The Chapter: Sexual realities


Like all natural occurrences, sexuality is a spiritual awakening within your soul. More simply it is a recognition that your soul communicates with you, and the initial glimpse of how you perceive it. Sexuality is then AGod-given@ BUT IT IS NOT A TOY!

The words written are as a Asoul of man@ sees it, therefore the woman point of view or actual physical relationship may be slightly different, also nothing written by me is to be considered anything but a male to female, consenting adults (able, willing, and responsible). The disease called homosexual is not about life, but a cancer of the soul/ not concerned with here. Do NOT concern yourself with these, leave them alone: AThey are human, don=t discard them to die alone/ simply leave them alone@. I once began to consider attacking these people, it was made clear to me that Freedom to choose means FREEDOM to choose, therefore simply leave them alone. Don=t look, Don=t ask, Don=t tell, unless someone insists/ then you may speak out.

Sex as love, is irrelevant of the act itself, rather loving sexuality is the experience of entering each others life, politely, and visiting therein without boundaries of any kind. Sexual play is whatever two consenting adults allow, that does not involve long term promises; such as intercourse/ including methods of birth control. Sex Afor fun@ is easily misconstrued as a promise that creates needs and wants far beyond the actual act and as a consequence HURTS the lives of many people/ it is generally wrong, for this reason. Sex for boredom, is the excuse to use someone without recognition that a life is involved/ and it is a sin.

The human relationship of mind & body to soul represents the complex interaction as our relationship with our CREATOR versus the choice between life and the chemicals your body represents. Life is a reward created by order & discipline and so many truths that it can be called nothing less, than a miracle [ALL of life deserves this definition]! To reduce this reality to simple chemical expressions is, Ato remove the miracle@ and call life common & ordinary & of no great importance. DEATH will teach you different. Do not judge, or you to enter the very same Alife is of no great importance definition@ and become subject to its penalty.

Sex therefore defines the existence of serious choices which you must make, the reality of being that lives are to be affected for good or bad. Sexual play may be considered as Athe honor of sharing the existence of your life, in friendship@. This is not an excuse Ato get naked@, rather this is a caring that extends to warmth of a human touch to an individual who DOES IN FACT, NEED SUCH A TOUCH, without cost to them. The purpose is that he/ she may escape from the harsh realities of living alone for a time, and feel supported in their struggles with life. Intercourse is not play/ intercourse is a promise beyond friendship, a place where lovers seek forever, in each others soul/ these words reflect the need for love, quieted by the friendship of each others warmth, the happiness of each others spirit, and the comfort shared by true care. The definition of marriage is among humanity a legal arrangement/ the definition of marriage through the spirit is Abecoming as one@/ these are not the same. Therefore MOST marriages that occur today are sacrilegious events which bear consequences. The question is not one of Amarriage@ in a church, but in the heart. The beginning of sexual companionship as lovers, is the realization that needs have arose in each other and compassion asks Awhat can I do for you/ not what can you do for me@! The beginning is peace through the honesty of a loving touch. Here the trust of a sharing relationship is born, honoring the belief that, AI am safe in your warmth, I am rescued by your love, and I am free in your soul@. Here is the first complication of love: that GOD IS FIRST rather than another human being. The reality is again, if you fail here, then you become dependent upon wisdom rather than soul. ONLY in the SOUL, can true love survive. Read 1 Corinthians 13 to hear a Agood@ description of what human love should be. The words should represent a search for Acleanliness of mind and spirit@. Life is a miracle and love Ais the part, freedom allows you to willingly share@. This is a relationship with your heart, the place where you decide who has value and why. A sexual relationship created by love is an experience of wonder & joy, it is allowed by spiritual freedoms and interactions which remove inhibitions and create a playground here love represents the joy of true harmony with each other. Harmony means 2 become 1. This is not a description for the Afaint-hearted or fearful@ rather truth decrees if you are unprepared or uncertain, the door into this place will close against you/ lost because this is a journey beyond yourself, and failure means only mercy can bring you back. Both must be TRUE because only GOD can grant this experience.

