James F. Osterbur FEDERAL COURT
2191 cr 2500 e 201 S. Vine, URBANA, IL 61801
St. Joseph IL 61873
Vs CASE #_05-2038_
Carle Clinic Inc.
602 W. University, Urbana IL 61803-6002
Carle inc
611 W. Park, Urbana, IL 61803
the American medical assoc (AMA)
Chicago, IL60610
the State of Illinois
states attorney regional office
1776 E. Washington, Urbana, IL 61802
the United States of America
US attorney, regional office
201 S. Vine, Urbana, IL 61801
a case examining the critical relationship between patient and
medicine/ its legal complications/ and its demand for public
utility status.
A case examining the critical consumption of individual rights
when compared to a national business enterprise, strictly
devoted to "medicine by their values"/ not ours. The legal
implication is simply; when the majority provider of any
business practice or service or product maintains a litigation
service for the direct benefit of membership financial gain and
fundamental control/ then all manner of price fixing and
industry control results. When the majority providers of any
business practice, or service, or product establish the
fundamental parameters of pricing for all industry
representatives/ then a requirement exists for consumer
protection. When the majority providers of any business
practice or service or product have so bound together that they
now comprise "an army, of litigators" then the term, anti-trust
laws apply. Quote (AMA web site "the litigation center is
an unincorporated association between the AMA and the state
medical societies, organized to coordinated litigation within the
federation. Its purpose is to concentrate legal resources in filing
lawsuits or amicus curiae briefs in cases of general interest to
physicians and to share information and resources in response
to emerging legal issues. ....."
from me/ without religion/ a case defending life.
Discipline says: if you neither do your duty, nor honor your work/ then your
life fills with the insanity of your failures, because your soul does not love you.
Love is the existence of a friendship conceived by soul. This is a spiritual saying,
not a threat/ but a reality designed by truth.
RE: a legal action establishing the question/ does the medical profession own the
primary control of billing against the public citizen: or do we/I have a right to
professional and accurate information that FUNDAMENTALLY informs and
accurately reflects exactly who wants this money and why? In a timely fashion,
where deception is not the clear intent/ in like accord with all other business
{meaning fair and competent disclosure of what is expected/ prior to any
agreement to pay}? It is OUR bill/ it is their request. Request means: in exchange
for services and materials, I do expect this as fair compensation, as all billing
exists within an inherently unreasonable, anti-competitive behavior. Whereas,
Reality states/ every billing is not fair.
A legal action establishing the question/ does a medical association, have a
right to control, disguise, or decide what is equitable, [even if it only describes
what shall be billed together, or more] to the patients of medical establishments
across the nation? Is this not a clear and conscious collusion, perpetrated against
the patient: who benefits/ it is not the patient. The assertion of medicine, "we shall
all do this together, under these terms" is an orchestrated covenant, to control and
manipulate what shall be done, and as a consequence how it shall be priced/
thereby it can be considered a conspiracy engaging price control. If this is a
monopoly and the intrinsic and illegal definition of price control, by its reality and
orchestration/ then we the patients are franchised and sold by the medical
industry: not as patients but are, "sold as slaves". The financial reality is clear, the
medical establishment is in control, and we have no say. The question to be
constructed, the reality to be questioned is simply: is a coding convention or
standard, a tool in any form, for the direct control of pricing, or the direct control
of what will be priced and how: irregardless of a cumulative purpose, or a direct
agreement in price, is this an established control of that product: when viewed on a
national level? The assertions of administrative ease notwithstanding, the reality is
a distinct composition for direct comparison of any service, at any facility
nationwide; the ability to then in a truly monopolized market/ to claim this is
necessary, because they do it. This is not "customer shopping"/ this is monopoly,
due to the consequences involved. Therefore a very strict interpretation of anti-trust laws are required. WHERE is the consumer protection information to buffet
or give legal contract rights? IT IS NOT in the consumer's hand/ it is not available
without court, legal expert, lawyers, and great expense/ in a place where our
legitimate complaint will be dismissed as "below reasonable standards/ for the
sole purpose of propagating a frivolous lawsuit for financial gain".
ARGUMENT begins as a development of 4 separate billings for a single 1 hour
visit to the environments of Carle Inc. This unfortunate experience, that I suspect
was the result of "mold laden walls" in the building I was working on. Resulted in
my appearance at the carle facility on Mattis ave in champaign/ the closest medical
facility I was aware of. They sent me by arrow ambulance a carle subsidiary to
carle foundation hospital, where I was subsequently released within the hour. It is
my suspicion and theory the oxygen given en route arrested the condition and I
As expected, I received billing from the hospital/ which I paid. I received
billing from arrow ambulance/ which I paid. I received billing from "the doctors"
which I paid. Then a week or two later I received billing from another set of
doctors; and decided THIS IS INAPPROPRIATE, because it steals from me my
right to review in accordance with my need for the information/ prior to payment
based upon the merits of the price. Not only am I billed 4 separate times for the
same entry to their environment, I am billed by the clinic with their staff situated
in their hospital [but it is called a separate entity, with separate rights and billing
procedures]. After I have paid the doctors, the hospital, and the ambulance, where
is my leverage for understanding the bill/ demanding review of the bill/ forming
my honest opinion of the validity of the billing/ and expecting the legitimate
request for this billing to be explained to me or altered because it does not reflect
the truth about treatment? I have no leverage, as is obvious by my request for
clarity and honesty from the clinic: they threaten "the bill collector". EVERY
other commercial enterprise proves competent at making certain, its customers
have informed consent/ before a billing is due. The medical establishment does
everything it can to harass the customer [because medicine provides no room for
dealing]/ therefore to un-complicate the larceny and theft: they choose to hide the
price, and attack in stages. I DO have a legitimate RIGHT to full disclosure/ prior
to any billing being paid. YOU have NO RIGHT to attack (demands for money is
an attack, when the value of the service is hidden in stages)/ not by the negligence
of separating carle inc, into parcels/ not by the inference of a business right to do
so: YOU USE the very same advertizing throughout all "carle inc entities" . THE
NAME CARLE is your primary focus on all such attempts. Even the phone book
declares you to be the same/ and is intended too. Therefore your clear intent is to
claim "all of us". Separation is just a ruse.
