2191 CR 2500 E

ST. JOSEPH IL, 61873





  1. Pursuant to a city official Mr. Criag Bowman, of the city of champaign, code enforcement and supervisor therein: Mr. Bowman himself describes the responsibility and discretion of the architectural firm of Gorski & Reifsteck is inappropriate. Mr. Bowman replaces Mr. Larry Holtz statement to me, to get a licensed architects= approval on all structural changes to: He Mr. Bowman wants a Aprettier picture@. Mr. Bowman cites a Illinois statute as his authority which was repealed. Mr. Bowman states Aback to the beginning of the line (for a permit application)@, after I Mr. Osterbur have already been Ain line@ since approx. 6/5/99. The original set of plans dated 6/11/99 on the code division board WAS NOT put in motion until a week or so after it was delivered.
  2. This occurred because a copy of one page of the plans was missing; I had it copied and returned within the hour, at which time I returned it to a young employee who was sitting in for the usual secretary, and told him clearly : these plans are now complete make sure the usual secretary is told and put them Ain motion A for a permit. He nodded YES and took the plans from my hand and a week later when I called the secretary had NOT been told.
  3. Mr. Bowman states on 6/28/99 that I brought a revised bathroom (floor plan), BEFORE, anyone at the code division looked at those plans, on the 22nd of June or so and I would be returned to the Abeginning of the line@. I have waited approximately 23 days by the 28th of June, for a VERY simple permit, to find myself NO farther to getting a permit than when I started this process.
  4. The code division accepts NO responsibility for structural design or details/ therefore the code division has NO say in these matters: the man/woman/ corporation etc legally responsible HAS THE RIGHT to determine what is necessary. ANY, EVEN THE SLIGHTEST DEVIATION from this DOES mean the city is liable) PROVE ME WRONG!
  5. Mr. Bowman states Alife safety issues@ pressed he describes a lack of a one hour fire rating listed on the drawing for the stairwell. Mr. Bowman knows a simple notation of 5/8 X-rated drywall (in place of the abbreviated Adry@ shown on the drawing) and everyone could have been satisfied. A 30 second job, OR Mr. Bowman could have let me make the notation (a simple oversight) A 30 SECOND JOB.
  6. Mr. Bowman PREFERS A FIGHT!
  7. Mr. Osterbur, has WAITED beyond all reasonable expectations. Mr. Osterbur HAS SPENT AND IS SPENDING money needlessly due to Mr. Bowmans position of authority with the city. Mr. Bowman and thereby the city of champaign HAVE make deliberate decisions adversely impacting the life and work of Mr. Osterbur and those directly and indirectly involved in this building renovation and as a consequence the city of champaign IS formally requested to show just cause why Mr. Osterbur should not be entitled to compensation in the amount of $1000.00 per day, starting beyond the date of 6/29/99 for the displacement of himself, his worker, time lost, schedule changes and so on.
  8. The city of champaign IS to show just cause why reimbursement of loss, plus compensation for UNJUST CAUSE, should not be given for UNNECESSARY and IRRESPONSIBLE actions of a city employee, creating a negative experience and expense for all involved.
  9. The city of champaign IS to clarify the law that separates the rights and responsibilities of the homeowner/ the rights & responsibilities of the businessman/ worker / & a FULL and complete disclosure is to be made of the rights & responsibilities of the city to its residents and its workers, business people, & the community at large.
  10. The city of champaign is formally notified , a problem due to this permit struggle has occurred with the plumber who agreed to do this job. WITHOUT QUESTION because of court concerns & inspector relations a necessary ingredient to anyone getting a future permit The consequence IS again the city creates an expense and unnecessary problem for me. The city IS LIABLE.
  11. The city of champaign SHALL show just cause why this lawsuit should not be enlarged and available to the citizens of champaign to join in as they so desire.
  12. THESE are requests for LAW & AUTHORITY NECESSARY to the pursuance of a court trial. This request includes applications to life safety/ code enforcement, and all other applicable areas.
  13. A general overview is NOT acceptable and will be considered as SLANDER (the belittling of my standing as a citizen/ with a LEGAL RIGHT TO KNOW.


This letter is amended 7/15/99 as follows: the date presented to the city is believed to be 6/29/99. Mr. Bowman is changed to Mr. Gerry Bowman. Mr. Holtz name is changed to Mr. Happ. The secretary involved, is thanked for her help in presenting the drawings and being professional in as much as the situation allowed.





The initial letter reads: (taken from the hand written/ and copies of law)



to: City of Champaign

from: James F. Osterbur

RE: pending lawsuit

Please be informed your code enforcement official a Mr.@ Craig@ Bowman HAS COST ME MONEY, intends to cost me more; Mr. Bowman was questioned today, regarding the LAW which supports his authority. Mr. Bowman Replied AI=M NOT PLAYING THESE GAMES@! Mr. Bowman believes the $2000.00 or so I have spent waiting/ the $1500.00 or so HE INTENDS I should spend/ the $2000.00 or so more he is costing; IS A GAME! MR. BOWMAN IS WRONG.

The LAW Mr. Bowman refers to IS REPEALED BY these papers THEREFORE his attempt at authority IS HARASSMENT.

YOU, as the city of Champaign/ IS REQUIRED ARE INSTRUCTED: IF any legal reason exists why an architecturally APPROVED drawing (mine) MUST BE (Mr. Bowman) an architecturally DRAWN blueprint THEN STATE THE FACTS


2191 CR 2500 E.




225 ILCS 305/5 & 305/6

for repeal of act, see note preceding 225 ILCS 305/1.

