While it is true, that predator and prey; are the basic elements producing order, discipline, and balance; while refining the basic dimensions of where you belong in this environment. It is also true, that without that intensity by design; freedom overruns its boundaries and truth by the terms of reality...
The realities of government, and its impact on society; a pointless demonstration of facts, because you are so GREEDY and WITHOUT honor; that a voice of reality or truth cannot enter in. That literally has to wait outside, until you open the door to your heart; if ever. To your...
There really is NOTHING in the history of this world, more capable, and more deliberate in cursing all of life and planet itself; than is a university. As has been proven again and again and again. Nothing else, could have or would have created weapons of mass destruction. Nothing else,...
not a game
The value of living, a reality dependent upon the decisions that you will make/ because survival is not a game. The constant curse of being human is: that we are surrounded by those who only desire to be “an animal”. None are more delusional to the question of whether human...
There are critical values in life, a foundation upon which we do determine our lives, by creating the identity that desire can then fully achieve. These are not “good decisions or bad decisions”/ but the choices that are then the identity we did choose. A good decision or a bad...
Unfortunately, “without a brain that works”; YOU can cannot achieve anything beyond the aspects of an animal; which then boils down to predator and prey. The difference is, like ravenous wolves; each tries to get everything it can before everything of value is gone. Oh wait: that makes you the...
The most diseased words, in the human language are: “how insignificant we and this planet are, when looking at the entire universe”. How very little of that is true/ instead it is, “the seed of stupidity and failure itself”! LIFE is never insignificant/ it is the essence of the greatest...
baby and more
There are a variety of small and large catastrophe's to life; dependent upon who you are, and any given moment in time. One of the first to invade a life is with infants left behind in a car for instance. To alleviate that problem is a very simple thing to...
As I live and breathe, recognizing both the function and fundamentals which are the basis of life, continue to be destroyed at a rate that insures extinction comes soon. The foundations upon which all life rests, continue to be torn out as well. Making this, the most destructive generation which...
cursed or value
In the essence of life, the most fundamental gift of all, is an identity. With that exclusion of all else, we have established the border and limits that define our own elemental existence. In that creation, the values, purposes, and desires we form within our own version of thought construct...