The critical assertions of a life or death decision is applied do to these facts, as a beginning:

1. One missile carrying a 10 bomb warhead, can easily level New York City or any other, this is a truth.

2. Genetic mutilation has created biological weapons, if released which could easily cause extinction, this is a truth.

3. 2 million more humans must be fed each week (roughly) due to the increasing population explosion/ the reality of discontent, the tragedy of famine, & the increased stress of depression will open the doors to all kinds of terrorism, this is a truth, or more correctly a time-bomb which will not be denied.

4. The resources of tomorrow are simply discarded, polluted, or abused today/ you will suffer from this insanity, because you chose it.

5. The eco-systems that make life possible are under attack & will soon be defeated, this is a truth if you do not stop.

6. The tragedy of economic collapse will challenge the limits of human tolerance. The USA leads as the economic liar, by claiming asset numbers in excess of all reality/ & by refusing to accept the debt they hold cannot be paid. This is certain to change!

7. The damage of intentional genetic alteration, means simply nature is being crucified/ nature is the process of life: who among you believes any human or group of humans should be allowed the insanity and terrorism of {playing with life}. YOU could not be more foolish!

Our lives do hang in the balance, and what we do or do not do will determine life or death for this entire earth. Some will say "not now"/ but truth says: how will you recall the weapons of mass destruction; how will you stop the infestation of critical disease; how will you survive famine without war; how will you grow food or work without resources; how will you survive without nature; will you accept the reality that your wants have killed your economy, or will you strike out and rage; when you have killed nature, as your geneticists will, perhaps you think computers will save you, maybe your faith is in politicians or the universities which brought you to these dire straits/ if so then reap your reward.

BELIEVE: if you hide you die/ if you refuse truth, you die/ if you don't care, you die/ if you won't participate, you die/ If you refuse to do your best, you will die/ if you say "only a little or not now" you will die/ if you say "let them pay", your time will be short/ if you panic and let fear rule, then Armageddon will come for you.

TRUTH MUST LEAD, REALITY MUST DECIDE, JUSTICE MUST CREATE, a new society, and CHANGE MUST COME/ RESPECT will determine your future, in its entirety.

I am not your savior/ not your leader/ & not your enemy either. This message allows you, the opportunity to participate in your own way, & see the reality that exists, for those who have lived in the fantasy of their want "to play god". YOU as an entire humanity WILL STOP this game! If you do not, then you will be forced to "be god" over the world you have conceived for yourselves!

YOUR choice is: Be your own god OR


JESUS AS SAVIOR, Of us all and then




Our human relationship to this world has always been: NATURE WILL FIX THIS! Our human reality HAS become, "nature will be controlled." Therefore our destiny is now critically tied to the reality of human control OR the ability of nature to survive us. Humanity is attacking nature in all forms/ particularly the genetic structures, the biological structures that support life, and the pollution driven by greed and unbridled stupidity. The truth of life is literally: we have NO control over life: death comes, like it or not/ life comes, ready or not/ reality is relentless, prepared or not. Evolved is a word of the simplest mind, which means literally "reality mutated, to conceive a lie".

CREATION means "LOVED beyond the current reality, respected beyond the honest truth of your existence, and GRANTED the right, To inherit freedom"! May you pray often.

The questions of an economic depression, starting in the United States.

WHAT is an economic depression? The answer: people quit trusting the money, the promises, & the numbers. This is because trust is the basis of a mutual respect/ and the reality to be recognized is you have failed. The assertion of money is "I do have something tangible to offer you, & you to me". Promises exist as the boundary, for which a door must be opened before passage can occur. Numbers, are the reward, "for the games people play". In summary, as the separation of "rich & poor" continues, the reality of life fades from those who claim wealth, to become : little more than dollar signs, or debt upon the heads of the living! While those who are poor continually fight against the demand to hate these greedy, and participate without violence; respect then dies on all sides.

The question of money demands the existence of resources and labor/ therefore I do ask of you directly: at the current rate of consumption/ HOW SOON will the first critical (we need this) resource "become extinct"? HOW SOON will the people say, "I have been slave long enough". Currently 6.3 billion people are extracting earth resources, every hour of every day of every year, of every decade: without putting anything back. Therefore when the first primary resource is lost by consumption, pollution, or just plain disrespect: ARE YOU going to war/ or will you lay down and die? A few will say, "science will save us"/ I tell you correctly, is science not responsible for bringing you here to this day/ it cannot save itself.