Some will argue, that's life/ deal with it. I say, if I enter within an
environment held together by the same organization, with people that work within
the same buildings and all other aspects of a united organization, that also
functions and advertizes as one organization/one basic campaign. That is
dependent upon a single entity description [called carle], irregardless of the petty
and irrelevant excuses they attempt to make, to claim a separation. Then I am
entitled to one single billing. I find this method of division a simple means to
collect more money. It is understood "the making of money is not the issue/
RATHER the truth and honesty of how that power over a patient translates as
money, IS.
CARLE INC. replies in their letter dec 15, 2004
Their financial supervisor Jodi Hollern
They have reviewed and understand the complaint, no questions to ask. And
then state:
- quote "I do understand that medical billing can be extremely
- REVIEWED: carle inc states hereby that they know they
intentionally create billing confusion. They KNOW the public does
not understand their billing. They understand this is important [is it
not]? Yet apparently they can do no better. I know of people who are
still billed for a visit to carle, MANY MONTHS later. I know or used
to know of many people, who are completely lost in the medical
billing associated with carle inc. I know of people who were billed for
a doctor "sticking his head in the door, yelling you all right, and
leaving before the answer was even given. And it is NOT fair.
- ESTABLISHED: with the intent to confront: "their purpose and the
style of their billing IS, to create confusion"; a simple divide and
conquer strategy. By creating four separate billings or more correctly
four "dummy corporations"/ they can attack the patient who falls prey
under their system with 4 different requirements to take four separate
entities to court; defend against four separate sets of attorneys; face
four separate attempts by separate bill collectors; and so on. Thereby
increasing any legitimate complaint by 4 distinct threats: do you not
think they will come to each others aid, as "experts". QUOTE (AMA the litigation
center is a coalition of the american medical association and the
state medical societies. Its purpose is to represent the medical
profession in the courts, in accordance with AMA policies...." Do you
think these experts would fairly represent an "expert for the plaintiff"/
or would they choose the security blanket provided by "shut your
mouth, and keep quiet or lie". QUOTE ( Page 6 Fullerton v. Florida
medical assoc (leon cit., Fla. Cir. Ct) regarding the expert witness
testimony of a doctor against 3 other doctors/ in response, the
defendants sued the expert. AFTER ALL carle inc is their true
business/ not the dummy corporations. Reality proves " shut up, is the
murderer of innocence" and reality as greed can be violent.
- CONSEQUENCE: by their words, their understanding of the billing
system is "it is too confusing for them to find another way".
Therefore it must be this way, "because they are too uneducated to
approach a more honest method/ or they like this method too much.
THEN they must be helped. THIS LEGAL REQUEST IS
THEREFORE TO ENFORCE A critical change in billing for the
medical industry of which carle inc stand as "the child of record". A
child because they are merely pouting/ a "hog" because it can be
dangerous to kick a pig from the feeding trough/ they want it too
much. Case medical association of Georgia v. Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of Georgia, 536 S.E. 2d 184 (Ga. App. 2000) reference page 3 quote
"this was the first court decision in the United States that forced
managed care organizations to disclose to physicians, in advance
and in the absence of specific contractual provisions, how much they
will be paid for their services....."
- SUMMARY the consequence of this legal case is then to get the
medical industry the help, they "so desperately want". After all/ if
they state "we can't do better/ we KNOW it's a badly flawed system
and can't fix this ourselves"/ BUT WE HAVE TO follow the AMA
guidelines. Then it stands to reason under legal scrutiny: that should
they resist fundamental change/ their true expectation has been fraud,
and conspiracy by means of the confusion they create. Or the AMA
has control and legal grasp of their systems and their corporation/
consequently US, the public. CASE Luks v. Empire Healthchoice
(N.Y.S. Ct) quote ama/pub/ category/1063.html
page 3 : this class action lawsuit contested an MCO's practice of
reducing payments to surgeons who perform multiple CPT
procedures through a single incision, rather than through multiple
incisions......statutes that prohibit deceptive practices....."
- PENALTY; these definitions of fraud and conspiracy seek a
similarity in nature to the definitions of racketeering/ because these
are, the matters of life, death, mutilation, lifelong consequences: or
the same to the ones you love. THEN, when reality is NO
ALTERNATIVE, the ability to control the financial future of a
person or family in its entirety [apart from some aspects of
bankruptcy] has demonstrated an organized effort without options for
the individual. It is an extortion/ unless fair and honored opportunity
to challenge and decide without bodily harm exists on both sides.
This cannot be so/ by the very nature of the reality. The penalty is
then "public utility, and the social decisions that present and provide
all money issues and concerns/ are to be decided publicly."
