The clear & certain destinies, as are distinguished by the evidence: the definitions which expand the reality of our situation, and the honor of being trusted to truly make our own decision, NO matter what the rest of the world may choose. This assigns to each one, a moment in time where heart & soul shall meet. The destiny we choose reflects with critical sight, the innocence of our purpose, the light of our association with GOD, and the passion of what JESUS honestly means to you.

I do not say to you, "look up into the heavens", nor look down (to judgment, not even of yourself), Not at the rest either, for there shall be no assessment of blame. The bridge between your Soul and your Eternity, and even the destiny of the world, is found only in the placement of your own heart. This means simply: are you willing, to accept the lessons of life and the existence of their costs, or shall you hide and make-believe, that reality simply isn't true? We shall all indeed die therefore the moment really is of no great importance. Instead truth says PRAY, that you shall be prepared. This preparation is: the clear & simple acceptance of trust; The certainty of FAITH is (a hope established in the simple truth, that our creator LOVES each of us); the wonder of life, as it begins a new & better journey completing the foundations of our lives; and most critical of all, the respect, that CREATION DESERVES.

There are always to be those who accept only selfishness. These travel to "the movements of the clock, and must hurry, because their time is running out"! To BELIEVE, assembles the meaning of eternity: this is, to conceive JOY, as the expression of life! Do not be afraid of eternity simply accept! There will always be those who "live within the heartache of a loss, which cannot be filled". These explain to themselves, that love is the place where lives are hurt. To believe, establishes the truth most simply: that life is the blessing, that became a joy in the love which reveals our souls. This same love extracts from us the pleasure of his/ her company, when death comes; to reveal the passion of what it truly means, to be ALIVE; To share and care BEYOND the boundaries of ourselves as a family. Passion is a gift. It means: life has expanded your soul, and the doorways beyond time have awakened in you.

Wisdom will allow, that life is conceived as thought, that this life ascends beyond time as truth, honored by energy, that existence cannot be measured, and that life belongs within an environment defined only as "the experience shared without compromise". Thought therefore exists within the embodiment of an expression which knows no boundaries.

The dramatic loss of life, created by stupidity and mind control, on September 11, 2001, was not "a wake up call", neither does it exist in the simple phrases "a call to arms or we are at war"/ rather death refines our experience of living to encompass TRAGEDY! This tragedy is the fundamental knowledge that order has been displaced with critical new & unexpected actions. Order or more simply the environment sustained as peace & security & wisdom, becomes transient, to the burden placed upon it by greed & selfishness & gluttony. These things displace order by compiling "the structural deformities" of an experience not shared. Here, discipline is easily cast aside, and the result is: the "fabric" assigned as the integration of our social structures, threatens to tear. More simply, life is the complex destination, assigned by the single most important event of time TO SURVIVE! The primary desire is as a struggle conceived without compromise. This simple assertion demonstrates the social interactions of one group, Do illicit alternate reactions in the other groups. By this method burdens are either shared or assigned to others, and in this context war often begins. The terrorists of 9/11 killed because of insanity (they were deceived, into believing death was an answer/ and each murderer (some did not murder/ but were murdered as well) involved will pay for their own participation, in eternity). LIFE is the only answer, therefore death is the fabric of life TORN, and the tragedy of loss revealed. Loss describes life, as no other expression or experience can do. The truth of "such a heartache" demonstrates the very journey of life, as an immense grappling, for the moments which tie us together. These replace our isolation, assembled by experience, as within the integrity of "meshed lives, (a fabric)".

Humanity breeds its own despair, the consequence of freedom to choose is the reality of that choice, no matter how bad it might be/ if your demand is freedom, and it is, then you must accept the price of that freedom. Survival then becomes a dignity known, in the foundations of time, as the human experience. We ARE all living together as one world! The existence of our knowledge of each other, has now changed that world into a "fabric without end", and when it tears, the destinies of us all, tear with it.

An individual life is very much the same as this.

The difference is: the assembled experience of individual motives, individual truths, that interweave themselves into the integrity or failure of a soul. Like fabric the soul accepts "the placement of time, as an integral definition of existence". Eternity does not accept time, therefore only the reality of an identity capable, and of sustainable strength shall inherit it. The common human experience "death destroys" is more clearly: death isolates the definition of life, to the plain & simple expression "why did I need, what will I do, & why must I do so"?

These do become "the definitions of your life", the foundations upon which you, as life do exist as yourself. Remember the words: harmony is the expression of your soul in concert with all that is your experience/ those who build rejoice/ those who destroy learn to hate. Remember also, that destiny is NOT a deceit; it is the clear & literal choice of your soul/ if your destiny is unwanted; then change your experience with GOD and your soul will change with you.

