MY OWN HISTORY (in part)

RE: 92-C-1222

I am REQUIRED to defend, or to pay extortion, OTHERWISE my own dignity will be trampled.

I, James F. Osterbur, walk according to my own designs and desires. MY PURPOSE IS TO LEARN AND TO LIVE according to MY BELIEF IN


I will remind whosoever reads these words: It is NOT up to you to decide, or describe ANY ASPECT OF MY LIFE, I AM FREE TO CHOOSE, TO DEFINE, AND TO DESCRIBE; JUST AS YOU, and your life.

To begin, there are those who say I am less capable than they to define life, its experience, or my own. These argue, I do not differentiate accurately between what is REAL and what is NOT. I have been described as incapable of REASON without their help and should be dependant upon their drugs.


A quick and simple definition of this portion of lawsuit 92-c-1222 IS: DOES ANYONE have the RIGHT to make these types of decisions OR DOES THE ACCUSED have a RIGHT to defend him/herself BEFORE A JURY: PRIOR, to being subjected to such defamation of character, SLANDER, and so on?

THIS IS THE ONLY QUESTION: to be decided within this lawsuit 92-c-1222 CONCERNING ME!


IS, a question of LAW (constitutional AND MORAL AND SOCIAL)! THE QUESTION: WHO DETERMINES YOUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE, FOR YOUR OWN LIFE: The Law "social" determines, IF one person has harmed another. the Law "moral" determines, whether actions by one party were MEANT TO CAUSE harm to another. The Law "constitutional" determines what IS RIGHT OR WRONG based upon the words fought for, WITH BLOOD!

Clearly I have NOT acted in any manner which applies to these LAWS!

Clearly, I am the accused!

THE LAW STATES: the Accused IS INNOCENT until proven guilty. THEREFORE the question to be decided IS: DID I harm any other person? DID I willfully intend to cause anyone else harm? DID I OR DID I NOT, HAVE THE RIGHT, to pursue my own interests in my own way?

These questions ARE the true and full extent of the LAW as it applies to the REALITY AND CONSEQUENCE OF, THE MEDICAL PRACTICE OF: BELITTLING LIFE, through terminology or descriptions from doctors, hospitals, medical personnel, which RIGHT OR WRONG follow and to an extent control; without so much as a legal complaint or objection by the person MOST DIRECTLY INVOLVED.

Medical files ARE NOT private and personal, BEFORE I ever saw people whom I wanted to understand, they had already been given descriptions of me which did NOT apply, making it IMPOSSIBLE to be heard. Medical records are required BUT can NEVER BE the description of anyone's LIFE.

These words apply: to the formal description of MONOPOLY (which is, an exclusive control over people and price).

The QUESTION BEGINS: Where was/is MY RIGHT to contest this JUDGEMENT OVER ME?

IF, such a RIGHT exists, WHY are patients untold?

WHY: IS THE QUESTION, which goes beyond the description of circumstance, and enters the complexity of human life.

It IS NOT A RIGHT, to know, what ANY OTHER PERSON defines as their life. IT IS GOSSIP to guess.

The QUESTION: DOES the medical profession have the RIGHT TO DEFINE, OR IS LIFE TOO COMPLEX? CAN YOU be accurately defined; by someone else AND labeled for LIFE thereafter, OR IS THAT an exclusive control over people?

The reality is SIMPLE: DOES THE PATIENT HAVE THE RIGHT TO DISAGREE, LEGALLY? OR IS whatever the medical profession DECREE'S, the last say, irregardless of the patient.

REMEMBER THE LAW: the accused is innocent until proven guilty, therefore it may be possible for the medical profession to legally describe someone BUT NOT without a legal hearing or trial or RIGHT to appeal. The question here is: YES OR NO?

Addressing the MORE COMPLEX ISSUES of behavioral traits, thought patterns, and freewill choice comes the DECISION: WHO HAS THE RIGHT, TO LIVE ANY INDIVIDUAL'S LIFE? I personally do NOT agree with the choice of GREED, which is the desire for money without cost OR RIGHT, it is clearly a desire for control (POWER) over others.

The corporate entity of covenant med center adheres to this description throughout this case, to date. SHOULD A CORPORATE ENTITY BE ALLOWED CONTROL OVER AN INDIVIDUAL? SHOULD WE (the public) DEMAND CONTROL over the corporate entity?

Corporations DO NOT provide jobs for people, people provide jobs for people!

A corporation is: a few words written and registered legally to describe the activities to be undertaken.

