The history of Aman@/ the Bible says little of women


Man is created/ man is bored/ man & woman MAKE A CHOICE / man & woman LIE/ then a punishment occurs.

People again grow accustomed to their new surroundings and then grow bored/ people decide Afighting, sex, & violence are amusing past-times. The question is why? The answer sex becomes a game rather than sharing or caring/ it is winning or losing; the consequence is fighting which leads to jealousy which then turns to violence and hiding.

People are judged, because love, the respect necessary for harmony in life becomes lost and with it all possibility of being more than an animal.

Noah and his family and the animals/ creatures are saved, because he apparently had love. Some revel in discounting this historic flood/ They laugh at all the evidence and ridicule life, because they are Agods@ to themselves. The evidence is the grand canyon (an enormous drainage ditch) this required an extreme amount of water to create, not simply time but water. All the fuel oil gas and coal is known to be buried plants and animals/ creatures; (these had to be buried together), at one time, and because of the consistency of their placements within the earth the deposits may be viewed as a global disaster caused this much death. The sedimentary layers of the earth are separated materials (layers) easily replicated by controlled water movements/ these are known to be complimentary to each other throughout the earth, and no other method, not time not wind (these do not separate layers) can produce them only a tremendous flood. The layers of sediment lacking at the bottom of the ocean prove a relationship to time (does the dirt, put itself back on land) rather sediment transfer through rivers into the ocean occurs at a predictable rate for all but the last 200 years or so, as machines begin to move mountains, and the sediment record does not testify to billions or millions or hundreds of thousands of years BUT tens of thousands of years. Flow patterns distribute sediment, indicating massive whirlpool like effects, and a volcanic seam clearly indicated at the bottom of the Atlantic ocean could easily create 40 days of rain and a resultant rise in water levels (the people, lived in one area only). PROVE this evidence is lacking. If a giant tidal wave did encompass the earth as some people propose, only a large planetary mass moving close to the earth=s orbit could accomplish it (some propose a Aplanet x@ exists). The problem with this theory is sediment distribution. PROVE THESE THINGS false, or you must accept their conclusions or be a liar.

People find RESPECT at least for a time, and religion is born to help them realize life is more than simple physical survival. Unfortunately humanity decides religion is their Agenie in a bottle@ and again fall down the hole, (begin to hide) by creating all manner of worries/ this is propagated through stories and then separated as some believe this and others believe that and some refuse to believe anything, and then war becomes known because now Religion has become a Agod@ who gives the right/ therefore these are wrong.

Religion now becomes a human sacrifice with people in charge to command Agod demands this@, even though it is their minds which fear or want this control over people (through religion social structures are born, to separate the people even more). NOW it has become possible to enslave people without really supporting them, governments occur.

JESUS IS A PERSON OUR SAVIOR, BY THE GRACE OF GOD, who comes into the world, and tears the fabric of religion and its demand of sacrifice, and takes away the power of the leadership of religion, by revealing to the world (through his disciples, and servants, and miracles) that TRUE LOVE is not a religion/ TRUE LOVE IS A DECISION AND A TREASURE WORTH MORE THAN LIFE. JESUS stripped the authority of the religious, and changed the method of interaction with the leadership by rejecting them and even his own LIFE, (NO power to alter his life, was allowed ONLY death). JESUS DID RISE FROM THE DEAD, no other explanation exists for the reality of FAITH, that does exist even now. Many will ridicule this statement/ some will accept it, the evidence comes with FAITH!

Here then begins the question of life; what happens when you die? What happens as you live?

The answer to both is the Reality of knowledge changes you. Here many, many people will growl and say how can knowledge be important when your dead?

