PRIDE, means death through selfishness


The existence of pride is everywhere, a justification of the Agame called life@/ BUT LIFE IS NOT A GAME.

We begin with damage done: the assault on others, the measurement of life according to your rules, the compromises which lead to greed, the excuses which justify lust, an ingredient of war, and the insanity of jealousy, resource depletion, fears, and hopelessness created in others; to name just a few!

Hopelessness, or the reality of a life that will not heal, explains the relationship of pride as a Aroller coaster ride of emotion@/ a definition of how others control your life, or the fantasy about how you wish to Ainfluence their lives@. These are both social compensations, created to hide behind from a game that is whispering Aloser@ to you. To be healed of this, it is necessary to break Athe chains which bind/ quit the game, to which you have become a slave@. The common cry is in this situation, Ayou can=t condemn me for this@/ is the pride associated with Abeing in the game, at least as a fan@. These are Adreams of being important to people that want the same as you do, therefore they will share as you must, OR they will fight to be more than you and all the rest (the desire for power). Life is not a game/ Life is the experience that explains why harmony is a critical environment/ it is not an option, harmony exists as the single ingredient within the reality of life that allows Athe existence of more than simple self@. Harmony means Aequally important@, not because of what can be done, but because WE TOO, ARE ALIVE. Harmony, is the critical understanding that truth makes the decision/ not Abecause I want or need that/ rather because all life does need the law assembled to protect the critical boundaries required to survive.@ Pride has no place here, as it is the definition of complete selfishness, and selfishness means, determined to consume. Consume means to destroy without regard to life, a wanton disregard for honor, a war against respect, and a conspiracy against all that represents love.

To those experiencing hopelessness; consider these words: The reality of a life that will not heal mentally (a disturbance not an inheritance) clearly says, Ayou are holding onto something, which does not belong to you/ more simply a hatred, a shame, a fantasy, or a fear@. This reality isolates your perceptions of the world until the focus of life cannot escape the distance so short, that there is literally no one else of importance in the world. Therefore you are trapped within your own experience and defined by your own fears. STOP IT NOW! QUIT WHINING! REPENT AND SEEK, FORGIVENESS & MERCY NOW! Does this sound harsh, Does the voice inside your head say Ahe just doesn=t care about me@, Do you want to run away? Reality is harsh/ YOU are listening ONLY for what feeds your own selfish interests/ There is NO place to hide, life is tough at times, and the lessons you are receiving will allow you to seek eternity rather than be consumed in the flames of your own selfishness BE GRATEFUL FOR IT, and Praise GOD because he loves you enough to do this for you. If HE did not intervene YOU would descend into hell, BE BRAVE AND ENDURE, the best is truly yet to come. Even so, settle it that your life IS truly, by your own choice and you must accept the responsibility and change/ no one will or can do this for you/ no mountain of drugs shall heal you/ CHANGE or you will hide, in fears, until the end comes for you.

Simple things: If dreams or nightmares invade your night/ day, BE ALERT (one eye open, if the other is too tired) and train your mind; to WAKE UP, irregardless of how tired you may think you are, think of it as being at war and do not surrender. Read your Bible if you are distraught and at all other times it is better than drugs/ BUT REMEMBER it is not your savior, nor is it your judge, rather it is a method to begin a journey into your soul, a description containing directions to follow, and warnings to be honest, seek truth, BE AWARE RESPECT IS A DEMAND, and asks the simple question Awhat is TRUE LOVE, worth to you/ eternity is not a place that can be earned, YOU MUST BELONG THERE!

Do not fear the night, it is not an evil place, rather it is a beginning place, where faith can become real to you. Accept your prayers are heard/ do NOT keep repeating them BELIEVE!