In this america, the credit reported by the federal reserve for 2 years ago was 65 trillion dollars of promised debt ("I" took your credit/ your promise, and gave what you asked for). There are roughly 121 million people filing taxes (the people who do work, including the old and young). Therefore 65,000,000,000,000 trillion dollars divided by 121,000,000 million people = $537,190 debt per american worker/ as an average: business is just what people do, it cannot save you. This expectation of numbers is a fantasy, it is a reality that cannot be paid/ therefore it is a LIE, and lies always fail.

The numbers used in the american economy (by the federal reserve) 2 years ago was 93 trillion dollars in assets or so/ divided among 280 million people (every person alive in america) means the average asset is $332,142 per "worker, baby, prisoner, sick, & so on." {thereby without considerations of debt/ this is over 2.3 million dollars in credit expected: pay 14.5% down and you get to buy the house don't you?} this is fantasy. However the financial counselor is hypnotized to say & think "93 trillion divided by 65 trillion in debt is a asset to debt ratio of only 69cents to every dollar owned/ not threatening yet" {this is the ignorance of a university education/ lost in the focus of what you are told, rather than what you have learned}. This is a country where the IRS claims $28,000 before taxes in the average income of americans. Taxes combined "sales, income (state & federal), property, social security, and misc" will equal roughly 50% of your income. Therefore the average salary after taxes is $14,000. The government spends all your taxes for operating expenses/ therefore 14,000 divided into $537,190 debt equals 38 years of payments without interest: paid as your entire salary, WITHOUT food, shelter, or anything else. Add to this the current year debt increase of 500,000,000,000 dollars plus the last 2 years of additional debt increase and it grows quickly! 500 billion dollars divided by 121 million workers is an increase in your debt of $4,132 dollars for this year per worker. The lies of the clinton administration (no government debt) merely reflected the fact that they removed social security in all its forms from government debt (its your debt/ not theirs: even though they spent the money). These are all games, And I guarantee, they will end!

WHAT is a stock market, and why does it work?

The definition is: stock represents money called excess (by the people who hold it), these people then desire to multiply that money without work! Bonds exist as the WANTS of a government official that the people usually don't support/ therefore the official REMOVES the control of the people by offering bonds: which are then handed to the people to pay. The government does NOT track bonds fully, therefore an unknown amount of debt resides in these government actions.

A mutual fund is the tool of hope, whereas the expectation is "we can't all be wrong/ or go broke"! The simple explanation of a stock is "someone asks for money/ the request is spread by the stock market asking the investor: how much would YOU give this business/ and in return "we the investor, become your banker".

The question now becomes: WHAT is the true value of your money and why in does this business of stock represent an asset to society or "to me"? The answer simply: "the numbers have NO value, as they represent work & resources that can not be claimed. Therefore the numbers are the game: whosoever wants to play, must accept them/ or they become excluded from the game." The business of survival is the relationship of one life to another, and to this world. The common experience of america IS competition/ therefore survival is expressed by "winning or losing". The outline or template of american society is then simply "a comparison based upon numbers & possessions. These things then grant the definitions of worth, or the measurement of the members. Americans will claim : THIS has "made us great". Whereas the reality is MUCH more simple: the land stolen to become america was pristine, and the resources VERY MANY/ therefore anyone who would work, could work. YOU NOW face a world population crisis of unbelievable proportion/ the reality is THESE NUMBERS are REAL. Therefore truth explains simply "the games will end/ the competition will die, & the HONOR of being alive will rule life: or this entire planet will dissolve into extinction. YOU need each other to survive/ if you separate you cannot.

The rule of FATE is simple: environment shapes basic values/ environment defines critical work that must be done/ & diversity allows a composition that enables & creates the expression of those who contribute to survival, and those who fail. Fate brings me to you/ because the future as defined by your current progressions IS BLEAK, DEADLY, and without mercy. Therefore reality demands change, and because this message has been given to me, I have become its messenger. Like you, I would prefer a simple life of honest happiness: BUT failure here, means death, so we have ALL become participants, because those who could did/ and we now must correct for their arrogance, and our societies lack of democracy or justice, or honor.

