the herd

the herd

The consequences: “let’s choose to murder the children, by assassinating the future”. As every intellectual knows, without true change there is no future; so let’s take everything we can get, “and have a party, to play, as if nothing is wrong”.

And so they did, led by university, with all reality cast aside like children do; to play in their imagination, fantasies, and delusions.

To keep reality out, mass media was invented to control, manipulate, and propagate whatever delusion could be established by misleading the public into a false sense of security: “don’t worry, the university is your god”. To control mass media fantasies were invented: to make the zealots believe in their god called university. To control the future without reality being present (hidden as best we can), the university elite conceived of an imagination without limits or consequences; thereby proving with numbers that have no basis in reality: we are gods/ because we are rich “we have numbers”.

But alas, as with all imagination/ fantasy/ and every delusion: every hidden reality remains, and every consequence that lies, fraud, and deceit could cover up: they all still exist.

The first consequence of “let’s destroy the future”/ because we will NOT change. Is we now cannot go back, to where life and nature took care of us/ because too much has been changed: the delusions were left unchecked too long. Covered by mass media, and the incessant display of “tiny effects that don’t matter/ so we don’t have to care”. Hidden by politicians, who cannot get reelected if they allow “the price to be paid” for survival. And refused by all of society, because none want to share the burden of keeping life alive. The foundation of humanity is revealed: WE WANT EVERYTHING WE CAN GET, without cost/ AND WE AIN’T GOING TO PAY ONE DAMN THING, that we aren’t literally forced, to pay. So the illusions of the first, who are leaders to the last; become the essence of the herd called human; as they plummet into the abyss they all chose together. Taking their own children with them/ and closing the door forever to life on this earth. Because they want, and that means: we believe whatever gets us more.

So let’s tally the score of: the human herd, in its game to live without repaying this earth or its nature; or even allowing for respect; not one tiny little bit.