- THEIR QUOTE: depending upon services received, you may
receive two separate bills" [from the same location/ the same "dummy
- CONSIDERED: I received 4, the last from the clinic/ therefore the
clinic is asked to answer and explain. Not only am I given 4 separate
billings from the same primary corporation/ each bill suggests
independent contractors, who have billed me through this
corporation: none of which represent a fair opportunity for me to
challenge in a courtroom of law [BECAUSE, I must hire experts in
any medical matter/ making all but the most extreme cases of
stupidity or neglect the only ones that appear]. Not only does the
potential for legal action become 4 sets of attorneys, four separate
cases/ it is clear each of these contractors can employ their own set of
attorneys, and gain help from the AMA to counter attack and control
the courtroom by outnumbering the judge and slaughtering the intent
of law: which is to confront on equal terms/ in a place of no
prejudice. I am not a lawyer/ therefore I cannot be on equal terms
with a judge who is a lawyer. These potential new matters, are so
corrupt of judicial propriety and due process/ that they must be dealt
with now: for how could I, a non-lawyer deal with them in a court of
law? Lawyers may use a foreign language (latin) if they wish/ and
do so simply to confuse the litigant and keep them from
understanding: is this non-prejudicial? It is not/ all latin is a clear
murder of rights, because of the reality to confuse; and a certain
intent to be prejudicial, manipulative, and controlling. The issues of
latin in a courtroom are more clear than the many words of medical
terminology, and its effects upon society. For the purposes of this
trial, then the issues approaching why latin is used at all, how it can
be abused, and what needs to be done in the public interest/ confront
the same basic reality as medical terminology, and in simple terms
shall be used as a foundation for discussion and review. Therefore it
is a fair assumption, SIMPLE as possible is the best approach to
reviewing these problems. Therefore when the public citizen has an
equal footing in the court and in the law, and in the practice of law/
THEN the issues of "racketeering may disappear".
- REVIEWED: not only did I get 4 separate billings/ it is clear, they
could have sent at least one more by the clinic [sub-divided by
contractors], and who knows how many more by the other various
"dummy corporations affiliated" under the same umbrella carle inc.
This, by the measure of their superiority in a courtroom of law/
amounts to an embezzlement: because the ease of presenting
excessive amounts and appropriating it to their own uses; is clear and
present. What defense do I have/ even when it is clear, the price is
too high? These are NOT business dealings/ these are life, death, or
pain and sorrow issues, and they cannot be treated the same. THE
AMA states ama/ pub/ category/2292.html page
1 quote : the physician work component accounts on average for
55% of the total relative value for each service. The initial physician
work relative values were based on the results of a Harvard
University study. The factors used to determine physician work
include the time it takes to perform the service; the technical skill and
physical effort; the required mental effort and judgment; and stress
due to the potential risk to the patient. {POOR, POOR DOCTORS}
to date, I have not found medical practice on the list of 10 most
dangerous jobs in the United States? Have you, as to stress, come
work at heights, around machinery, or in everyday situations that can
easily take your life or mutate your body: and then we will talk.
- ESTABLISHED: the basis of a conspiracy exists/ because the level of
intent to create confusion could not be aggravated further, so it would
seem; to any greater extent. They have said so/ see quote 1. The intent
of a financial confusion directed against the weak, or otherwise
injured party/ is a strategic and unfair advantage/ and it does have
purpose. Particularly when reality says the patient cannot fight for
themselves, "the real fight is how to survive"/ therefore superiority in
all financial matters occur, because, it is or seems incidental to the
reality of medical catastrophe, or death. The foundation of this
conspiracy is thereby simple: create confusion/ by billing en mass
over an extended period of time, and jump on any suspicions of a
billing failure with threats, and legal consequences. The patient
whose life is clearly affected by financial consequences must then
decide; IF they will risk anger and refusal, or worse/ by challenging a
medical demand for money; or will surrender [don't complain/ they
may let me die] , pay the billing, and hope to survive/ with or without:
not only money, but lifelong debt.
- CONSEQUENCE: It is clear, either the billing must change or the
entire medical industry must change/ or both must change. Because
legally they exert a guarantee of "police powers, too great for the
common citizen, their patient/ to confront". Police powers/ because
like governments, they control the outcome/ whether for good or for
bad. Like the government, personal control is minimal or non-existent/ or like a criminal organization, the price of refusal can be
It doesn't matter what papers were signed/ what consultation was
given/ or what drugs were used. Listen to your television, every drug
summary or other "expert advise" is summarized with "Talk to your
doctor/ in other words let him or her decide: you cannot adequately
choose". The medical profession demands this is true: do I not have
to get a prescription to buy a drug? THEY ARE "in control", and
they do what they want/ we are not/ nor can we be.
- SUMMARY: the objective is not to undermine, or even to fight with
the billing at this moment [a matter of $400.00]. Rather this case now
comes to question the legitimacy of "private medical enterprise"/ and
offers instead the demand for a corrected status of "public utility".
Thereby a finding distinctly connected to a legitimate legislative
objective/ bringing the judicial matters of a critical understanding in
"racketeering/ anti-trust/ consumer protection/ price control/ and so
on": " to concentrate legal resources in filing lawsuits or amicus
curiae briefs of general interest to"physicians/ substitute people"
and to share information and resources in response to emerging legal
issues". According to the organization and purpose statement of the
litigation center of the AMA ( this is a fair and acceptable
reality of power. If not, then all aspects of public utility status belong
only to the court! The issues of billing are fundamental/ the issues of
power, are critical as well. As required for public comprehension; a
clearer description of the process involved may be viewed in the
matter of city water. Wherein the entire city has become dependent
upon a business or businesses delivering that water/ and then
malicious and unreasonable control appears against the individual.
Even where it is a private enterprise, controls and the court is not far
away, and the state is involved: help exists. In medicine/ its everyone
for themselves! We cannot live without water for weeks/ just as you
cannot under some circumstances live without medical treatment for
weeks. We, as a society, control water because this is too powerful to
rely upon human "kindness and fair play": sooner or later, someone
has tainted the reality and must be dealt with. The manipulation of
billing through countless and frustrating demand is only the
beginning of their power over the patient. They will say, the patient is
in charge! Irregardless of the cost applied to them, the VAST
MAJORITY of people will say, "help me live. THIS IS a current
reality of LIFE/ and the entire medical industry uses it: dentists and
all, because the incentive and penalty are too high. Every aspect of
medicine, is at fault, the dentist too, exist in the same realm with all
medicine: simply pay up or loose your teeth, and in some cases your
life/ just look at their billing as well "a filling now has 3 sides/ just so
they can charge more". The very simply intent to "divide, surround, &
conquer" in all these war games/ IS so fundamentally tainted, upon
the entire peoples of this nation, that the entire system is
fundamentally wrong. We cannot determine the cost we would deliver
to someone else/ to survive: it doesn't work, reality fails. To even
consider the reality is evidence of extortion and fraud. All the power
is one-sided against the medically infirm/ UNTIL reality makes them
a burden, and society makes someone pay; this too is wrong.
