

I, James Frank Osterbur;  am the sole author, originator, and owner of the works you have chosen to view. Granted in that statement is the assertion of something worth consideration by you, has been given for your own elevation of truth within; or in contrast to that, the assertion most...


THE FOUNDATION OF A NEW, AS IN BETTER DEMOCRACY; is determined by who makes the law. When we the people make our own laws, as one vote per citizen on the laws which will rule over our lives, our world, and our freedoms/ we gain control. A vote for someone...

to escape

IF we were to escape, all the massive threats that arrogance, disrespect, stupidity, fantasy, failure, foolishness, whoring, cowardice, and everything else the university knows religion did bring! THEN we would in fact have to deal with ourselves, as a reality of too many people, living in a too crowded world,...


In the catastrophe that is a university mind, one of the most prevalent sayings is, that this planet and its sun is at least a billion years old. It is clearly defined by those who believe in evolution and ancient dating methods/ their assertion is “all things have been the...