure. If you treat these badly, then your life in this world/ SHALL change into your hell in this world, with only the terror of death to guide you into massive FEAR, as your life is tortured through its destruction from the fires of one failure in your life, to the complete destruction of the next failure in your life, until you are consumed.

YOU are prepared for witness WHEN, you know for sure in your heart, and agree in your soul/ that your purpose in so doing is NOT for reward, NOT for yourself, and NOT for eternity! INSTEAD when honesty and honor declare and you agree, that this work and this effort is for the others, that they too may enter eternity and be ALIVE, then you are ready. This entire message is Ezekiel 40 come to life for you. It is not of the New Testament because YOUR testimony is that/ this message merely intends to open the door, YOU must find your own witness for JESUS YOUR SAVIOR !!!!!!!!!!!!

KNOW before you begin, that the journey is to be whatever it is to be/ settle this in your heart, and declare it to your needs: you will be blameless in the ways and words of Mark 14. Simply Believe in the simple truth of honesty, and you will understand the way you are to go. Listen to your spirit, because many times I thought to myself, "this just has to be right/ it can't be wrong". Each of those times, I proved to be wrong! Therefore the spirit decides. An understanding of spirit is more correctly, your insertion within the world that is of thought. Here in a reality that enters both worlds of time and destiny, the relationships that are never harmful to anything but your pride and allow you a deeper understanding of your world or existence "do point you in the ways you shall go". Each must learn on their own/ no one teaches. Failures and mistakes are simply teachers/ begin again.

I TELL YOU TRUE, this is NOT a game!

I tell you as well, the consequence of your decision/ shall rule your life until the end of your days, the end of your existence, or the passage beyond time into eternity. YOU are not threatened here! Rather you are informed: WARNED in advance, that you may choose rather than be consumed, by the realities which you have chosen. YOU DO, as a society "feel relatively secure, right now"/ I AM given this message to deliver, because that will soon end! YOU will say "I don't believe, BUT TRUTH SAYS IT IS SO/ Therefore if you investigate, examine, and let truth lead, and reality decide you will know this is true. IF you do not/ then reality shall judge you: it will not be me! Neither is it your CREATOR , for HE sends this message, that you may survive and be BLESSED.

The human relationship to business economics is very simple: nature demands our participation, joining as community this work is shared & divided by those who need help & those who do help. The struggle is then simply to find the resources & operate a business which helps to sustain the whole society. Current methods applaud greed, as this channels the simplest of minds to struggle with power/ either for or against. Greed removes equity & fair play/ therefore it assigns slavery or servitude instead, & must be destroyed. Greed is the facilitator of classes in society/ without greed, no power exists/ & truth will rule.

The critical equation is: the people who are influencing society need your support or your instruction/ the people being influenced must be supported by these who do influence. Therefore reward must be strongly attached to teaching the USEFUL METHODS of social self-sufficiency. The most influential tool of every society is the education of its people. Justice controls but truth forms the structure that supports and sustains every society. Therefore our relationship with justice (NOT the ignorance of common written law/ but the reality of truth, as it depicts FAIR play) controls what a business and its workers shall or shall not do. This is the mediator of damage control. Our relationship as workers to each other is simply: if you teach me honestly, at my own pace/ then I & our society shall benefit and reward you. Therefore a teacher may be whosoever proves competent to the completion of any task of value to its society. The student shall prove what that reward shall be. There are many needs in every society/ the most critical fear of every teacher, is: I will generate enough competition to put myself out of business. As a response, society shall set its rewards, to insure this teacher [of business or survival] shall not be harmed by this competition [perhaps no taxes]. DO SOMETHING and be fair. It is absolutely essential to be honest and fair with all resources, TO ALL. This requires society to own the resources/ take them back if you must, but be honorable to those whose lives you are about to change: DON'T be thieves. Be FAIR with the world, or you shall have no world at all.