The corporate entity of covenant med center describes itself as, "NOT FOR PROFIT," DOES THEIR BEHAVIOR DEPICT THIS TYPE OF ACTIVITY OR DO THEY USE THEIR STATUS FOR MONETARY GAIN? AN EXAMINATION of their records and BILLING PRACTICES show their ways: DOES, "NOT FOR PROFIT", MEAN "profiting on prescriptions, charges beyond costs for rooms, dumping existing structures outside of previous agreements, spending excess money for wages, perks, or a very few at the top management, for bonuses? IS THAT what, "NOT FOR PROFIT" MEANS?

The question here remains: DOES an exemption from Income Taxes entitle the holder: excessive income levels, structures that are "gold-plated", or methods that abuse the public trust?

A better description is: An exemption shall produce equitable solutions, in all area's, for the giver AND those receiving AND BE FAIR, to the public at large. Equitable MEANS,


Returning to the question of legal practice. DOES terminology defined by the medical profession produce legally binding actions upon the individual? IF, any term (description) follows an Individual throughout their LIFE, CAN influence work, social desires, cause preconceptions by family, friend, associate, or people hired, THEN it has been inescapably bound to that individual, by those RESPONSIBLE for that description.

The question here: LEGALLY, who has the RIGHT to describe someone; Even the criminal gets a trial!

The fundamental ISSUE IS NOT a specific description, RATHER it IS THE LEGAL AND SPECIFIC RIGHT, TO DISAGREE AND BE HEARD, BEFORE, being subjected to slander, defamation of character, ETC!

The medical profession is NOT by itself SUFFICIENT, to determine what will remain, for the patient, a lifetime. In ALL AREA'S of human behavior or illness, what does NOT affect the public, by a test of law, IS NONE of the public's' concern, NOR do these areas' allow discretionary terminology by anyone. FREEDOM: IS the RIGHT TO CHOOSE! Being subjected to criticism, legal or medical terminology, etc, in area's NOT THE PUBLIC'S' CONCERN: CLEARLY DEFINE an exclusive control (monopoly) over the individual!

The ISSUE: when IS IT correct, and under what circumstances allowed, for the medical profession or others, TO INTERVENE in someone's LIFE (OR THE PUBLIC'S)?

The more correct answer: IS DEFINED BY LAW (social, moral, and constitutional) BUT may include activities specifically intended to DEGRADE LIFE, FOR THE PUBLIC.

MY FUNDAMENTAL DEFENSE to the medical establishment: IS most clearly written in constitutional law; that being the Bill of Rights, section 16: "That religion, or the duty which we owe our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force or violence; and therefore all men/women are EQUALLY ENTITLED TO THE FREE EXERCISE OF RELIGION, ACCORDING TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCE; and that it is the mutual duty of all to practice Christian forbearance, love, and charity towards each other. Other sections apply as well!

I, DO HEREBY STATE: The actions and re-actions, are "Religious" in origin AND do define a personal trait being, I desire knowledge regarding life and death issues, and DO pursue this knowledge with an open desire. I view life and death to be sufficient evidence that these matters are IMPORTANT.

What occurs in this quest is NOT dependant upon what is known, RATHER departure from the designs and ways of men/women allow for investigation into the inner realities. These things define SELF, and bring understanding. Wisdom follows.

To, THOSE WHO READ: BEWARE, of how YOU interpret these words (above)! The RULES are different! The INTENSITY EXTREME! YOU, may choose to enter BUT, YOU shall NOT choose beyond (how, when, where, what or why!


DOES watch over these realities! Those who believe ARE SAVED before, during, and after, ONLY the literal ACCEPTANCE of your belief is NECESSARY!


There are NO sacrifices to be made!!!!!

YOU CAN NOT INTERPRET; the answers will be given in time!

YOU can NOT depend upon ANY visual, hearing, or preconceived expectation! ONLY FAITH IS YOUR GUIDE, NEVER GIVE UP !!!!!!!!

Prepare in prayer and praise to JESUS



As to my own experience, I have made MANY mistakes, REPENTED, and went forward.

Even the little things are EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. If YOU fail, GET UP, REPENT (I will DO, MY BEST, not to let this happen again, AND make repairs), and GO FORWARD!



O the many things I have learned: JESUS HAS SAVED EVERYONE, (that work is DONE)!



NEVER act or react in ways that do not clearly identify


BE AT PEACE, with your own humanity!