A beginning is this: That we are the reality of thought defined as a body in motion, everything you see, feel, think, etc IS a product of thought, or in terms of simpler forms of life the reality of a reaction governed by pain and need. The relationship to thought we experience is not as an intellect or mind/ Rather our relationship is as life itself to the existence of the true composition of soul rather than body. Body is the expression of time created by the truth of our presence in this form/ Soul is the existence of life known to be as a gift (we did not create ourselves/ or our ability to recreate children), therefore the beginning as well as the end exists within the environment and boundaries called thought. ARE YOU a calamity of errors/ were you evolved from Abacteria@ (over billions of years of course)/ why weren=t you eaten? If you think so, where is the proof/ an association by similarity is not proof.

The question then becomes do you accept what is credible evidence as a participation in reality through truth/ Do you seek wisdom which is the opportunity for love & life or Do you lie to yourself and others and say nothing but Amy pleasures@ matter to me (you cannot survive simply by luxuries/ people must be killed to sustain this life so that rape & pillage can occur) or Do you abuse others believing Athese have no value to me@ ( loneliness consumes many people) or Do you expect hatred to solve all your problems (AI@ will kill them all)? We are the designers of our future, by the definitions of our past it is the measure of truth within which you and as a consequence we, participate in that determines our destinies together/ THIS is a relationship to thought, and as thought clearly IS REQUIRED to FORM ORDER AND DISCIPLINE AND SO MUCH MORE, then thought preceded our bodies (can you duplicate DNA/ RNA structure) then how did Ayour bacteria@ evolve you?


Nothing is so personal as dying/ nothing is so extreme/ nothing is so permanent or so completely without our consent. The question is why? The answer is completed, by the truth, that our bodies simply are not capable of eternal life! UNDERSTANDING THIS SAY, BE GRATEFUL even for death. But humanity says, Athis is, my familiar home@. Wisdom says; you cannot become a true part through love, of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER unless you trust HIM. LOVE therefore means through FAITH, AI give my soul to YOU@! NO person on earth is worthy of this honor/ remember that.

To give your soul means the love that is true in your soul, represents & IS the very best that is real about you. Death is an escapement of the body, which means ONLY WHAT IS TRUE shall survive. Love is a key that opens the prison of our soul, here on earth and allows truth to come forth/ those who hide, because fears overcome them must remain prisoners forever, (which means until the energy dissipates). Read psalms 139 in the Bible, it is good for you. Truth exhibits itself as knowledge & understanding yet it is not so simple as that, rather truth is the existence of a reality defined by harmony with all things. Death is not only a door, but a test which shall teach YOU, exactly who you are truly. LOVE IS AN HONOR, because love represents the wisdom of harmony, in living and the acceptance of life and its reward, through RESPECT! NOTHING is more important than RESPECT! The soul teaches you Aeverything good comes from GOD@, if you listen, Then your CREATOR shall be part of your life, as respect allows it to be, through love and defined in this life and the next through JESUS! Those who accept JESUS through faith, receive the realization of what true love means in their hearts, this becomes apparent in their actions and their words, and a journey begins. The journey is destiny, and the destination is soul. Soul becomes the identity which transforms selfishness into family, the recreation of life through love into a participation and presence of honor & hope & courage & strength &sharing & caring & true respect. These Athings@ JOIN and become an environment and Ayou@ may now stand at the door called eternity. Eternity is governed by Aenegy@ and no one enters without permission. PRAY THAT YOU MAY ENTER! JESUS IS THE DOOR!

The question arises; should we look forward to death?

The answer returns; always be prepared, not searching , not wanting, simply ready. In death, take whatever position you are offered/ FAILURE to do this is DISRESPECTFUL and it means MUCH LESS shall be given to you. This is only the first step, into true freedom.

LOVE can never be Aa measurement@ anymore/ LOVE is to become, the presence of all creation within you & me!

Many will say Aby what right does this person write these things@? The answer is, the truth does not need permission, search your soul. A few will argue Awhat is truth@! The answer is: if your CREATOR does not cause your own soul to condemn itself, then mercy has taught you truth/ Much knowledge means simply great mercy has been received!