Choose the machines you allow to operate in society/ a huge machine is NOT superior to the human need for work/ human drudgery is not superior to machines either: choose well. Do not control the incompetent by demanding trees must produce fiber/ choose the method that is best for environment and economies, let idiots fend for themselves. Stop letting the money demand a time table for the work/ instead provide a reducing scale, past the specific time limit that will be fair to all: not a punishment, a reality of life.

Every society needs its young adults to make a contribution to the happiness of society/ we supported you for many years now! Therefore students shall properly help those who are younger, or not graduate, or not be allowed a further education: no exceptions. Young adults shall help their community or government to establish an honesty about who we all are/ therefore this assignment is about learning for life, as a respect for others: you will live their life, and help them where the need is real. To contribute to this honestly, inheritance should become an investment not a gift/ therefore work is involved, but true opportunity as well: the inheritor may decide the work. An understanding "above prejudice", means society will benefit/ an opportunity to degrade bigotry MEANS YOU the minority shall put aside your prejudices and BE HONORABLE, not petty or corrupt. Introduction into all further educations should be dependent upon this type of involvement: the purpose is to teach "common sense"/ THE REALITY OF an expansion beyond yourself. Focus means you cannot find the door, because you are so busy, being selfish: focus is the habitat of the predator, because without focus, a predator cannot complete its task. Therefore use life, to establish the reality of life and not the selfishness of focus. Focus is instead, the tool of honesty, and the right of knowledge, where life is not selfish.

The current college education system should be abandoned. Payments for college shall come instead from communities who bargain for work in exchange for tuition, or companies who bargain for work in exchange for tuition, or individuals who commit to work for a specified period to government or approved charities in exchange for tuition: NO STUDENT DEBT, as money/ NO choices for the wealthy: EQUALITY! In response business will begin to produce again, the "in-house" education platforms, that hire from within. Promotion is then to be decided by a common test for all applicants: the owners children included/ and irregardless of age or background or other, the right to the job is determined by the test and their seniority. EVERY question shall be distinctly ties directly to the work to be done. The new college system shall allow whatever the student wants, and the test determining the level of achievement shall be standardized throughout america: NO other degrees, NO other accolades, done. There shall be no tenure/ no separated pensions/ no alternate securities of any kind other than personally achieved by the individual. Social security is to be EQUAL TO ALL, you cannot spend "mine", and save yours anymore.

The respect for humanity includes people who end up in prison for a time: all but the very worst offenders. YOU are unfair to them, and you know it/ there is no room for revenge, only justice. There is no right for control, only the need to refine behavior through direct understanding, and immediate knowledge. BE FAIR with alcohol/ roughly only one percent or less are caught driving under the influence: that makes you a hypocrite, for applying severe penalty to one, and nothing to the others. Society does participate in alcoholic behaviors, you shall share. The elderly are largely unsafe drivers for every second they are on the road, people smoking or drinking or eating lose their concentrations at times, people who concentrate on other things, use the phone or prescriptions, or drive and fall asleep and so on: all choose to limit their own abilities, and they are all responsible for accidents. Do not let the drunk drive freely or these others: WHEN any problem is noted the car will be identified, and the police shall have every right to stop that car at any time, at a whim, to search for trouble. If they find it: to jail for 30 days immediately: if an alcoholic car is found at a bar, it shall be confiscated for 30 days; a courtroom challenge is unnecessary, however the police shall be watched for misbehavior or criminal acts. These people shall be limited to only one vehicle that is identified/ if caught driving another vehicle there shall be 30 days at hard labor. If caught driving under the influence in another vehicle 30 days more in jail. If caught a second time, the vehicle is held for 1 year. As to the others, an education in direct influence will suffice: they will appear at every accident with an injury/ they will make themselves available to clean up the accident, they will go to the hospital and visit the families: so they may learn. The failure to learn produces the demand for relief to the families of the injured by the assailant/ society decides. Seek justice, NOT revenge.