Therefore as a nation/ WE MUST DECIDE, what is real, ethical to
support, and honest. There can be no more "let the patient or doctor
decide: and give the bill to the others"/ it is not fair. There can be no
more, "keep the invalid on machines" irregardless of the outcome: let
the others pay. Already these methods have bankrupted the nation
itself/ completely, because greed and the demand called want; simply
doesn't care about anyone else. American Medical Association v.
United Healthcare (S.D.N.Y.) page 2 " the class action lawsuit
questions whether United Healthcare properly calculates "ususal,
customary, and reasonable" charges........" Even so, the truth about
money is not in things or numbers either/ but lives; because the
excess resources you steal results in the death of those who need
them, now and in the future. While time is the human element, and
the effort and sanity required to do your duty. Greed is a traitor,
consuming the cradle and child/ while it subordinates one life for/ or
to another. This is a treason.
- PENALTY: the demand is a new system, wherein the reality and true
nature of medical intervention becomes harnessed with the very real
facts/ that we the public must police medicine and ourselves. They,
the medical industry are unable to control the greed, the monopoly, or
the power. Divestiture or consolidation, for a business. Dispersal for
an industry.
- SUGGESTED: And the reality for the public/ choose now, the truth
about what shall be paid and when it shall be paid: [all are equal,
you get the same means; a percentage of wealth, and or income/ is my
suggestion to you/ is not your life worth the same as mine]. This will
apply to drugs, to dentists, to everyone in any medical reality. Drug
research is then dispersed as well; the people own the patents, the
inventor is paid according to the impact/ but any company desiring to
manufacture is allowed. The nation runs the research. SIMPLE
ISSUES FOR VOTE. While it may be unseemly for suggestions to
be given in court/ GRANTED IT IS NOT, the place. It is otherwise
an unfair assertion granted, that no other way exists. That is not true.
- THEIR QUOTE: "However, the simple fact is that Carle Clinic
Association and Carle Foundation Hospital are two completely
separate organizations".
- REVIEWED: the facts are, [there is NO DIFFERENCE in the mind's
and heart's of the people of this community when talking about Carle
Inc]. This has been a carefully cultivated intentional and deliberate
creation by Carle Inc. Otherwise, every segmented "dummy
corporation" would have a completely different name. They choose/
they have chosen to all be carefully conscripted, under the Carle name
for the purpose of advertizing and fundamental name recognition.
Therefore NO legitimate intent exists to separate these business
entities: the use of a primary name, prevalent in all advertizing,
business recognition, and billing proves the intent to remain the same.
If they are separate/ then they steal from one another, and from their
advertizer's; by getting four advertisements for the price of one. They
steal the name from each other/ a fact NO business allows. The
people here do not go to "carle clinic or carle hospital or whatever/
they go to carle/ just as others prefer provena or christie. It is my
expectation they share mutual healthcare plans, etc/ therefore an
investigation would reveal just how interlocked they are. Case In re
Managed Care litigation (S.D. Fla.) page 2 "...The principal
allegations are that the defendants, through edits in their payment
software, have breached their physician provider contracts, violated
state prompt payment laws, and conspired to violate the federal
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations act. Recently, Aetna
and CIGNA insurance companies agreed to stop certain "bundling
practices", disclose others publicly, and pay approximately....."
- ESTABLISHED: these businesses are not separate, even though some
legal loophole device may provide the impetuous for stealing
[stealing because separation produces only two advantages for them/
limit the legal liability, and collect more money]. They share a
common name, benefit from and produce a common advertizing, and
are separated only for the purposes of collecting money and
defending against legal liabilities. That said, the intent herein is to
confirm equality, or more correctly consolidate what is clearly a
single business and demand: if I am billed or must face trial/ then I
will face a single enemy, and not be surrounded by fake degrees of
multiple claims. If my responsibility is singular, by the consequence
and reality, this is one body. Then a single entity, which has worked a
single hour in unison, shall bill me for a single circumstance.
- CONSEQUENCE: by the demand of this appearance in court/ and the
failure of carle clinic to accept their responsibility as a participant
directly linked to carle inc. For the reality that they can charge me for
their staff being placed directly in the emergency room of the carle
hospital/ and still call themselves separate. The charge is contempt,
and the issue raised is consumer protection, as declared under legal
terms. Here the honesty of knowing the truth about doctors and their
work demands: a completely open data base of knowledge for the
patient and so on; this compliments honest legal position, for both
sides. Although the truth is medical emergency or simple logistics
may impede any possibility of choosing "someone else". The reality
is we the patient/ customer of these establishments deserve the
information and are guaranteed respect by this government: there is
no respect in letting one party cut open the body of another party
"take out heart & lungs if they so desire" and refuse to allow any
information about who does this, to the patient. This is segregation
and seizure and insanity sanctioned by the US government and its
courts. Amendment 4 of the constitution proclaims I have a right.
- SUMMARY: in response to my demands for reasonable and fair
billing practice/ I am forced to court, or extorted for money, and the
blackmail of my good name. The assertion of separation, the legal
wrangling of corporate conjecture, and the descriptions of "national
usage of the same techniques". All suggest that criminal demands can
be found. But shall be mute, as this is not the intent of this case.
- PENALTY: The legal demands are BE FAIR. The penalty is: stop
lying, WORK with me/us. And establish a data base for clear and
certain public information.
- THEIR QUOTE: "this is not done with intent to mislead or confuse
our patients" (this quote and the one above are presented in opposing
order to the letter).
