
Confronted by what do you believe; an example of American truths is the new embassy in Great Briton: one billion dollars to house a few people. One billion dollars is ten dollars spent, per each one of one hundred million people. Or simply “they stole your lunch money”/ because the university led rebellion can’t stand:    “not pretending, they look like they are gods (rich, because they made you poor on purpose)”. Like so many things they do! All for the single purpose of bankrupting us all/ which they have done;  because you let them.

Military Spending in the United States. In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion.

U.S. Spent $5.6 Trillion on Wars Since 9/11, More Than Three Times …

Nov 10, 2017 – “The U.S. wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the increased spending on homeland security and the departments of defense, state and veterans affairs since the 9/11 attacks have cost more than $4.3 trillion in current dollars through fiscal year 2017,” explained Crawford. “Adding likely costs …

The U.S. has been hit by two giant hurricanes. Here’s the financial toll ……/index.html

Sep 10, 2017 – Hurricane Harvey decimated parts of Texas and damaged southwest Louisiana when it hit the region late last month, destroying billions of dollars worth … He expected that $65 billion of that amount will be insured losses, and that $40 billion will need to be covered by the National FloodInsurance Program.

Facts + Statistics: U.S. catastrophes | III – Insurance Information Institute

Insured losses due to natural disasters in the United States in 2016 totaled $23.8 billion, according to Munich Re, more than the $16.1 billion total for 2015. Severe thunderstorms losses, at $14 billion, accounted for about 60 percent of the 2016 insured losses. Floods and flash floods accounted for $4.3 billion in insured …

Retail Apocalypse: 21 big retailers closing stores in 2017 | Fox Business…/retail-apocalypse-20-big-retailers-closing-stores-in-2017.html

Sep 19, 2017 – Toys R’ Us bankruptcy: Is this a retail apocalypse? Toys R’ Us has filed for bankruptcyright before the holiday shopping season, becoming the latest brick-and-mortar retailer to fall victim to the growth of e-commerce and discount stores. More than 300 companies have filed for bankruptcy in 2017 … so far, …

Search Results

Understanding Bankruptcy: How to File & Qualifications –

The American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) did a study of PACER stats (public court records) from 2016 and found that 95.5% of the 499,909 Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases decided that year were discharged, meaning the individual was no longer legally required to pay the debt. Only 22,388 cases were dismissed, meaning the …

Understand Your Bankruptcy … · ‎Cost to File Bankruptcy · ‎Credit · ‎Tax

This is the No. 1 reason Americans file for bankruptcy – USA Today…/personalfinance/2017/05/…bankruptcy/101148136/

Medical debt is the No. 1 source of personal bankruptcy filings in the U.S., and in 2014, an estimated 40% of Americans racked up debt resulting from a medical issue. … This is the No. 1 reason Americans file for bankruptcy. Maurie Backman, The Motley Fool Published 4:02 p.m. ET May 5, 2017 .

Largest bankruptcies. The largest bankruptcy in U.S. history occurred on September 15, 2008, when Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. filed for Chapter 11 protection with more than $639 billion in assets.

United States GDP | 1960-2017 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast …

The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the United States was worth 18569.10 billion US dollars in 2016. The GDP value of the United States represents 29.95 percent of the world economy. GDP in the United States averaged 6770.94 USD Billion from 1960 until 2016, reaching an all time high of 18569.10 USD Billion in …

Americans in the top 1 percent tower stunningly higher. They average over 40 times more income than the bottom 90 percent. But that gap pales in comparison to the divide between the nation’s top 0.1 percent and everyone else.

Income Inequality –

What were some of the effects of the stock market crash of 1929?

The stock market crash of 1929 was not the sole cause of the Great Depression, but it did act to accelerate the global economic collapse of which it was also a symptom. By 1933, nearly half of America’s banks had failed, and unemployment was approaching 15 million people, or 30 percent of the workforce.

Stock Market Crash of 1929 – Facts & Summary –

The Depression hit hardest those nations that were most deeply indebted to the United States, i.e., Germany and Great Britain. In Germany, unemployment rose sharply beginning in late 1929, and by early 1932 it had reached 6 million workers, or 25 percent of the work force.

Causes and Consequences of the Great Depression – dummies…/causes-and-consequences-of-the-great-depression/

The stock market crash. The stock market soared … But when the market crashed in late October 1929, they were forced to pay up on stocks that were worth far less than what they had paid for them. Many had borrowed to buy … Whatever the causes, the consequences of the Great Depression were staggering. In the cities …

The reality of stock market operations is:  that this gambling arena works, because people want “free money”. Like all gambling, there is no free money “for the vast majority/ because the game is rigged. Or more correctly, the people who own “the house” can intervene at any time, and change the rules “so to speak”.

In real terms it works like this: in the past, the price was consistently determined by the volume of sales. The more people who were buying any particular stock meant “soon the price would go up”/ because of more demand. So to make money, you really only needed to know the volume, and get in at an appropriate time.  Today the stock market is controlled by computers, with deliberate programs to spy on you. As in they know what your selling positions are. What you debt ratios is. When you buy and what; or more distinctly everything they want to know about each investor. The large investor uses that information to identify when they sell or buy.

The reality of stock is very simple: it has almost nothing to do with the actual company/ because valuations have nothing to do with reality. It is the name, or base profiles of the company that most people buy into. Whatever the herd wants, I want that too; “cause we can’t all be wrong”. Or more simply the price of a stock is dependent entirely upon how many buyers want to own it/ and that, to the majority of investors:  has nothing or very little to do with actual company earnings or assets. Buy the rumor (it might)/ sell the gossip (I heard).

Some investment groups hold one trillion dollars in assets:  which means they can manipulate the market at any time they choose.  Buying volume to make the stock look good. Selling the price, to gather their winnings, at your loss. You don’t stand a chance. And yet the people say “I am a winner”/ because they accumulated numbers, that have absolutely no real attachment to any reality.  The pyramid scheme works:  because the bottom layers never try to spend the money “they want more”. When they feel like they have money they can spend/ then the entire scheme collapses. Because reality does not adhere to any fantasy illusions. Numbers don’t matter/ reality by its own truth does.

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Jim Osterbur

One Comment

  1. fed – Just Talking

    […] A derivative is a security with a price that is dependent upon or derived from one or more underlying assets. The derivative itself is a contract between two or more parties based upon the asset or assets. Its value is determined by fluctuations in the underlying asset. […]

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