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The clear certainty of life is: that all universities discard the future as if it were nothing but trash to be abused and refused access, to even consideration of what is going to be/ and in fact already is. Actually even their trash gets more consideration than the future itself....


Masking the USA; how to destroy a nation from the inside. The obvious answer is: make them fear/ so they destroy it themselves. How: put together an invisible enemy that could be lurking anywhere, and make them believe; no matter what the evidence will produce, that disease is going to...


TO: friend, family, or reader; I suggest you share it with others! the reality is: that an economic depression, and all that will mean is nearly certain, and without the possibility of doubt/ because “university knows”, took away your safety nets. Since they were constructed with lies (especially hidden inflation....

changing world

The foundation of male human failures, which means world failures; always starts with the same pride: WE, are the winners here/ so, WE will make all the decisions. That turns into power, and when the power tries to take control over everything as it always does; WAR breaks out, when...

disciplines of death

The disciplines of death; a lesson from the book of Revelation chapter 12-20. The conception of death, is provided by “a rotting corpse”; but that is only our connection with time, as a body represents the house confined, that we have lived in/ not the life inside with gave it...

the shape of time

This is 4/ 30/ 2020 the list of critical questions to my own life, is long; and now unanswered as to the relationship that will form in this my future as life. Why you are invited to read about that reality is unclear; but I tell you this. Whatever your...

strictly of me

Strictly of me, searches the inner workings of my own heart/ as I am now being subjected to the tragedy of what feels like, “one of the most owned, women in the world”. I have been controlled more than ever, stopped, and lost freedoms in countless ways; as reality instructs...


To examine human life, requires us to understand: primary motivations The discipline required to properly assess motivation, requires the acceptance of a choice: to be animal/ or to be human. The decision is yours. An animal lives within the mental conceptions of want/ pride/ power/ and sex. A human being...


There are, any number of people, who believe they must do something other than face the truth, and change ourselves as a world. They want, whatever they believe to be the truth; so long as it does not dramatically affect them. Whether you die or not, would then be irrelevant;...


Taking every threat of extinction into a public, world courtroom: is the only way, to remove the theory, assumptions, belief's, idiocy, greed, failure, power, and more from reality. NOT because the courtroom works for us, as it does not: they protect the powerful, and the powerful DON'T want change unless...

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