  1. Well the first thing is to remove all reality, and prove you can get away with that by counterfeiting the money. After all, with money you can move the world; now isn’t that right? Of course it is; and all you have to do to have more money, is add a few numbers; now isn’t that right? Of course it is, so long as there are resources to plunder, rape, or ravage/ capitalism can be refused. Capitalism being: the reality of controlling resource losses; so the future can be sustained. “don’t need that”/ let the factories be full, and the mountains of garbage be unending. “lets never ask, what the future will be”.
  2. The second thing is, to create a god (we know everything): means that anything we do, has no consequences/ because after all, “we are gods too (no consequences for us either)/ as led by our now university gods”, who cannot be questioned. Because that would spoil the game. The game is: we can prove we are gods, by destroying or mutilating nature and even turning this world into a sun. After all: “who else, has been able to do that (proving we are god)”/ as that is, ONLY “US, the universities (the herd can’t mimic that)”. To enforce that, let’s create “tiny enemies” so we can isolate any objection onto someone or something completely irrelevant to our reality; as is the cost of what our human herd has chosen to do.
  3. The third thing is, to create fear: NO YOU, can’t question us/ because we CAN, kill you all! What better way to keep the herd quiet, or make them believe there is no future beyond their own lives; than to build weapons of mass destruction?
  4. The fourth thing is to remove all respect for life or planet or a future; as history proves, the primary ingredient is religion. The university chosen religion is evolution: wherein god is chaos/ and nothing exists, but by “winning the game/ or taking whatever you want off the shelf; so that living and body can be whatever you want”. Its called pure fantasy, when hidden behind the curtain “of a wizard”. Its magic/ don’t ask, because we won’t tell you its an illusion.
  5. The fifth thing is, we must insure complete compliance; “here, drink the poison liquid”/ after all, you said you were willing to believe. Now prove, that life has no meaning to you; and everything we say, cannot be denied. Because the university god, is EVERYTHING. Let the cult prove their obedience, and shut the door to all truth. As is consistent with controlling the courtroom, controlling elections with counterfeit money, controlling the schools with propaganda, and the colleges with debt. Destroying the news, to remove all truth of consequences such as global warming; until its too late (then insuring fear). Constantly cheer-leading about the university is god; NO nothing can go wrong “with changing the blue print of all bodies of life”/ or trying desperately to ignite a nuclear fire (let’s burn atoms) “that will be great”.
  6. The sixth thing is: we must close the gate, no nothing escapes the slaughter house/ thereby proving nobody can refuse, we the university elite, and all its followers: are satan; “god ain’t he”? Which of course means: every single thing that life on earth needs to rebuild even for a few to survive the extreme consequences that have been built into a monster/ cannot remain. As is KILL them all; and murder the children. Kill means: like an army does to another army. While murder means: to violently take another life, even though he or she, did absolutely nothing to deserve that reality.
  7. The seventh thing is: blame it all on your true CREATOR (miracles exist)/ as is the constant of human history. Then repent, so that life can have a second chance. But alas, the herd chose to be god. The herd chose to hide from all reality. The herd chose to believe in universities, not truth or life or reality itself. The herd chose not to care. The herd chose not to share with any other living thing, this earth. The herd chose to kill its own offspring, by raping this world. The herd chose to close its ears, and shut its eyes, and line up at the slaughter house door. The herd made its decision, and should receive its reward; because after all, “ GOD, was never on their mind, and constantly they did pretend HE was under their feet”. So with religions of all kinds bowed down to universities: they will not be heard. Go back, to your god.
  8.                  OR CHANGE FOREVER, AND RESPECT TRUTH, LIFE, AND PLANET.                           RESPECT    GOD     !  this is no game.
    1. According to old testament biblical prophecy as is Daniel 12; we have now passed into the 666 days of chaos predicted. According to new testament biblical prophecy, we have entered into the last period of mercy which begins with Revelation 12. Which does demand that women shall take charge of life on earth/ because men have brought this earth to its point of extinction. How long that period lasts, it does not say; I have prayed, please it is enough that life goes on, until men ignite nuclear fire, and this earth is turned into a sun. as is the stated purpose of www.iter.org whereby the fantasy of fusion has been discarded, and their intent is to ignite plasma. NO second chances, as the burning of atoms for fuel, will not be interrupted. Daniel predicts the end of days, will be in the spring of 2021. “not my prediction”/ strictly biblical: but the evidence is clear and absolute; as the fantasies of men, and their interpretations of atomic order as surrounds fusion or more; can easily be proven untrue.
    2. Go search for truth, or simply die: the choice is yours. Communicate with the others, so there can be no denial of reality; or you fail. Just so its simple and complete: “I am not a believer (whatever I want)/ I have faith in the evidence of miracles, and the reality of evidence as will prove truth”. That is not religious/ it is trust in Creation, and the concentration of disciplines as do identify thought.If you still believe that fusion (all the heat from our sun comes from combining two hydrogen atoms to make a helium atom) for instance, cannot be undone. Then ask them: IF FOR EVERY BTU, the sun produces in heat, there is a helium atom produced/ THEN WHERE IS THE HELIUM; one of the rarest elements known to exist. “1+1=2” says helium should be the most abundant; because every sun is producing it; by their assertions. And if that is not true, what is true: they are trying to ignite the same energy source here, as is on the sun/ THEN THEY GAMBLE WITH ALL LIFE, ALL PLANET, AND EVEN THE SOLAR SYSTEM ITSELF. And they can be WRONG. ABOUT MORE, than just that!
    3. One of the fundamentals in this work is: that religious prophecy (regardless of the religion) is the prediction of what men will do/ because of the things they have done, by the decisions they have made, and the consequences they have endured. Biblical prophecy for instance, is written or spoken by men/ remembered by men/ chosen to be included by men/ in the language of men, and so on. IT IS NOT, about what the “hand of GOD” will do/ but is clearly about what the realities of men and their behaviors, their decisions, their lack of respect, aggression, arrogance, lies, stealing, corruption, and all the rest of their “standard answers”, will produce for the future. Which does make the prediction of a future possible. There are no predictions about what women will do/ because women did not write religions, and men did not care to ask them, usually about anything. Men however are very predictable: they take too much, they give back too little, then they steal, lie, and cheat/ which makes the others angry, and they build weapons; then war breaks out, because now there is not enough for everyone; and that means someone is going to die. History proves it so. Reality now proves as well: that the resources are nearly gone from plundering, ravaging, rape, denial, disrespect, failure, foolishness, and more. Truth proves the weapons are so destructive now, that life itself will fail, from their use as in the past. Or more simply: the decisions of men and their universities have set this world on the road to extinction; because life cannot survive what men choose to do. Simple as that. Women on the other side of that line, are not clearly defined by history; so as to prove what they would or would not do; if in charge of society. But it does define, that their choice is not “simply war”; as is men and their leaders. Reality explains: that unless the population rise is ended entirely; none will survive/ and that is entirely up to women. Because only women have children; men merely contribute to the rise of population: by “playing games, with their toy”. Truth proves, this earth and what is left of its life: are entirely dependent upon changing what men, and their universities have been doing/ so that life, and planet, can survive. That will not happen with men; as this is the best they did do/ and we stand at the edge of extinction. That leaves women to rise to the need, and make decisions that reflect the truth: EITHER WE RESPECT LIFE AND PLANET/ OR WE ALL DIE. Either they provide justice for all of humanity and “the world”; or they pay a terrible price. Because war is where men say, “there is no law” and without law, it is women who will be raped, ravaged, plundered, and horrified at what their lives have become. We face the end of time on earth, because of all the damage men have done. Once past the point of no return, nothing but the god of university remains: strictly CHAOS, without an end until all are dead. Your choices end soon: now, or never! By our vote, as a true democracy (by not voting for someone to vote for me)/ MY VOTE, on the law itself that will then govern all our lives. WE CHANGE THIS WORLD! Simple as that, because whosoever makes the law, rules the nation.One of the fundamentals in this work is: that religious prophecy (regardless of the religion) is the prediction of what men will do/ because of the things they have done, by the decisions they have made, and the consequences they have endured. Biblical prophecy for instance, is written or spoken by men/ remembered by men/ chosen to be included by men/ in the language of men, and so on. IT IS NOT, about what the “hand of GOD” will do/ but is clearly about what the realities of men and their behaviors, their decisions, their lack of respect, aggression, arrogance, lies, stealing, corruption, and all the rest of their “standard answers”, will produce for the future. Which does make the prediction of a future possible. There are no predictions about what women will do/ because women did not write religions, and men did not care to ask them, usually about anything.

