2191 COUNTY ROAD 2500E ST. JOSEPH, IL 61873




STATE OF Illinois


THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (more correctly, its officials)





  1. It is to be proven Alit Selimi, DID in fact steal $3200.00 from Mr. Osterbur, as it is attested to in case 01-LM-16: WITH the direct support of the law of The State of Illinois/ thereby making that law the accomplice/ that state legislature the muscle/ and the critical reality of theft, the underlying definition of that law.
  2. The court system, as symbolized by the circuit court judge, of the 5th judicial district, vermilion county, at 7 N. vermilion Danville, IL proved inferior to the task of judicial honesty/ judicial integrity, as in the closed and unrecorded hearing of the pleadings of the case 01-LM-16 Did in fact, IT SHALL BE PROVED, rule against the Constitutional Amendment #7 GUARANTEEING MY RIGHT TO TRIAL, in the contractual suit OVER PROPERTY equal to the value of $40000.00. This judge did rule that the instructions supplied to me, by the 5th judicial court regarding the pleadings supplied by me was INADEQUATE (they did not mention I would be required to attend the pleading hearing, even though, NO cross-examination would occur, and NOTHING was to be gained by attending in person). It WILL be proven I DID, IN FACT attend that hearing by submitting the pleadings as required and HAD NO intention of changing one single word! As it is true of the law and the words of a judge/ my attendance is defined by my presence in the only document which could or would be discussed! My RIGHT OF TRIAL, my right of judicial intervention and investigation WAS insignificant to the intent of pomp & ceremony expected by this judge and an IRRELEVANT RULE destroyed my constitutional guarantee. QUOTE Amendment 7 says: In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved,YYY
  3. Further, upon notifying the defendant of imminent court, a situation of implied threat (a man with a gun) was sent to Amy ears, as defined@/ the court in Danville is UNINTERESTED or Asimply couldn=t be bothered if I wasn=t going to bow down and kiss his stinking ass.@
  4. This matter is about a signed contract in clear & unmistakable english regarding payment to be made about time & materials involved in the remodel of the restaurant Avillage garden of Danville@. This matter is about a swindler and his methods which if proven subject the reality of consequences to his life.
  5. This matter turned into a fight against the State of Illinois, when it was learned a very short time beyond the contract finish/ the State of IL/ according to UNCONSTITUTIONAL law gave back to Selimi the money $3200.00 left in escrow in the bank. This $3200.00 WAS NEVER in dispute it is CLEAR & CERTAIN MY POSSESSION/ MY PROPERTY it was left, only to be certain of a court appearance! Which in turn the Court BASTARDIZED into the felony theft of my own Constitutional Rights.
  6. The court of Appeals, for the 5th district State of IL, Mount Vernon, IL is contacted in the form of an appeal/ while there can be NO misunderstanding, as to the intend and wording of the appeal, and the problems faced, the court says: they are unsure of what I wanted or meant. Another letter spelled out the legal expectations/ and MONTHS later NO REPLY! Describing in detail the words Aswept under the rug@. These too, have NO VALUE, they DO NOT do their job, they DO NOT support or seek justice, they DO NOT fulfill their obligations to the public, meaning me and how ever many other thousands or tens of thousands which have been subjected to the prejudice of, being prosecuted by a judge.
  7. I write to the governors office, the attorney general of the state of IL, the judicial board of review, and the congress & senate of the state of IL none reply! I write a second time clearly indicating Amy constitutional rights are being MURDERED@, BY these judges AND they are the people hired/ elected to protect against this EXACT REALITY.
  8. I DO complain; the simple truth is INJUSTICE and DISHONESTY, NOT LAW but simple tyranny, from the backbone of BIGOTRY [ it is the place hidden away from view, where Athe membership@ plays, and the people pay/ the courtroom of America]
  9. If it is not so; then why did a courtroom judge, give away my property protected by the constitution and my right to proceed to trial, also protected by the constitution; DO you claim ignorance of the law? THIS IS YOUR JOB, and if you are unfit or unwilling, then you must surrender your position and face the penalty as if you ARE a citizen, EQUAL UNDER THE LAW!
  10. If it is not so; Why did the State of IL participate in this theft, which is lawfully intended to be secured. Why else does an escrow account exist, if not to protect the money for BOTH SIDES? The State of IL, and its legislature intervene? Why did the State of IL, alter the basis of a contract and side with the criminal. They DO become the accomplice, a burglar by action and a swindler by trade.
  11. I made it perfectly clear AI am not a lawyer@ and why did the judge NOT provide the very minimum level of information/ that I would be required at a pleading hearing, even though there was nothing to say and nothing for me to do/ Did not Selimis= lawyer ask for the hearing? IT was up to him to prove, the pleadings lacked anything/ INSTEAD the judge DID PROSECUTE ME not because I wasn=t there (my words were there and ALL LAW and all judgments ARE BASED UPON THE WRITTEN WORD). Are my less than yours/ they are not! IF words are not evidence/ there can be no courtroom and no judge, and no law! MY WORDS STAND! And they did represent me.
  12. The judge FAILS!
  13. The State of Illinois acts as a burglar
  14. The Judicial review board is NOTHING BUT A SHAM, and a DISGRACE
  15. The court of Appeals PROVIDES ITSELF with the description MORALLY AND ETHICALLY AND LEGALLY BANKRUPT!
  16. A judge is NOT the law/ a judge is not my superior/ a judge is EQUAL to the citizen IT IS THE LAW, that is superior AND ALL LAW IS DEPENDANT UPON THE CONSTITUTION FOR ITS POWER over the citizen. And the court system IS ignorant of this fact.
  17. Not even the evidence of a notification did the court send me/ I had to go get it/ demand it / and obtain it.
  18. REALITY says; this is a REBELLION against the constitution, and thereby against the people of the United States. The act of treason is: is an act of war, to undermine the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence IS AN ACT OF WAR, against every American citizen! Because we are VERY dependent upon the court and the institution called JUSTICE, although one at a time, is the reality, the effects spread directly across all of society for good or for bad. Therefore it is no small matter, to find the foundations of freedom SOLD!
  19. The attorney Generals office for the state of IL finds no apparent offense in this matter/ and by conveyance of the facts must be Athe apparent thug division@ for the State. Do they not represent the people whose job it is to protect & defend the citizen/ the state steals, the court whores, and the citizen loses.
  20. What is unclear; A contract is a simple dispute, until the threat of violence appears. Expecting the State of IL NOT to come stealing, was an apparent error on my part: The reality of a courtroom was made perfectly clear to me years ago, in bias and prejudice, and lies and cheating! I should have known this could not go on without the State of IL supporting its criminal behaviors. AI expected less than blatant theft@ and CLEAR DISREGARD for a very specific constitutional amendment, and that was my error.
  21. It appears the officials of the government have NO concept or education in constitutional law/ NO interest in the Bill of Rights/ and NO RESPECT for the Declaration of Independence or the BLOOD which supports and defends it. By what definition does the Awhim or discretion of a judge@ whose sole responsibility is JUSTICE, become my prosecutor, his purpose is to defend each person who stands before him or her/ yet my experience with the court of IL, the appeals court of IL, the federal court, the federal appeals court, the supreme court, and the legislatures of state and country are all the same: it is not justice, it is not constitutionality, it is not freedom or liberty, or the opportunity to defend yourself, BUT the insanity of power that controls their basis of jurisdiction
