[all exhibits are copied from handwritten text, and should be considered as close as is reasonable, to completely accurate]



THE RECEIPT OF FAIR (EQUAL) treatment to EVERY PERSON, irregardless of prejudice, pre-conceived idea's, or realities unimportant to a specific event or occurrence.

This paper is about justice sought for each party involved in a specific incident between myself and the corporate entity of covenant medical center. This paper is also about justice sought for each member of society; by communication of matters unjust, that these things may be corrected, defined, and thereby controlled by and for societies benefit.

In a dispute concerning care received, versus money charged, there must be proof of honest service, workmanship, and honorable treatment. I am the recipient of a bill which I do hereby declare as UNJUST (particularly due to the reality I never saw, "was rejected by," the doctor, neither was I referred). NO ONE within the emergency room questioned me at any time regarding any symptom or pain. (I was never spoken to by any of the emergency room staff except the doctor who refused me saying, find someone else). The only other communication to this staff was a moment when four people came quickly, intent upon giving medicine AGAINST my wishes, (I had begun to feel a little better) they said they had to, and after much medicine decided, it was a loose clip on their machine.

The medicine caused me to feel worse (Bad) BUT because of that medicine which I specifically rejected I was admitted into the general hospital. Within a half hour or little more my own body became nervous and it felt like a ring of needles was over my heart NOT drastically hurting at that time but there. These particular nurses listened to my complaint and decided to treat the matter seriously, I received more drugs, this time I accepted.

To this day I do not know whether the pains in the hospital were caused in part by the emergency room medicines or were the recurrence of physical pain. Either way I was literally in physical pain when I entered I was rejected by their doctor, I was totally ignored by the emergency room staff (EXCEPT for a machine which malfunctioned) AND DO feel abused. In my defense; I know I felt physically bad, I know my heart was somehow involved, I know I had one night 3 or 4 weeks after leaving the hospital which was critical to me, and I know I am physically NOT the same as before this occurrence.

I was within the walls of that hospital for 21 hours was charged $2100.00 for my stay. Experienced less than five minutes each, of nursing care from four people I asked NOT to treat me, WAS rejected by a doctor, and was hooked to a machine on two occasions for roughly a minute. My total Emergency room services including everything was NOT over 22 minutes and probably much less. The machine malfunctioned at a clip point terminal. The service I did receive, I asked NOT TO.

I have paid twelve hundred dollars at the agreed upon rate which I feel certain is far beyond justice for services rendered. While in the hospital I received less than two physical hours of nursing care plus a bed and their realistic care and professional service during that time.



staff services 20 minutes time total

medicine (it is NOT known if necessary, was charged approx $120.00

doctor charged $120.00 approx, was NOT paid

emergency room less than 1 hour, I think


room 20 hours approx.

nursing services (individual care) 2 hours approx

medicine I don't know if caused by emergency room procedures.


If I was seriously ILL I should have received the attention of the physician or at least been referred! If I was not seriously ILL, Why was I given serious medicine?

The answer has been decided by both parties differently and must be decided in COURT. Having went to small claims court to file, I am told small claims is not really about people who are billed IMPROPERLY, BUT for people in business, or for whatever reason, cannot collect money which they have billed to someone else. I filed anyway.


Entry within the emergency room of any hospital requires a signature to pay and a statement which says, they can do anything they want, without liability for what they do (if you're conscious).


To: Covenant Medical Center

Regarding: James Frank Osterbur

In, 1990 july or august, I entered your emergency room and have since sent a letter regarding the treatment I received, a copy is included.

A portion of that letter stated I would pay $1000.00, I have paid $1000.00 plus 12 percent interest or the sum total of $1200.00 according to my records. I WILL PAY NO MORE, regarding this matter! In summary you (the hospital, and its doctors) USED AND ABUSED ME as a patient BOTH financially, personally, and emotionally. Insofar as ANY resemblance to medical care is concerned, apart from the nursing staff, there was NONE.

I have experienced serious physical pains after experience with you, and have survived it, YOU as a hospital are LESS THAN acceptable apart from extreme.

I received NO CARE from anyone but the nurses on 8th floor and WILL NOT PAY for rejection, inappropriate use of drugs, NO DOCTOR, NO ATTEMPT at all to in any manner or way treat ME as a patient/ NOR will I accept the EXTORTION now offered ME. (to sign any contract under duress is extortion.)

I have paid what I consider to be MORE THAN ENOUGH! In retracing the events YOU WILL BE required to prove 5 minutes of time by 2 people, then later 5 minutes of time by 4 people, and 5 minutes of time by someone with a machine (twice) in your emergency room plus altogether NOT more than 45 minutes of nurse assistance throughout my hospital stay of 21 hours was in some manner worth $2000.00 Total man hours in emergency 40 minutes. total hospital man hours 45 minutes plus billing and 10 minutes of blood work. Incidentals not more than 30 minutes (sheets, etc).

I AM WILLING TO PAY A FAIR PRICE for services asked for and RECEIVED, WHICH I HAVE AND MORE! I AM NOT willing to be threatened or extorted. If you fail, I will work personally against you. I DO DEMAND a signed, PAID IN FULL! Which is in all reality MORE THAN I RECEIVED.

James Frank Osterbur



LIFE; a word describing a chemical factory called the body and the spirit which gives the body reason. The will to survive is the reality of choice: I want to survive, (because of the happiness I have known).

In the reality of living the body needs care, and may need the care of hands not your own. Care is not money, care cannot truly be bought. Each person who does care about someone else has chosen: This person, this LIFE, has VALUE! NO ONE can buy that decision, it must be accepted. Society itself must choose when, in relation to money, on an equal personal, (NOT FINANCIAL) basis how much we want for ourselves or are willing to pay for another.