To those who live in damaged bodies, read ACTS 10: 34-43 and know you are not forgotten. Read also 2 CORINTHIANS 11 and remember if your life is like Paul=s perhaps your reward shall be similar to his. MERCY IS MY BLESSING, and it can be/ is yours. Read ROMANS 5; 1-11 Does this Afix a broken body@, the answer is no! Simply, the truth of this world is, there are consequence for every action, for lack of wisdom, for many and varied things, consequence teach people about life and living and ultimately are about freedom, because freedom means decisions have consequences and there is a price to pay for freedom when you are too poorly prepared. If there were no consequences there would be no learning/ therefore the pain and suffering of this world is, THE PRICE OF FREEDOM in the next. Endure as best you can.

Returning to pride, and the creation of fears. The human equivalent of Awinning the game@ is how much money do you have? IS money evil/ the answer is a very definite NO, money is the simple method of exchanging work for possibilities, and needs, these things are not evil but a description of freedom. Because it is a game of life to the participant, the reality of losing can loom very large and money because it is Athe score keeper@ establishes loser (how many can win/ the answer is only one). Here the expectation of being superior or at least equal can become crushed under the weight of unfulfilled wants, and the mind becomes a playground for all manner of Aalternate games@ including the desire to escape reality entirely. DO NOT PLAY GAMES WITH YOUR LIFE!

It is necessary to train the mind, and defend it against reckless thought. The reality is simply this; Areckless thought@ exists as a pattern, rather like a behavior; there is a decision to proceed, But after the initial decision, the mind seems to go where it wants to go. This is inaccurate, as a description, as the pattern actually controls the sequence of Avoices & images@. Patterns consist of triggers which identify directions/ the random or reckless thought, consequently invades memory space (whatever is there) and now invites you, to be the audience. The questions begin with, what are Athe triggers@? The answer is, they are random memories. The mind Aillustrates@ these random memories in dream-like, short sequences, BECAUSE your mind has no focus/ therefore without focus, a state of Asurrender@ of the mind exists. The consequence of surrender is, something else is going to control you! Surrender therefore illicits the control of your personal environment to Awhatever, the mind can do@/ in essence it is telling the mind AI=m going to quit now, please establish any memory pattern desired, BECAUSE I am lonely inside, and this is to be my company@. Memory patterns are the Alinks@ which establish an inner-mind communication network. The difference between the sleeping mind & the focused (alert) mind is the building of the network occurs as a result of focused participation by the person & the repair and strengthening of the network occurs during sleep. Therefore when a person Aquits participating@ the mind uses the time to strengthen the memory networks and the mental experience becomes what seems to be a random and disorganized assault on your very being. In reality it is simply, the programmed response to sleep and inactivity/ BECAUSE you are not using your brain, it is working on its own in your behalf. The problem is not your mind, the problem is you have surrendered your place in life, because you believe you don=t want it anymore. Memories are Aseized moments, want them or not@, therefore they are commonly less than a pleasant experience, it is your RESPONSIBILITY to clean what needs to be cleaned/ it is your mind and only you can evict, throw out, and REFUSE to recognize the triggers which bring them. WAKE UP, and search your mind carefully for the direction this thing came from and stop it by FOCUSING your mind with absolutely no uncertainty, ANOT ME, I WON=T DO THIS@. This is a beginning, but remember it is the freedom of the mind, Athat makes happiness exist@. This is a Ahuman point of view, because the mind (brain) simply translates the experience of environment to the soul.

Pride as the defense of resource depletion, begins as Awe/I can create my own world@. NOTHING is a bigger lie! WE live in this world, upon this earth, as participants NOT Agods@. The reality is simple; LIFE is a gift which we received as a blessing, we are free to use this life BUT anyone who believes Creation is so simple, that rearranging a few things makes you Aa god@, is too stupid for words. Existence begins as recognition! Freedom extends the reality of life as the ability to participate! Happiness it a truth, that we can create our own Ainner world/ ourselves@. The four foundations upon which happiness is built are these: Truth, We, Creation, & World, these are the difference between life and being alive. Examination begins with truth, identified as a door or barrier, truth is the difference between participation and being isolated. There are many truths, but you MUST search / you MUST ask the questions/ you MUST want the answer and pay the price which is RESPECT! The level of truth inside determines your destiny, therefore truth participates in every aspect of life as the fundamental difference between the future and the past. Truth exists as the single factor by which Aaccidents & hardships@ are avoided. The failure to respect & identify truth means, your life will be hard. Therefore truth and the messages of law hidden within truths are critical to the physical and mental experience by maintaining a level of health and freedom from hardships that give us all, time to select for ourselves what is Agood@. Pride destroys all these things by altering existence, Aas selfishness, an expression which means, I alone shall decide what is true.@ The truth is you do not know what is true/ IF you did Then you would know the consequences of failure and you would let truth itself decide.