Section 4.10 of the regulatory sunset act ( 5 ILCS 80/4.10) provides for the repeal of the architecture practice Act of 1989 unless, under 5 ILCS 80/4, the general assembly enacts legislation providing for its continuation.

General Provisions regulatory sunset

5 ILCS 80/4.1 THROUGH 5 ILSC 80/ 4.6 Repealed by P. A. 90-580 &, 3, effective may 21 1998.

5 ILCS 80/ 4.5 [Acts repealed December 31, 1989]

(3) ATHE Illinois Architectural Act@, approved June 24, 1919, as amended.














































2191 cr 2500 E St. JOSEPH, IL.








The letters & Laws, presented to the city and its code department on 6/28/99 & 6/29/99 are attached. The following statements are added as preliminary to future court proceedings. Be advised, time to create a proper document and all necessary laws to support this document shall occur, BUT not until late fall/ early winter. Therefore this is primarily an informational disclosure, at this time. YOU ARE INSTRUCTED, to prepare, and PROVIDE any information you feel pertinent to the outlined realities involved OR accept THESE DEFINITIONS SHALL DEFINE & DISTINGUISH THIS CASE.


ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING, this case is outlined as:


    1. Recognition exists as; clear & deliberate violations of the 3rd amendment to the Constitution and exist as a reality of authority, created by the Acode enforcement department@ of the city of Champaign, IL. THEY HAVE BY FORCE, commandeered the property at 1712 W. Clark and Aset their soldier@ (can I throw them out/ make any decision without them) within this property, EFFECTIVELY SEIZING the property from my control/ from my work & workman/ from my right to be SECURE as the 4th Amendment provides and/or taking from me my right, to obtain the blessings of liberty (with the means of acquiring & possessing property) as the Preamble to the Constitution provides. Those who represent the citizens of Champaign, as EMPLOYEES, Do Not respect authority, within the concept of EQUAL RIGHTS! The Honor created as FREEDOM, being EQUAL to the rights associated with authority/ being EQUAL to the reality of responsibility! Does NOT exist here.
    2. RATHER the city & its henchmen, take the first 4 sections of the Bill of Rights and Alike little hitlers@ decide its their way or PAY THE PRICE! The Declaration of Independence AYhe has erected a multitude of new offices, and sent hither swarms of officers, to harass our people, and eat out their substanceY.@ What has changed?
    3. Rather read the assertion of FREEDOM & THE RIGHT OF LIBERTY (TO CHOOSE) that begins this document and know: the authority to convict me as incompetent to do this work or make these decisions DOES NOT EXIST. I AM INNOCENT until proven guilty.
    4. The 5th Amendment says AYprivate property shall NOT be taken for public use..@ In REALITY this private property HAS been pronounced Apublic property@ HOW else, can they say to me OBEY MY COMMANDS! Either it exists as a Apublic property, without compensation of ANY kind@ or a criminal action has occurred.
    5. Understanding says; In America there are NO kings or queens, No dictators, & No judges without a courtroom. The consequence of living in OR being employed by AAmerica@ therefore becomes, Athe Law, will decide as it conforms and REMAINS within the principles, the CLEAR & CERTAIN expectations, & the Defined Fundamental RIGHTS of the Constitution of America & Its Bill of Rights!
    6. Some will argue, Athis was a long time ago/ meanings have changed/ times change. RATHER these are reminded, A great deal of BLOOD soaks these documents, given for the single purpose AAS WRITTEN, NOT interpreted by individuals/ BUT AS ACCEPTED BY THE MASSES, WE THE PEOPLE@!

  1. Within this VERY SIMPLE REALITY, our employees, Must be people who justify their right to interfere, through the law and its foundations The Constitution & Bill of Rights.
  2. Accordingly the described interaction between Mr. Bowman and myself translates as AI, the plaintiff, demand to see the evidence of law associated with such communism@/ questioning, Do I have NO rights, NO say, Not even an opportunity to complain. Mr. Bowman REPLIES, Aits a game@ and then references a law, HE SAYS quote, Awas passed a long time ago 1915- 1919 some time in there, gives me the right@ (very close if not word for word), now repealed.
  3. Mr. Bowman, the Champaign mayor & the city manager are each delivered (to their secretary) the law 6/28/99and its associated letter and a brief overview 6/29/99 Suggesting strongly these people; code enforcement, the mayor, the manager SHOULD consult regarding the existence of MY RIGHT to proceed, as a respected citizen, WITH inalienable rights, Rather than simply OBEY any command, as Mr. Bowman may demand.
  4. The words and the existence of this lawsuit speak of a respectful freedom, an honest acceptance of Constitutional law, from this plaintiff/ NOT so from the city or its employee.
  5. A letter returned, from the code department of the city of Champaign says, in effect AI found a new law/ therefore I am free@ signed Mr. Bowman.
  6. Law (the right to demand or take an action) DOES NOT exist as an authority WITHOUT LAW/ the law Mr. Bowman referred to substantiate HIS DEMAND TO DO AS I SAY, WAS REPEALED. Therefore HE acted without law, as NO LAW HE KNEW OF, at this time provided him a defense for/of his actions, a criminal act, because of his position and an absolute failure to respect my fundamental right to know! It WAS his own ignorance, and as said by the court/ Ignorance is NO excuse
  7. The charge of Harassment stands, assessment is $5000.00. The charge of $1000.00 per day STANDS as it is a charge against the city who DELIBERATELY & without remorse Has made no reply of their own, to any of the demands for RESPECT, which do exist in the letter included. No apology nothing. Even with the existence of a different law found/ I as a citizen deserve Better treatment than received. Therefore it must be inferred Athe king has spoken@, with the city officials blessing.
  8. The city of Champaign produces a pamphlet Acommercial & multi-family permit and inspection information, it says: Asubmit 2 sets of plans@ NOT 2 sets of plans which MUST BE drawn by a licensed architect (therefore, the description Aa game@ STANDS). Assessment shall occur at the end of construction. The city HAS SPENT thousands of dollars of MY money on AMr. Bowmans= DEMAND@; The city has ATRASHED, MY RIGHT TO WORK@ for a period equal to the delay regarding all permits on Mr. Bowmans= DEMAND; and sent my worker & me away without regard to our basic need to work to survive, thereby interfering in our lives & controlling our INALIENABLE RIGHT to pursue and obtain life liberty and the pursuit of happiness without government intervention. Mr. Bowmans= demands, which shall translate as NO USEFUL PURPOSE. Does create a choice, simple obedience OR according to the Bill of Rights section 4: AThat no set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate privileges from the communityY.@ Simply ask Awho decided you, are my king@? I, a citizen of this nation DO HAVE A RIGHT, to demand; answer these questions, and therein substantially PROVE YOUR RIGHT TO INTERVENE IS GREATER THAN MY LIBERTY AND FREEDOM, according to the 1st amendment READ IT.
  9. The city will say Awe have a right & and an obligation to protect our citizens (those who rent) from bodily harm@. RATHER YOU ARE REMINDED, You have a constitutional demand, Y..@to secure the blessings of libertyY@
  10. DEFINE LIBERTY? Because this definition creates the BOUNDARIES of your authority.
  11. DEFINE PROTECTION? Because this definition ESTABLISHES THE RESPECT that every citizen is entitled to.

