Response to: request for admissions of fact

Dated 6/27/02

Webber and Thies

Defendant J. Barry Howell dds

FROM the plaintiff- as per questions asked:

  1. That after waiting 3 months for the date of the appointment to arrive, the plaintiff did visit the office of the defendant for the purposes and expectations of dental treatment.
  2. That on 12/27/01 the defendant did take oral x-rays to determine cavities and overall conditions of the teeth/ which in fact have NO value, because the plaintiff cannot use them outside the defendants office. The oral examination is IRRELEVANT, as it has NOTHING to do with my dental health (his records of previous cavities and so forth have NOTHING to do with my dental health) this is merely an excuse for billing purposes and no more.
  3. The 3 month wait for repair on a broken tooth DID NOT occur as was the purpose and the intent of the visit.
  4. The plaintiff DID register a complaint by politely asking the defendant, if he wasn=t going to do any actual work on my teeth at all. The defendant made it quite clear he wasn=t.
  5. The plaintiff CHARGES for time spent, tooth decay due to the failure of the defendant and the overall intent to abuse & swindle the plaintiff.
  6. TRUE the plaintiff did wait for the proposal, as it was an estimate on the work to be done in its entirety, and the expectation for treatment still existed.
  7. After the plaintiff agreed to the price & the allowance to let the defendant do the work. The office staff was called for an appointment scheduling, & told by the plaintiff that it would be necessary to get the work done in January or February/ 3 and one half months had already past, making this a very realistic schedule.
  8. The defendants treatment plan issued a time period of 10 months from the date of the call for the work to be done (simply cavities filled), till the dentist would actually complete the work.
  9. The plaintiff wrote to the defendant to ascertain: Ais this your staffs fault OR YOURS@? The defendant made every effort to assure me, IT WAS HIS IDEA.
  10. Again, PROVE THIS IS COMMON AND ORDINARY practice for this community and this office/ by producing the list of witnesses who have purposely waited 10 months for a broken tooth repair. SIMPLY PROVE IT, and the case disappears. BUT, be aware a class action suit, could also occur, if there are many.
  11. The plaintiff assigns the defendant, the basis of a financial swindle: the plaintiff WAS lured to the office, with the full expectation of actual dental work to be done/ IT WAS NOT. The plaintiff waited for the bid, upon the work to be done, accepted it/ THEN found out that not only would the work be improperly delayed, but the dentist asked for an unusual and uncommon scheduling. This has now become a lawsuit/ and my relationship with the dental profession as a whole, HAS diminished greatly because of the experience. This allowing the concept of NO treatment & and as a consequence NO teeth, to be considered as BETTER, that tolerating Athese VERY GREEDY PEOPLE@! How much: is a lifetime of usable teeth worth? The dentists charge $600-$1000 dollars for a little crown (2 hours work & $40 dollars material: WE WILL be using your value guide to determine the value of teeth, and their impact on life, dating, and all things in general)!
  12. The plaintiff received a call from the police regarding the defendant; applying the statement DON=T go near his office or his person/ THIS IS AND WAS COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED, and as a result is INJURIOUS to my reputation.
  15. I called asking for a simple appointment, for a common and easily diagnosed problem. I got a Aprofessional@ who refused work in a timely or common manner, and a defendant who threatens to take me to court to collect money from me/ EVEN THOUGH he knows he did NOT earn this money.


In clarification of the original complaint/ NO lawyer fees are currently requested/ NO actual monetary claims have occurred UNLESS the court refuses to do its job, & outline the distinct questions, applied to the court, IN REAL WORLD TERMS! Useful advertisements describing the actual facts of the case, will then occur.

The money listed, is ONLY described in association with appeals and as such is self-defeating . I WANT the courts instruction & the fundamental RIGHT to use this information, IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST/ I believe it is a duty.

IF this is NOT acceptable to the defendant, let him speak NOW/ because if the defendant wants this case to turn to money, THEN IT WILL.

THIS IS YOUR TEST: if your conduct was professional & ethical, then this lawsuit shall only provide A FREE and FAIR advertising for you@/ if your conduct is to be hidden/ THEN we will be talking MONEY!

I recommend to you; to ensure the judge does not dismiss.

In the matter of fair play: the court and the defendant is provided advance warning: a VERY LARGE LAWSUIT, of public interest, is prepared and waiting for the proper time to be filed. This case SHALL find itself reviewed; either for Agood and proper and reasonable OR for bad behaviors without cause@/ therefore I do suggest you be WISE.




IN REVIEW; this request for an additional statement is engineered by the lawyer, in the common attempt to secure more words; thereby expecting to generate a cause upon which to attack. This is common procedure, and the reason most people are unwilling and unable to provide a defense for themselves within the court system. Few are trained, to consider each and every word, as either a trap or a defense. The consequence of fundamental public justice, is the plain and simple reality of a written statement/ WHICH MUST CONTAIN/ all available information and reasoning. That statement is then to be considered as the format for interpretation, rather than the decreed statement of absolute truth. Format means, we have the basic reference in place to establish the direction and the journey and the reason. These consider the destiny of any action, rather than the reaction of any action/ and as a consequence are used to define truth.

Within the format of this writing the direction to be considered is Adamage to the community@: I have charged the defendant with contributing to the devaluation of community life to the degree, that the greed allowed, has made the obligation of no teeth, a better alternative than dealing with or supporting the reality of Athe desecration of life, into the values associated with numbers/ rather than lives@. Greed is the value placed upon things/ therefore greed establishes the slavery used to confiscate the sanctity of life, and produce an expectation based upon pride.

Within the format of this writing, the journey explains; that respect is necessary to life/ that we are all entitled to that respect (even if its akin to a Avenomous snake@) and therefore the issuance of respect, the defense of respect, and the duty of respect is the purpose of the court, and the reason it exists. Respect explains: the only distinct difference between you and anyone, is your own individuality/ as humanity we are equals! TRUE RESPECT; explains, that the work and efforts each of us produces in relation to survival is essentially the same/ therefore with the elimination of greed, we would all receive similar compensations, dependent upon the risks involved. Respect understands, that inherent rights exist because this Amiracle of our lives@, cannot be challenged by anything people do/ the truth of our lives is truly so far beyond anything we as a society or as ourselves can do, that no defense exists, to establish or explain a benefit that anyone deserves over another. Respect adheres to the simple explanation: We were born with our inherent abilities/ therefore what claim exists to support pride, as the basis of any action or any claim. WE ARE EQUAL! And it is the courts job, to insure this truth explains our basic interactions with each other. The challenge is not to control/ the honor is to discipline, in such a way, that reality allows truth to control the fundamental expressions of life, in the experience of simple hopes, and honest expectations of justice, the integrity of fair play, and the fundamental assistance of dignity as it supports and defends the respect we all require. The lack of respect, DOES CAUSE, the lack of order in a life/ therefore the lack of respect is directly responsible for many of the problems of humanity. Greed is explained within the reality of resource depletion, as the consequence of Atoo many people, for the resources at hand/ therefore an intense search and effort occurs to control the remaining resources. When the reality is not of survival, greed still surfaces in those who demand AI want, yours too@. Therefore the respect required to sustain equality is tied directly to: the fundamental truth, that we all have needs/ and we MUST RESPECT the environment in which we live/ or we will fight and die.