The power to say NO! IT IS, greater than you think. when we are 8 billion people saying the same thing. NO MORE GAMBLING WITH OUR LIVES, OR OUR WORLD! The foundation of all human activities, is want/ everything you do, everything you don’t do; is basically a reality governed...
the evidence
THE EVIDENCE, against university theory! The sun produces energy by consuming atomic fuels. We know that is true, because we know no other energy source known to humanity can sustain that long term expenditure of energy. Reality proves it is so/ when gambling the fate of everything on earth: we...
the theories of your crucifixion
The theories upon which universities and governments have declared: they know enough, to gamble every life on this planet/ every future life/ the planet itself/ and even this solar system. Because if they are wrong: the ignition of sun fire here on earth, does not extinguish itself, means/ our planet...
searching for love
Searching for love; the quest that is eternal. Love is, the singular essence of a value that can only be shared freely, and without cost or restraint beyond truth. What is true always governs reality, as truth alone gives us the knowledge to survive. Therefore it is a “cost of...
searching for YOU
Searching for YOU: the foundation of humanity, within us all/ unless hate owns your soul. After a forty plus years of working to establish a reality with life/ rather than the fantasies of a “university knows everything cult”. The following is true: you hide from the truth, when it is...
searching for happiness
Happiness is: the elemental acceptance of life itself, as the blessing of an existence which allows you, to be you. HAPPINESS is directly tied to hope, without hope there is no happiness. Without a destiny, or at least a journey, formed from desire, there is no hope. Therefore we search...
searching for peace
IT IS, elementally necessary: to understand how change of a society or world can and will affect your own life/ and your own future/ and your own child! While in contrast to that is, the clear and certain knowledge as is proven by the evidence of threat that there literally...
searching for life
Searching for life! A reality few succeed well in. To search for anything, the foundation which begins the effort is: to identify, and define, what it is that you seek! If we examine our reality, the conclusion is: the value of a lifetime, will be erased; unless it is true,...
protected or cult worship
Changed means: that all the tragedies lined up and waiting to be released against life itself, must end. One of the most blatant realities of “Satanism”; is the biological weapon. When released, Armageddon (the body horrified) becomes real. With extreme arrogance, pride, and the desire to play games, fueling leadership...
the law is
The law is: that every life shall die/ there are no exceptions. Eternity then comes, to be whatever it shall be. So the question is: what is life/ what is death/ and what can that eternity be? While you may fear death, and try to hide from it: every single...