In definitions of my life, used to explain how I came to be a messenger: the honesty is simple. I NEEDED beyond doubt or question "to learn better", when I was a young man/ because tears explain the hopes, needs, & true desires of people affected by my ways. Therefore an "education" became my true passion. Life added many "things to be endured/ truth demanded the extremes where reality bends the mental experience (if allowed) and then fear distorts (if allowed). FAITH is "the light" which guides our path in darkness/ FAITH is "the trial of our convictions, & the life of our own knowledge". YOU are the jury in this trial of life: for yours is the decision which will become life or death for the earth. YOU are at the crossroads of FATE, for your decision shall change this world. THIS is your fate, just as mine is to be this messenger. Time has chosen us, & if we fail/ then time will defeat life on earth. THIS IS REAL, it is not a game [BEWARE of the people who will attempt to make it one]! People will say of me "he must be, or he is, insane/ why listen to him"? Reality will prove my ways are NOT common/ but it will also prove, by the density & consequence of this message, that it is you that grasps for an excuse/ and not me! The reality of my life is a progression of wisdom by all means; without surrender or harm to any other life. Therefore pride was abandoned, humiliation "a teacher of behaviors," the definitions of men & women suspended, & the possibilities of life enjoined. Do remember this, no matter how you perceive me, I am irrelevant to you/ this is your decision & your life/ future: this trial is not about me! Some will say "fear him"/ for they have wants that shall be surrendered, selfishness that demands force, and frustrations that cannot be relieved. If you wish; you may investigate the bible stories/ there you will learn, the people chosen to "bring messages" are all "a little different". Understand therefrom that life is neither common or so simple as most people consider themselves to be/ and neither am I.

PREDICTIONS in financial consequence

The extent of financial destruction will be as an avalanche/ giving no one, the opportunity to salvage even small areas of security. Financial distress is dependent upon preparation: history indicates gold & silver to be the most likely refuge from collapse. DO NOT "bury, hide, or use until necessary"/ although bank security boxes are poor, it is less realistic to protect yourself. Do NOT think to be rich by investing in these/ rather in a world of fractured & disabled emotions: YOU WILL share & care, or simply die in the violence of an insanity that cannot be controlled. The question of when, asks only, "at what moment will the fears of humanity control the reason of humanity"? Reason is established as the uniformity of purpose, & this is used to order & direct the "march of humanity" into its various aspects of social behavior. FEAR overcomes this, only when the majority decide "we have been led into a trap"/ then desperation demands an emergency exit or a new leader, and reality transforms the intent of that society into "my own" survival, at any cost/ to the others. All historical leaders "of hitler-like men" have appeared through this opening. Therefore your job, as humanity is: to understand that MONEY is nothing more than promises made to yourselves. Truth thereby claims: "with regard to survival, NOTHING has changed except your minds: these are expectations in fantasy, and they could not have been formed without your own acceptance". Therefore each one is responsible for the destruction allowed, because your want exceeded your reality, and your selfishness consumed your opportunities. LIFE is about the honor and respect which miracles have brought to your existence/ LIFE is about the possibilities of eternity, and the opportunities freedom applies/ LIFE is chosen because of the respect for LOVE, that honor, courage, honesty, truth, and HOPE create.

You are then faced with the complete destruction of your fantasies/ because the moments of humility and shame will soon approach you. The question will be decided as: The acceptance of sanity through repentance, for all the lies you shared, produced, & caused/ OR insanity and the demand for hatred. There is no "middle-ground"/ you will choose.

There is no money involved in an economic depression?

The answer to this statement is economies are based upon resources and work/ then upon utilities and education/ money is merely the "glue" that applies a level of harmony to the efforts. Depression is strictly about THE LIES are now ending/ and we MUST face the truth! Money is not a liar/ people are the liars, and money is the method and trophy of the games. This depression to come is not going away easily/ you have LIED as a nation/ you wanted the lie, not the truth/ you supported the lies/ and you should have the reward for all "your work"=reality should not "short-change" you. HOWEVER the truth knows that the only difference in an economy is whether you want to work/ whether you have resources to work/ whether you have the infrastructures to allow work/ & whether your education allows the opportunity of work. Therefore when you have resolved to end the insanity of want/ and applied truth to the direction and determination or your lives, then reality can accept the change in your hearts and give you peace, through the harmony of sharing, because you do care. IT IS TRULY, up to you.

To the religious, of all types: You DO pride yourselves in your fantasies; of how you would "walk through fire/ die in great battles/ or whatever". In these moments soon to be faced/ the courage required: is to accept the humiliation as deserved , because it is deserved/ the purpose required is to accept the teaching shame will require of you, and surrender YOUR pride. Life says, fantasy contributes NOTHING/ therefore reality asks of you in truth, will you help the others appreciate the opportunity of new beginnings, OR will cowardice overtake you, & temper tantrums express the only thing you have to offer: Blatant disrespect.

