

Quote:  first look into the future/ then decide for the day!  “James Frank Osterbur. The elements of change that are needed for the future to survive, are long and complex; because the damage done by humanity, in an endless search for “want (nothing is more important than me) and pride...


THE “circular life”. Or, more simply what is “religious satan in humanity”? In its most limited context: The term satan refers too, “what influences humanity into doing something the others find to be evil, destructive, complete selfishness, or without regard for life or its dignity.” What is far more important...


The SHADOW, of a life.  More, than you think possible! More distinctly, this is the development of what our decisions look like, behind the realities of what we do. Rather like a shadow, these hide behind what is illuminated by the light. The question is:  can we, or can we...


Time is a special thing, a reality so measured:  that we believe it is the essence of our lives. In contrast to that, are the elements of true life, beyond self: where the function of our reality is to prove that love is a destiny without end. Those who hate,...


Let us examine the ways of your cult, the university is god! We do have to keep this very simple; as those without a brain; just won’t keep up! It is absolutely clear, that the university educated have taken over this nation called America. A religion with such reach, primarily...


Let us conceive of, “the price of life”/ no, it is not for free! The discipline of that statement is: LIFE REQUIRES, the control of ENERGY to exist. Far more than it needs a body to consider as its home. In terms of order, the control of energy comes first!...

death reviewed

Let us review death. Ultimately death is the end of time, or more specifically the removal of body as your “interface” with the freedoms, and your decisions;  to do whatever you please with that body of life. Therefore death is, as it is proven to be: the end of body/...

too bad

The reality of things Of the many foundations in behavior amongst life on this earth is: which ever herd is bigger, will rule the day. The constant of that is obvious:  when resources become scarce, somebody has to go! Therefore whosoever has the better weapons, and the most bodies that...


“Every man” says, when confronted with change: “I DON’T WANT, what I DON’T WANT”. Just change this a tiny bit, to keep it going/ and leave me alone; I don’t want what I don’t want/ PERIOD, end of story. Damnit to hell, leave me alone. And if you continue, there...


The reality of our time is quite simple, all the evidence of what has been done to create threats against all life on earth add up to:   our lives/ our planet/ your children/ everything; can be lost in just a few minutes, and will be unless we change these truths....