As it regards the legal record of this proceeding; humanity measures in simple "are you like me terms". Therefore in the court cases the handwriting initiates a rejection based upon looks/ the style & content of the script, suggests rejection or isolation from others/ the broad & deliberate inclusion of "color" allows prejudice. These are then questions in and of themselves, and do ask of the participant "who are you"? therefore understand the simple truth, a witness may identify the characteristics, but a defendant shall only reveal his or her true identity, by the direction they choose/ "the game" of opening the door, to establish this court case is OVER/ reality exits as truth, and the lies are now over as well. NO MATTER what the choice, this is to be a human destiny, designed and described by all. LIES only multiply the tragedy, and the tragedy that you do face is listed in part in this lawsuit/ a few will wish, to "hang onto the lie", but if you do, then the lies will kill the earth and every life on or in it. This is NOT A GAME/ understand the evidence and choose your fate. Humanity HAS always wanted to "be god"/ you are to be congratulated, because this decision is as close as you will ever get.

Believe this or not, the GREATEST TRAGEDY in all of human history was



The world would truly be different, if this had never happened.

NATURE, IS "ON THE CROSS" in this day! If you fail to repent of this insanity/ the whole world shall again be TRULY DIFFERENT, than this day, and VERY SOON! You shall not "put it back"/ you will not receive more mercy than this decision/ you will die, IF that is your true choice! It is unnecessary for you to believe these words, truth doesn't care, and reality will prove truth, only the time is in question. Many conspired to demand of this day: The lies will never be found, we won't have to pay, who will make us? The lies are now identified, you do have to pay, and the world will make you. If you lie, the tragedy WILL multiply, and the destiny change, "to encompass horror".

LOVE explains the message, but the soul comprehends HONOR & COURAGE, it is here that mind & heart transform an identity into "the translucent environment of humanity", as the evidence & the motive of any action is, designed by your own thoughts. Light exists as the vision of what life could be, by the displays of your own eyes/ thought exists as the transition between existence and fact, sustained by your own will, and determined by the direction you choose to become your fate! Choose carefully and pray often.

VALOR is the meaning life allows for destiny, therefore valor describes; as the fragile bond of our humanity is tested, the message we reveal is SIMPLY "a true and honest love IS more precious, than life". FIND your soul & your wisdom, and understand

JESUS IS TEACHER, to us all.

BE ADVISED: the words accredited here, as a lawsuit before the people, DO NOT constitute an "intellectual property"/ DO NOT constitute a copyright or other. They ARE FREE, as a reality of the court, and as such "a property of the people".

Be aware that a failure to respect the integrity of the documents DOES constitute a criminal action/ where fraud is involved.

Use the words, there shall be NO excuse for you not to:

DO, fight for your life, or die.

DISCIPLINE, allows only the definitions important to the consequence, THIS is assigned and accepted when the justification of that consequence is the critical relationships between life & death. These words, created by this lawsuit and its fundamental demands, are then a true matter of discipline, as they are not established by less than the consequence called life or death.

BALANCE allows, that while discipline must rule; LOVE prefers the destination created by truth, "that we are ALL true miracles." Embodied not simply by a fate which we cannot choose/ nor imprisoned by a body which must survive: BUT honored by the simple and true existence of choices. Loneliness is the single most destructive force in humanity. Loneliness explains simply "I have no one" therefore, how can I be someone? Loneliness thereby means: to be RESPECTED is the purpose applied to loneliness/ to be LOVED is the desire initiated by loneliness. To be "capable in thought, as the message of every SOUL", cherishes the journey, as refined by the human experience. We are created within a world which does respect us/ (every life form exists with awe, that we are human/ WHY are you not?). The love of GOD seeks us, every one, and answers desire with knowledge & friendship. JESUS is the message of life: that we are so valued, that we are so loved, that we are worthy, if we simply accept the value that we have truly been given and shown.

THOUGHT, is the reality of transformation, it is the vehicle destined to complete the journey. Thought then (NOT, as a mental or intellectual existence) transcends the boundaries described by loneliness, to become immersed as family, in an environment conceived without moments. Therefore an environment without corruption. In the same way the words of this lawsuit directs your attention to the realities we face/ the true purpose of these words, by the ascension of its evidence, is allowed to direct your attention to life itself. NOT by the measure of words, but by the SOUL within yourself.

Life is a gift of immeasurable worth, NOTHING on earth or in the universe itself compares with life. YOU ARE in POSSESSION of a treasure exceeding every human devise or plan or possibility/ therefore YOU ARE "RICH" beyond your wildest imaginings. RECEIVE YOUR BLESSING!

The struggles of the human world need not remain a burden. These are only decisions based upon conflict, and the intense desire of "I want to be somebody". TRUE LIFE accepts the relationships of existence confined by thought and anticipates the HONOR of being free. Here thought participates, as the inner boundaries of our human existence and asks: will you come with me? Your own identity answers this question, your own life, as the gift you have received JOINS or surrenders according to the decisions you have made! The reality now becomes, "who are you, why are you, what would you do, why would you do, where do you truly desire to participate, & when you are given life do you desire to accept HARMONY AND PEACE as the destination of your true desire?