I will tell you from my life, "it is humility which opens doors, it is humility that asks for your courage, it is destiny shaped by your decisions of what you did do, & why, that describes: what you DO, give to your God. Every one of these battles occurs inside of yourself. These humiliations demand surrender of "little things; the pride of social acceptance"/ or passage through & beyond the destinies of being time, is denied. This door, into a world beyond selfishness, is created by the message conceived between your heart & soul: message means, "nothing but the truth is important, therefore teach me, & I will learn." I will ask you today: how much would you truly give "to the god of your choice"/ if you give nothing but the pride and power of position/ then you only take, and nothing is your answer. IF you do accept humiliation before your position before other people, then you do give whatever you can: because your GOD is more important that society, and the people of your world. This is not a relationship with humiliation/ this is the critical honesty of where GOD lives in your heart. The interpretation of this is: your belief can be shaped by the life you do live/ or more clearly the price of life, is the surrender of pride. Pride as defined by the existence of an expectation/ the desire of a selfish motivation, does express 2 distinct messages from your heart to your mind: they are, you are more important than these, ignore them/ and its companion these others should pay for your wants and needs because you do control their destiny. Pride therefrom illicit's all the degrees & demonstrations of tempted & tempter: to accommodate the single purpose, "that is your desire to be their ruler, even their god". Humiliation comes to salvage your life & theirs/ to express destiny as the honor of life without pride/ & to give you another opportunity to begin again.

SOUL cannot be approached with even a tiny expression of pride/ you WILL be refused. Therefore understand the difference between disgrace & simple humiliation: disgrace is the destruction of life, for the purpose of your mind, for the reality of your mind. Humiliation is the reaction measured by your own mind, for the purpose of your soul. Shame is the difference between an honorable purpose "even when you are wrong", and the reality of a lie created by your own life.

The coming economic crisis means humanity will choose the sane expression of life, caring & sharing together, as we must. OR humanity will dissolve into the lies it has created, & the resultant insanity will destroy life itself.


In the question of when shall this economic crisis occur, & why? The answer is defined by 5 distinct realities; when these align, fear will control.

1. The devaluation of property, REMOVES the possibility of credit ( or even the sustainment of current credit). Credit rules the american society.

2. Bankruptcy is "a house of cards", that consumes the others to multiply damage done. This is the relief of one, at the cost of the others, and it is a "bankers fault".

3. Population trust, establishes money in an economy/ therefore governmental failures (county, state, federal, or international) all explain social consequences to the decisions made: a trust in lies, therefore becomes the definitions of a trap.

4. Employment defines the confidence & respect of self/ as failure increases, jealousy, & hatred erupt into riots & depressions. Therefore hope disappears and anger finds "a human home".

5. Lies will establish a crisis; because the coward knows no other way. LIES always fail/ either as the depreciation of your own personal life, or in view of the others, as the shame that is your own creation. Therefore a decision is made: to rage as a terrorist of many types, for their judgment of you/ or simply as a need to accept the guilt that is yours.

I will suggest: the current increase in governmental spending is the rise in economic data, (military, terrorism, and tax returns)/ the probability of "vietnam era manipulations to change the data or control it is certain/ this lawsuit will provide the "last straw" to public trust/ we will discuss.

Survival means CHANGE, while failure will allow only a very few years, before reality shall form the tomb of no escape for you. The questions conceived in your heart today, for "a plan for actions to defuse truth, and accept lies", to modify the extent and content of this lawsuit, are based upon the demand NOT to change. If you fail to dispose of such ignorance, then life cannot teach you how to survive! Truth never fails, therefore do surrender the lies, or it is fair to say, you will be destroyed.

There will be those who say, "that this message has caused economic failure, by preaching fears"! YOUR lies, your numbers, your promises, your debt, your fantasy & your destiny are all created by your decisions: these causes, are yours, not mine. This message brings you a chance to survive/ whereas, if no message were given to you: the day of armageddon would have simply pounced upon you with no warning/ and your cursing increased the pain. The vast majority will arise & say "we ARE doing just fine, leave us alone/ HOW can you threaten us so"! But so says every man, woman, & child just before the car crash that kills them all. This is also "like the cigarette smoker, who says: you people HAVE taken everything of value from me, I demand my right to smoke: this is MY DECISION and you shall not take it from me". Like them, the reality you face is derived from your expectation and experience with other people and your perception of a decision that shall not be removed! Like them, the reality and truth is NOT a decision they make/ rather this is the addiction they use to soothe their anger against the others. YOU WILL remove this anger/ you will answer the needs of each other with justice/ or you will not survive.