Here we do truly divide as city & citizen, OR more properly as employee & citizen, creating an OBLIGATION within the court to establish the difference between authority/ LIBERTY/ & constitutional FREEDOM. The court is reminded The Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, & the Bill of Rights of the United States of America create the ENTIRE FOUNDATION for authority, and the ONLY ACCEPTED truth as it exists for these definitions! WE THE PEOPLE, DO have the final say!

    1. It must be said: I believe FREEDOMS inherent to all, refer to Aan UNDENIABLE EQUALITY, exists between the citizen & the city employee@, ARE these better or smarter/ SHOULD they not be made to adhere to a common decency , defended as my right to know/ MY RIGHT TO CHOOSE. Rather TRUE LAW existing as the foundations upon which all law is upheld, does demand, a citizens right is clear, an authority is limited.
    2. Mr. Bowman made it quite CLEAR HE WAS, my Asuperior@ not an official/ RATHER someone who can NOT be denied or questioned. A Aking@ in his own mind.
    3. Reality says; A JOB, IS A RIGHT, defined by the need to survive!
    4. Therefore CAN authority exist to crush or change this RIGHT?
    5. Here the city cries ALIFE SAFETY ISSUES@, NOT as an authority meaning Ayou need to install this@ BUT AS A CLUB, meaning ADO what I tell you, and PAY whatever I say@! IS THIS FREEDOM?
    6. Rather this is a seizure of rights & RESPONSIBILITIES & property, WITHOUT any Justification. Justification means: the cost incurred IS worth the price.
    7. The qualification of Aresponsibilities@ is (to accept the penalty, OR have it placed upon you by others).
    8. Examination reveals Athe city employee neither assumes NOR accepts ANY liability whatsoever. Instead these HIDE deliberately and without remorse behind other people: NO liability means NO responsibility, which means NO AUTHORITY!
    9. HOW is justice served, by making me responsible for their actions!
    10. So to, the licensed architect says, BY HIS CONTRACT: ANOT ME@, I am NOT responsible, it doesn=t matter if its my fault, I REFUSE to accept ANY liability whatsoever. NO RESPONSIBILITY/ NO AUTHORITY!
    11. HOW is justice served, by making me responsible for their actions?
    12. Reality says: AIf you refuse responsibility/ IF you DO NOT pay/ THEN YOU HAVE NO SAY!
    13. This is the REAL WORLD, and any attempt to control without responsibility or payment DOES exist as a tyranny, a dictatorship, or a communism.
    14. This dispute begins as a demand for a licensed architect to draw plans, RATHER than accept sufficiently drawn plans from the contractor & probable home owner.
    15. Issue is taken with Ainsufficiency@, by the fact the architect approved ALL structural aspects of these plans, and ANY small discrepancy should have been VERY SIMPLE to correct/ that=s Reality, NOT authority.
    16. Mr. Bowman REMOVES the architects authority & license, by REFUSING to accept the architect has Reviewed the plans (and found them acceptable)/ talked to the builder (ME)/ visited the site/ & stamped the revisions required. IS Mr. Bowman a licensed architect, that he may oversee this one? If not who is the authority/ IF Mr. Bowman, WHY was this architect needed? Rather the architect IS THE RECOGONIZED AUTHORITY, and Mr. Bowman plays power games. RESULTING in an additional charge to me of $1800.00 for nothing but Aprettier pictures@.

      Further, it is commonly draftsmen, NOT licensed architects, who do the actual drawings, therefore I am Aequal@ (no license).

    17. The city MUST PROVE, its code department demand, Awhich is beyond reasonable & fair@ was appropriate and DID achieve an HONORABLE outcome, based within a JUSTIFIABLE, constitutional mandate. This case stands specifically, but not totally, upon the 1st amendment of the U.S. Constitution TO PETITION THE GOVERNMENT FOR A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES!
    18. Failure to qualify the demanded change in construction documents as IMPORTANT , within the context of its use IN THE REAL WORLD by this builder, or any other qualified builder; MULTIPLIES the assessment of damages by 3.