These are NOT simple questions/ they ARE, the eternity of your SOUL.

As a summary, in every expression of destiny, the experience called love, determines the path. Love is the reality of a presence accepted, an understanding of equality, a wisdom created in the certainty of JOY. Love is the blessing of life! Love is the experience of life, re-created without "a body", as the transparent relationship of purposes and desires shared, because we are allowed; cared about because we are appreciated and because we are needed, & received because there is NO need to hide or be afraid. Love is more, "than a treasury", it is the definition of eternity: that I/ we have found our relationship to life, as the blessing of happiness & joy, and by its appreciation, our lives are joined; to the integrity of our ways, and need has passed away!

Love and no other reality clarifies eternity as a description completed, the foundation formed, and the energy of life. Love thereby participates rather than exists. Love builds rather than controls. Love expands within each experience, to become ours, not simply mine. The human reference to "making love", is a description of physical intercourse and this to, is a simple lie. Love is the existence of sharing, therefore it is desired not made. Love is the respect of caring, therefore it is a happiness, not a motion or sensual experience of the body or mind, But a reality conceived when 2 lives (or more) become as one life. Love is, the honesty of a "kiss", when it is given without an agenda, without a price, & without a risk. Love is a human sexual expression when life is the gift, when acceptance is the message, when joy is the experience. Love explains the composition of our lives, as the experience of our souls, transcending moments in time, to become the influence of courage, the passion of honor, the intensities of trust, & the gift of our respect for each other.

Love is NOT an emotion! Love is NOT a measure! Love is the environment created within thought, that becomes our home. Home does means ALWAYS WELCOME, ALWAYS SHARED with "reasonable equality", ALWAYS DESTINED, by the experience of truth, to be without end.

The human experience assigns love, to the measurements of death & the existence of survival/ these are the evidence of boundaries, the possibilities of loss. Reality reminds each one, that the body & mind you did receive, guides & directs your soul, to look beyond the descriptions of yourself and examine the truth that reality creates! Here, the lesson of life says: we do not know an absolute truth, therefore we must conceive of the opportunities by recognizing the potential of the evidence. The lesson of love is: DO NOT JUDGE, the reality of happiness is not measured, it is found and accepted, and nourished. The lesson of the Soul is: do not depend upon your mind or body, these are transient things and they cannot save you/ they can only help you. Instead BELIEVE, that love can be your home, and life in the expressions of love your destiny. Accept that your "BELONGING" shall indeed transform your life, and change your destiny.


and thank him, for teaching the lessons of love, and very much more, to us all.

The final statement is: a loss is, the distinct reality of no further choices or experiences here. Loss therefore comes to mean, "I have witnessed, the importance of love, & purity of heart, & the opportunities of life; this witness completes this part of my journey as the wisdom of truth, the complexity of love, and the dimension of one life, one hope, and one purpose, as it completes and supports my very own life. Wisdom is then, the basis of reason, sustained by "the witness of my soul, for the passions of love". Loss therefore builds the foundations, Love builds the structure, trust binds together the commitment of a life re-created by respect, and then becomes the "nature of a family". Family thereby comes to mean, the critical explanation of our needs, carefully assigned by the relationships of our love and the honesty of our purpose. JOY is the freedom of our souls, as the liberty we are allowed to experience life, as the blessing of our own gift, and the acceptance and understanding of what has truly been given to me/us.


Remember this: your participation is CRITICAL/ YOU DECIDE the fate of the world! The choice is: to accept the consequences, created by all the decisions of power, greed, pride, lust, and fear. This will be ending in destruction/ so says the evidence.


To change and demand respect/ to fight & continue to fight until EVERY reality of destruction has ended PEACEFULLY and ACCORDING TO LAW! And then, to dedicate your own life/ every life to respect, equality, truth, love, reality, harmony, honor, honesty, & courage (all things beneficial to society and your life). These are to decide the direction of society, because these are the things which make all society happy and at peace/ these are the realities which give life the opportunity to conceive of eternity and prepare. Resources must be respected, work must be shared, populations must be controlled, & pollution & other environmental disasters limited. IF you do not choose these things TRULY, of your own free will. Then your future is grim, and your time will be short. Liberty demands this price/ If you are not willing to pay it, then you will not survive. This is NOT a test/ this is the truth, created by your own decisions, and the consequence of your own actions. Whether you believe the severity or the necessity of the evidence and truth assigned to this lawsuit IS IN FACT, "up to you/ no one can make you understand/ no one can prove you wrong to yourself" BUT in the same way, truth doesn't care what you think either/ truth shall proceed exactly as the realities associated with that truth demand it shall be done. The difference between you and truth is: you can be wrong. IF so, then you die!