YOU will investigate, examine, understand, & decide or you will hide and fear. But even this cannot save you from the destiny you have already chosen/ rather if truth does not lead, & reality decide, for honest purposes of true respect: then I will tell you simply "you are sold/ and the end will come quickly".

Do understand clearly, that no purpose exists within these words, beyond your survival/ this is not surrender, if you do not choose "the price of life", then life is abandoned by you. YOU are judge & jury of the human race, & by that reality you are judge & jury of the entire earth. This is your job! And you may not surrender it, hide, or say no! LISTEN TO YOUR SOUL/ BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART/ & RESPECT whatever ability you have to understand, and USE IT for life. If you do not, then it is truly your own pride, arrogance, & selfishness that demanded this reality/ therefore "back away" from subtly, or receive exactly what you do deserve.


HAPPINESS, the destiny of all who learn balance: "honesty with reality, honor with humility, life with death, & hope with the definitions that are true". Establishes society, therefore the integrity of our human futures depends upon human happiness. If you fail to sustain this, reality will close the door to life, "& leave you, helpless in the darkness". YOU must learn the correct, fundamental relationship that respects happiness, as the creation you do and must form.

This relationship is about life & the pleasures of simple understanding. It is about love and the destiny of miracles. It is about FAITH and your acceptance of the creation called thought. We begin in the honesty of movement & form; all around this environment of the earth, our bodies, our home, our time, & our future. These realities teach of a complexity SO FAR BEYOND our comprehension, that only the word MIRACLE can be applied. Miracle means literally, "from the HAND OF GOD , given for us"!

Within this honor, the true existence of our lives begins to "take form". When you experience a respect assigned by soul, to the miracles which surround you (EVERY one, none may be discounted) then an identity in you has begun to form. Identity means: the expression of a desire, the expansion of a hope, & the realization of thought itself.

Here, in the densities of life & death, the examination of LOVE, allows thought to perceive the destinies of miracles as they attain the consequence of knowledge. Thought is a freedom, therefore the understanding of peace and its companion happiness, achieves in creation a possibility known; rather than existence it is life. Peace exists within the framework of wisdom: it does not ask/it does not take/ it exists by the definition of hope, for hope allows the certainty of creation, and gives the security of eternity. Hope assembles the foundation of respect, and happiness builds a life within the balance of a reality that is true. LOVE assists hope, by explaining the expansion of creation forms a home, wherein life redefines existence as the participation of reality between heart & soul.

Here faith forms the partnership called acceptance. Acceptance means: thought has integrated the consequence of creation with the foundation of its miracle: we "have become like, Our creator". THIS IN NO WAY, means any human is "a god, like a god, or any other such thing"! Rather the introduction of "purity" to your own participation in thought, gives insight into the universe that speaks of thought. Thought is NOT a possession! Thought IS the very critical resource of an opportunity. Thought exists within the decision that is identity, & transforms energy to life, by the truth that respects LOVE as "the treasure of living". Therefore love invades existence, & life becomes the disciplines & order that are BASIC to the expressions called freedom. OUR relationship is with thought (not as a mental/ intellectual destiny: BUT as life itself, builds a destiny we must create). Therefore our life is with love ________________ the destiny we face is then creation, in the miracles of "family": to be granted peace. Or by your own decision, the destruction of time awaits.

These are extremes that apply to this life, and to eternity. YOU must accept the disciplines of a journey in one direction or the other. This is not a demand of your freedom/ this is a reality of the universe, and you must accept the limits that energy & reality impose. The destiny of thought is eternity/ the destiny of love is JOY, through "FAMILY". The destiny of life is, "the miracle of being ALIVE". This is A GREAT MANY TRUTHS.

It is your choice, to be "the evidence of your creation in love" & enter within its truth! Or simply to turn away, into time and let energy & truth be your god [you will be destroyed]. Life is a gift/ why then do you not believe in eternity, for you do not control either: only time, may you command.

LIFE IS A "Movement in time, used to create an identity in creation. CREATION IS THE ETERNITY CALLED TRUTH.

Enter within and share.

READ THE LORD'S PRAYER IN THE BIBLE AND LEARN/ do not mumble or agree as a group or the common assortments of apathy.


James F. Osterbur.

Life is not, "what you make of it"/ Life is the transformation of love into spirit. SPIRIT means: I have become the message of truth.

What is true, in your own soul, then comes to share life , as the spirit of truth with you PRAISE JESUS !

It is in this way, that I have said "JESUS Is my friend".