  22. In the past, as alluded to in the testimony of case 01-LM-16, and the judge warned prior to hearings, the fundamental & continued destruction by the court of any jurisdiction, of my guaranteed constitutional rights would be fought against! The cases 94-1943 & 94-1944 were used as the basic representation of outright TREASON! And were described as the FRAUD, created when finding NO other legal certification to remove my demand for Constitutional GUARANTEED RIGHTS, these 3 federal appellate judges in collusion with each other LIED, and created a story, and assigned my name to it THE EMBEZZLEMENT OF MY NAME a theft! And the distinct LARCENY OF Constitutional guarantees, against the people of the United States.
  23. These cases came to federal appeals/ one by the BIGOTRY & PREJUDICE of a small claims judge; who didn=t like it Awhen in effect, I asked him: are you listening@ . This after he takes his shoes off, puts his feet on the desk, leans back in the chair and closes his eyes, for a second time! I had just approached to question the woman who brought me to court/ and it was clear this judge would have had me locked up if he could find any reason at all: the trial was over before it started, and the tyranny still reminds me Athat no branch of government needs more CLEANING than the judicial one@. The other case initiating, was a trip to the emergency room where prejudice & bigotry, and the poverty of treatment caused me to REFUSE to pay, to be blatantly disregarded, injected with drugs against my will, and treated with contempt. Treated as a contractual matter wherein I expect HONEST WORK, for honest pay/ the court says to me Acan=t help you: the legislature has no law about contractual obligations except for clearly THE HOSPITAL gets whatever they ask, if I had signed the contract: I AS A CITIZEN, HAVE NO RIGHTS AT ALL! This is an attack against the fundamental purpose of the Constitution/ to guarantee to the citizen Athat the officials of government SHALL: seek to establish justice (where is the justice, if I don=t have the same standing in court, as the hospital), to insure domestic tranquillity (where is the tranquillity of FAILURE to supervise the court/ FAILURE to remove the judge, or at least chastise him), provide for the common defense (where is the liberty, where is the freedom; when LIES and cheating rule the higher courts)! YOU testify, to exactly how it is that these represent Athe blessings of liberty@/ and Explain to me, what freedom means when tyranny replaces justice?
  24. This controversy extends to the demand for Constitutional education in the judicial system/ the subjection that Athey know@ DEMANDS then this was an intentional treasonous act against all the people of the United States!
  25. Thereby the true process is@ the state robbed me, the courtroom not only looked the other way/ but spent the credible truth of constitutional law upon collusion to steal from me (did not the state produce legislation which ultimately BROKE the LAW/ DID not the judge then use that same law to exact property [how shall I get the money from Selimi the thief] and then supplement the damage by taking away my basic constitutional guarantee. Selimi kept the money HE KNOWS IS NOT HIS, thereby he is a thief, because he holds Astolen property@.
  26. Should I be quiet/ even if the words are Aunderstandable simple/ rather than polite@ these are selling their position/ or they just don=t care.
  27. All of these were forewarned in clear terms: choose the legal grounds upon which you will stand and fight! All chose the Aalit selimi system/ ASS@ and by determination of the ASS method you have NO legal standing at all. These hide behind the illusion of the 5th amendment/ that if you don=t say anything, then you can=t be found guilty! The evidence of a position such as judge DEMANDS you step forward, and submit your findings. The evidence of a position such as the legislature or executive branch DEMANDS supervision of those who are judge. The failure of these positions means the FAILURE of the foundations upon which they reside; The constitution is under attack!
  28. The critical definition, CREATED and HELD BEFORE THE PEOPLE, as Athis is who we are@ IS summed up entirely in the words of the preamble;
  29. We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
  30. The amendments ARE ALSO OURS! The rest is rules and methods for the official.
  31. Defined by the actions above, you prefer thieves and liars, to admitting that anyone among you was wrong/ thereby convicted, is the reality of the institution itself.
  32. I, by the measure of the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, and the Constitution of the United States DO STAND WITH THESE! As you were warned, and instructed I would. NOT as you have made them, BUT as the expressions of a very constant reality of HOPE for a better life/ for all the citizens of America.
  33. Repent of this or fight. Repent MEANS; Aopen the doors & turn on the lights@ for all to see & hear and RE-EXAMINE all the laws you have written and do enforce. Do to the Abillions of words/ shouldn=t take more than a few hundred years@. Therefore true repentance means; develop CLEAR, SHORT, CONCISE, & JUSTIFIABLE realities NOT to exceed a 120 or so count of laws (NOTHING, that can not be taught in schools, as the law)! All the law, and limit the rule to only what is important. Fight means, a legal battle, JUSTIFIED rather than a travesty of justice! Show the citizens of these United States, the that their Constitution, their liberty, their justice is supported by you and your actions.
  34. A law that the people do not understand, or do not know is just another form of tyranny: Athe words; ignorance is no excuse@ is THE APPLICATION of that tyranny! The perpetual assault of a ruler, rather than a free people. ARE WE NOT FREE?
  35. As you contemplate the consequence, and assess the risk for simply Ateaching me a lesson@ I DO suggest to you, that it is a lesson, you will learn as well. Numerous copies will be sent, to a variety of people! Including different countries whom you, as the spokes people of the United States, have accused of Ahuman right violations@ perhaps they will find you Aa pompous ass@, perhaps not.
  36. It is a consequence of the Constitution, that WE THE PEOPLE cannot substantially govern without SIMPLE LAWS/ therefore it is the DUTY of each representative of the people/ SWORN to uphold the values and rights of the Constitution/ to complete the task Ain order to make a more perfect union@ to provide the necessary tools to ESTABLISH TRUE JUSTICE/ IN A LAND WHERE WE THE PEOPLE is not simply an excuse to boast Awe are better than you are@. IT IS NOT TRUE!
  37. Justice means; having searched diligently for the TRUTH! It does not exist where excuses and rules poison the idea of justice/ as has happened to me.
  38. To insure Adomestic tranquillity@ , the reality of WE THE PEOPLE, does mean that there are limits to freedom. There are people who must be instructed to change (as this lawsuit intends to do). There are people who must be removed from society for at least a time. These are some of the provisions of Aproviding for the common defense@. The Ablessings of liberty@ allows the common man/woman not only the opportunity, but the final authority; and whether you like it or not: WE ARE the employer, and YOU are the employee! Therefore it is not only a right to review, instruct, and discipline it is a DEMAND of the constitution created by the command Ato, ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America@.
  39. Here, this case returns to DAMAGE DONE, by the State of IL, in substantially intervening in the course of DUE PROCESS, by limiting the opportunity to enter the courtroom in a simple manner/ roughly at 100 days past the contract date! I am told it is too late for a simple contractual dispute, it must be a full trial! I am also told the money is stolen (returned to Selimi/ who will never willingly, pay his debt) ,by these lawyers.
  40. The Reality of being denied, WHAT IS OWED, means it IS NECESSARY to find money! The courtroom is LONG & TEDIOUS and by no means based upon justice! It is a reality of Awhat mood will the judge be in today@ and this is an UNDEPENDABLE AND CRUEL fact of life.
  41. Therefore not only must time be spent to survive, but time is required to substantially prepare for the courtroom/ HOW is it I, not being a lawyer, should walk into a den of thieves without some support? It is asking to be abused, it is simply being blind.