It should be recognized, a university degree is of only minimal value. The focus of any degree, "is on simple thing"/ while the rest of life is discarded and largely unknown. The reality is, the university has been playing the "maze game"/ sending students into irrelevant dead ends, to control the competition and suck our the maximum amount of money from the student. Those who consider themselves powerful, "love the college graduate"/ because they make good slaves: do what you are told, DON'T examine or participate in the bigger picture: remember you are in debt, & "i, hold the keys to your future, your parents respect, and your security". This type of secondary slavery designs a social crisis. Because control and the direction of the work is left for the selfish and greedy, by the whim of lust. Society suffers because of it. "The powerful" do NOTHING of value for society/ they take, they do not produce/ they do not provide justice, they never help (even if they claim it: it's a tax write off). Instead they control, and the university degree helps them to do so. An education is a blessing/ but it must be matched, with the honesty of reality: therefore common sense, or more correctly an understanding of the bigger picture is CRITICAL to any expectation of change. Every change produces a reaction, which cause then actions, and a ripple effect across society.

Society blossoms, only as harmony extends the influence of equality, to the freedom applied by justice, as it integrates our lives with one another. Control is an enemy, because happiness is born in freedom. Change is dependent only upon the outcome: today, tomorrow, and 100 years from now: if you do not understand the process/ then don't change. Change is to be voted upon by society itself/ after an education is critically presented. Do not be foolish, or afraid, be wise. The critical question for every society is HOW to sustain freedom/ when some participants want only an EASY life, at the expense of the rest?

The answer is want must end. Replaced with truth & reality through the understanding of justice/ the human experience refines participation by altering the human focus into an expanding possibility. Focus is "the creation of an enclosure", whereby no exit exists, or the deliberate reduction of life into detailed particle analysis becomes the supposed right to rule. In every such event of human focus with the intent to alter the environment or another life, the human perspective changes to the very limited definitions of "the prison, the mind has controlled: your environment". The fundamental application of "sight, to these blind and deaf people", requires: you must stop the process of control, you must enlarge the expressions of their minds/ you must provide the freedom necessary to encounter life itself, rather than the meager survival & demand for work, that is its norm. These are relationships assembled where dreams & images cannot go/ here truth replies, YOU ARE A MIRACLE, therefore be what you are. The long list of excuses, doubts, & miseries as applied by others must then be replaced and refused. That you may be more, than simple life: YOU ARE ALIVE! The difference is in your soul.

There is honor in every miracle. Accept this truth and begin your journey into eternity.

Stupid means: without the sense, to recognize a true & honest treasure, even when someone gives it to you for free. If some call you slow, or "of a low IQ" DO NOT be concerned: respect for truth is within your grasp, and that is all that matters.

Smart means: I have found the expression of my soul, has given me a life reborn, AS ALIVE. This is a passionate embrace of hope, love, and destiny.

ALIVE exclaims: I am a miracle, and I know that this is TRUE.

Expansion of a human dimension means, to encounter the foundations of your own existence and thereby establish the parameters of thought. Having achieved a beginning, expansion begins in the existence of boundary & the disciplines of order & truth/ boundary means the recognition of realities bound by energy. Ascension thereby begins as energy creates composite elevations formed through understanding & conceived through wisdom. The development of wisdom is a relationship born in identity but understood in soul. Soul is the understanding of a relationship with creation, the knowledge born of miracles.

The questions which expand these definitions, WOULD cause your destruction unless, TRUE RESPECT honestly exists in each one. Therefore this message ends.