  1. Failure to qualify, within descriptions confined by, the Arights & freedoms afforded to the Masses, according to the Bill of Rights/ United States of America and its Constitution; DOES implicate Ano more than a dictator, NO RIGHT , therefore a criminal action. The protection of the people, ALSO includes, the protection of me, from tyranny and those who would steal my liberty; PROVE JUSTICE, is being served. BUT REMEMBER THIS; WAR IS/ WAS FOUGHT AND PEOPLE DIED AND STILL DIE, for liberty and freedom. The revolutionary war of the United States is only one, How Many do you save, by trampling my/our freedom & my/our liberty?
  2. Here question is raised as to the purpose of this authority, consequent to its actions and their results.
  3. The question: Is the reality of roadblocks and multiplied expenses a tool or a SEIZURE of rights?
  4. Rather than, create a sufficient knowledge to limit loss of any kind: IS Athe reality@ of city intervention, just another method of controlling the competition? Competition IS SURELY & without doubt, CONTROLLED. Defend; that freedom/ the Right to WORK/ NOR the declaration of Independence & the Constitutional GUARANTEE of LIBERTY (I DECIDE) are NOT more significant than your description Acommunism is necessary@ (the state decides).
  5. This is NOT a challenge to HONEST WORK intended for a safer society, Rather this IS a DIRECT challenge to Athe expert@/ An authority drunk on power which can create a DEMAND for payment/ An authority drunk on power which uses Force (the withholding of permits) to manipulate & CONTROL any citizen they might choose/ AN AUTHORITY WHO SAYS AWE MUST BE OBEYED@.
  6. ALife safety@ by its city-made consequences, MEANS Amake it UNAFFORDABLE@ and the poor can be enslaved forever (raise the cost & THIS IS the reality) , after all ASOMEONE has to do the work@.
  7. Americans describe with pride Aa sense of CAN DO attitude, exists here@/ NONE of that survives the code department, Rather OBEY is their command, and do not ask questions.
  8. Here city employees will yell Alife safety/ building safety@.
  9. The question of code enforcement NOW becomes how shall we be safe without communism?
  10. The answer becomes BY EXAMPLE; such as displays, pamphlets, Amovies@ etc; clearly depicting proper and/ or reasonable methods, & WHY. This is important, or it becomes simply a different type of communism, and /or the control of competition.
  11. The LAW is or is intended to be Aagreed upon, by the people@ which means any code demand CAN BE CHALLENGED. AND every code requirement EXPLAINED IN DETAIL to those who ask, as a relationship to need, and more.
  12. To be fair, ONLY the minimum requirements can be enforced because any more than that means and describes a loss of freedom and a dictatorship exists.
  13. The city may instead cause an inscription to be placed upon the house/ building qualifying the problem, and describing the potential defects, thereby informing the public.
  14. Argument will occur, ANOT enough@!
  15. Rather minimum DOES mean sufficient, and freedom does mean, the right to choose.
  16. Noted, an inspection of work on a job site is A BARE MINIMUM REALITY, HOW can an inspection occur of every wire nut, nail, pipe, etc. Rather the reality is usually a 10 minute job.
  17. Quality & SAFETY IS in the hands of those who DO the work. As a testimony to this Aelectrical fires start primarily as a poor connection or failed appliance or human error. Buildings fail from lack of proper workmanship IF an architect was essential in every instance then EXPLAIN how the countryside is not falling down everywhere, as no architect is commonly used beyond city boundaries?
  18. Plumbing HAS NO EXCUSE AT ALL, as many cities across the world have open sewers & do survive just fine.

This lawsuit is expanded as follows:

  1. PROVE, the life safety issue; the state monopoly defined Aas a plumbers license@ IS NECESSARY or is in any way supported by reality or need. The primary question being: IF a plumbers license IS REQUIRED/ THEN how is it true that EVERY hardware store, lumber yard, & more can sell large quantities of plumbing supplies?
  2. These things ARE NOT commonly bought by licensed plumbers/ they have their own suppliers who refuse sale to the public.
  3. Either PROVE Your right to control, because of sufficient health consequences and then remove the public right to buy, as you must, IF THIS IS A TRUE LIFE SAFETY ISSUE.
  4. IF NOT, THEN GET OUT, providing ONLY diagrams, INFORMATION and such, NOT TYRANNY prove your right by imminent disaster, or you are commander general no more.
  5. I have sent you a plumbing diagram; PROVE Alife safety@ is in ANY WAY jeopardized by construction as defined. SHOW ME, or accept this plan is sufficient as am I, to install it. PROVE the Alife safety@ issue & prove the FACTS, or accept my guaranteed rights.
  6. PROVE, the life safety issue; How is it possible Aguardians of the public safety@ allow the sale of toxic materials Asaying on every bottle, etc@ DISPOSE OF PROPERLY? But provide NO substantial possibility to do so NOR do they insist on payment for disposal at the time of purchase to insure reasonable compliance. The consequence IS illegal dumping; DRIVEN by the people in authority. Quantities used CLEARLY PROTRAY this SHALL certainly bring toxic water/ toxic earth/ HUMAN SUFFERING! WHERE IS YOUR AUTHORITY, Alife safety@ here?
  7. Reasoned how this could be so? Reality suggests Athose in authority@ want the CONTROL; an examination of penalties & alternatives suggest: This in reality is Athe WOLF (no intent of harm to the animal)@ simply waits till he is hungry again.
  8. PROVE, the life safety issue; created by the following situation: Years ago I called the city of Urbana, code enforcement department and complained Athis house has a standing pilot ONLY on the furnace, NO safety measure of ANY KIND (if the pilot goes out or a child or renter plays with the valve, gas would escape and fill the house, when the thermostat said now, a very dangerous situation, easily CAUSING DEATH & DESTRUCTION).
  9. The city said, Anothing we can do@! I ask the owner invest $25.00 & I can make this safe, HE REFUSES.
  11. I as a person cannot require this action, the city is USELESS therefore the people WITHOUT THEIR KNOWLEDGE/ agreed upon acceptance of the RISK/ live, Awith a bomb@ in the house.
  12. This IS NOT a license to Rule! This is a reason & a responsibility to help. IF the people KNOW & CHOOSE, to live here, they have a right (even a parents right). The choice, ONCE INFORMED is theirs to make, NOT yours or mine. The DEMAND to inform is yours!
  13. PROVE, the life safety issue, In the following situation: Years ago, I called the city of Urbana, code enforcement , saying I am at a business complaining of occasional circuit failure.
  14. The circuit in question was a 20 amp wire attached to a 40 amp breaker, under a constant lighting load. The owner/ manager wanted a larger breaker: I refused. And called the city saying this is dangerous/ a fire can result.
  15. The inspector replied quote: AI=m NOT here to get work for you@ and hung up!
  16. Is this a proper answer to Abuilding safety@. RATHER this too is NOT a license to Rule. This is a call for RESPECT. Your duty is to inform the public & insurance companies & potential buyers of the property, NOT demand, but identify and deliberately EXPLAIN the problem and consequences and if necessary create a billing for additional costs to their respective insurance companies; PAYABLE, upon the event of a fire or casualty or loss.