The SOUL, before you enter within [as the spirit created by your own relationship in love & truth, gives you this opportunity] IS THE SPIRIT OF GOD.

Your invitation to join Comes from GOD HIMSELF, In the understanding that JESUS brought to us. Therefore as is the spirit of our own creation, the reality of our relationship to GOD is distinctly tied as truth to the message of JESUS, Because without truth, there is no eternity. Truth explains: the foundation of love, the discipline of life applied to the respect of creation itself, gives to us a design & desire to ascend from constant "relentless reality", into the basis and relationship of critical thought and its passage beyond as the definitions completed by soul. It is soul that transcends the compositions of time, to become an identity/ it is soul that intercedes in energy to become the compositions of eternity. Therefore soul is the destiny of dimensions created by truth, and its life by the intricate relationships of honor. YOU are already alive by soul, it is your existence/ because there is no life beyond its creation. But you must enter within to own your place in eternity.

The quest for life, is as its expression reveals, the destiny conceived in the densities of a purpose explained by relationships. Therefore life exists as the energy which joins our destiny to the creation of "our universe", this is spirit to you. The questions of densities, applies to much possibility, to the reality of humanity/ and therefore WILL NOT be discussed. While it is very hard to judge, what should be sufficient information to accomplish an understanding of the need to investigate, examine, & decide according to the possibilities expressed herein. I have come to the conclusion & prediction: this is enough.

As to the questions of our reality here & now, the definitions of my own reality are simple: I have NO passion for things/ I choose life; I have NO passion for sex/ I choose the honesty of love, & the hope that shares a need (sexuality is a gift, it is not a passion); I have NO passion for "a presence" in your lives/ instead I choose a relationship WITH MY GOD.

As to the distinctions of your lives, the human relationship with this time/ I would say to you, "That we are a damaged people", not in the simple ways of mind and body (at this instance) but in the destinies that do not recognize love, respect, hope, or trust. It is true, that very many people are "ravaged" by the hypnotic consequence of constant media frenzy. YOU have lost your way, & as a consequence believe that WANT is an answer. YOU choose to be slaves, rather than free/ to accept debt as if it were a "blessing, & not the chains that bind you". LIFE cannot assemble, what refuses to be joined/ therefore you must stop these things, to survive. YOU will be forced to see the error of your ways/ by your own decisions, completing the depression you have bought for yourselves. In those moments the reality of life OR the reality of want, & the hatred it causes shall decide the relationship you must accept, in the participation with this world. If you will not join the world, and its inhabitants, then you will destroy it. LIFE means YOU will honestly surrender, "the game of want/ because you choose to do so"/ or you will die, because the multitudes of your own population, limit your choices and WILL NOT allow you to live. If you fail in this, then the fears you have deliberately masturbated into weapons of mass destruction will consume you. There is NO other choice for you/ either choose life, or prepare for death! This is not pomp & ceremony, this is simply truth. Do not believe or disbelieve/ instead investigate, learn, understand, and then decide.

The human decision of every people, and nation is to understand the basic relationship of democracy to our lives. Inherent rights must be protected, to do this there must be judicial & police services watched over and controlled by the people and the people by a clear set of "constitutional rights establishing fundamental law and governmental restrictions, as well as equality and fair play". The existence of freedom, the reality of liberty, and the hope for peace and a pleasant life, are truly dependent upon these simple truths. The demands of the dictator, and other pitiful examples of selfish pride are all dependent upon murder, and the weapons to keep those who would stop the murderers at bay. Truth says: it is unwise to be "a martyr", therefore look not for interventions in violence/ but assemble understanding as the basic element of attack. Here, the people begin to accept their place, their rights, and their obligation to themselves and their future/ here, the basic resistence required to redesign and reinvent a government is defined. The reality is "majority will rule/ if they understand and desire, the reality gives them hope."

The human reality of Iraq at this time is a lesson in human heritage/ "the cradle of evil, Lives where justice will not rule". In the case of Iraq, a murder cannot overtake a country, UNLESS a gang is enlisted, to become a group of murderers/ therefore whatever judiciary existed in Iraq at the beginning of these murders failed, as did the police, the government, and even the people. Today the reality of Iraq has been to "surrender the opportunity to rid themselves of the murderers" and blame the invaders. It is extremely unwise to let the murderer go free/ even if you must use the invader, therefore you have failed. Because the filth of such oppression is still among you.