In the recognition of variables that contribute to the experience of humanity, the battle of the sexes is necessary to understand/ it is NOT about sex, or the effects of sex. Sexuality is a "little thing" between adults without true love/ but life altering among the young & uneducated. Sex for youth opens every door of expectation & control, & demands the price called your life: do not seek intercourse, where children are born in particular/ this can be very harsh to your whole life. DO NOT believe, "young women lie, for control/ young men lie, for conquest: to prove they can". The battleground for the sexes at every level is about control. The expression of that control can be either aggressive or submissive: the winner causes the loser to change, & do what I say. This is the true grounds for divorce, & the cause of its prevalence among you. Sexual violence between most husbands & wives is also about control, but it does reflect a wide variety of social realities. Men expect to prove they have control here, by proving strength: this is the evidence of their own failure, the reality of their own weakness/ to play the bully, proves only insanity approaches. Women prove they have control by the identical violence of abortion, among other things/ women being caught in a situation without their control, prove their control/ by the evidence of their weakness, the proof of their failure, and the lack of their hope. NOT all abortion is wrong/ the issues of rape, incest, the certainty of problems in life for the infant: are all fixed in the first 30 days. If you cannot be a mother/ then do so quickly. This is NOT about control, this is about violence & the needs of every life.

Control is the battleground/ but want determines the war. Want establishes all "the I's: I want, I will, I'm going to get, I have a right to pettiness, and so on". Want produces the thief: they are the enemy/ they are the reason/ they have destroyed my hope, so I will destroy theirs. Want establishes the goal, that now challenges your relationship (your marriage)/ this is choose between your goal and your mate? Want descends upon sexuality, as a tool, to make the other obey, & do what I WANT, and serve my design. Sexuality is blamed but want is the devil itself. Devil means: I have chosen, the goal is more important than you/ therefore you must be my slave. Sexuality is a blessing/ want is your decision to control and manipulate what is happiness, to demand what is a possession/ not a life. Control is the assertion or evidence of power/ & power is the proof of "the devil inside". In life, truth leads and reality decides. In want, the hidden agenda manipulates, & the lies tempt. The question is: HOW does reality & truth describe our lives/ when this competition threatens our very existence & the peace that life can be?

The answer is: TRUTH DOES NOT ACCEPT LIES! Reality does not accept fantasy, delusion, grandeur for you, or anything less than equality. Therefore you MUST demand these things by the honor & honesty of justice for all. You must respond immediately to the presence of a lie or the fact of idiocy. You must participate in life, NOT in want.

The american way is "reward me", for I have contributed. Then reward me more, because I am the winner. Then control this competition for they threaten my own images of power and control.

It is said of man, "that he only wants sex" by woman. It is said of woman, "that she has VERY many wants, to be provided to her" by man. The truth is only boys want simple sex/ only girls think of little more than the things a boy might represent. Honorable men & women, want exactly the same things from each other, the opportunity to be held in love, and the reality in truth, "of moments where flowers bloom, in each other". A flower is a fundamental expression given by nature, between the "black and white" worlds of truth: where every color represents the majesty of love, and every texture & pattern the freedom of life. People spend there lives in worthless pursuits, only to find age causes every reward to deteriorate, and every passion is allowed to die. The question here is not: is this all there is? Rather the reality of life, is a compensation in every detail, that brings your own creation in thought to life itself. These join you, as friends. This is a complexity, and every person must earn their own reality. Thought transforms the body to "a house" while reality then journeys in the happiness that thought brings. The miracle of life promises GREAT THINGS! The miracle of love, DESCRIBES A GREAT JOY. The honor of being alive, defines our soul, and an eternal friend joins you. The blessing of loneliness is an opportunity to invest yourself fully in soul. The blessing of humility (even humiliation) is that NOW you have been prepared to knock on the eternal doors. The blessings of a human relationship, is someone to hold when pain comes/ someone to LISTEN when humility comes/ someone to share with, because you both care honestly.

The human way, will be: justice has brought us honor, honesty the blessings of truth as these assist us in our everyday lives, courage because freedom has given us hope & happiness, strength because equality has granted opportunity, & love because trust has opened the doors of our hearts, & harmony has passed through. YOU WILL find this passage, or you will die. Because you are too many for any other way.