The question arises Why is this so serious? The answer is no one enters within someone else=s soul or grants entry into their own without true respect from each other. Respect means, love, life, death, & everything in between can be a consequence of your specific actions & decisions only true love which includes the removal of all fears, is welcome here, Aas family@.

Among people, touch & heat represent an acceptance of each other, easing each others struggle as separate Identities. Sex allows life to seem AI am not alone@ and thereby heals the loneliness in many hearts. Sex is not a bad thing rather sex is the experience of a different understanding, a different way of living, and therefore it changes selfishness (for some), into Athe world is more than just me@.

Sex is a variety of things to humanity; a playground to many, just a game of winners & losers to others, a drug to some, and so on. Truth says sexuality is actually a tool, a method of evidence gathering which asks: Do you accept me, do we accept each other/ Do you share and care about me and my needs, or just about yourself/ Can you walk with me, and more? Sexuality may also be a thank you Afor touching my heart@ and reminding me of the miracle of life, and what sharing is. Sex as a physical act also evidences Athe intensity of lust, and the evil in a heart@/ as a reality this is an attempt Ato rob the soul, and destroy your life (at every encounter, a payment is due)@.

Sexuality created by loneliness, is the intensity of a need and the reality of a fear (I am AFRAID, my life threatens me)! LOVE asks you: why are you so lonely, love is a GIFT OF GOD, that exists inside of YOU, in this very second. Why do you not accept this gracious gift, this very MIRACULOUS ACOMPANY@. Open your heart means, Ato take down the barricades, and open the doors to your soul & your life, and be free/ YOU CAN DO THIS, simply abandon your fears! If you make a mistake, learn and begin again!

When true love and honest respect for each other journey at least for a time in each other between a man and a woman, sexuality does become love. It means the journey shared is the reality of a romance in bloom. Romance is the appreciation of each other without boundaries, it is Asouls without restraint for each other@. A romance in bloom means: Athat as an adult (preferably 19 years or older) we have paid for this freedom, with the work of a lifetime and a body, and mind that can accept the responsibility of what a true romance does mean. To become without restraint for each other, is to become completely vulnerable to each other/ if something fails between you, Athe reality will be like a death, and some do not survive@/ therefore romance is a very serious matter, and you must BOTH BE prepared fully to accept it, or it shall hurt you both! BE HONEST WITH EACH OTHER, if any lie exists, if any unwillingness to share exists, then this is a bad idea at this time. There are always young people who will insist Athey are ready, and jump off a cliff to prove it@/ consider this statement instead: premature sex created by the want of love, will steal Ahalf your heart@, when it fails. OR you or this partner may grow cold, unwilling to participate anymore, therefore a life and a lifetime are damaged or changed, sexuality is not a game!

It may be said, anything less than intercourse is Ajust adult play@/ understand this is your decision, no one makes it for you, BUT before you do, be aware, REALITY CAN BITE YOU, BE CAREFUL! The phrase Aadult play@ means: we are prepared to accept the consequences of our actions/ we believe no one else shall be hurt by this action/ and the needs met are greater than the consequences of not showing compassion for each other.

AS AGE begins to change the purpose of sex to the desire for children REMEMBER THIS: with a child many lives are at risk/ CHILDREN NEED THEIR PARENTS, and children need security and especially YOUR TIME AND CONCERN IN THEIR LIVES.

    1. Children are not toys
    2. Children are Anot to make you happy/ you are to help them, not they you@
    3. Children are not your security blanket or your passport into someone else=s life
    4. Children are not your life Aliving on@.
    5. Children are not your reincarnation/ give them room to grow into their own identity.
    6. Children are not your burden/ PREPARE FIRST!
    7. Children are not EVER TO BE ABUSED! They are not your property, They are not your slaves, and they are not your toys.
    8. Children are a BLESSING
    9. Children are not a tool, for capturing a spouse (this is very wrong)!
    10. CHILDREN ARE LOVE, captured in time,

Orphan means LOVED BY GOD, it is TRUE!