      Men however are very predictable: they take too much, they give back too little, then they steal, lie, and cheat/ which makes the others angry, and they build weapons; then war breaks out, because now there is not enough for everyone; and that means someone is going to die. History proves it so. Reality now proves as well: that the resources are nearly gone from plundering, ravaging, rape, denial, disrespect, failure, foolishness, and more. Truth proves the weapons are so destructive now, that life itself will fail, from their use as in the past. Or more simply: the decisions of men and their universities have set this world on the road to extinction; because life cannot survive what men choose to do. Simple as that.

      Women on the other side of that line, are not clearly defined by history; so as to prove what they would or would not do; if in charge of society. But it does define, that their choice is not “simply war”; as is men and their leaders. Reality explains: that unless the population rise is ended entirely; none will survive/ and that is entirely up to women. Because only women have children; men merely contribute to the rise of population: by “playing games, with their toy”. Truth proves, this earth and what is left of its life: are entirely dependent upon changing what men, and their universities have been doing/ so that life, and planet, can survive. That will not happen with men; as this is the best they did do/ and we stand at the edge of extinction. That leaves women to rise to the need, and make decisions that reflect the truth: EITHER WE RESPECT LIFE AND PLANET/ OR WE ALL DIE. Either they provide justice for all of humanity and “the world”; or they pay a terrible price. Because war is where men say, “there is no law” and without law, it is women who will be raped, ravaged, plundered, and horrified at what their lives have become. We face the end of time on earth, because of all the damage men have done. Once past the point of no return, nothing but the god of university remains: strictly CHAOS, without an end until all are dead. Your choices end soon: now, or never!

      By our vote, as a true democracy (by not voting for someone to vote for me)/ MY VOTE, on the law itself that will then govern all our lives. WE CHANGE THIS WORLD! Simple as that, because whosoever makes the law, rules the nation.

      Because you are scared to question the university “gods”/ as they can in fact “talk better” than the vast majority: the reality remains, that the majority of what they say is either a “fairy tale, story”/ a lie/ a theory/ or a delusion based upon irrelevant facts. Your fears are unfounded: as the least intelligent of humanity lives and works within a university. THEY ARE, LEADING THE WAY: TO MAKING LIFE ON EARTH EXTINCT! LITERALLY, preparing to kill YOU, AND EVERY CHILD! Because they believe they can be gods; as all the most insane do.

      I repeat: as a method of producing facts that can easily be used against them.

      1. There is nothing more ignorant in all of human history; than to assert evolution exists/ no facts exist to prove it; making it the least of all religions practiced on earth. Only an outright, utterly insane fool: chooses to mutilate the very foundations of life, which are DNA. Which makes this generation the most ignorant cult worshipers; that have ever lived. Chaos builds NOTHING. “chance” cannot even get you outside your door, in the morning: it takes a brain, bare minimum.
      2. Gravity comes from this: we know by the evidence, that an atom spins, as does the electrons which surround it. That spin, just like a weight on the end of a string spinning around you, as you apply the energy to make that weight move in a circle; has kinetic energy. IN ORDER FOR, the weight to not simply go off into space: THERE MUST BE an alternate opposite energy, of even greater strength; holding it into place. That alternate opposite energy is called “dark energy/ dark mass” by most. That extra strength to hold a spinning atom together: is called gravity. The energy of an atom: is held within the spinning mass that exists as its core. By that measure: we can evaluate just how fast the atom actually spins. By that reality of fact: we know that the atom spins at over the speed of light. Because of that, we know: that the initiating energy of the “big bang” which accelerated the core existence of an atom/ was more than the speed of light. Which then deposes the theory of just how long this universe as it exists today, has been here.
      3. The reality of the big bang was: for every action there is an opposite reaction. Which means the center of the explosion, would be found near the center of the universe: which cuts their time for how long this universe has existed: in half or more.
      4. Find your soul back.
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Jim Osterbur

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