- REVIEWED: in response to this assertion, the evidence supports that
the intent to confuse is in fact the only reason any of this exists. It
may be said/ "they have to protect their facilities from lawsuits". It is
rebuked by the simple words: it is the patients who are routinely
attacked, fundamentally wounded, and subject to the cannibalism of
greed. These are seeking UNFAIR duplicity, with the express intent
to confuse/ to divide/ and to conquer. WHERE is the justice for every
common citizen? Where is the right or covenant of due process and
equal protection under law? It is hidden in the medical terminology
and basic education where the courtroom does not function. Therefore
an open courtroom, dedicated to these particular lawsuits must be
created: and viewed in absolute clarity by the public: camera's
everywhere/ that cannot be shut off or manipulated by anyone. WITH
a conscious effort to produce language and use language that is
friendly to the common citizen.
- CONSEQUENCE: is not the intent of this quote [#21] a fraud,
simply defined instead by the symbolic attempt to ridicule and laugh
at my request? If NO other methods of billing exist, then they have a
right. However it is clear and certain, other methods are not only
possible/ they are simple and plain. Look at the automotive industry/
the car moves from one location to another, one mechanic to another/
through parts and other inventories: and you will get the bill before
the car drives away. No intent exists to control the freedom to
choose / however, when the patient holds such an inferior legal
position to medical inquisition of a patient and his or her finances/
then we must be informed as to costs incurred, actual expenses and
labor costs, etc. Their method is least information possible/ it limits
legal interrogation/ it limits any alternative pleading. This brings the
question of why choose this method of billing? IF NO other methods
of corporate structure are available to carle to be honestly secure in
their methods of business and interaction with the community/ then
they have a right. HOWEVER, if this is not true. Then honesty
should reflect profit, because the patient has no real choice/ therefore
carle should have no real choice either: an equal footing in the law
and in the business of health needs. Carle Inc. is surely going to lead
the fight to clean up and revise this mess: here and now/ because all
"good corporate citizens" surely would? Is this too much to ask?
- SUMMARY: let the public in, let them define what they will be able
to understand clearly and with certainty, let the billing be
consolidated in its entirety, and let there be but one business/ because
there is only one business/ only one patient involved. As to the need
for protection from legal demands/ let the court be instilled with the
FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY to clean itself from under the shit
pile of dirty lawyers whose only intent is to gouge and destroy lives.
34 N.E. 2d 68, 70. It is not medical malpractice that is a problem/ it is
the lawyers involved. The public awards ignorance and stupidity,
only because they are MAD AT YOU, the medical industry. They are
mad/ because you steal, and get away with it. And the court sits silent.
- PENALTY: BE HONEST AND FAIR, or face the administration of
this business by others/ called the government. If the court cannot
find what is honorable and fair/ then the judge surrenders his or her
position: because that is the job. And if you cannot or will not do your
job/ if you will not defend the public, and the intent of the
constitution: then you are an illusionary promise to the people/ and a
fraud and in hostile possession of a position you do not deserve, as a
judge: this is a theft. 138 P. 2D 846, 851, 852; 350 S.W. 2d 729,
COURT PREPARED, for justice/ and fit to do so. Redefine medical
malpractice, so that it is legitimate and fair to all. Remove and disbar
the "bastard lawyer"!
- THEIR QUOTE: it is simply done in order to comply with CPT
coding conventions and standards set forth by the American Medical
- REVIEWED: here reality and truth are confronted with the honesty,
that I am billed not simply by methods and means specific to this
particular medical facility/ but by the fact that this hospital has joined
a national group "the AMA" , to control and manipulate pricing
across America or even beyond. This is monopoly : a condition
described as "a market condition where all or nearly all of an article
of trade or commerce within a community or district is brought within
the control of one person or company, thereby excluding competition
or free traffic in that article 18 N.W. 2ad 905, 908. The AMA
clearly has possession of all billing practice/ and carle inc describes
what appears to be, "virtually all medical facilities adhere to their
guidelines". It is a reality that to control the billing is to control the
business, the trade, the commerce: because price is the ruler of
business. The AMA is an organization of "medical professionals"/ the
facilities they manipulate are "the article of trade": and the materials
or service these produce are "the articles of commerce".
- CONSEQUENCE: they have formed a monopoly for the purpose of
price fixing/ and conformed their members to accept the assignment
of their license, legally or not. These professionals, fully
understanding the consequence of legal alignments/ can be
considered to have hired lawyers for the direct intent of mitigating
damages associated with this connection. Thereby joint tenancy
occurs/ between all alliances for this purpose of control: all the
players have taken a hostile possession to this aspect of medicine/ not
just the AMA. They go together.
- SUMMARY: the assumptions of a medical society, that they do have
a right to declare "whatever they choose, in medical billing"/ HAS
given rise to the reality, of their addiction to greed. Addiction means
the integration of a "door" between what you want, & the description
of "a tool" to take what you want: rather than earn the right to
experience what truth will provide. Addiction is thereby a lie/ based
upon a failure to understand the consequence. That consequence is
price control and the infiltration of extortion/ through the "passionate
embrace, I DON'T care about anyone but me". This is fully
understood, by all who embrace it. It is the associated consequences
that produce: THIS poverty of experience, that HAS in turn
IMPACTED society, and the individual, by creating economic lies
[we can pay this] and the cycle now employed by government: you
need/ you can't pay/ THEN OWE ME/ and finally "give everything
you have, and get out of my sight"[simply nothing left]. A little over
dramatic/ but it creates a clue. It is medicine that leads the way, in
stripping away, all that american society can be This is the
functioning reality of an American debt over 87 trillion dollars
divided by 150 million taxpayers= $580,000.00 dollars apiece/
divided equally. Reference is Flow
of funds table L.5. The government official in all branches HAS used
this influence of greed, to blunder and buffoon their way to an ever
increasing damage to society: clearly taught by the damages of the
medical industry! Money, the demand to pay/ is now meaningless
UNLESS you are not a "university graduate"/ someone has to pay. As
this blade of indifference cuts through society : the damage, the
murder, the mayhem, and the depression it causes/ WILL lead to
a terrible and bloody civil war. Think not? Then step across to the
other side/ and lose everything you ever worked for, and be ridiculed.