  42. The State of ILL and its court system and its law, THEREBY DENY, the necessary means to obtain and secure the money required for the next job/ a form of retirement securities for me! A reality of job security for my nephew who worked for me/ a threat to the sale of the project, for the owner at that time. All because Athe state deliberately chooses the swindler, is more important, than due process of law/ DID this case come to trial? The court sides with an attack upon the 14th amendment: A..that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  43. The shit still stinks from where they defecated upon this amendment!
  44. Here, the city of champaign, IL acquires its opportunity to Aamuse itself, at my expense@! The department of code enforcement; requests structural plans, signed by a licensed architect! These were supplied! I waited 3 weeks for approval stated to require a week to 10 days/ no word/ I go in to find as recorded in the documentation (evidence #2) they are Ausing me for a toy@, and playing as well in the lives of other people directly connected with this project.
  45. The stated and well-defined purpose of taking the Avillage garden remodel job@ (the Selimi case) was to insure my nephew of work/ These tyrants of the code enforcement are just like Selimi making promises they do not intend to keep/ causing damage they do not intend to pay for/ and waiting to Aspring the trap@ until I am too dependent upon the realities involved to quit and find other work.
  46. The remodel of 1712 W. Clark, Champaign IL proved Aas time continued arbitrary rules described the continuing reality of what the Declaration of Independence fought against is returning / declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us, in all cases whatsoever@!
  47. By abdicating Athey were protecting us@ THEY WERE in truth simply playing with our/my life, at their whim. Time and again in realistic terms, AI petitioned for redress, in this matter and time and again answered with repeated injury.
  48. These acts include: delaying construction for 3 months, repeated & continuous demands for architectural drawings & certification on insignificant & inconsequential changes/ threats that they could take over and change anything Atheir heart desired@. The plumbing inspector demands (finding nothing else wrong) to change new Moen faucets #L82338 to Delta #1324-C faucets, which are so critically similar as to have no difference at all. The plumbing inspector after I propose doing the plumbing myself with his supervision DOES DEMAND I am not to talk to him anymore/ he will talk only to the licensed plumber! I do testify, no attempt was made to make him angry/ he found his attitude all by himself! The addition of a licensed plumber added thousands of dollars to the job (the plumber did fine/ the argument is he was not necessary/ NOR does the state justify the requirements associated with this licensing monopoly.)
  49. The plumbing inspector then demands EACH apartment shall have Awasher & dryer hookups@ IS THIS Aprotecting the public/ a safety issue or violation@ WHERE is his authority? It is very time-consuming to enter the courtroom and commonly a mere formality/ the judge stamps anything asked by the city and nobody cares.
  50. This demand requires an addition to the building as there is NO possible position to place a washer/dryer in one apartment. Adding an additional expense/ too much to contain/ thereby causing the loss of control by me over the apartment building DUE TO THEIR DEMANDS!
  51. NO complaint is being raised to legitimate safety issues/ NO complaint was raised to the demand to be certified by the structural architect/ these things are about UNWARRANTABLE JURISDICTIONS and not even the smallest hint of honor, among some of this group.
  52. Consequent to these things, this was a tyranny, without the consent of the people. Do they not have to prove substantial gain is to be created/ by their intervention in our lives/ if they do not PROVE substantial gain/ then the concept of public good FAILS, and the concept of a social value fails with it.
  53. Developed within this reasoning/ declared by the additional costs involved of not being ALLOWED to do the plumbing myself, at my decision/ THE APLUMBING MONOPOLY@ created by the state of IL, is brought into the equation Athe city has REMOVED FROM ME@ , the opportunity to own this property, without cause. Amendment #4 of the constitution covers this treason against the people, and as such indicates a crime has indeed been committed.
  54. The building department, Aadds salt to the wound they inflict@, demanding the windows in the basement shall not be according to the national code/ but according to the city code, (a longer window). The basis of this demand is NOT scientific/ the basis of this demand in not in compliance with the basic manual which they use to demand they are correct/ the basis of this demand is Athey decided/ and I have no say@. The critical demonstration of power, by the city is nothing short of Ainvoluntary servitude@ a prohibition by amendment 13. The city official is NOT greater than the citizen/ the city official is a citizen, therefore EQUAL He/ she does not have power over the people, according to the Bill of Rights section 3 Athat government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the peopleYY..@ The common benefit that exists IS the national code/ and the city must comply just as I must reasonably also comply.
  55. The city building department insists upon a Ablock of wood@ place upon the floor/ a device which would or could injure people as they progress walking along the floor by stubbing their toes into it/ as preferable to a step built into the wall, bridging the distance halfway to the exit window! It was not in the code book, therefore it could not be used, even though it is proved by use to be the better method. The inspector Mr. Huls, was moderately reasonable at this point/ however he was wrong, in that clearly improved methods should be accepted and used (this is NOT a complex problem/ this was clear and simple). The reality of a Afree people@ SHOULD BE, I WILL DO IT MY WAY, unless you do prove there is clear evidence, your way is better.
  56. The city building department stopped work on this project, at their whim, and without ANY justification! The city council intervened after I approached them with threats of a lawsuit against the city, a thanks, to their honesty; the city government itself was pitiful, and worse than useless.
  57. This was not Aequal protection@, this was a tyranny. What conceivable right do they have to insist upon a washer/dryer hookup, there is none! Instead they cross the line into the business world of the Laundromat/ and seek do them harm. What right exists to explain why I should have to tolerate NONE COMPLIANCE by the city to the same authority as they demand I must accept. What right explains why government officials can intervene in my life, my property, my retirement, my workers, and the others merely because of the assumption of a public good / LIKE THEY DEMAND, I want proof, that the plumbing monopoly is in fact in our best interest/ I want proof that the city altering the national code is in our best interest/ I want proof that the city can better plan and execute decisions about my work, my money, my investment, my property, and my life BETTER than I can. I want proof that this is not in direct opposition, to the most basic demand of the constitution Ato secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity@.
  58. These people merely felt superior, and in that arrogance deceived themselves proceeded to amuse themselves at my expense. The courtroom is where only mock trials begin/ instead of the law, it is what does the city want. If it were not so, do you think this type of arrogance would not have been crushed in court a long time ago/ it is clear & certain I am not the first.
  59. The critical dependency upon a fair court no longer is expected by me, as I have been in court several times. To simply be taught the meaning of the words; Aa person who is his/her own lawyer, has a fool for a client@. IT MEANS; The closed society of lawyers DOES certify ITSELF ONLY, as the people who shall benefit from a trial/ The consequence is a justice, or the execution of justice is literally sold for the allegiance Ato their cause@/ a cause devoted to accumulating power and money!

