1. DID Mr. Selimi initiate a series of decisions intended to entrap & ensnare Mr. Osterbur for the purpose of work without pay?
  2. DID Mr. Selimi intentionally create a situation by design or by default that ROBBED Mr. Osterbur of the reason he accepted the work/ that being the stability of his Nephews life in order to establish a safe haven to begin again after drug rehab?
  3. DID Mr. Selimi conspire to create a Afeeling of security/ safety@ with regard to business dealings, BY HIS PROMISES/ and did then Mr. Selimi use this FRAUD for personal wealth & gain and did he purposely create intolerable situations in order to drive his business associates away specifically myself and his investing partner in this business?
  4. DID Mr. Selimi create the situation wherein Mr. Osterburs nephew REACTED to a sudden and unexpected possibility of unemployment by drinking when his job was suddenly in jeopardy and the consequent harm REINTRODUCED because of arrogant & negligent actions taken by Mr. Selimi: Rather like an arsonist who lit the match that created the destruction?
  5. DID Mr. Selimi Slander Mr. Osterbur?
  6. DID Mr. Selimi OWE Mr. Osterbur for changes according to the contract?
  7. DOES Mr. Osterbur deserve to be compensated for problems created by Mr. Selimi which otherwise would NOT have existed?

8. With regard to all written testimony; the statement exists : YOU CAN NOT pick and choose either all must be accepted as written or none! Therefore to accept any concept of a promise made by Mr. Osterbur MUST MEAN/ to ACCEPT the testimony of promises made by Mr. Selimi!