REMEMBER what you DO have, NOT what you DON'T!

DO NOT BE CONCERNED about ANY portion or part of an existence BANISHED FROM YOUR LIFE





NEVER INTERPRET, yOU either understand OR yOU don't!

BELIEVE as if your LIFE depended upon


Regarding my own medical history, I DO DEFEND AS FOLLOWS: As it regards two false teeth which I purposely knocked out; having entered into an unfamiliar experience (by choice), and under NO DURESS to do so, I went examining. The cost, to disregard how others saw me!

Through the first minutes or hours the image/words proved false and I was at ease. It was at this point an image challenged me to knock out those front teeth and I turned and forcefully declared: JESUS gave his life for me and I WILL NOT sacrifice anything! The image replied, those are false teeth and defile because they are false.

It is at this point that trouble began. The FIRST mistake was defending anything. I/WE DO have the RIGHT to choose what we believe (Right or Wrong) and that which is of the


DOES NOT, need to be defended by yOU or I!

The instant I had turned to answer, I had also entered within the journey to come. The first battle was over, who owned this body (my body) and what RIGHT did I have to use or alter anything regarding this body. My answer (at that time) was, I DON'T KNOW, The body or this "house" wherein I live IS , WITHOUT DOUBT, a gift to me BY OUR


The question: whose body is it TRULY, and IS there a boundary? An open statement: IF there had NOT been false teeth, I assure yOU with NO DOUBT real teeth would NOT have been removed!

MY answer at that time was, "I better NOT take any chances and removed the false teeth". A BAD MISTAKE!

This body IS OURS to use with complete freedom! False teeth are OK!



For me, the journey continued through the realities of my own choices. MOST IMPORTANT that I MUST ACCEPT the FAITH I have in JESUS AS OUR SAVIOR

BEYOND ANY DOUBT, and live accordingly.

Included in the first medical report is an experience from earlier life. Confronted by three who made threatening gestures I moved to the middle of a small crowd fo people, one came forward and again moved/acted in threatening ways. I was able to gain time to search for an answer and remembered, "the bible writes LOVE thine enemy", and at that moment chose to do so! SUDDENLY, "in the vision of my mind" a light like NO OTHER appeared above me, coming down to me, and I needed only to raise my arms to receive it. As I began a voice from nowhere said, "what if your wrong"? And I thought and the light stopped, I then assumed my opportunity was over, "too late" but the light remained until I became hesitant and then returned. I was angry, sad, happy, etc for a very short time thereafter. Angry that I let the influence of others affect me, sad that so great an opportunity was lost, happy that I was noticed, and more. I am sorry to say poor/wrong choices ensued. NOT every situation can be dealt with through LOVE, BUT everyone should have their dignity left intact.

The final journey written of me in medical records concerns the 23rd psalm. The question being, "IS THIS CORRECT?"

Because my answer IS different, from the church, as a step by step walk through the descriptions given by the psalm compared to the rest of the bible, it will be withheld. My purpose IS NOT to disrupt, BUT I will write; the 23rd psalm is a part of the old testament, when


came the old testament changed and


became OUR SAVIOR !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not the 23rd psalm!

Regarding the experience to me, I entered willingly, the journey required more than expected BUT, DID NOT harm me, at its end I was given the choice: MY Pride OR a serious mistake. I chose to throw away Pride!

To these I will add one other event, some years later while traveling many, many little things began to go wrong, after/by the third I became certain something was wrong with me, looking closely I found I was turning cold (NOT being as compassionate as I want to be. RATHER reacting to the ways I had been treated)

Upon realizing my LIFE as I have chosen it to be, AND has been given to me to be, needed fixing, I quickly returned to people are IMPORTANT, and I do desire to be accepted. IF, yOU do not live within/yOU live outside.

These answers are NOT questions! These answers are the FREEDOM of my Soul to inquire within my choices, my life and my experience. These answers are my own and DO NOT NEED approval! These answers DO demonstrate REASONING AND LOGIC, whether there is agreement over their validity or NOT. IF YOU can NOT fully define life and death and eternity AND produce reasonable results that CLEARLY, UNDENIABLY (in terms the average person can identify with) provide evidence for YOUR position (whatever that may be: THEN THE BELIEFS', MY OWN WAYS, and the ISSUES they represent, can NOT be denied OR ridiculed, OR used in ANY way against ME: at that is/would be SLANDER, DEFAMATION OF CHARACTER, HARASSMENT, AND SO FORTH!



James F. Osterbur