    The discipline intended: to return to the conscious decisions identified as the Bill of Rights, the certain empathy for justice & fair play of the Declaration of Independence, & the magnanimity of the constitution, as it intended to rescue our lives from the relentless persecution of power/ STOLEN by others.

    To facilitate the dissolution of power from Athe lawyer@/ there CANNOT be any further allowance for Aletting the lawyer@; establish a fee/ define a punishment amount (they should NEVER have attained this/ they STOLE IT)/ claim an entitlement from ANY client/ or fundamentally be subjected to the Awhim of a judge@. Therefore it should become commonplace, that when sufficient evidence is generated, by several cases, from more than one lawyer: upon sufficient proof, that judge, SHALL be evicted from his or her bench/ may be stripped of their license, & penalties assessed by the public, and subject to their vote. THIS IS BALANCE! The expectation and decree of any courtroom.

    The critical reality is one of power NOT as a situation of government or courts or officials, but of the consequence of Athe power to control@. Here the question examines humanity, as that portion of the reality that constitutes a threat. It is the existence of a threat, that sustains & supports the demand for power/ therefore it is the critical reality of Apeople, controlled by the desire, to explain life as their personal problem/ rather than our reality@. Reality divides here, becoming the people who are enslaved into a life of desperation, & the people supported by society, whose lives are benefited by the enslavement of the others. The question; Ado you owe them a better living@? The answer is NO; SIMPLY, YOU DO OWE them a sustainable living plus a little more AND an appropriate opportunity for the same benefits as you.

    Society is comprised of ALL its citizens and the RIGHT to an appropriate education, the EQUALITY of fundamental access combined with legal rights to those same opportunities, and the critical reliance upon fair & honest health care: DO provide all the necessary foundations for a happy society. AYin order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessing of libertyY.@ IS sufficient proof that these statements DO belong in this trial/ this courtroom/ this redress of grievances.

