Sixth judicial circuit champaign county IL


Circuit judge

dated July 15, 2002

Mr. James F. Osterbur Mr. Carl M. Webber

RE: Osterbur v. J. Barry Howell D.D. S


Dear counsel:

Please be advised that I have entered the following order in the captioned case:

The motion of the defendant to dismiss the complaint and for sanctions is set to be heard September 3, 2002 at 11: 30 a.m. in Courtroom K. The defendant is to file a memorandum of law in support of the motion and deliver a copy to the court at its chambers no later than August 12, 2002. The plaintiff is to file a memorandum of law in opposition to the motion and deliver a copy to the court at its chambers no later than August 26, 2002. The defendant is to file any reply no later than September 2, 2002.

A failure to comply with the foregoing order by the movant will result in the court's treating the motion as withdrawn. A failure to comply with the foregoing order by the party against whom the motion is directed will result in the court's granting the motion as confessed.

Thank you

John R. DeLaMar Circuit judge