Humanity says: if I am not in control, I feel adrift/ fearful/ without direction or identity! LIFE says: truth must lead, because NOTHING LESS can keep you alive/ nothing less can sustain this earth. REALITY says: time is a buffer to all aspects of energy/ death ends time, only truth is left.

The question called feelings, exists from your own measurements of "good or less or evil". Feelings erupt where "less exists". Therefore the uncertainty of your purpose describes your feelings. As life, purpose explains good: as all possibilities which conceive of or include the opportunities of our soul. As less, purpose explains "the RISK" of your loss is equal to the risk of your gain/ therefore the greater the potential for happiness/ the greater the pain & torment for failure. As evil, destruction as the desire for violence, has chosen to measure all life by the power you have taken over others.

There is NO gamble "in good", there is however the constant need to "clean your environment, to understand your relationship with life, & to choose BETTER, that you may be granted the right to join this family.

The common experience of humanity is "I love to create my world/ & to hell with the rest of you: I don't care"! Your politics reflect this, your attitudes defend it, your legal wars define it. YOU WILL CHANGE THIS, to the honesty of OUR WORLD, & my duties to all/ because reality states, the balance has already begun to tip against you. This rate of population increase WILL destroy this world. Therefore if you fail to comprehend "WE", RATHER THAN I/ then war, famine, disease, mutilation, & the rivers of blood called armageddon are coming very soon. It is IRRELEVANT if you believe this/ truth will decide.

Genetics are your life, they are your food, they are everything miracles can be: BUT YOU have made them toys. Your failure here is beyond stupid, beyond insane/ this is the demand to FAIL, and then create WAR. Because it is a certain path, when reality truly fails, you know war comes. The university and business, and government will tell you no/ can't happen evolution controls: evolution will fix anything we do! This dysentery is just like your money/ they have said "it doesn't matter how much debt we create/ We DON'T have to pay it". You will soon find out, just how wrong they were/ the proof of genetics is your extinction, not your depression. Your universities will hide, your government will deny, your society will fight, & your money institutions will plan assaults/ because this is your control: and you do worship it. Even the majority will show discontent because they too want these things to be true: even if your dreams and fantasies to be god are nothing more than the refuse of a "monkey throwing shit on you". You still want it.

Truth declares : every lie HAS a consequence. Every ignorance an action or reaction or destruction. Every human failure an intent for REVENGE.


Recognize in your own marriages, that control is the search for weakness/ just as it is in society. Men & women choose "sexual misbehavior" because of issues regarding control: the excuse is "he/ she can't control me, I will prove it! In the social reality the excuse is we will control them, they cannot control us: put them in court, put them in prison, take away their opportunities, treat them with prejudice, that we may rule. The honesty about marriage is "please be my friend, for forever". The reality about society is: please help me, to help you, to honor and help us all. History has made you what you are as a society/ but reality demands the truth shall make you better or your ways shall make you extinct.

This is not a game/ there is only life or death in this message. If you fail to recognize truth, then reality says "your coffins are ready".

I am the messenger/ But you are the judge of your own destruction or life/ whatever you shall choose, is going to come true.

There is no alternative to life/ either you will live or you will descend into hell, "the destruction of all that cannot be true". But, to the degree that evil is true in you, the furnace of your execution, will remove from you, "molecule by molecule" the resemblance of all life, that your truth may then be cast into oblivion.

The human composition is a contribution called time, but a truth called respect. If you have no respect, you have no truth, if you have no truth/ then your life has been sold, to the futility of selfishness. THIS IS SHAMEFUL.

Shame means: I have "seen" the inside of me, and found only pride/ the evidence of evil/ & the lack of respect in me.


It is true that this life does have threats to your safety/ time is not alone in this. It is more true, that respect, truth, honesty, & courage limit the possibility of this harm: thereby allowing you to be free. Do not lose sight of happiness: the honor of peace in the strength of your spirit. If you do, it becomes the first descent into pride. BE FREE, because it is the beginning of love, and the reality of your happiness.

I DO PRAY, May you do well.