For what? The answer is "because a whore, can blackmail you".
There is no compensation justified for additional education, "nearly
everyone I have ever met said quote: college was the best years of my
life"! Why do we owe, for that? We are equal, and that means fair
and justifiable compensation no matter who you are, or what you do!
The entire medical industry has led the way to ruin [look at the debts]/
the dentist, the drug companies, everyone who expects"millions"more
than the average worker. It is extortion, simple and plain/ and it starts
with medicine. While I am certain to be accused of "ranting and
raving" by bringing this matter up. The consequence is clear, and the
reality is certain, by the damages that are evident. Therefore as it is a
medical inquisition into practices and consequences of practices of an
entire medical industry/ it is fair.
- PENALTY: for the rape and pillage of society/ the arrogance and
greed, and blatant selfishness/ the pathetic mutilations of honor
among citizens caused by university driven pride/ and the compulsive
larceny of controlling the public for financial gain. The entity called
the AMA should be severed from any possibility of control and or
guidance to the industry itself. The medical industry itself severed
from the business associated as private, and ruled under a "public
utility status" with citizens determining all costs and pay-outs. Under
the considerations of the Robinson-Patman act 15 U.S.C. 13, 13a
and 18a, 19 or any other guidelines used in the direct defense
associated with anti-trust laws.
- THEIR QUOTE: it is the only billing mechanism we have to most
accurately report the services provided.
- REVIEWED: according to their words, "extremely confusing"/ the
reality of "accuracy and reporting" IS CLEARLY overstated/ and
fundamentally errant. The fundamental requirements of any duty
required by law is [all billing is subject to law]: what is honesty/
thereby the descriptions of truth; what is honor/ thereby the
foundation that grants the right; what is the description of order and
the discipline that it describes/ and what is the evidence that proves
the consequence is real? Law means truth has formed a foundation
and respect; for that reality that has built the description of values
upon which we depend. Words are merely the tools of "love or hate or
need". Justice is the work and reality and truth of what you do/ or
what they do. The medical industry will surely defend itself stating:
as it is, this has produced the health care we know today/ why change
it? Greed is a motivator/ but it is also an enemy plotting and planning
from the beginning, how you can be enslaved. Greed did not build
any healthcare: greed does not care/ therefore it has crippled and
damaged or destroyed what could have been; rather than built what
does exist, it has limited what could be. Legal Malpractice is greed
thrown back at YOU.
- CONSEQUENCE: there is no honesty in this quote #31: not only do
they conflict entirely with the above statements of the same person,
they suggest no alternative exists. This is a statement of control by the
AMA and its " CPT guidelines". The assertion of "we must"
according to the AMA/ has no honor by its clear and certain
devaluation of the citizen/ patient. The patient doesn't matter, the
billing doesn't matter: only the AMA and its guidelines matter "we
must". The consequence of a demand to establish and contain all
billing to a separate entities guidelines/ even if that entities supposes
to benefit the medical industry; merely establishes control, and
thereby price fixing. The words are "we have to". The reality of
separation into "dummy corporations"surely follows this lead.
- PENALTY: affix the meaning of the declaration of Independence to
the reality of our time. Redefine the words " we hold these truths to
be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed
by their creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights,
governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers
from the consent of the governed;...." In more simple terms/ no right
of greed or selfishness exists. We are equal with the medical or
university degree, and need not be their financial slaves any more.
That a vote among the people; used to examine and refine the state of
the medical industry in this nation: as either private or public is
fundamental to democracy/ is NECESSARY at this time/ and is a
legal compensation required by democracy and given by the
constitution and its documents: TO "WE THE PEOPLE". What
you should recognize in these words and the rest of the constitution is
THIS CASE and so many others are not "for government or politics"
to decide. Instead where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are
distinctly involved: it is WE THE PEOPLE who do have an
ultimate right to intervene wherever we choose. FOR WE ARE the
government! And this is OUR NATION, it does not belong to the
employees/ it is ours. The constitution does give "first opportunity"
to the judge and the courtroom/ however it is an opportunity, NOT a
right. WE THE PEOPLE, could not be more clear!
- THEIR QUOTE: at this time, I feel we have already provided with the
detailed, "honest" billing you have requested. It is not possible for the
clinic to provide you with bills from other organizations.
- REVIEWED: addiction is the preservation of an image/ so that
honesty has no voice. Addiction is the formation of barricades around
"the reality of me, so that the truth may not come in". Addiction
represents the turmoil of a failure people see in themselves/ and the
door by which they expect to prove this image is wrong. The intensity
of disrespect for others, establishes only pain for all sides. The reality
of addiction dissolves experience to demand you are alone. It is that
consequence distinct among the others that allows the "disaster of
selfishness" to rule and to spread and to control the destiny of other
lives. Addiction is appropriate by the terms of reality that allow one
set of people to extort great sums of money from another set of
people. This selfishness is confirmed in any surgical or other medical
reality that people must then choose between their bodies or minds; or
paying anything the extortionist asks. The demand is trust us/ the
support for this larceny is insurance: therefore buy it. The exploitation
of money is clearly seen in all aspects of government/ the rule of the
courts, the tragedy of "billion dollar elections"/ all of it is attributable
to the plain and simple truth: those who have raped and pillaged the
majority, now have duped and controlled the judiciary as well. How
else would you describe the tragedy of words, the flagrant and
excessive violation of fundamental court cases in so many
circumstances? And all that is not even a possibility of justice in
America today: those who stand guard, are traitors {or more correctly
lost in the words and insanity of so much greed}.
