DATED 7/19/04
RE: the reminder sent to me
As you have selected to apply to the courts with me in this matter of financial dispute, I now demand your information as was declared necessary in pre-court papers. You are to send the legal information as how the government law you say supported your right to demand payment applies to me and this situation. You chose a federal law/ and a federal law you must send. If you fail to send this information, I will assert this is contempt, and demand the court intervene.
As was declared in the ultimatum sent to you, in response to your letter demanding payment, I will be pursuing this matter in court. Reality suggests filing should occur within 30-60 days. You are thereby instructed in no uncertain terms: you shall restrain and withold all credit or debt actions against me, for those 60 days/ that court documents require to be drawn and readied in this matter.
As you have chosen this forum, understanding the scope intended to be pursued/ there can be NO questions regarding the reality of what is described: you chose!