The reference to "the garden of Eden" in the revelations portion of this lawsuit, is NOT a prophecy! More simply it is a truth that greed (the taking of the apple), lust (the desire for the apple), power (the belief that their actions would not incur a penalty), temptation (the association between a perceived action and hiding the purpose of that action), and the LIE (we will not be caught). Each contribute to the final outcome/ that "Adam &Eve" refused to accept their responsibility for the actions they took, and the decisions they made! They LIED (blaming each other). Then they BEGAN, the true descent from happiness and a place with their CREATOR, they chose, a violence, "they blamed another life/ and sought its destruction for their own actions"!

Think about this, before you act, before no recourse exists but separation from all that GOD CREATED!

The consequence called HELL, does exist/ it consists of being placed at the "edge of energy, as it ROARS from its beginning." you, would ride this edge, as a living recognition of the mass that was your life! As the book of revelation reveals, in "the torrents of locust/ ash"/ this is the earth splitting open to reveal the core! This (if these days are chosen) will become the EXPLOSION OF THE EARTH itself! And, your destiny, as has been chosen by you, WOULD BE, "to accept the reality, that now YOU must indeed be god to yourself, and create your own universe"!

Choice no longer exists, live or die/ remembering as energy you cannot die/ instead you are merely transformed, into the hearth of extreme violence/ which is following, to devour you.

This is a LAST, humanity has failed completely consequence. DO NOT consider this anything more, than a WARNING!

Let those who scoff do so/ do not hinder them! YOU, FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE!

Dealing with the responsibility of death, in its relationship to life, and the possibilities which currently face us as a world/ allows death as a necessary discussion. As it participates in the existence of humanity, death is an ever-present aggression! As it participates in time/ it is an ending, which allows NO exceptions. As it participates in human LIFE itself, death creates the opportunities for life, by removing "the obstacles/the old & the infirm." This reality provide a clear & certain definition of the treasure that life is, it is a steady progression of learning. Thereby death allows "new-growth", to find their own possibilities, and their own moments, until their own time also fades away. WE MUST DIE, or the young have NO place in time & NO opportunity of their own/ just as others throughout the centuries, have made room for you.

YOU are the owner of your body & mind! YOU are NOT the owner of your life! Therefore NO decision exists, as it is applied to your life/ however NO ONE has a right to control what you do with your own body. This is a war, in and of itself/ this war depicts 2 sides, separated and yet the very same. It is a covenant of RESPECT/ that changes war to peace. It is the acceptance of critical truth & it is the honor of TRUE love, that changes the burden of death, to a relationship with life! There will always be those who ridicule, until they are in need: even then, temptation is all they know. Simply "do not belittle them, they truly do not know what they do."

For you, time is for the creation of your relationship with KNOWLEDGE: therefore it is also your opportunity to accept understanding. Death is a separation from pain/ therefore a "full & complete" separation from body & mind (NO connection) is left. Death MEANS: dependent upon an energy which no longer exists/ the soul searches to remain alive. ENERGY MUST BE FOUND! Therefore energy is the "key to life." It is in "these seconds" that the existence of the soul itself is questioned? It is "in these seconds" that the identity of GOD's true gift to you, is realized! For those who have entered into the covenant created by RESPECT/ the identity of your LIFE becomes revealed (this is your relationship with GOD HIMSELF : you have built this relationship/ this identity together) and true life IS AS PART OF GOD, as family)! The reality of your spirit, becomes "the passenger", & the mercy provided is "the inheritance of eternity". YOU only need to TRUST/ RESPECT/ & you will be thankful!

For those who have NOT entered within this covenant, but DO receive MERCY: as life slips away/ the opportunity is "an energy called fire". YOU WILL "see" a ring of fire/ IF you fail to pass through before the fire closes the center/ you will be lost! YOU MUST, pass through this ring of fire/ it IS the energy of life to you. The fire SHALL NOT, destroy you/ rather it shall destroy the lies, that still exist in your soul/ ONLY what is true shall remain! You will NOT be consumed. Here after, the journey of creation is renewed, NOT as life on earth, but as possibilities in a universe of opportunities/ YOU WILL BE HAPPY!



Some, will come forth & demand HOW, should I, a plain man, write such things as these? The only answer is: I am educated by


And these are the words, HE has taught me to believe/ I have nothing to add. In truth, I merely represent "the hand" that delivers the message, and no more.

Your understanding of this reality is NOT my concern.

These ARE, the "lessons of a small child", LEARN THEM/ "as you would say to your child", Because you WILL need them!

Believe or do not believe/ the choice is yours! But do understand

I CANNOT, COULD NOT, WILL NOT, be able to save you/

I am not your leader, your priest, or any such thing!

I am a messenger, and no more!