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People worship guns, because they cannot fight/ or they cannot fight the group; but the gun can. So possession of a gun makes them less of a coward/ and gives them the confidence to get into trouble; because the gun is going to save them from “hell”. Then you have...


As we summarize the ending of this work once again; the reality is very simple. Threats of extinction surround us all, and I have made that as clear as possible for anyone with a working brain. Unfortunately the entire purpose of every cult is to remove the working brain, and...


To accomplish change, we do need to ask: why are men and women not better friends, in all but a tiny few relationships? The primary causes would be: they do not view each other as equals, but as “the opposite sex”. Which then provides the illusion of want. Want being,...


The rights, realities, composition, and purposes of sexual decision and its aftermath. Unlike the constant delusion that is “university knows”/ the reality of sex in the relationships between male and female are not simply chemicals. Even in the realm of animals, it is more than that/ until the brain no...


The core beginning of every human behavior is want. There is nothing else so pervasive and so destructive as is what you want/ or what you don't want. Which then causes you to measure and judge each other with pride; as life is turned into a game, to defeat the...


Love is an endless journey, into the creation of what we can be as one. NOT because we are the only ones that matter, but because family is the decision to include all of life itself, as our home. That expression matters, because it is the experience of us all,...

facing truth

As I search for the values which you will recognize as necessary to understand; the constant is, that you want what you want, and nothing is going to change that until you are forced to accept the consequences you do not want. Only then, as history does prove, are you...


In the question of our existence, comes a few simple details: there is life/ there is death: and everything in-between those two boundaries is either body or time. A human being alive, is frightening to both predator and prey; because being human is greater than being an animal. A human...


The creation of an elemental mind: one that develops through the purposes of a mob (I want, what I want), rather than an individual constructed by the desire of life, which is to be truly “alive”. Is the reality functionally described by judgment, which means not only to measure, but...


The difference between us, is very simple: you believe whatever you want to believe, worshiping university as gods. While I search for truth, without any preconception; opening doors/ lifting rocks/ picking through the garbage if absolutely necessary/ and understanding the only solution to be found: will occur with respect. If...