Justice is the blessing of a purpose assembled from passion, and created as the single most precious gift of humanity to each other. WE are nothing, "but animals" without justice! Justice is the most critical expression of honor, it is the most influential expression and experience of society, and it is literally the consequence of respect. ALL nations are challenged by the desperation of evil people (their filth, is known throughout the world). Evil means to discard the human identity and accept the reaction of FEAR, "to become animal, as either predator or prey: without prey, the predator dies". The failure of any nation that accepts submission as life, is simply you as society itself have sold justice for the price of your comfort, and let evil consume your lives because it was the "easy thing to do". BUT the people do not do this alone/ a failed judiciary allows tyranny to develop, it is the primary defense of every nation, and without strength and commitment governments fail. Therefore time & again, throughout history "murder, rape, torture, and control, have all occurred prior to these networks of terror. When the number of weapons & accomplices have increased significantly the police, the judiciary, and the people become silenced: leaving only the military to decide who and what is worth their lives. The passion that is justice, is NOT "a law, a rule, a robe or uniform, nor is it a government/ rather passion means: transcended from the heart, the message of the man, woman, or child, HAS been given a voice/ therefore LIFE compliments this song with the meaning of truth and grace; if you are for honor." This meaning is called purpose, & this purpose exists in the consequence of justice: "To belong where LIFE, treasures the soul"! Justice is then the participation & contribution of freedom, as it has chosen the disciplines of order and their companion responsibility. This is our own ascension from "a simple heartbeat" into the honor of happiness as life gives us this message: "YOU ARE INVITED". You are reminded, the difference between being used and being respected may be described as: ask of me, and I will help you (this is my choice)/ do NOT constantly find trouble, and expect servitude.

In the truth of justice, equitable & fair according to the reality, determines the law. The discipline of rules explains a behavior pattern whereby every side may be adequately heard, and the relationship of society through jury & judge, translates the honor of that society [OR dishonor of that society] into an experience that binds as acceptable friend/ or in the opposite separates or divides all relationships associated with trial as enemy: This is the selling of justice, and the beginning of chaos for any society. Therefore jury limits are required, & judicial expulsion is mandatory.

The work of a lawyer is to participate in the clarity of an understanding in truth: FOR ALL SIDES. The current hypocrisy of "lawyer filled mucus spewed throughout the courtroom" filling the proceeding with virtual lies & fabrication DOES cross the line as a swindle, a harassment, a tyranny where any other may lose anything do to irrelevant matters, and a deliberate assault whereby property is lost unjustly, and a "damnable battery" wherein freedom is stolen as in any other situation akin to "thief/ liar/ blackmailer/ & extortionist combined". These criminal behaviors assemble the coercion of principles to defame & strip the constitution of its honor/ and by this method treason is found within the foundations of our own liberty: we the people, must fight/ because justice can be found, in only very limited quantities. The expressions of this trial then present a fundamental need: to establish truth by all appropriate methods, and affix the reality of power "TO THE PEOPLE, within constitutional boundaries, and democratic guarantees". The experience of this trial is to be, a relationship wherein the people participate as "the rulers of this nation". The foundation is HUMAN RIGHTS! The process of integration is, THE FREEDOM TO CHOOSE! The method of building is: "TRUTH LEADS, BUT REALITY DECIDES". The engineered composition is HONOR brings HONESTY, & truth establishes peace. The architectural design is LIBERTY MUST BE DEFENDED. And payment shall be made, as the decision which proves life or death by your own hands.

I will tell you, for me it was not an instant acceptance to do this work, "I had things to do, so to speak". I will tell you plainly, there was NO "temptations, begging, pleading, or unending messages to accept the work. INSTEAD, my nephew died/ and I learned the intensity of being wrong, and simply too late; I still did not go. Then my ears attacked me with serious pain that isolated me from all that I would use for business and pleasure/ I did not accept the work, but my situation allowed only writing, therefore I began. I refused to participate fully, and my mind was wandering towards an attempt to use physical abilities to "re-engineer" my working life/ I received a heart attack, that nearly killed me: it was harsh; even so I was not yet ready. I completed a simple invention, as a method of evasion, just before the heart attack, and was thereby convinced the path before me was set. Still I did not fully accept it/ until the gulf war began and people were dying or about to die; and the extremely stupid particle accelerator project in Texas had begun as a method of killing the whole world. THEN finally I understood the need and began correctly. As you may plainly read, "I am certainly not, what you probably expect"/ instead the point of this portion is simply to explain to you, that the insistence of this purpose will not be "kindly or small" rather failure means, critical loss with only a small possibility of "the mercy necessary to fix these problems". I am some better. BUT I DO SAY TO YOU, accept early so that you may not be so "poor as me". As it was necessary to convince me of the critical reality that we all face, so have I tried in this writing to convince you of the world implications of your failure. I tell you true, the actions that shall occur are not a punishment/ insomuch as they are a very critical influence to stop a terrible consequence. I am "happy, to participate today/ because I do now understand the need. Believe it or not, my education seems correct for this purpose: I leave this to MY GOD To prove or disprove as HE chooses.