We, means that people/ other lives of all kinds are very important in our lives, in our happiness. The reality of Atoo much@ solitude, is Aan imprisonment within our own reality@! Here the question presents itself Awhy am I not sufficient within myself@? The answer is simply AWE DON=T appreciate life@! It is here pride takes over, and applies any measure available to demand, Aat least I have it better than them/ therefore my life deserves more@. Pride is then the measure of any/ every man & woman, the difference between who belongs and who doesn=t, according to prestige this is Ayour place@. Pride examined IS the literal reason for prejudice, the fundamental existence of class, and the demand for INEQUALITY. Happiness requires participation in the lives of other creations, this is Alike a rest stop, on the journey called life where we exchange stories and feelings and ask for directions@ all for the purpose created by destiny, which is SIMPLY: the decision to love, to live in harmony with all life/ OR the decision for power, to control and manipulate and take whatever pleases you, this is simply the destruction of all other life, and the outcome will be, as it can clearly be defined here on earth, separation from all other life.

Creation means: The gift of my life is a blessing granted by the one who does love me without asking for more than I am! IF you consider this for a moment in the simple terms of love expressed in me and you, by the miracle of our world, THEN you will see what a wondrous experience life could be and begin to realize simply, Athat we are alive@. Do you truly know the difference between life and death, in human terms? The reality isn=t Aa journey ended@ rather it is a miracle encountered and a destiny, like birth, which we neither see nor feel nor control: like birth, that does not mean it will not be a tremendous experience. PROVE IT IS NOT/ PROVE, you are simply a body/ the limits of your experience are not enough. It is pride which desires to prove such a thing as this, because pride does not want to share, pride does not want anyone else to be equal, how much less does pride admit AI am not god@. This in turn, demands of other life forms Aobey me@ OR I will prove AI am god to you@, here violence begins and hatred occurs, all because no respect exists in you. Alive means, participating in my and or your journey by soul & spirit, because LIFE is a blessing!

World, is the expression used to include everything that affects me or impresses me! This definition explains: AThat I am the center of my own world/ this is pride without boundaries@. The consequence of being Aeverything that is important, even to everyone else/ so far as your concerned@ is again YOU are simply Aplaying god, in your own mind@. YOU are NOT god! The belief that nothing is important but you, your needs, your wants, your family, your job, etc, etc, etc; is that it seems appropriate to you to make decisions based upon these things. IS this wrong? The answer is yes it IS wrong because, the reality of your life, has changed from being alive/to being controlled or controlling! The mind says AI must@, therefore you have the necessary license Ain your mind@ to do whatever you believe is necessary to achieve success (I WANT to be the winner/ life is a game). You have died inside! Because life isn=t a game, LIFE is not about whining, complaining, plotting, planing, or even tiring of living or the rest/ LIFE IS about living as the embodiment of a description beyond belief! Do you have any idea how much of a miracle you are? Did you participate in creating a ADNA molecule for instance, a structure of 6 billion facets, small enough to fit inside a microscopic cell, replicated and transmitted by sexuality into a completely new being with an identity similar to your, for the single purpose of building another human being@, this is Aonly a VERY LIMITED glance, at the microscopic miracles which you are, how much greater are you than this as a reality of form, motion, & thought. Life is not a game/ LIFE is a possibility beyond our understanding and far beyond any true appreciation possible.

