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To survive, this world MUST find happiness/ rather than the effluent that is pride. I win is limited to self/ whereas I lose, creates revenge, loss, depression, suicide, and a variety of problems which include fundamental criminal causes. Pride is an enemy, much like power. HAPPINESS is governed by the...


One of the many constants in human life is: the rich man always says, “if this is going to cost me (ten cents), I didn’t expect to pay/ then I am mad”. Which leads to a wide variety of responses, some criminal, some not; for the purpose of making more...


The lawless; are ANY group of people who believe they are so far superior in their intellect, that we have no basis whatsoever to question them, or their beliefs. The are lawless, because the law has no intellect (no reason for being) other than truth/ and truth does not care....


Lessons exist, in the elemental reality of “my own damaged ears”. The result of a “relationship with wants”. Dad bought a cab for a tractor, that he did not want to invest any more money in. So he found one, from a lawsuit; that the implement dealer had been paid...


The university curse is: “that this is the age of man”. More simply, they describe themselves as “the new gods of earth”. And they have set into motion: complete chaos in nature/ energy experiments to ignite atoms, of this earth on fire/ poisoned or destroyed, the water supplies/ tampered with...


There are three distinct elements to redress of grievances as a democracy. The first establishes, that this shall not be as if a ruler or king decides for us/ no single citizen or group/ not even our employees shall call the nation to defend itself. INSTEAD, we the people are...

the ad

BY LEGAL TRIAL, #_______________ In the state of Illinois/ the nation called “United States of America”/ for the sake of our world. The value and reality by legal democratic authority, the decision to be made is: SHALL, WE THE PEOPLE, allow our earth, our nature, our future, and our lives;...


Every theory the “university elite” have presented in terms of the sun; and its heat generation: is an unproven/ unsubstantiated/ guess. Without any support from reality, other than “it’s a ten million degree F. heat source with up to 12 million mile long solar flares of heat energy.  in contrast to...

simple things

Do not judge me, that is unworthy of us both. Judge only truth, and identify the reality of evidence: so that your own heart will decide, and your own soul will change, to save our world. No one can do that for you: it is YOUR personal decision/ nothing less...


Love, is the passionate embrace of truth. That truth then sets us free to experience “the world beyond ourselves”. I have encountered the world of men; the “elements of women”; to discover these simple things. We all know what loneliness is, even though to widely different degrees. We all know...