The question of every orphan is why me? The answer is; because freedom allows us to choose, there are consequences. The reality of intervention by GOD does mean Athe end has come@. Be as brave as you can be and choose life.

Child to parent: help me, love me, respect me, & teach me what I need to know to survive and be happy. Reality knows, the child must practice what he or she has learned, therefore some friction is applied to see Ahow this works@. REMEMBER THIS; any freedom that kills or cripples is not acceptable Aprotect me, for I do not know@.

Parent to child: respect me/ us, remember me/ us, and please LOVE HONESTLY! As a parent, we/I are more than a friend, we/ I share & care and support you with our lives, our work, our money, and our hopes for you! Discipline is a friend because it applies order to your life, and order allows truth to be your friend instead of your enemy! Family does mean Atogether we go@, BUT the one who pays the bill, does have the final say: this is only fair!

Simple biology is not a Abill or sale (receipt)@ rather it does mean first, not final. To be a true parent means, AI have chosen with my heart/ I will freely give of myself/ I have prepared & I am ready@! The heart says AI want to be with you, and the soul agrees@, life is an opportunity measured in time, a possibility created through miracles. Those who portray emotion, as their Agift to the child@ are liars, emotion is Aa fight or a surrender, an intent to do whatever it takes to win@/ this is about trophies NOT children.

The questions of abuse of a child, can be perceived in Aletters to the child@ a demand of the court, admissible in court/ written by the parent, for the child, within the confines of a court. These words are about why, and for the safety of a child must be answered. Beware that some write well and some not well at all/ however love & truth exist in Astatements of the heart@, lies and dishonor are revealed in temptations and flattery: listen with your heart, but judge only when the evidence is completely clear.

The practice of all types of fertility mean: the donation of the egg, is not Athe work@, therefore not the mother. The male knew he had sex, therefore custody shall not be given after adoption/ the child belongs to the adoptees, pay attention or lose. No child may be used as a symbol, a toy, a present, a pawn, or any other measure of adult passion/ this is a LIFE and disputes may never last beyond a reasonable time period: this means separate courts strictly for these purposes (90 days are enough for the entire process period). IF you can=t say it within ninety days, it simply does not need to be said!

The practice of making the male pay irregardless of any other consideration is wrong! Many times it is by the will of the female that the child appears. All manner of deception, has been known to be used simply to entangle the male/ the female does bear primary responsibility, because she is in this day capable of choosing to have the child or not, by birth control not abortion. A child is born, it is true/ a wrong committed is probably also true, less often by the male, the reality of payment should be made according to the evidence, through the use of social security of each biological contributor (their social security, for old age, diminishes to the minimum level).

The reality of a demand to return the baby, after an adoption has occurred: does develop around the work actually done. For the first year, IF the biology can prove competence, and conclusively prove AI/ we made a mistake, which we/I will never make again THEN biology wins, the adoptive parents may choose to be first in line to try again, at any time in the next 5 years. After one year is over the adoptive parent shall Asurrender the child only if they so choose@.

The questions of an older child capable of making a decision belong A49% to the child 51% to the court, but the court shall hold to Aequality not prestige shall decide@.

The separation caused by divorce and subsequent endangerment of the child, shall be viewed as Aa parental war (war means they know someone is going to get hurt before they do this)@. Therefore the court may impart strict guidelines, beginning with shared custody, a maximum distance between households of no more than 1mile (IF work requires it not more than 400 miles, for any reason/ get a different job) ; if two households in the same neighborhood are unaffordable then both shall move. YOU wanted children YOU wanted this relationship, therefore the children come first/ the money is to be shared, no matter who makes it. IF YOU WERE YOUR CHILD/ IF YOU STOOD IN HIS OR HER SHOES/ THEN WHAT WOULD BE, as fair as possible to you! Instead be advised, that the failure to appreciate your own child means AYOU have stolen praise from GOD, in a very literal sense/ this is a VERY SERIOUS REALITY, and you are hereby warned : Do not leave children.

A rape means NO LOVE here, therefore birth control within 30 days is Aa suitable reality@, use it! To the rapist Ahell waits for you/ REPENT QUICKLY!@