    Reality knows the BEST, we can do for each other is: LET ME BE FREE!

    The truth says: Payment received for freedom with EQUAL possibilities means, Resources are shared (what BELONGS to everyone, belongs to no one: as a concept/ not a reality; the simple meaning, what the hands of humanity did not create, CANNOT be called Atheirs to own@/ DO you own property? Rather the government leases it to you through property tax). People ARE responsible for themselves (freedom means NO other way exists) Government is the mediator NOT the ruler. (a Afriend@, NOT a king).

  18. PROVE, the life safety issue: Over several years, upon arriving at a home where a SIMPLE new circuit was needed (fuses constantly blown/ a new appliance usually).
  19. When I informed the people Acity code requires an entire house rewire, at a cost of hundreds or thousands of dollars@ RATHER than a circuit to fill their particular needs/ and make the house SAFE AGAIN. It was rare to find a homeowner able to face this bill. Instead they HAD TO continue to use their ADANGEROUS WIRING@ or find someone to do it illegally.
  20. IS THIS LIFE SAFETY, You have no excuse.
  21. PROVE THIS: As a legal authority! As a licensed Electrician, in the city of Urbana. The ONLY reason I could work legally, in the city from one year to the next, was IF I PAID, the city money for a license renewal. This money has NOTHING to do with workmanship, customer satisfaction, keeping current with changes in codes (the city provided nothing but a new piece of paper). The FACT was PAY OR YOU CAN NOT WORK AN EXTORTION!
  22. Life safety exists as quality of workmanship, (NOT a license) ENTIRELY dependent upon the technician and his/her knowledge, and once in a while upon expedience; NEVER upon money, Afor a license@. Evidence is given as nearly all construction in REALITY is work done by the technician as very few licensed people are commonly on the job site. Also, PROVE that, Acountry work is inferior@! No license exists here at all, is everything burning/ everyone dying?
  23. The RIGHT TO WORK, cannot be bought! Can any city SELL THIS?
  24. The RIGHT TO WORK IS INALIENABLE, the Constitution & the Bill of Rights guarantee it. The city may require an exam BUT NOT a renewal fee/ the question of previous work DOES NOT guarantee quality! Therefore it should not exist.
  25. I quit, the year fees tripled. When asked, the code department said, Awe need more money, pass it along to your customers@: ARE THESE Athe government@?
  26. ISSUE IS RAISED as to the Abusiness@ of needing more money? IF this is a tax, where is the vote? IF a Business, THEN an illegal MONOPOLY/ an ILLEGAL business exists. IF neither, THEN Athe King has spoken, OBEY@.
  27. PROVE, the Right of Authority: a number of years ago, re-taking the license exam for a specific job, an Urbana electrical inspector REFUSED to show me the results of MY OWN test. Instead he said, I failed by one point, and told me, 2 illustrations worth 20 points were wrong. I KNEW these diagrams were correct/ however instead of Afield drawings@/ such as are found on actual equipment in the field; the inspector wanted drawings as would be found on a engineering table/ IN SCHOOL.
  28. THIS WAS THE REAL WORLD, and NO right to withhold a test result without opportunity to contest the outcome exists. THIS IS THE REAL WORLD, a tyranny resulted, an authority figure playing AI am king@. An EMPLOYEE exceeding his job description/ a mugging or theft.

EXPERIENCE shows a Adrop of authority, turns into a raging river@ and the return to Aa drop of authority@ IS LONG OVERDUE. The Constitution DEMAND of AInalienable Rights@ HAS been replaced with Athe expert MUST be obeyed@ and a life of freedom has been removed with the words Alife safety/ WITHOUT RESPONSIBILITY@.

As evidence to the NEED FOR CHANGE and the common harassment through a DISREGARD FOR JUSTICE. The following cases are introduced AS NO RESPECT FOR THE CITIZEN EXISTS/ NO RESPECT FOR JUSTICE IS ALLOWED OR GIVEN/ THE CONSTITUTION & BILL OF RIGHTS ARE CONSIDERED A AHOAX@ BY THE GOVERNMENT, not by me! / A CHANGE IS DUE. Regarding the suggestions herein, these are suggestions Ameaning a beginning discussion@, and no more; specifically intended to start the process of discussion as needed within the terms created by a petition to the government for a redress of grievances.

