TO THE PRESS (local)

from James F. Osterbur

RE: this Judicial Review


Questions will be answered only by Awriting to me@, I will return in writing. The reason, people hear or read only what they want or expect to/ with writing at least a second opportunity can occur. Of simple questions expected:

The first question: WHY did I attack this judge so harshly?

The answer: truth says it is not the judge, BUT the lack of justice that was attacked/ secondary to this is the question which MUST be asked of the court: DEFINE JUSTICE?

A LEGAL system locked in rules, regulation, & words DOES NOT accept justice as their primary purpose/ therefore this judicial review has arisen.

Justice means: to fundamentally accept the flaws inherent in human reality and USE THESE to determine an opportunity to improve all lives, by changing one life. This is a judicial description, rather than a human description of justice! Human justice: explains, that NO ONE is entitled to make me or any other person, LESS THAN EQUAL! WE ARE, honored by the miracle of our lives, therefore RESPECT & DIGNITY, IS a clear & certain right.

The judge herein has made a decision/ as has the gambler Selimi. The judge is reviewed beyond the scope of his error to establish the distinction of judicial error & its consequences. Therefore the judge is to be considered, as an example only (the majority of judges would rule the same)/ to make Aan example@ IS a common method of the court, wherein a PERSON is USED, to the approach of abuse (OR IS ABUSED) merely to establish; this behavior is unkind & unacceptable. Therefore this is a lesson to the court, rather than an affront to the judge. The association of respect for judicial position enters here/ and is answered: WHERE was the respect do to me?

The question: WHAT do I expect to gain?

The answer: NOTHING, I can expect to gain of a personal nature, can replace a plain & simple life, of learning & doing what I choose without interference. The education applied to society, which creates a BETTER society for us all, IS a benefit to me as well/ the DUTY to prevent society from attacking itself for lack of respect, for all its members, IS a demand to educate & then Alet them decide@. The question of happiness, assembles the task: AIF we do not work together, Then how can we complain, when predators pick us one at a time, to be their toy@!

Be it known, the critical review of the judge involved herein, DOES NOT constitute a specific aggression against this particular judge. Instead the Adramatic license@ establishes 3 separate realities: 1, the fundamental importance of the job of a judge does/ and, what it sounds like, to the people abused by a judicial system that simply does not care! 2, the critical reality of primary importance constitutional documents play, in the social fabric of PEACE & FAIR PLAY. 3, the need to re-establish the importance of the work of a judge/ the honor of being a critical link within a peaceful society/ & most important, that fact that humanity DOES want to be noticed (almost all). IF they are not humanity becomes disillusioned with integrity, and the possibilities of power, or apathy, along with temptations to disregard those without power or influence are sure to come. ONLY those with true dignity survive.

Public view is necessary/ public appreciation of the entire legal system, APOLICE, JUDICIAL, lawyers, and so on. They are the single most critical link between social/ national demise & social happiness. Why do this if no one looks or cares about you? The fact is, if you don=t care, then why should they? This is not a lesson of integrity, but a simple lesson in humanity.

Therefore the reality of purpose in this review of judicial behaviors is far more complex, than simply assigning blame; it is instead, Awe are at a distinct decision/ not because the judicial system needs repair, but more simply The American experience, is based upon a Constitutional foundation. This is found to be crumbling and weak/ ready to break! IF this is not fixed/ then America as it is today or was, will also fail/ to be replaced with far less. BECAUSE, Constitutional value literally is what built the nation, supported the nation, & what binds the nation together even in this day!

This is my third trip through the judicial system, & the reality is clear.

The decision to investigate, assemble your own conclusions, & choose; transfers, the obligation, therefore the result, into your hands. It is my hope, that YOU are worthy of the job.