CASE 05-2038

DATED 2/18/05

IN BRIEF : I am here to claim my right of redress of grievances according to the 1st amendment of the United States Constitution. QUOTE: "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

The term assembly is this court case/ the grievances are therein listed. The reality is NO court is superior to the 1st amendment/ NO interpretation can be considered "more peaceable" than the courtroom/ and NO bastard official can claim these grievances are anything less than a true case intended as written, within the 1st amendment. And required by the court to be dealt with, as a duty and a respect for the people. I am here because the officials of the court and the government, have not been able to do their jobs. I am here, because I will not let the planet, the nation, or the people simply die without a fight. We have now entered the purposes of this "trial for life"/ simply to create the necessary circumstances to establish a critical discussion of reality/ NOT my reality/ NOT your reality/ but OUR reality. Therefore by design, the need for public involvement/ the reality of lawyers for the public/ and the fundamental truth are all necessary to let us survive are submitted in this court as demanded by the constitution.

Therefore I DO petition the court to establish this redress of grievances by proclaiming it a "class action suit, and presenting lawyers, and whatever money that is necessary for its purposes: which are defending life, the nation, and the world". Failure to do so, explains the simple truth: that when the economy fails/ you have no where to go/ when the terrorist or starvation or over-population or loss of resources [7 billion people use and abuse MANY things] or loss of water or contamination of water (evidence is enclosed) by earthquake or just plain "too much" or simply "the mass murder you are truly committing" on the young or unborn, because you are stealing their resources, only to throw it in the garbage. And so on. Look carefully at what you do, for remember these words if you abandon duty/ you will learn that genetic structure is not a toy, the fact that your body forms as it does is not an accident, and when that critical link that holds the order or controls the discipline suddenly disappears, you and the world around you are extinct. And this is only the beginning. Think carefully before you choose to die; because unless we as humanity change, we as a entire planet surely will soon.

I am now through talking/ I am now through working alone for the survival of life. Therefore TO ALL INVOLVED listen carefully: this is not a personal case, it merely represents a personal case/ every issue involved is national in scope. YOU are instructed at this time: I will only appear in "personal court" to establish the possibility of an appeal/ no argument will be given. Therefore unless the judge decides on accepting his or her duty to allow a redress of grievances, and present this redress to the public/ there will be NO reason to accrue lawyer billing against me. ASK THE JUDGE, beforehand/ he or she will know, and I give permission/ no harm to you will occur. If on the other hand this goes to public trial, people will present for the people, and they will argue against you, with my help. The purpose of "the possibility to appeal"/ will include ONLY the US attorney motion, and whatever the court decides. There is SUFFICIENT MERIT no matter what the judge says to appeal on the grounds of filings presented by me/ I need nothing else and will use nothing else. There will be NO appeal by me personally/ ONLY WITH THE PUBLIC and only as a redress of the people. IF on the other hand, I go to court "personally" and am confronted with the "billing you have in mind", this could change. Should I be thrown out of court/ I will pay the $400.00. If I am billed excessively more/ I will then choose to invite your "enemies" and see if they would like to join me in court against you.

This trial is in direct confrontation with the participants who have made all the threats to life possible. This trial is to establish a discussion, it is not to attack anyone. Where the court fails, the law attacks, not me. I am through with court apart from these terms/ although I will not stop simply educating as it is possible to do. The death of the planet is at stake, I can do no less/ it is a duty. Therefore understand me well, I do not "give up"/ but I do say at this point I must be joined or I have done my best, and you may die, if you do so choose.

For information purposes, I am sending a disk with the information that will be on the site at a later time. It is necessary for me, to find a web assistant for that job. For your information, I tell you now, that soon when the site is transformed/ there will be a detailed drawing of 2 engines to replace all piston style engines currently used. There is herein a description of a true energy recovery machine and a drawing and details will follow. There will be a new furnace and perhaps more/ all free for the purpose of this work/ to establish true discussion. It is not "foolish"/ it is the reality if the world dies, or sinks into armageddon/ then what good is money? You are sure to believe it cannot be/ I say to you only, take a look at the materials sent to you, and reconsider.