The United States Supreme Court case


These papers are developed from the federal appeals case #94-1943 & #94-1944 and was submitted but not accepted by the USSC, no reason given. The Judicial committees of both senate & house are contacted with appropriate materials They are not interested. The preliminary cases were handled as Aany common citizen might@, searching every avenue for assistance. The secondary federal cases exist as DIRECT confrontation; DO YOUR JOB!

ATREASON@, defined as adhering to the enemy, giving aid & comfort to those who DO CHOOSE AGAINST TRUTH as applied by the Constitution of the U.S. & its Bill of Rights; does not have a statute of limitations.

Treason is By whatever means, an attempt to destroy the government of a nation. The destruction stands as 3 FEDERAL APPEALS COURT JUDGES, DEFIANCE OF THE LAW!

This case WAS about JUSTICE , AUTHORITY, AND CITIZEN RIGHT! Therefore it is a proper and fitting EVIDENCE of AWHAT is wrong@.

Any reference to Aredress of the people@ as invalid; returns as a description of authority A gone mad.@ PROVE these words do not illustrate a justifiable NEED for change, among those in authority positions in this nation! Reality says these words DO PROVE, an encroachment, critically similar to a rebellion from within, just the same as Alife safety@ redefines freedom & right, as OBEY & PAY, I command you!

Communism MEANS nothing is justified according to FREEDOM, LIBERTY, & EQUAL RIGHTS; RATHER the Astate@ decides! Show me, this description does not fit your methods and your demand for authority.

Here city & state will say: LIVES are in jeopardy, we must defend the people who cannot defend themselves! Even one life in a million is too many.

Aren=t they RESPONSIBLE/ do you Asee@ how VERY IMPORTANT/how VERY ARROGANT they are (the weight of the world is upon their shoulders, and we are simply riffraff who must be controlled)/ HOW did society survive without these people commanding our every move?

Clearly these ARE RESPONSIBLE for EVERY TINY SCRAPE on EVERY SINGLE INDIVIDUAL! We certainly don=t need insurance, the city/state employee is RESPONSIBLE! We surely don=t need a courtroom, the city/state employee is RESPONSIBLE, THAT=S THEIR JOB! And IF its their JOB, then its their RESPONSIBILITY.

There=s only one problem, the people who say they ARE RESPONSIBLE/ DO put other people in jail when something goes wrong Acriminal negligence@. The people who say, BY THEIR POSITION OF AUTHORITY, they ARE RESPONSIBLE ; DO say Anot me@ even if they were wrong/ ignorant/ or negligent in their actions.

CLEARLY, the city/state wants Acommunism, with a new twist@. In a communist state the official is RESPONSIBLE/ In America the official simply A says NOT me or BLAMES someone else/ AND FORCES PAYMENT@. In a communist nation this is called EXTORTION.

LIFE means, An Individual RIGHT/ an Individual Obligation/ an Individual purpose. More simply, a million people can NOT be morally made to pay with their own lives, to protect ONE stranger, who may or may not benefit. Rather protection IS DUE for family, for Individual NEEDS, for those who are loved & cared for/ and YOU the government employee, TAKE THIS MONEY and throw it away, gambling someday someone may benefit.

Reality knows TODAY family & need, & loved ones WILL benefit 1,000,000 strong from this very same (I/WE EARNED IT) money: instead of your Amaybe one out of a million might benefit@. YOU ARE WRONG!

City & state WILL say Aits more than that/ what if its you@? The answer simply: Compliance IS AN AUTHORITY OF THE PEOPLE, being fully informed & allowed to vote, without alternate interpretations later, the people DO have a right to, A PAY for what they want.@

An offer WAS made to each official in Aredress of the people@ CHOOSE between the law & constitution, between Justice & an honest answer, OR cover up the choices of your underlings.

You are given warning as to the direction & the determination of this lawsuit.

JUSTICE, is worth the fight Irregardless of the outcome.

Regarding the complete failure of respect at the code department, over the issue, ARETURN to the beginning of the line@, after a 3 week wait. PROVE THIS IS FAIR! Do I not have a right to change my mind? And if I do, what=s it to you, the plans had NOT been reviewed yet. You condemn me to wait AGAIN, saying I changed my mind, therefore 3 weeks of waiting count for nothing. THIS IS HYPOCRISY!

This lawsuit IS NOT about codes & inspections, Rather this lawsuit is about power. It has been approx. 7 weeks now since it was possible to start work, and I am still weeks away from starting. This ONLY because the code department HAS created an arbitrary government authority over me. Instead of being almost done, I am yet to truly get started.

Here the city & state will say Acodes make this necessary@!

I say: LIBERTY & FREEDOM CAN NOT BE DISSOLVED OR NEGLECTED by any part of this government/ a change is due!

I simply ask for justice. Justice in a FREE LAND, means, RESPECT IS an obligation of the government to its citizen. Respect means Athe government@ is NOT my ruler/ the Agovernment@ is NOT greater than the citizen (NO expert exceeds my/OUR right)/ & happiness as a society, is achieved by TRUE INDIVIDUAL participation. NOT voting for someone to vote for me RATHER VOTING FOR MYSELF, to determine the fundamental direction & meanings of life, liberty, & government intervention. FREEDOM IS NOT, open for discussion, FREEDOM IS A RIGHT!

This is not Asimple rule@, this is FUNDAMENTAL LAW/ OUR CONSTITUTIONAL GUARANTEE. More simply The Declaration of Independence AYYWe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;Y..@

This is our 1st amendment RIGHT, to petition for a Redress of Grievances, and be heard.

