Life Lessons
The reality of human life is a mixture of moments created in time, that apply living to various relationships, and hardship to various learning methods, the intent clearly is
Aa full & complete education@ according to your ability to learn and acceptance of your responsibility to learn. Some will be given tasks to learn even though they accept no responsibility to do so/ failure to learn BASIC REQUIREMENTS means you will die/ Failure to apply yourself to learning means freedom must be denied to you, or you will die. Death means; that time has ceased to exist, therefore to live as energy, in the environment of energy DOES require knowledge and decisions or Alike accidents here/ SEVERE accidents will occur in your new environment.@ DO NOT THINK , to tempt, YOU are RESPONSIBLE/ IT IS, the price of freedom.Therefore in the simple ways of living, these are simple lessons, which may help you.
Everyone will die JESUS DID TOO! Therefore neither the time nor manner nor place nor day needs to bother you. Death will simply come NOT SIMPLY when your numbers is up/ Death is allowed according to the decisions you make, death is seen in some because they are slowly headed in the wrong direction and will loose their eternity if any more delay occurs, death occurs to teach others life lessons, and for many other reasons including Atime is run out for you@.