The examination of Champaign County, ILLINOIS; trial #02-L-126

Prefaced by: Distance & the journey of life, a compulsory exercise in understanding an attainable goal/ reaches within human comprehension and becomes in the mind, Aa measure of me@. The extrapolation of reality, then asserts a position based upon Aworth to society@, and the absurd expectations of a humanity bent upon the principles of pride; as it descends from truth, fair play, & justice/ into greed, selfishness, and outright tyranny of a society, explained by the goals which they expect.

The simple summary: a goal is the selfishness of a refined greed/ greed means AI want theirs/yours too@, which is then simply a different illustration of thief. A goal, becomes a Atreasure@ which supports the reason, & gives right to the purpose. Therefore as honesty changes to expectations/ the reason changes to allow at least one, conceptions of Aso-called human values@, to compensate for the theft. As in the matter of money Aall say, when I get rich, THEN I will share@! Which of course changes with every penny to, the purpose of a greater vision, AWhen I get RICHER, THEN, all these investments will change the world/ or change your world, in some way. Which of course changes, with every dollar to be: Awhen I die, people will respect me: UNLESS wealth becomes very public, which then means some people will have to be appeased, to deter the ever-increasing ANGRY MOB!

The principles of pride are these: MAKE SOMEONE else a loser, make someone else pay your debt, make someone else treat you as a god (by subjecting them to some sexual or monetary impoverishment), make someone plead for your support, & DEMAND Atheirs too@! THESE ARE THE BASICS. Once completed, these become expectations/ therefore they are explained by the mind as an asset, based upon the Aright@ of proven worth. Society or this person, did this for me before/ therefore society or this person OWES ME for the goals which I have attained. The failure to support at the level expected, becomes a contract breech/ the consequence being either an humiliation, or a reason for revenge, or both: because pride demands it, NOT FOR ANY OTHER REASON.

Within the examination of the judicial system of america, the assertion of these descriptions, is then; that the reality is not justice, but a comparison of goals, defined by an expectation of socially generated Atreasures@, which have established pride as the principle upon which the system is based. Therefore the following court case is selected to become isolated, as the interpretations of 4 distinct Aviews@, as they each declare the social positions from reality to pride, and exhibit the distance that exists in the common courtroom experience, in america today. YOU are expected to decide from this exercise whether pride or justice have been used to attain the result/ whether it is a disgrace or it is truth, fair play, & justice?

The critical assertion as a participant in this case, from my view is: Aeach representative is ALLOWED, the assertion of a classroom, wherein the various factors of a particular situation are declared for the purpose of discussion & reasoning/ therefore ALLOWANCE is to be made, for the extremes, which produce the more visible results". NO courtroom experience is a game/ this IS A LESSON, FOR YOUR BENEFIT! The judge acted with reason/ the plaintiff acted for justice/ the defendant, relinquished his right to speak to the lawyer/ & the lawyer defended his occupation, with what is common practice: As a citizen, I am asking you Ais this justice@/ the justice you expect, or the judicial system you need to help me change? It is the head, which determines the actions: therefore the blame if you decide ANOT justice/ goes to the various supreme courts of the land, with primacy going to the US supreme court, as they determine the policy, and define the outcome, of every progression of justice or the opposite: THEY ARE NOT IMMUNE/ THEY ARE SIMPLY ERRANT PEOPLE, IN POSITIONS OF EXTREME PRIDE.@

Therefore the documents used in this court case will be reviewed by me, and then others, to assert the various warranted distinctions between the fundamental processes, versus the true purpose of the process, as explained by the reason that the purpose and the system and the reason for the system exists. The critical introduction of justice/ through the alteration of distinct expectation, as it is then confined by justice, is experienced as FAIR PLAY, and is known by truth to be honor, honesty, & integrity: must then be accomplished by you/ Asociety at large@. This is NOT, a you must do something for me/ this is Ado you want this for yourselves or not: the price to be paid, is applied within the trial of life, which you are reading now.@

For clarity, I do not manipulate/ therefore the actions & reaction are as they existed, with merely the Adistance traveled@ determined by the variables given. The lesson begins in quick review: Aa dentist charges for a visit/ I refuse to pay as NO substantial work, applied to the purpose of the visit was done, & the time frame he initiated, clearly was meant to drive me away/ his possible right; BUT NOT, MY EXPENSE!@

A different script is used to identify trial documents from commentary! Each document is held separate for clarity.