This EXTENSIVE depiction of REFUSAL to be heard, DOES indicate a Aredress of grievances@ CLAUSE, should be: The public RIGHT and METHOD of oversight to what the government is doing. The proper method being: at the time of elections a VOTE shall also be cast yes or no; DO you think ATHIS@ needs review? By two-thirds yes vote, the Agovernment@ SHALL present its case/ the evidence to the contrary SHALL be presented/ and the people SHALL CHOOSE,. THIS IS LIBERTY, by vote.

A few, will argue Ano right@ & the Agovernment can=t function this way@.

RATHER, the 1st Amendment not only guarantees this very right, BUT ESTABLISHES IT. Mass Media now DOES make the intent of the Afounders of America@ TRULY POSSIBLE.

A DEMAND IS MADE: IF You are truly interested in Alife safety@ then prove it by fighting genetic mutation, which means simply NO respect for order/ NO respect for life: what happens when reality proves, DEADLY! WHERE WILL YOU HIDE, when mutation rather than order exists? The arrogant want to prove mutation created order, ATHE EXPERT@ says, mutation created an orderly progression (even they admit ORDER CAME FIRST)!

REQUIRE this answer: What came first, the heart, the blood vessel, the brain to control, the lungs & stomach to feed it, hands, eyes, ears, food, etc, or perhaps the rest of the organs to clean it; exactly what ORDER did these things come in REMEMBERING if mutation created these things, which one wasn=t needed? IF these Aexperts@ DO NOT UNDERSTAND this the SIMPLIEST of all relationships, THEN prepare for the worst, BECAUSE they ARE literally Aplaying games, with life, with ALL foods, gambling like monkeys in a nuclear power plant, Aplaying with switches@. HOW BAD COULD THIS BE? TRUTH SAYS: Across the line@ and mutation WILL destroy order by destroying LIFE! PROVE ME WRONG!

The words here ARE LITERAL Alife safety issues/ REALITIES: WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT AND IT IS OUR RIGHT AS A WORLD, TO DECIDE! A Abrave new world@ IS simply an excuse to Aplay god@. Humanity DOES want this/ the gamble is Athe chain of life@ (from the organisms that dissolve waste, to the processes that control foods, to the chemicals that form our bodies and everything in-between) the ONLY question is WHAT will fail first? THEN the human answer Awe must exterminate this/ these people to protect ourselves before it spreads@. A.I.D.S. IS a mutation disrupting the order of the genetic code, how many more mutations like this one and MUCH WORSE are coming, the proper answer ATOO MANY TO SURVIVE@.

IF you know what your doing, then you can take DNA and predict EVERY SINGLE EFFECT, FROM EVERY SINGLE GENE. (am I wrong). PROVE how over 6,000,000,000 individual genes creating INFINITE possibilities PLUS how the interaction of EVERY SINGLE GENE RELATES TO EVERY SINGLE OTHER GENE IN EVERY SINGLE LIVING CREATION WORKS, and then I will believe Aa small but dangerous possibility exists@. BUT do remember Alife is an ordered structure, NO MUTATIONS, in your explanations are allowed to exist. SHOW ME/ US WHERE MUTATION proves life came to be as an accident? LIFE SAYS: BY ORDER & DISCIPLINE & TRUTH (an expression capable through reason) WE ARE ALIVE! Let Athe expert@ define


Because this definition EXISTS AS RESPECT or applies the human term intellect, as if arrogance was wisdom. WISDOM says DON=T TOUCH IT, BECAUSE YOU WILL DIE. IS this not a Alife safety issue/ IF they are wrong, you die! BECAUSE, order and nothing less, keeps us ALIVE!


IF You are truly interested in Alife safety@ then prove it by fighting the use of antibiotics as a means of keeping Aanimal factories@ in business. THESE methods create ASUPER VIRSUS/ SUPER GERM WARFARE@. PROVE ME WRONG! If you can not, and you can not: IF you could, NO one would by sick. Then you must stop the making of money, is greater than the reality of NO MEDICINE WILL HELP!

Are genetic alterations in plants any less/ what happens to the worms, bugs, birds & every other life form which contacts a food source/ and what happens to the lives that touch these things AND SO ON! The government answer Awe testedYY@ The REALITY You saw, what you wanted to see Adollars and power@!


Some will say HE HAS NO RIGHT to say these things!

I say YOU HAVE NO RIGHT to do these things! PROVE ME WRONG!


According to the true need and wisdom of those who wrote the first amendment AY..to petition the government for a redress of grievances.@ A number of articles depicting an authority Agone mad@ : DRUNK on the power of the Aexpert@, will be added.


The TRUE question, as a foundation to the experience of being an American citizen, from which ALL RIGHTS & ALL AUTHORITY, BY LAW exist; is simply this:



The Constitution of the United States of America

The Bill of Rights







AND guarantees my ABSOLUTE RIGHT to question this government and be answered!

AND, as defined by FREEDOM, to live an honorable life, without government intervention.

TO LIVE within the meaning of HOPE: that our lives DO belong to us, and our Nation, Our World DOES BELONG to US ALL, even the unborn.

Instead of respect government authority, without question: Interpreted these words say; RESPECT LIFE & FREEDOM & LIBERTY!

Instead of Anothing we can do@, these words say, WE THE PEOPLE


SHOW US the error in these words?



































TO, the people I know

The lawsuit presented with these words could have consequences, beyond its simple duty to defend and create justice; This lawsuit confronts me directly, I did nothing to create it THEREFORE it is a duty to me.

The lawsuit is based upon constitutional issues and once presented to the court, These issues cannot/ WILL NOT be easily dismissed.

Therefore an audience may gather.

