(Part of the second filing)


Exist the tools to become the Democracy as it was intended, and to recognize the

peoples' authority, that has existed since

the first amendment to the constitution.

This then is Liberty: to KNOW "I, YOU, WE"

CAN make a difference!

This then is Freedom: to UNDERSTAND,


It is fair to state, the reactions of the

court exhibit the fear of change, it is therefore

necessary to understand, and be realistic

about the inappropriate choices made.

It is also FAIR to state, what is truly OURS,


The charge is made against the court, UNFAIR, UNETHICAL, and DEFIANT TO THE PEOPLE'S AUTHORITY and TRUE CONSTITUTIONAL INTENT AND PURPOSE, and IS IN DIRECT CONTENTION WITH THE BILL OF RIGHTS! THE CHARGE THEN IS ISSUED "CONSTITUTIONAL PIRACY"! The evidence shall be developed through the record, and supported by the peoples right to a class action suit.


The fundamental formation of, "WE the people", develops through the simple concept of one person/one vote. The function of a vote is to establish a peaceful and secure Society, devoid of the problems associated with money, education, position, etc. The accomplishment that is authority, develops control through understanding; and wisdom, through involvement of an entire nation/state/community, etc. The wisdom being many voices, that the ears may sift through what is real, what is right, and what is wrong. The understanding: RARELY will the majority be so badly confused, that society fails.

It is true Societies fail, it is that knowledge which defines and determines that a free man/woman shall set their Reality (akin to law) in the form of SIMPLE TRUTHS (boundaries/rules). For a nation this is a Constitution, and its purpose is to control the majority so that EVERYONE IS EQUAL. Equality is the ONLY TRUE FUNCTION of a Constitution, while a vote is the truth and the method claimed as: "of the people, by the people, and for the people!"

These are the words of Right, the words of Freedom, of Liberty, and of "the human answer to domestic tranquillity, security, and inalienable rights"! The concept of Right obligates society as well to; the realities of Wrong, and therein JUSTICE: "The receipt of FAIR (Equal) treatment to every person, irregardless of prejudice, pre-conceived ideas', or realities unimportant to a specific event or occurrence". These things determine and become the Destiny of every Nation (ITS PEOPLE, fight for it when its FAIR, or may abandon it to ruin, if it is not). The function of Justice is therefore, in its most eloquent sense: I AM FREE, for I pay with DUTY, HONOR, AND LIFE, in the ways that protect, defend, and support OUR LIVES and the RIGHT TO CHOOSE!

It is this Justice that focuses upon the Realities called, "Tyranny, an abuse of authority beyond the limits of consent." It is inevitably true the words which empower, are the words which divide. How these two armed camps perceive each other determines the danger and identifies: as enemies (a fear) developed from "they could hurt me", as hatred (a prejudice/fear) developed from, "they could take/or have taken, my good life from me", as Jealousy (a greed and a surrender, that others have defeated "my hopes") the formation of trials and tribulations over "small or insignificant details". It is the progression of these three distinct usurpations for the purposes of power (to control others), that form the principles of destruction: to assign the majority, NO SAY, NO RIGHTS, NO CHOICES.

A vote without consequence is useless.

A right without Justice is oppression.

A choice that exists between UNFAIR and enforced (the price is very high) is life dictated by another.

It is the development of "the expert", that diminishes majority rule: The purpose is to remove the "common citizen", to make his/her vote, not only pointless, but dangerous. Let it be recognized true Democracy IS, about the pursuit of HAPPINESS through peaceful actions, and defense against danger and violence. The common citizen IS THE EXPERT regarding their happiness, and they will endure whatever comes of their defenses or their lack of allegiance to duty. In America those who are still involved, reduce their vote to "someone to vote for me (one type of, expert)". The consequence of that decision now looms as ENORMOUS DEBT, spent for, and arsenal of weapons capable of destroying all life on earth in minutes: and these are, the primary beginnings of all other social unrest.

Politicians are only useful to carry out instructions of the majority; NOT as lawmakers, NOT as rulers, NOT the conscience NOR the morals, RATHER the investigators to inspect and insure the PEOPLES' CHOICES, are properly carried to; a common benefit, security, and equality for all.

NOW comes the decision: With duty comes honor and responsibilities; With neglect, destruction!