- SUMMARIZED: This examination of basic process and the length
we will need to go as WE THE PEOPLE to clarify and identify our
possession of this government shall not be simple. This is not a
rebellion/ this is the consequence of court, and the reality of life. We
need to discuss by legal definition the existence of those who have
controlled our lives and our nation/ for their own benefit. The issues
of carle inc, not being involved in this are mute/ as they do represent
the medical industry, and it is GREED that has fundamentally
corrupted the nation, and brings the tragedy of economic depression.
Who better to represent the greedy, than medicine. NOT SIMPLY
carle inc/ but all of medicine. It is clear to me/ this will be used to
demand expulsion of the trial from court. It is also clear to me, that a
class action suit is NECESSARY. Therefore 100's of informational
letters are used to buttress the demand for action and the insistence
- SECONDARY review; the reality of insurance has allowed the
mutilation of fair billing by presenting the intermediary who makes
money too/ irregardless of the price. The reality of insurance for me,
when priced a while back was roughly $3000.00 per year. 20 years
they collect $60,000.00 whether I need medical assistance or not.
There is a risk/ million dollar billings occur regularly. Although this
case was not about amounts/ it is now added to billing/ that the
reality of functional medical services, at an honest wage/ should be, a
fair and merited aspect of this lawsuit. The issue of a public utility
arises as well with the truth, of how much money is spent/ that does
not go to health care. As a public issue/ it is not unlike any other
public utility issue: and the need for actual public vote is demanded.
Does this not affect us all?
- CONSEQUENCE: the question raised by "billing from other
organizations"/ defends the assertion of honesty by interacting within
the legal dispute of administration. Who administers: is it the
subsidiary, or is it the corporate board? IF YOU GET PAID, then you
are involved. If you have critical review and decision status/ then you
do administer the result.
- PENALTY: if there is not clear leverage from the corporation/ there
is not a relationship. If however control of all subsidiaries comes
under any portion or control of the corporate board, THERE IS clear
union and these words quote #35 are a lie. The demand is: Choose
together/ or separate, with completely different names; formally
severed, and publicly advertized as different with clear cut results. Or
- THEIR QUOTE: therefore I respectfully ask that you send payment
in full or contact us to set up an acceptable payment arrangement.
Should you choose not to do so, your account will be placed with an
outside collection agency within the next 15 days. Jodi Hollern
supervisor, financial services Carle Clinic Assoc.
- REVIEWED: the displacement of and review of business procedure
in this matter is not intended to attack or surrender to any excuse or
legal detriment as may appear. The clear intent is to establish the
reality of informed consent in the matter of accounting as it pertains
to the medical industry, and the patient. The consequence of separated
billing is to confuse and distort the reality/ the purpose of this legal
response, is then to "straighten and clarify these realities". And has
become; to allow opportunity for all the other problems associated
with medicine, a correct and honorable forum for public discussion
and legal consequence.
- CONSEQUENCE: the expectation for payment has not been
dismissed/ I am not harassing the defendant/ nor am I "looking for
fame or any other such thing"/ no amount of money will take this
away, or any other compensation: I am here for JUSTICE. Justice
means: I will know, what I am billed for. I will know in advance of
payment, what I am billed for/ and I will be aware of the profits
involved. I will know, that when I appear at the door of a business
with the very same primary name/ the same advertizing/ and the same
purposes: there will be one bill/ one time/ and any negotiation as may
be needed, or resulting court battle as may be needed will be fair,
legitimate, proper, understandable, and in my full view before a
decision to pay is asked of me. And now the addition of a fair and
legitimate response to questions of a public utility status must also
appear. And the intent and legitimacy of a national organization must
be questioned.
- SUMMARY: I did not bring you to court/ you refused to assist me in
the matter of fair billing practice: irregardless of current contention, if
the community knows you as one name only/ then you are one
business. You threaten me with a bill collector if I do not comply
with your demands. I produced NO DEMANDS until the 4th billing
resulting from a single one hour visit to your facilities/ I now have
made my demands/ and let the courtroom or the people decide.
- PENALTY: it is my concerted opinion, that these matters are more
than personal. This level of examination, and the introduction of a
national influence in the matter of the AMA/ do result in a federal
trial. The assumption that I can represent the legal interests of all who
can be affected by this trial, is simply not real: therefore the court is
requested to grant status to this trial of a class action suit. The federal
prosecutors are granted knowledge and invitation to join, and to
investigate and decide the level of price fixing caused by the AMA.
And the various other interests and legal compositions all suggest that
"lawyers for the plaintiff" are necessary. Status is granted by me/ to
include the "common public citizen"/ however, this is to remain "my
case" and that reality is dignified not with pride, punishment, or
reward for me/ but with justice for all. In the unlikely event, that I am
either dead or unable to attend for the purposes of trial/ then "you
have my statement/ it is undeniable and I will not change my mind/
therefore the trial proceeds as the public sees fit."
- MY QUOTE: it is my duty to review and examine as necessary for
the sake of my society/ where it is needed/ when it confronts me
directly. It is my concerted opinion that these matters deserve review
by the public, and if they choose to discard/ then so be it. I am not
their guardian, leader, politician, or whatever/ and do not want to be.
Instead these are realities that make a distinct difference in my life as
well as all lives/ therefore I do have an intrinsic right to display and
promote an education that would produce a honorable solution. And
contest any dishonorable solution, or current practice, within the
reality of a courtroom. The idea, that it is an inconvenience to you is
irrelevant/ the other excuses have been discussed in a previous federal
trial/ as it turns out "a case of discovery". In the form of case #2:04-
cv 2196 filed in federal court Urbana IL.