Therefore a stock market may become nervous ( a nation run by its people, means business will consider it Aout of control@)

Therefore Agenetic business@ represents a approx. 100 billion dollar investment. IF society even hints, at STOPPING THIS, The entire investment is LOST.

This coupled with possibilities of grain & livestock business loss due to NOT BEING ACCEPTED (genetically altered).

Agriculture is roughly half of the U.S. economy, and a very large loan deficiency payment multiplied by every bushel etc, across the nation, MEANS a stock market CRASH could easily occur.

The stock market is supported by 3 VERY SIMPLE IDEAS:

It can=t happen here NOT now things are too good.

The government shall Amake an adjustment@ to stop any real trouble.

We are AMERICA and we can not be refused: because we=re Americans.

Aexperts@ would laugh at these sayings; Aexperts@ have been adjusting for 30 years. Carefully adding weight to the burden of lies which support the economy & stock market.

The debt is approx. 350,000.00 per working man & woman IS THIS A PROBLEM?


The Aredress of the people@ contains words intended to change medical billing and MORE, THIS TOO would not necessarily be safe.

This is your warning, whatever decision you make; you WILL live with/ just as I must live with whatever this decision brings like it or not.

Sometime around August 8, the media will be notified


JUSTICE is worth the price, anything less is simply Aa growing bomb@, waiting to go off.


















A lawsuit in its preliminary stages, seeks your input; primarily evidence associating authority without constitutional law (a government in need of change).

A copy may be picked up at for and copied as desired, but not sold, beyond the expense incurred. SEND NO MONEY! Rather correspondence to box

royal IL 61871

Selections of the lawsuit to portray its content include:

AA great deal of blood soaks these documents (the Constitution & Bill of Rights), given for the single purpose: as written, NOT interpreted by individuals/ but as accepted by the MASSES, WE THE PEOPLE@!

AReality knows the BEST, we can do for each other is LET ME BE FREE@!

A According to the true need and wisdom of those who wrote the first amendment YY.to petition the government for a redress of grievances. A number of articles/ evidence depicting an authority gone mad: DRUNK on the power of the expert, will be added.@


As this BEGINS your 1st amendment right & responsibility as Awe the people@. The description becomes: to attain a true Agovernment of the people@ as defined by the Constitution: CHOOSE?





































RE: LETTER 7/30/99


  1. In response to Joe Hooker regarding your letter.
  2. It is clear you are NOT prepared, while polite, you failed to properly read the lawsuit in question.
  3. In particular, on the 9th page: beginning paragraph 3 page down AThis LAWSUIT is NOT about codes and inspections, Rather this lawsuit is about POWER.
  4. Second the Constitutionality of the Realities depicted & described IS EXACTLY what this lawsuit BRINGS TO COURT. Of interest to you ALL LAWS made or enforced within the boundaries of the United States of America MUST SUBMIT to constitutional requirements.
  5. 3rd a fundamental change IS petitioned according to the 1st amendment of the Constitution: THIS IS A PEOPLES RIGHT and as the Aad@ suggests I DO INTEND to add evidence and people prior to court.
  6. Your suggestion to Alobby against@ IS COMPLETELY IRRELEVANT as the 1st amendment allows intervention DIRECTLY QUESTIONING any governmental actions. This lawsuit therefore is by its purpose and definition, intent upon gathering EVIDENCE, and that the Evidence gathered SHALL be applied to the TRUE contractual agreements made between WE THE PEOPLE, and this government.
  7. Contract means Aa failure to provide according to the terms of the agreement DOES result in punishment/ NOT as a government official, But as a citizen who SAID: give me the job I=ll do it, and did fail@.
  8. The 1st amendment RIGHT as created by the words ACCEPTED by the whole people of the United States of America ARE NOT interpreted by government officials Rather they are defended by the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, & the Constitution.
  9. Aa public job@ therefore IS DETERMINED BY THESE WORDS:
  10. according to the lawsuit line 16 DEFINE LIBERTY?
  11. according to the lawsuit line 17 DEFINE PROTECTION?
  12. according to the lawsuit line 18 DEFINE OBLIGATION?


You are then to EXPLAIN: WHY, TRUE LIFE SAFETY issues, according to the descriptions given ARE A COMPLETE FAILURE excused from the public trust by men & women who think they know more than all of us, put together. Not only a Tyranny, BUT AN OUTRIGHT LIE.

Secondary to this you are to explain why your code department harasses rather than helps/ your response is limited to this lawsuit as defined.

For the purpose of Clarity, I am 46 years old and not controlled.

Because the current owners of the property at 1712 W. Clark ARE AFRAID, and I do have commitments to do this work & help them through harvest season. This concession shall be made: The Aad@ shall wait until the lawsuit is ready.

You are given the following choice: IF you agree to enter court with ATHE SIMPLE UNDERSTANDING@ we both agree, this is a case that can only be decided at the United States Supreme Court level and the Judge decrees it to be so, THEN I will change the lawsuit to ease (you may recommend) your involvement. You will give me a sworn affidavit, indicating this choice. We will also meet with the judge prior to my filing to adequately prepare against unfair practices.

This case WILL only end at the USSC or before the public. CHOOSE?

The last date to accept this offer is 9/01/99.

You are given notice: I Do intend to multiply this lawsuit again & take a VERY CRITICAL VIEW particularly of Ayour definitions@ instead of simply stating the problem.

You are reminded Asmall keys open very BIG doors@, as you have recognized by now. If you think I am concerned with winning or losing YOU are wrong. I am gathering evidence and only the people shall decide what to do with that evidence/ not me.

Preparations for Awar@ begin after 9/01/99 assuming a negative answer.