wall street

To whom it may concern from James F. Osterbur. Since it is a true reality, the consequence is to be far worse: for not being prepared/ than to be “slightly in advance of an economic depression”. I do present you with this warning; reminding you as stated directly below, when...

electric lines

anchor petition  This is then a legal beginning, for the removal of all unnecessary field anchors holding the electrical distribution line, throughout this USA/ this state of IL. (STARTING 1/29/20)   initiating brief, startup printing;   anchor petition pdf Electronic petition, please sign to show your support/ IF, you are farmer, landowner,...

stark and plain

Into the elements of life, we find eternity visible in the dimensions of thought; because true life is thought, conceived by its own deliberate companion which is energy. Thought can be eternal, because it is not limited by energy, it is merely conceived by energy, and contained by the existence...


If I were to write a final word; establishing what is most important about life to me. It would be this: although time measures a life, by its living/ the reality of life itself, is determined by its existence. To exist means: “this cannot be abandoned by truth”/ therefore it...


SCIENCE, the university “false god (we can control the sun fire)”/ along with evolution, the university “false religion”/ and the brain disease called genetics: the attempt to be gods, by worshiping evolution, and throwing nature into chaos. Science is the term used to make people believe: that they need not...

shape self

RELATIONSHIPS; the realities which shape our existence, beyond self. When applied to the destiny of what can we be together; the consequence of our choices, becomes the values we set into our lives. As is consistent with: IF there was only one true choice for you, to be the reality...

shapes j,w,b

RELATIONSHIPS; the realities which shape our existence, beyond self. We participate with [job/ boss; neighbor or not; and so on.]” The definition of shape extends to the consequences of what an environment or its reality can offer us; and how we then must fit ourselves into that opportunity. Rather than...

shapes r&l

RELATIONSHIPS; the realities which shape our existence, beyond self. We begin with the least of these, which is “landlord/ renter; [job/ boss; neighbor or not; and so on.]” The foundation of landlord is: that I am here trying to make money from this property (from the sacrifices which made ownership...


RELATIONSHIPS; At this point in time, there is no relationship more important than the one you formed with universities, and the cult worship that followed. Not because they are “special”/ but because they are so dangerous and deadly now; as to be the cause of our extinction from this living...


If you only had a brain; we could talk. But you don't want that, so we can't. Instead of searching for life as is “I do desire the elevation humanity calls thought (brain)”/ the reality is humanity wants what it wants, and the cost of consequences matters not one tiny...