- The defense is certain to make "much" of this mention to another case
I was involved in. In reply I say to you: isn't that what you do in
court/ refer to past cases? I am not a lawyer/ perhaps you would
like to help me? Irregardless of that, I do say to you health care is our
concern as a people and a nation/ it is not your business. The only
business associated with life or death or significant concerns for body
and mind; is the demand for sovereignty over life, too young to
decide; or too old , or too badly diseased, or too badly wounded or
mutilated to truly survive. These things require a burden of proof,
expressed as necessary within a contract/ with the nation to pay.
Therefore when a critical decision must be made; because someone
has to pay/ even though, no true benefit to society can be expected:
then society must choose for itself. One of the concerns intended is a
comatose patient, and so on: then it shall be by vote, determined for
one and for all/ equally: no exceptions. The medical industry does
have a right to reject or make decisions for itself that are fair and
justifiable to all/ because in these cases, it is business: someone has to
do the work, or the end must come. Ethics are nothing more than
values without foundations, what exists within truth comes from
reality: not your decisions, your truth, what YOU DO. Like it or not.
- All these matters are NOT POLITICAL, because they involve a
fundamental guarantee by the constitution of the United States of
America: amendment 4 "the right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches
and seizures, shall not be violated...... While the amendment goes on
to be specific about criminal violations/ this trial is not criminal/ the
fundamental guarantee is not defined, as to be only for the benefit of
those accused as criminal. The guarantees of the constitution are for
the people/ NOT simply for the accused criminal. Amendment 7
agrees, that matters involving values in excess of small amounts
SHALL BE DIRECTED TO THE COURT, and that right preserved
within the court. What has more value than life? You have no say/ to
court we go.
- CLOSING: I have just received a letter dated 1/20/05 (date received
1/29/05) from "risk management alternatives inc" stating my account
is placed in collection/ my name given to credit reporting agencies.
Even though I have plainly said to them in writing, be patient: I
WILL FILE IN COURT before the second week of February ends
[TWICE]. The result of ridicule is often simply a disrespect, where
disrespect exists/ it is necessary to teach. Therefore as you would
charge me, for an afternoon worth of work/ the time necessary to
prepare the lawsuit. I will now seek an additional penalty in like
accord to your charges in surgery. The approximate cost of an
average surgery for the doctor is applied at $10,000.00 It is fair/
you would charge me/ and this is "surgery": whether it is successful
or not. Since you have presented judgment upon me with this ridicule,
saying in effect, "he has nothing to say, no cause to hear, no right to
contest, no possibility in court, and exhibits no cause for respect"/ I
do submit, for arrogance, selfishness, and the failure to respect all
life, the additional charge of $50,000.00. Let the court decide.
- To the court, this is the beginning/ no games allowed by either you or
me/ or any other. The questions brought are critical to this society,
and they are important to our future as a society. This trial asks, "can
you accept duty, and be responsible to life. The failure of any side/
to declare and do what justice requires: is incendiary to the needs of
this society. Equal protection under law, is a guarantee. The truth of
indefeasible rights to examine and protect this society through the
court/ as WE THE PEOPLE cannot be contested/ nor the
unfortunate realities of the people or businesses involved cannot be
less important. The questions are of life, the battle is financial, the
court is mandatory. Here the failures of the judge, the courtrooms
of america, the utter disrespect for law, due process, or liberty all
describe the reaction of the judge shall be: a frivolous and
irresponsible prejudice against "the status quo"/ a latin term for "he
who has the gold/ rules". The autopsy of a concerted action against
democracy, the United States of America, and freedom itself/ will be
a flagrant disregard for life/ the summary judgment of greed/ and the
mistrial of power and lust. I have pursued justice within the courts
now for years, covering many avenues and looking for much/ but
finding very little. The court system of America HAS stolen many
thousands of dollars from me/ denied my day in court/ fundamentally
lied just to protect the guilty/ and dismissed the innocent claims for
freedom and justice with the arrogance of complete bigotry. So say I.
After all these things, many known by the judge of the trial mentioned
here/ fully knowing perjury is coming against me, I say to the judge,
return to me, even "this little bit" of justice, to prove less than
outright contempt against all I do stand for/ JUSTICE FOR ALL,
AND LIFE WITHOUT INFRINGEMENT. The judge of that trial
proves only hypocrisy, and the flame of terrorism. Therefore I say to
the federal court in Urbana IL, and to any other official as may hear.
This judge is not allowed in this case/ while there may be no better
among them/ prejudice or mainly simple failure, shown in every case/
proves this one cannot hear this case. This is a FORMAL PROTEST.
And if you refuse, the matter will be certain to arise in appeals. [I do
have a right to proceed in advance with respect to an ongoing
prejudice/ prove me wrong]. As to my particular request, in this
matter/ it is fair.
- I warn you in advance; There will be another trial coming. You may
find it early at And its links. That you may
prepare, and decide who shall be responsible for it. It is this trial that
fundamentally asks very simply: Can you accept truth, and live
within the reality that exists, or shall you change it/ because the
evidence demands to do less will be your death. Simply prove the
evidence wrong. Section 50 is a warning, for your interest/ not a part
of this trial.
- As to me/ I have no say, in your own decisions. The decision to
involve the public in my own disputed billing questions, is simply a
right granted by the 1st amendment and the 14th amendment. Only the
evidence as prepared and proposed shall have a say. Only the truth
will bring consequences/ it shall not be me. This is about your lives
as well as mine in society, it is not about anything else to me/ but that
which is written. I have no agenda/ except reasonable justice for
myself, and as has been necessary, the allowance of "better for the
public/ since these are truths affecting us all".
- I will not continue beyond these trials. Therefore make up your mind
early/ understand the truth/ and then decide, if you will
abandon or support justice and life in this society and the
world: Or not? It is goodbye beyond these works; I have
finished, and you, whoever you are; must continue for
yourselves or say goodbye. By the honesty of the evidence, I have
completed my duty. You have your chance!
letter from osterbur
2nd letter from osterbur
letter from Carle Clinic unfortunately neither the logo or the signature came
through using the fine reader scanning program