    The discipline intended: appropriate schooling, NOT Acollege drivel@! From the 4th grade on education should be designed for the profession suited to the child=s wants and needs, and honest willingness to work. The college will complain stating a Awell-rounded education@. My niece goes to Southern Illinois University at carbondale IL as a freshman she was provided a course on the homosexual male prostitute complete with adequate video to insure she did not miss any details/ She said it was allowed to miss the class HOWEVER if she did her grade would suffer/ meaning her grade would fall/ meaning her financial aid would also fail! She attended the classes/ and there are many such classes with no more value than Athe manure which spewed out of these classes@. COLLEGE EDUCATION Is about what Athe student wants, AND PAYS FOR@ NOT what the college or the professor desires/ this is NOTHING MORE than a tyranny for power and money (do they not get paid for these classes). WHERE is the college president, and governing bodies/ WHERE is the State Government, as it is a state run university? This is a pedafile, if you consider these as youth/ This is an extortionist intent upon deliberately defiling those who are led to believe Acollege is the answer@, if you understand losing financial aid is in effect Alosing the future you have chosen@. IF these officials were described it would be as Adrunken fools/ driving a vehicle into the crowd, [how much harm can they do]@.

    It is past time, for the REMOVAL OF TRAPS, from society. The reality of behavioral science has been to lure & tempt & DECEIVE society, rather than Ato secure the rights of the people, from the consent of the governed/ we are led upon foundations of deceit where instead of information and honesty. The opposite is true, that we are subjected to the decisions of the others, and lied to about the consequences Abecause they believe, they are smarter than society itself@. They are arrogant bastards everyone.

    The discipline expected: LEAVE THE CHILDREN ALONE! NO more advertising directed or even available to ANYTHING, that is strictly for children! Identify EVERY DETAIL about financial & legal consequences/ to this end EVERY advertisement shall contain the same time, room, or depth of attraction, for all legal & financial ramifications as is used in the promotion of the goods. WE ARE PEOPLE NOT PREY!

    Here the government is petitioned according to the first amendment to support sufficient evidence/ provide it to the people/ and let the people decide: as a true Aredress of grievances@ as is created for our benefit, and according to the constitution Ain order to form a more perfect union@ NOT as any government shall decide for us/ I DO NOT VOTE FOR YOU HERE TO VOTE FOR ME/ I WANT THIS VOTE FOR MYSELF A TRUE DEMOCRACY!

    Supported by this 1st amendment/ and all the rights of a true DEMOCRACY/ Redress is presented, as it was in the trials 94-1943 & 94-1944 that WE as a society have AN UNDENIABLE RIGHT to decide such matters as the AVietnam war@/ shall we allow officials to draft men & women; to steal the national resources; WITHOUT a declaration of war? Volunteers may go/ BUT NOT FORCED! A true policing action must be sanctioned by the United Nations, and thereby certified as necessary/ this may be reviewed by the public, the 51 percent rule applies.

    Other Redress matters would be: Medical debts shall be A PERCENTAGE of income & assets, (if as a Abillionaire@ you choose no medical attention/ its your choice).

    The violations of true democracy as are indicated throughout this case, represents nothing less than true deceptions, incorporated into society with the aid of the press. The right of the citizenry to be adequately informed about true consequences/ the right of the citizenry to enforce & enumerate the definitions that ARE THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, its Bill of Rights, and its Declaration of what we fight against/ literally are the guards for the future security of the people/ this is an absolute, and inalienable right, which AWE THE PEOPLE@, have paid for! Do we not fight the wars? Do we the people NOT OWN this government?


  61. Adhere to the constitutional mandate, amendment 7, and reinstate my UNDENIABLE right; to the procedure of a jury trial, in the matter of alit selimi. This is a case in property in excess of $40,000.00. Show me the penalty, which you will inflict upon the State or court, in the matter of its theft from me of $3200.00.

IF you think it is UNNECESSARY/ then each one of you, come before me and let the court jester (the one dressed in a judges robe) steal this from you/ you may NOT give it, he steals from me, therefore he must steal from you! Then back up Aand I=ll kick you in the ass, as you did to me@.

  1. Investigate & determine through trial, the participant Athe state of Illinois@ in the crime of theft/ the treason of stealing my right to trial, & the perjury of a court system & government institution which FAILS their responsibilities and then covers it up, with an outright refusal to justify these methods or matters under the law. THE LAW is based upon the foundation of the constitution, bill of rights, and Declaration, AND NOTHING holds superiority above these concepts and conditions of employment BY OUR EMPLOYEES! NO union, NOTHING!
  2. Testify to the TRUE & DELIBERATE NATURE OF THE 1ST AMENDMENT/ clarify with supporting documentation, and your job, your pension, and your honor (if you can find it) on the line and declare the meaning within the 1st Amendment of Apetition the government for a redress of grievances@. And then sustain an adequate of mandatory participation in this matter/ Describe fundamental media support and involvement/ and declare to mandatory submission by the legislative & executive branches of this government BE CLEAR & CERTAIN!
  3. Testify to the punishment, adequate for STEALING the constitutional foundations of the people/ particularly those rights Athat are instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community:@ such as has been detailed herein.
  4. Testify to the FRAUD A that no man or set of men, are entitled to exclusive or separate emoluments or privileges from the community@. And do describe as does surly exist, the direct confrontation and formidable immunities as have the judicial representatives extorted from the community and nation/ and as a consequence MAIMED the constitution and the nation, for their own benefit and power and greed.
  5. Testify to the damages as are listed in exhibit #1, those things which have encircled us as predators waiting like vultures who expect a death. Those in control have stolen a part of our lives, and wait for the rest.
  6. Testify to the Constitutionality of GAMBLING with ALL LIFE on earth/ the Constitutionality of mutilation of Nature, by mutilation of its foundation and very existence, the genetic code.
  7. Testify to the Constitutionality of destroying & confiscating the resources of the future, and then demanding payment be made for your own rape & pillaging from the future.
  8. Testify to the Constitutional DEMAND to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, and establish WHAT IS TRUE, & WHAT IS JUSTICE.

