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building life 3

While no significant reason exists, to allow hope for this earth or its life; because humanity does not care enough. Without hope there is no purpose in life, and without purpose desire will fail. Consequently, “we must believe (I want this to be true)”. Nonetheless, to understand want, we must...

building life 2

Building life; “wandering through the possibilities of eternity as female”. I am at a loss for words; but we will try to conceive for you an opportunity to understand. That begins with the word “we”; as it describes the fundamental foundation of life with, “either male or female” energies. In...

building life

Building life; the essential discovery of time. Life is, the elemental search beyond time, into the living for a value that achieves eternal desire. Desire is then, a fundamental foundation hope; that with life, nothing can defeat the essence of love; an environment shaped by the conclusions of both joy...

changing life

CHANGE is the expression, and the experience of what can be different in your life or environment. It is not about fantasy or delusions, as these are merely escapes from reality. Reality then comes to mean: the deliberate actions and reactions that are assigned by laws, to become the construction...

center point

At the center point of our journey into Creation itself, by constructing the path back in time; to the destiny that is life. One of the many critical junctures is the division of order; into male or female/ as they are not the same, in far more ways than just...

real world truth

I repeat for you: that according to “university knows”. The core of the sun must be the hottest part, and all of the sun is thereby engulfed in a “ravaging flame”; because of gravity, which they identify as a massive element unknown in this universe. Having no other definition of...


Critical to life on earth, is an understanding of the basic requirements your life is caused to accept: there will be RESPECT/ or the consequences could be grim. There will be an acceptance of miracles; because they are the evidence of “more than just you” exists here in this place....

three things

Three things matter, to the future of this world. They are critical, because they determine everything else. WHOSOEVER MAKES THE LAW, RULES THIS EARTH; therefore we the people of this earth must make that law for ourselves/ as best we can. It is not about leaders/ this is about law....

the future

We examine the future, for reality. Unless there is are pandemic's; which are terrible things, that have no mercy in them. The reality is: we are now a crowded world. Which will face the truth of all that human “university worship” did not do for life! The only question is:...


It is, elemental since time began: that each and every one must decide for themselves, who and what you can or cannot become. Each is born with a definable set of gifts/ each is entitled to use those gifts however they wish, to build a life they chose. So the...

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