

Time lives in the disciplines of “my/your, hope”. Not because movement is determined by hope, but because creation itself is defined by the disciplines of existence, as hope identifies the participants involved. Hope exists, because we share “a moment” with creation. In that moment, the disciplines of design, the absolute...


this is the last real financial statement of value produced by those employees in US government. https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/z1/20150611/accessible/l5.htm  


The reality of our lives is very plain; without true change we all die/ with true change we might survive as a planet of life; just maybe. True change justifies everything that we need to do in order to protect the planet and all its life from extinction. NO MORE,...


The curse of propaganda and the vile nature of an incessant plague, to attack and disgrace the people who built this American society, by destroying its foundations/ cursing its children/ and controlling its people “from a video screen”. Religious indoctrination is a disease of the mind, that forms around the...


Of life, and death, and spirit; the essence of our discovery, that leads then to life “I care” or death “I refuse to care”. In the valuation of life and living is the certainty, that we are neither a mass without choices/ nor a death without loss of those choices....


Race, the constant battle of one group trying to get superiority over the other groups/ by any means possible. So that it is clear and simple to understand: I regard all sections or subsections to each species of life as inherently valuable to the whole. It is exactly like the...


It seems I have not dealt sufficiently with the laws that need to be changed, and the format required to change the direction of society or world. The rules, are then these: if you do not seek justice, respect, reality, truth, disciplined freedoms, orderly conduct, balanced acceptance, fair play, and...


It occurs to me, that I have not given enough writing, with regard to JESUS: the very essence, of life proven beyond the limits of death. Throughout this earth, humanity constantly believes, and conceives of every criminal act: by assuming “there will be no consequences for me”. That lie, enlarged...


It occurs to me, that I have not given a proper moment of time, for ending the disciplines and relationship that brought the final product of this work into existence. By definition, that would be the end result of “a spiritual woman and me”. The simple summary is: that roughly...


I remind you of this: that whether you love me or hate me/ I am utterly irrelevant to the reality of whether you live or die/ whether life survives with the least mutilation possible/ the planet survives or not; and all the other threats that are plainly by the evidence...