living talk 1

The living talk  #1 In the reality of male and female: the most consist conception of our time is, that male basically lives by floating in a river. That flow enables his life to encounter numerous things, but to get rest from the work, he must fight his way to...

life talk 4

Life talk #4 The spirit inside “bids me, to go a little further”. The passage between life and death, is littered with the fallen. The animals say; that don't matter/ as death is the end of our time, to be alive. BUT a human life, beyond the existence of body;...

life talk #3

Life talk  #3 The expression of life, is thought/ but the experience of living is by energy: each must contribute to identity an essence called life. So the building of our existence, is regulated by what we “think/ as is the function of desire”/ and what we do or cannot...

life talk 2

Life talk #2 DESTINY, is a decision created by your purpose in living; conceived by the desire of your heart; and constructed through the grace of your soul joined to life itself, through Creation. Therefore destiny must be built/ while fate is merely the end result of consequences, you chose...

life talk , 1

My world, is governed by the realities: don't believe (that is want imagined)/ instead search for truth, accept the evidence will determine your decision; as is faith. Don't trust (opening the door to your heart)/ until truth itself has identified what the future will become; only love has value, but...

the march of humanity

The march of humanity, from cradle to grave. We begin simple enough, “with a moment of freedom”/ expressed as the possibilities through a human body of life. Nothing is simple or accidental about that body, or the life it represents. Instead the complexity is literally so extreme, our ability to...

value and grace

Value and grace, the things lacking the most in human existence/ because you are lost in want, drowning in pride, and destroying existence on earth simply because you refuse to pay for life!  To your eternal shame. Life demands:  balance, dignity, truth, trust, discipline, courage, order, love, respect, acceptance of...

to grow a soul

To grow a soul;  is the duty of every human life! Some would argue, this is impossible, or this is hypocrisy, or religious, or whatever; because they want to believe soul means, “without responsibilities/ a gift without cost”. Not true, because soul does mean:  the opportunity to form a relationship...

CHANGE or die

Our world CANNOT survive as it has been/ there are NO resources that will allow any further continual attacks by men:  so that they may simply discard the future, and take whatever they can or wish to take! That fact, leaves us with the clear and distinct construction of a...

the elements of men

The elements of man:  identifying the traits that keep life in society the same. Functionally that would mean to isolate and define the substance, lies, disciplines, wants, betrayal, and various fundamentals that do not allow change. We begin with the most simple of things:  men war, because what men want...