Feeling BAD, I asked to be taken to a hospital, I was experiencing CHEST PAIN. Upon arrival a short statement was given me, to be signed. I then waited 20 minutes or more for a nurse to come. The doctor in charge chose not to treat, or examine, or refer me. While in the emergency room, the staff abruptly came and injected me with drugs, it was decided a machine malfunction had occurred. I spent 21 hours total in that hospital during which time I was given medicines for heart problems which I complained of to/by the nursing staff. In summary, I had no doctor, I was never examined by more than a machine, I received medicine which I may or may not have needed and which most certainly affected me in the minutes or hours directly following and may have caused pain and consequently the other drugs administered. If this not so, then my heart was experiencing pain and deserved some resemblance of professional care. Whether, from hospital given drug or from the inside I felt badly for many days afterward, and still am not completely healthy.

In summary: I was charged $150.00 by a doctor who never came within 5 feet of me, nor spent more than 5 minutes, in my presence while telling me. I won't treat you, find someone else!

For being in a hospital 21 hours, I am charged $1962.31. Upon complaining of the bill; a person assigned to the task discovered I was overcharged $70.00 for supplies, I didn't receive.

It is then necessary to pay for the treatment. I am TOLD I WILL PAY at a rate the hospital shall decide, at the interest the hospital will choose. If I do not do as they command, regardless of my situation, or protest, or willingness to pay a realistic amount. They will slander my name, putting name on a list entitled people who don't pay.

To: Covenant Medical Center and Associates

Regarding: James F. Osterbur acct# 0-26945-6

Your staff has failed

the nursing staff was fine!

Upon receiving treatment I am appalled at: I have attempted to reach a realistic conclusion with your billing staff. This packet is sent to you, as well as TV talk show hosts.

(In my mind) The doctor representing you: had NO right to refuse/at least could have referred. I did not come to your facility, JUST TO GIVE YOU MONEY!!!!!

I did NOT COME as a figment of my imagination. I physically felt BAD!!! YOU MAY HAVE MADE THINGS WORSE.

I came fully understanding and expecting to receive reasonable treatment and pay for it.

Your bill is too high

Your doctor is too POOR AND MORE.

I have said $1000.00. I will pay today to call the account PAID IN FULL! Beyond that amount you may take me to court!

IF YOU WISH TO ATTEMPT TO COLLECT THE REST: BE CAREFUL!!! (I will return, the treatment I receive!)


The description of a lIFE: To many, lIFE is defined by what you possess on the outside, the house, car, job, etc. These things are fought for, BUT do not say anything about how it was achieved.

Those things which are on the Inside speak directly about who and why and how. Some people spend their OWN LIVES, in search of these questions. Those who think only of possessions, understand very little about people, even less about lIFE.

When everyone may be whatever they choose without hurting anyone, THEN we shall live in FREEDOM. The word Freedom implies

"I" may proceed with my lIFE in whatever manner I chose without ridicule. A man who spent less than five minutes in my presence, asked only what I ate on the previous day, which I answered correctly, without hesitation. Added to me his own description, during the following 3 weeks I spoke with seven psychiatrists each for no more than fifteen minutes (only one listened at all). I submit, I was a curiosity rather than a patient.

Since I was rejected (because of the label) This much I will say in my own defense: I chose to enter into two main events which are a part of my memory, the first to learn, about what is inside of me. The second to learn of a specific religious parable. Irregardless of how these are perceived I chose to enter, and I chose at every question, even if errors were made!

I will suggest to you, It is NOT irrational to seek understanding of oneself, this lIFE, OR the lIFE to come.

James F. Osterbur


For the purpose of a legal affidavit suitable for court use. I am looking for a medical doctor who agrees with the following:

Any patient who enters an emergency room clear of mind, and in physical distress, DESERVES to be examined by a qualified doctor if one is present. DESERVES to be questioned, OR allowed to state the nature of said physical distress. DESERVES to be heard when refusing treatment.

There will be NO requirement to testify. The entire burden of proof is upon me. The ONLY question or statement or legal consequence is to BE, the above statement.


The difference between a machine and a qualified doctor.

I felt the need to seek medical attention at an emergency room for a physical problem. Being unable to diagnosis MY condition, EXCEPT for my heart was involved, I said I was experiencing a heart attack. The emergency room staff hooked me to a machine, the machine said I was OK so the heart doctor on duty REFUSED to examine or refer me to anyone else. As I began to feel a little worse again I was hooked to a machine again, later four people suddenly came in and injected me with medicine even though I said to them, DON'T I'm starting to feel better, they said they had to, then decided a clip on the monitor was the problem. I then felt worse and was admitted to the hospital, where I again received drugs.

My two BIGGEST COMPLAINTS: NO one in the emergency room asked me anything or was even close enough at anytime for me to talk to (all I knew for sure was I felt badly and, that affected my heart to some degree) I feel it is inexcusable that NOT ONE DOCTOR OR NURSE had the decency to ask what hurt or at least allow me, to say what I felt like/

A machine was MY ONLY DOCTOR and a second machine gave me medicine I didn't want! FOR THIS I am charged full price. The medicine first received may have caused the need for a second dose. I don't know! I do know there are many processes inside a human body and one affects another.

I WAS used, abused, rejected, and refused, and then charged an amount only an EXTORTIONIST would think fair.

I went knowing medicine is a long, long, way from perfect. I went knowing I would be charged an outrageous sum of money.

I did NOT know I would never be examined.

I did NOT know a machine would dispense medicine to me {through the nurses}

I DID fail to realize the full extent of power society has allowed hospitals AND the COMPLETE lack of justice available to the patient.


James F. Osterbur