The words and cases included herein establish cause for alarm, NOT arrogance (tear it down) RATHER a warrant to inspect, a government to preserve within its rightful intent, and the blessings of liberty within the mutual duty of all, by the FREEDOM applied within the first amendment of the United States Constitution, those words being ".......and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The meaning of these words is clearly found within the Declaration of Independence: "......In every stage of these oppressions, we have petitioned for redress, in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury....". The words mean: LISTEN TO OUR COMPLAINT, and respect our right to consent, and to be Equal!

Words are a powerful tool, the only power in these words arise from your own Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence. They are your possession, bought with pain and misery and blood to be your answer, SIMPLY USE THEM!

It is FAIR, to include these descriptions of the Peoples' Authority, included in this Right:

To cause adherence to honorable Justice!

To evaluate and choose over matters such as the "Vietnam War".

To establish the SIMPLE principles that preserve and defend!

To produce Liberty: ....the indubitable, inalienable, and infeasible right to reform.....(Bill of Rights, section 3)

And to accomplish Democracy: OF THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE, AND FOR THE PEOPLE!

These cases are to be submitted as a direct appeal to the United States Supreme Court, NOT a personal grievance, BUT a demand for public redress, with evidence. I am poor, therefore the cost in money, is to be covered by the provisions of the court, as it should be. I will wait until october 10, 1995, to submit. That an opportunity for the public to discover and choose may exist. This shall be a class action suit, if sufficient interest is established. Class action will be requested when the case is filed and hopefully will not change the financial status. (see the enclosed brief and abstract, to be used).

Should you choose to join,

send a POST CARD ONLY to, box 103, Royal, IL 61871.

With the words: "for the first amendment Right, to establish a Redress of Grievances, I DO JOIN"!


IF, a minimum number of people: _______(your demand)_______; do so also.

You must be of voting age.

Without cost of a financial nature to YOU (the sender), assuming the provision for in forma pauperis holds. Irregardless no money will be entitled or called for, with respect to this petitioner, any cost will be informed consent; however any loss, monetary or otherwise that may be incurred as a result of this legal action, from the court or government or issues beyond my control, is at your own risk.

Understanding this is a serious concern that could affect individual lives in many ways, as well as, the public good. The question should be: "What are the possibilities for the future, with this redress, or without, as things are"?

The issue of fatigue is inappropriate, the reliance upon the powers that be, could bring increasing abuse; The directive of the Constitution, in its own words, IS: "We the people .....in order to form a more perfect union......."

LIFE, issues a simple demand, take an active role and search for happiness, OR your existence will be a moment to moment battle (a victory once in a while, but primarily a struggle and a separation).

The case and (record, when allowed) shall be sent by/for me on october 10, 1995 to the United States Supreme Court, , as " United States Supreme Court, redress of the people"!



This is a fundamental exercise in DEMOCRACY

INTENT upon a fundamental change in DEMOCRATIC AUTHORITY, FOR


Upon being confronted directly, the realities I, have found, greatly exceeded the amount of corruption expected within the judicial system of the United States of America


The ONLY answer: to allow the people a JUDICIAL OPPORTUNITY, to throw the bum out, and to change the LAW, within constitutional limits, that shows itself to be corrupt or lacking by "vote upon the law itself". One man, one woman, one vote! Per each issue that the people select, identify, and articulate through the media, for themselves.

This case OSTERBUR V. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA et al DEFENDANTS (see enclosed papers).

Defines the problems and there are many, and seeks to establish, A REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES, according to the first amendment, of the constitution of the united states, as written within the words of the Declaration of independence: OUR HERITAGE!

I, personally believe the court DOES recognize the issues involved, but is TOO CORRUPT, to remain within constitutional law!

Review of the case will show, fundamental rights and guarantees of the constitution WERE DENIED! As well as, the court has NO LEGAL DEFENSE, for the poverty of their actions.

At this time the clerk of the supreme court, having been forewarned, and failing to support his erroneous conclusions or identify mine stands accused by me, James F. Osterbur of obstruction of justice, and grand theft of Constitutional judicial rights of a citizen, like any other. The blockade used by William K. Suter, warrants the charge; HE has erected and misused his position to stand as judge and jury over this case (his position is unsupported), A POSITION OF AUTHORITY HE DOES NOT HOLD.