I DO know, these are terms you are NOT used to/ therefore time will be allowed: NOT "to feel sorry, for yourselves" but to accept the HONOR of being ALIVE & LEARN RESPECT. LOVE knows all the rest, and happiness joins love eternally.

YOU WILL CHOOSE, and there will be NO "going back"/ it is to be one or the other: Life or death.

Our human existence is controlled in this day by power! Power is the expression of want, when greed & selfishness control, lust adds the critical ingredient of "I DON'T CARE", and reality becomes a test of survival.

To sustain an existence beyond survival, your test is ten defined by what you do to eliminate power/ what you choose to eliminate want & greed/ & why you will choose to care. If you succeed, society will reward you with peace, equality, & honest prosperity/ until the day population overwhelms resource, & someone HAS to die. In that day, the weapons will control.

If you prepare for war/ then TRUE WAR beyond anything the earth has ever seen WILL surround & conquer humanity, & you shall become extinct. If you prepare for PEACE, you will eliminate your worst weapons immediately/ that humanity may survive. If you prepare for peace, then you must identify the truth as to THE HONEST NEEDS FOR THE ENTIRE EARTH AND ITS LIFE/ you may not pick and choose: instead you will use wisdom and truth to decide. You must end your pollution's and concentrate upon conserving resources as equality allows. You will learn cooperation, patience, honor, & hope. You will learn self-sufficiency that no one may control you. & you will learn freedom, & the duties, the responsibilities, & the courage of what it means to share the environment of your world, your experience within that world, & yourself. These are disciplines, set in the order of a social composition dedicated to happiness, & the expressions of freedom.

Women do purposely manipulate men/ men do intentionally respond to women: it is nature's way. Therefore reality suggests women defined by HONOR, COURAGE, WISDOM, PATIENCE, & LOVE should lead/ because men do respond. The critical reality designed hereby is not a slavery to men OR an authority to women. RATHER it is commonly women who "secretly" push men to the extremes they try to attain (whether they know it or not). And it is women who must come to grips with this new reality of honesty, and courage/ rather than selfishness & want/ so that men may also change & rearrange their lives. Men are NOT devoid of authority, they use, abuse, & have cursed society throughout history with their ways. BUT TOGETHER as one people, one world, you shall travel into your future/ OR you shall separate into a "thousand armies", and you shall attack each other without mercy: because resource loss does mean someone has to die. When resource strangulation begins, revenge will control/ the remaining resources will be destroyed/ & disease & death will finish the extermination of life, from this earth. This is 2004 & it is a guarantee you shall not survive past 2034/ if you do not choose peace. Your population increase, and your destructive ways assure this shall be so.

The reality of genetics is a separate issue. You HAVE already done very significant damage. You shall lose the ability to survive if you do not stop this IMMEDIATELY, in all its forms. YOU CANNOT comprehend the damage eve small changes do make/ you CANNOT comprehend how even small changes interact in the other biological processes/ you CANNOT predict the lifetime results of ANYTHING you do. YOUR INSANITY IS BEYOND BELIEF.

Your respect for life, is cast aside, "like shit in a sewer", and if you don't find TRUE RESPECT back/ THEN no matter what else you choose: the mutilation, disease, & distress of what is about to come down upon you from this SHAMEFUL ARROGANCE: WILL cause you to pray for hell to come {surely hell is better}. You have NO CHOICE, this is life or death/ because genetics control everything about your body: do you want to die for your pride? Think about your food: every year, the claims are different/ think about your body, and understand how many things must occur, just for your to breathe: and on an on. DON'T BE SO STUPID!

DO NOT "Mumble, mutter, & claim ignorance"/ FIND your mind and CHOOSE!

Simply because it will be asked, I am sent because your sins are "piled so high"/ If OUR CREATOR CAME HIMSELF We might all be destroyed. Therefore the means & methods are now erected, that ALL humanity may now participate in these decisions of life or death. THIS IS NOT, A game. Consequences shall arise!

It is NOW your turn. I will participate with you/ but you WILL decide the reality of this opportunity. PRAY, do not be afraid