This is not a game, every aspect of every word SHALL BE scrutinized, for the purpose of this trial: to return to a survivable reality, to establish a reasonable world, to fix the damage BEFORE it destroys us all!

The assumption of minimal influence: will be mitigated by information sent to different countries; different representatives of simple expectations, such as religions and more.

The assumption of death: will be mitigated by the necessary information being released to curb to need for any consequent further actions by me.

I have NO political aspirations/ NO monetary gain is implied or created / I DO NOT LEAD!

The religious reference in the exhibit or case IS MY LEGAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT, and does not bear any other influence upon this case. Therefore any attempt to discount or discard my legal rights in reference to a religious statement IS NULLIFIED by the reference established, in the most fundamental United States Document; the Declaration of Independence QUOTE: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness@.

The merciless ignorance and complete stupidity of genetic mutation IS transforming our lives, and our food, and our world. We are clearly & certainly UNDER ATTACK, by these mercenaries who do sell our futures for no more than the arrogant pride, Ato play god@, if only for a very short time. Testify with your life, your body, your family, and your future that the promises made, shall not destroy us instead!

Testify as well, that the debt you incurred for us, by the methods of AYOUR VERY BEST, university intelligence@ is not the same as the tragedy they now design for us only in destroying nature, they DO destroy life itself.

Testify according to the reality of weapons of mass destruction and our true and accurate existence of 3 hours from the end of the world/ at the hands of one single insane person, we and the world are dead.

Testify accordingly what manner of torture & mutilation do you believe is FAIR, as the sons & daughters & lovers & bodies & friends and ALL LIFE IMPORTANT, lay dying. Testify exactly how you will compensate humanity for your participation in this extinction. Testify and BE VERY CLEAR, how it is that you, have declared yourself to be competent: to make a decision which gambles with all life on earth! Testify as to what eternity should do for you/ for your part in these murderous & terrorist & and traitorous acts?

All these realities represent ARROGANT BASTARDS are making decisions for us. Therefore the following statement will come true/ if these truths are not corrected: for a reality of extinction as will surely come (as certain as the sun rising); Those who are living will bring each and every one, TO TRIAL/ EVERYONE who perpetrated and initiated and helped in these terrorist acts, the university, the professor, the student, the maker of tools, the government official, everyone down to the salesman who delivered the bolts or even the paper or phone line.

NO ONE HAS THE RIGHT, to gamble with our lives! Not for tears, not for babies, Not for profit or fame or just being the BASTARD you are.

For the MASS MURDER OF LIFE/ for the destruction of peace/ for the EVIL of betting with our lives THIS HAS BECOME OUR REALITY!

Pride takes what NO ONE OWNS, or has a right to claim, and makes it a game. Pride Awaves our very lives, before our eyes and says; you can=t make me stop@.

When the truth declares enough/ there will not be a single second of mercy in all of eternity waiting for you. REPENT while you can.

It is the tools which make this terrorism possible/ therefore possession of such a tool IS akin TO POSSESSION of a nuclear warhead ONLY WITH MUCH more potential for harm.

Remember this; that the pursuit of knowledge is not evil/ even those who are too arrogant to recognize their stupidity, and TOO PROUD to accept, Athey cannot control life/ BUT THEY CAN destroy it@ are just human. Do you think ASORRY@ will be enough/ THIS IS NOT A GAME! The consequences of Aplaying god@ ARE, when you fail/ then you shall be called the DEVIL, and the lake of fire, SHALL BE your eternity!

It is NOT my desire/ it is my duty to fight against the destruction of life/ my responsibility to warn you of the consequences/ my FAITH to say to you: MERCY is not beyond your grasp/ but also my reality to say to YOU, and to the world itself: IF you fail this test, IF you choose NOT TO RESPECT LIFE/ IF YOU ABANDON LIFE/ then TRULY you also shall be abandoned by life, and the end is VERY NEAR! Do you think worldwide depression will not create insanity? Do you think the mutilation of nature itself can have any other conclusion? PROVE ME WRONG!

The court will envision Aa circumstance beyond their jurisdiction@ . The court is reminded and re-instructed: this case is also the reality of Constitutional denial of guaranteed rights/ the theft of personal possessions by the legislative & executive branch of the state of Illinois/ the FRAUD of federal appeals court judges/ and the endangerment of the entire peoples of the UNITED STATES by economic, genetic, weapons of mass destruction, and the fundamental theft of Constitutional values of the same/ and as a result the endangerment of the world itself. As well as the clear & deliberate RAPE of all future generations of the United States as well as the people of the world by the destruction and inexcusable consumption of resource depletion which cannot be sustained. When one single critical resource is gone WHAT THEN? It is said the resource potash is in critical supply/ when it disappears forever, and food production is cut in half: your green lawns won=t matter.

These things are illegal actions, DISTINCTLY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, the right of trial is CERTIFIED BY THE CONSTITUTION ITSELF. Any assertion, that the direct association with death, as is evident in each of these primary issues/ any assertion that Constitutional rights can be SIMPLY DISCARDED, is not sufficient grounds must be proven.