The PRIDE called FEAR, is more simply understood as AI have so much, I don=t want to lose anything@. The people of fear will say NO! NO! NO! This is different, this is a war that I must not lose! Therefore in truth fear is a two-sided experience, the first being a measurement of Ahow valued is my life and body/ the second I, must not lose@. The question of pride, meaning to make life a game, is the development of how true is the threat of war. MOST fears are not a war of any kind rather they are games played, because this person does not want change in their lives, because this person can manipulate other people, because this person has expectations of grandeur that they refuse to surrender. Therefore the experience of life is a Awar, that can not be won@, panic attacks occur, surrenders of life and limb occur (yours or someone else=s/ a sacrifice) and a host of other human maladies comparable to disease. Surrender the fear! BELIEVE IN JESUS AND REPENT!

The existence of pride in jealousy is, that jealousy cannot survive without pride/ jealousy is the fear of not being able to compete in the game of domination. The rules of this part of the game of life are very simple: If you are not somebody, then your NOBODY! The reality of the game is, hard work is never enough, therefore someone must have INTERFERED, with your ability to win the game! It is here, that the consequence of it IS somebody else=s FAULT appears: after all you are Apractically perfect@ so it can NOT be your fault, if the trophy ended up in someone else=s hand. The question is who? The answer of the jealous is, anyone who tried Ato enter the game, whether they knew it or not, was making you the loser (you spoke at the wrong time, you were alive at the wrong time, you didn=t read my mind and OBEY my thoughts/ you are evil and deserve to be punished)@. These are all lies, but jealousy is about pride, and if you can=t win then a lie serves the very same purpose/ in your mind. The problem is the people who don=t believe you. The solution is, in a jealous mind to plot & plan & destroy so they never enter Ayour game again. Sound like anyone you know? Pride is the formation of prejudice, and prejudice is the background for hatred, jealousy is merely the fear that someone will see/ you are not Aa god@, after all then you would simply be equal, and that would be very BORING. Bored means I am discontent with my life/ I want to be entertained & I want to be the entertainer. From bored we enter into play fighting, cruel jokes, high-risk endeavors, sexual experimentation, and the game of, AI have more than you have.@ Some people are quite successful at this game, making others Aas a grain of sand beneath my feet@/ these in turn become angry and when, the reality of this arrogance is worse than the possibility of death, a war will begin. The Awinner@ recognizes this and hires Athe weapons@ which he/ she believes will protect them, raising the stakes so to speak. Here all involved turn to alternate behaviors until the burden of selfishness has made the reality Asome of us will die@ a fact that is acceptable. The alternate behaviors are lust (IF I am going to die/ because I want to have this before I die, anyway) the expression of absolute selfishness, which means, that a woman or man or at the lowest form of dysentery (the pitiful lust, for a child) wants only your body and has no concern at all, for the reality of your life. The definition of lust is then, NOT simply sexual actions but sexual exploitation, for personal chemical gratification. The existence of a relationship with more than one partner is not adultery, even though it is not a Agood thing@ unless there is simply no one else to share a life, (life as a adult, allows the inclusion of sex).

The second alternate behavior is greed/ more simply AI WANT YOURS TOO@! This behavior believes since AI=m@ going to die, I deserve all I can get! Do you see all the AI=s@ here, more are added as time goes on. I expect to live well, I deserve happiness, I want a trophy husband or wife or new partner because what good is pride if you can=t SHOW IT OFF? The answer is, the only other value it has is if you can sneak large amounts of money (the things that make me better) away from the others THEN I KNOW I AM THE WINNER, and they are mere dregs of society. This is the extreme of pride, that you throw away life itself and spend eternity swallowed by the darkness of your own soul.

Pride is responsible for much more than this, even so people say Awe should be proud, it is necessary to have pride, and so on@. This is a lie, RATHER believe that your life is your right to be here, that you ARE in every way EQUAL, that poverty or wealth are mere seconds in an eternity that rewards only truth & love. The word reward, does not mean Ayou earned it@/ the reward is life, the reality is harmony, and the demand is RESPECT!