

The challenge of life, is time/ but the challenge of time is living as the essence of life, “being alive”. While all things physical are about time, the foundation of all that life in time or beyond; can become: is as thought will allow. The difference between life and alive...


VERY SOON; we begin the final descent into chaos; that is, “the university serpent, encircling its prey”. Ultimately the serpents surrounds the pit of animals, that have lost their ability to survive/ as they see their world in only a very tiny focus of “its all about me”. The critical...


DEMOCRACY MEANS; WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE/ THIS NATION, HAVE formed our own government, by declaring WE SHALL MAKE OUR OWN LAWS. In the alternate view: democracy means: WE THE PEOPLE OF THIS PLACE OR NATION: HAVE MADE THE LAWS BY OUR VOTE/ thereby becoming a democracy, which proves...

time 1

in all things fundamental, to the search for survival in this date and time: are the soldiers quartered in every house/ that are media, news, or entertainment. There to make you fear/ to scare you with images of death and rotting corpses/ to inform you that a gun is your...


Critical thinking, is determined by the escape from body into life! The difference is: time does not matter/ realities do! To which the common human says: NOTHING matters but time and its body of life, because death takes that all away: LEAVING ME, with nothing! Adding “you are a fool”;...


Love exists, because life knows happiness: a body balanced from side to side, a body that exhibits not only what we need to survive, in nearly every case; but more than that works with happiness, hope, trust,,,,,,,; as is the grace of movement, the valley of thought, the treasury of...


The foundation of democracy is: that we all surrender to the law, that is fair and justified to life and earth and a future for every child. That makes the law our superior, and in that moment it does become the government of our lives/ regardless of the rest: the...


 Use your own organizations, CHURCHES, families, and more to identify what is true for you, and then expand that into a greater effort/ GO TO COURT AND DEMAND A TRUE ACCOUNTING; AS IS WHO IS REALLY DYING.          BECAUSE IF THERE IS NOT A DRAMATIC INCREASE IN...

stolen identity

To: xxxxx and assoc (lawyers) From: James Frank Osterbur xxxxxxxxxxxxx dated 11/9/ 2021 RE: having received your letter on 11/6/20, with regard to a charge back on “xxxxx order #412147; charge back case #2020202015931; the following is replied. Be it known, and hereby sworn too: that I made NO order...


  "without your knowledge or understanding:  those who now hold keys to manipulating or mutilating biology, in INVISIBLE WAYS"  CAN now attack you/ and you will never know until the disease or tragedy of any kind or type:   strikes your life or planet or child."  Making extortion extremely easy/ and...

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