The case continues from treason to trespass: under the following conditions

  1. My property was stripped from me by the state of Illinois. My rights violated by the city of Champaign. The city of Urbana has testified by legal document, that they would invade my life, by removing my RIGHT to participate in the work I have chosen: first by demanding payment to BUY THE RIGHT TO WORK (an extortion), and second for the sake of less than one quarter of a dollar, they threatened to remove my right to work by STEALING FROM ME the legal right to operate a vehicle. (a parking violation/ the city operates a business, upon public property; WITH CLEAR MAFIA ENVY).
  2. The right to tax is not under dispute, the invasion of inherent promises made in constitutional documents is! The consequent reality is: a full and fundamental explanation of the words: Athe BILL OF RIGHTS, ADOPTED INTO THE CONSCIOUS DEFINITION of the American way of life June 12, 1776 without which it may be surmised NO Declaration of Independence would exist!@
  3. To this reality, the actions of ANY official or form of government in the United States becomes sequestered for the purpose these rights as the basis and foundation of control.
  4. Critical investigation will reveal a pitiful state of monopoly, a travesty of truth about freedom, and a disgrace regarding decisions Amade for the public good@.
  5. In conjunction with these trespasses against liberty, are the assertions Athat the state can control the numbers racket (lotteries), which is still a crime, for anyone else to do! At a minimum this is a business and the state is NOT allowed to compete in business/ at its maximum this is a felony, and the state is NOT allowed to commit crime for any reason at all.
  6. Further the violation of freedoms most scared reality, the right to choose/ is refined as the control of money. Testify as to the validity of one man/ woman becoming a billionaire (or less) is Agood for society@ whereas MONEY, IS THE MONOPOLY! And it is the job of the Agovernment to insure the blessings of liberty for us all/ THERE MUST BE LIMITS, in any definition of free enterprise, in a democratic society. IF NOT, Asome men/women will gain exclusive and separate emoluments or privileges from the community@ which is prohibited!
  7. Examine the bigotry of the demand that AI must buy a prescription first from the doctor, and then from the pharmacist@. Is it not the pharmacist job to be Athe expert@ associated with drugs/ it is only the doctors job, to access and decide what the problem is. To buy a drug NECESSARY Ato the pursuit of happiness, and the enjoyment of life and liberty@ IS A RIGHT, not a unnecessary constraint, or an unwarrantable interference in freedom, and the comprehensible reality THIS IS MY LIFE, NOT yours! The work of an official is not to interfere, beyond the minimum amount necessary to assure Aa government instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety, and it most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration ;@
  8. The CRITICAL RELATIONSHIP of the bill of rights, adopted June 12, 1776 and this nation itself is the words which made the sacrifice comprehensible. NO ONE DIES for concepts or words which they feel are insignificant. The Declaration of Independence came distinctly from this bill of rights! The will to fight, and the sacrifice of those battles ARE about the promises of these words, for every man woman and child. These have been dragged away from the presence of society, to be regulated to mere Ahistory@ rather than Reality. The comprehension of WAR, expects a reality comprehended by the words of life/ NOT the words of history. The words of life ARE SIMPLY that which changes our destiny, those which recreate our world, the honesty of a struggle to become FREE.

IT IS MY EXPECTATION, that until this legal matter is resolved, a moratorium IS EXPECTED upon all genetic alteration or experimentation or mutilation of NATURE! It is the people=s right, it is my right/ that these things should not proceed until society decides. This is not unlike a Aleaking dam@ whereby it would be YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to protect the citizens that will die. The failure to respond, aligns you the court Aexactly, where the person who helped Mcvey mix the bomb stood/ tell the story, OR be responsible for the outcome@. The possibility EXISTS, therefore the RESPONSIBILITY EXISTS AS WELL. This is a controversy of abortion/ the abortion occurring is Science and politics have decided they are the legal guardian of nature/ therefore they have a right to abort nature if they so please! The consequence of human guardianship IS ALWAYS THE SAME, there is a rush to become RICH, and it doesn=t matter who dies in the process/ then when Athe wealth is contained@ by a few, the poor are controlled and subjected as slaves to increase the money. When that doesn=t work, the wealthy TAKE THE MONEY, and RUN, leaving the common citizen to clean up their mess. When that doesn=t work LIES AND THIEVERY are used as is the current case of economic assassination in America wherein as the U.S. documents prove EVERY TAXPAYER OWES almost a half million dollars each! DID they tell you, this was happening? NO! DID they not know what they were doing? THEY WERE LAUGHING AT US ALL, while transforming the world into a place devastated by their actions/ a world in jeopardy of complete economic chaos! ARE THEY CONCERNED? NO! They Athose who believe they are way TOO SMART for us@ fully expect to Atake their winnings and relax in leisure!@ These do NOT realize Atheir actions will KILL them too@.

AM I, Aranting and raving@ or am I telling you the truth? SEARCH FOR YOURSELF!

The most selfish reality the world has ever seen, occurs in this very day. The truth IS, that physical bodies, mental health, & life itself can be damaged to the point where death is preferable. These, fearing death as an absolute (no faith at all) ARE USING every aspect of emotional temptation or threat, to Aplead for their life or the lives of those who survive with them@.

Love, allows the consequence of life/ FEAR merely faces the loneliness and feels terrorized . Therefore it is understandable, not only to want relief (as we all would); but in searching the reality of their request these truths appear:

  1. The alteration/ therefore mutilation of the genetic code (NATURE ITSELF), represents the foundation of TOTAL EXTINCTION! WHO, is so wise, that they understand the TRUE DANGER TO ALL LIFE?
  2. A.I.D.S. represents the very best university minds in the world/ worldwide trillions of dollars have been spent, over 20 years of investigation and experimentation, and they have gained NOTHING but a few chemicals which cost society roughly 10,000.00 a month per person in medical bills. (this type of funding is hidden in many areas therefore an exact amount is unrealistic.
  3. A.I.D.S. is a small and somewhat insignificant alteration in the structural integrity of the DNA structure, as it Ainterfaces@ with RNA, the consequence being, a failure to bind the chains created as links in CRITICAL environmental substructures, most likely due to a timing failure. Consider your factory assembly lines; if one single component failure occurs on the assembly line/ the entire mass production line fails! In a chemical process sequence, timing, & energy applied produce the result, or the failure. I WILL NOT defend this statement/ it is yours to investigate.
  4. The secondary cost of AIDS is damage by distinct decision: Athey murdered me/ therefore I will murder them too@.
  5. The third cost of AIDS is damage by association: THE CHILDREN!
  6. DO you remember all the promises of 20 years ago/ NONE have been realized! What happened next; the players got tired of the game, and pushed it aside.
  7. The start of A.I.D.S. is registered with one single man, his error has NOW KILLED TENS OF MILLIONS/ WITH HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS MORE TO SURLY COME! This is ONE SMALL mutation in the genetic structure which NATURE has not fixed itself! Humanity has created HUNDREDS OF MAJOR MUTATIONS, all simply waiting for the one single instance where a man or woman initiates the complex chemical reactions that no human/ that no mercy will be granted for/ that NATURE having been murdered for human pride cannot stop. EXTINCTION FOLLOWS!
  8. hitler was a single man, who became in control because people TRULY WANTED, what he promised to provide. He became in possession of leadership/ therefore he transformed leadership into power over people/ therefore with the manipulation of THUGS to do his bidding, his legacy became death and destruction over very many people: did not the Japanese do the same! Their legacy is millions dead/ hundreds of millions suffering ALL BECAUSE; Athe promises, were believed by those people@ .
  9. The consequences of reality PROVE, want alone, is NOT ENOUGH! And the reality can easily become WORSE than the problem. In my own investigation of AIDS it appears the person who initiated it had eaten monkey prior to contacting the genetic mutation. It is also reported that many scientific experimentation=s done with monkeys end with the monkey being returned to its natural habitat ! If this is true, then Ascience@ IS the Afrankenstein, which created the AIDS epidemic@.
  10. The definitions of LIFE assert: not only do genetics build our bodies, they bind it together, feed it because NATURE (the genetic code) allows it, they teach us, reproduce us, create ALL of our senses, & explain most of our intelligence: THE GENETIC CODE, is nothing less, than ALL LIFE ON EARTH! Those who gamble here, gamble with LIFE, gamble with EVERYTHING possible in LIFE, gamble with EVERY LIFE ON EARTH AND ANY LIFE WHICH IS coming upon the earth, gamble with INSANITY and CHAOS, and for what? Because they want to Aplay god@! GET OVER IT OR DIE!
  11. The relationship of 6 billion individual genes/ containing instructions to build a human life IS FAR TO COMPLEX Ato give to IDIOTS, to play with@! NO person , NO disease, NO emotional plea OVERRIDES THE TRUTH: THAT WE MUST NOT/ WE HAVE NO RIGHT/ WE HAVE NO REASON, to gamble with nature, and face extinction, simply because they make promises; they Athose too smart to fail@ are merely HITLERS, waiting for the opportunity to control YOU!
  12. The undeniable chemical sequencing that is regulated, initiated, timed, & grouped which then becomes fundamental components of a MASSIVE building process that MUST BE incubated within a very specific environment (a woman) to generate the energies, the protection, the food & waste, the antibodies, the living, the reality of life; which then must come out of the woman, ready for a completely different world. Who then must be constantly cared for, for a number of years, and only then begins to realize human potential, AND ALL THE REST THAT IS HUMAN! IS NOT A TOY!
  13. The FAILURE OF RESPECT, assembled as the pride necessary to explain a willingness to gamble with extinction. FOCUSES upon the abandonment of thought. Thought ALONE can conceive of the order & discipline NECESSARY, to alter primary energy & fundamental mass, INTO LIFE!
  14. This is not a guess/ you consider yourselves intelligent, yet GLADLY you accept the excuse Athat a primitive amoebae or some such cellular structure created you/ that you chose what you wanted Aout of a mudpuddle of opportunities@/ and you GLEEFULLY claim the Amind was last@! HOW STUPID YOU TRULY ARE! Find RESPECT OR DIE!
  15. TRUST; the existence of a belief, based upon fact, & the decision to apply this belief to your own life, examines the foundations of the FACT, and its consequences BEFORE entering into the complexities of that trust. The facts presented to humanity ARE:

    1. we want this
    2. we want tools
    3. we have the ability to learn from our mistakes
    4. we have never been afraid of our lives

The consequence of these facts are SELFISHNESS doesn=t care! Tools are NOT KNOWLEDGE, BUT MERE OPPORTUNITIES. YOU have NEVER APLAYED@ with life before as a consequence of your intelligence or stupidity/ YOU have NEVER before, experienced the failures associated with GENETIC COLLAPSE.

NO trust is warranted, RATHER the clear & certain fact is, that LIES exist here/ NOT truth. The promise is Alife exists because mutation formed it/ THEREFORE whatever we do can not do harm@! The FACT IS: mutation does exist around you, take a look; it is in EVERY pain and EVERY disease, and every problem you have/ THEREFORE it is the mutation which seeks to destroy / NOT NATURE, because 6 billion genes cannot be wrong

WE ARE DESIGNED, BY THOUGHT/ WE ARE CREATED BY WISDOM/ WE ARE LITERALLY composed of bodies which live by discipline and order/ NOT chaos! Prove me wrong!

  1. The simple truth, examines the request of those in pain and SAYS: Even though I/WE DO sympathize with your suffering, life itself/ the extinction possible/ the relationship of knowledge to the reality of the consequence DEMANDS NO!
  2. The foundation of knowledge by MUTILATION, is NOTHING MORE, Athan a game of russian roulette@ with MANY bullets and NO HOPE of a sane answer.