

In the realities and relationships of male and female, the most distinct differences are internal. Man shapes his life, to achieve freedom while participating to earn survival; by all means necessary. Woman shapes her life, to achieve securities, and thereby establish survival, by participation.

The critical difference is body: man is born with the size and strength to fight with other men/ while women are not; making them vulnerable to the tragic consequences of judgment, hate, rape, more; as are a constant among many men. The human animal knows only want (the arrogance of “yes I can”)/ the predator knows only to focus on the victim, which removes “the world beyond self”. While the prey knows only fears (I could die), running (I could be torn apart), or hiding (I am scared, and alone); will grant relief. “we can’t all be wrong”; is the sign of a herd. We follow/ we do not “think for ourselves”: cause its easier; and then we have someone else, to blame.

While I do think for myself, based upon knowledge/ the creation of understanding with work/ and the balance of wisdom, as is needed or derived from truth; is a human being ALIVE/ instead of animal.

Therefore we analysis the reality of both male and female from two distinct perspectives: either as a human animal, completely driven by wants, which then form pride and power/ OR as a human, being alive, as is the result of letting truth itself decide: the decision to think beyond want.

The animal called man.

  1. Man exists: by accepting the disciplines needed to fight the battles, which keep us alive/ by ignoring pain and suffering; when the battle rages. Simple as that; boys have largely not developed that discipline/ nor have the acquired the skills necessary to implement the choice.
  2. Man insists: your fear/ is not my fear. Your choice is not my choice. Your command is not my duty. Life is a duty to oneself, through the choices I do make for me.
  3. There are three types of men: those who find something potentially addictive and say “I like it/ I want more”. Those who say, “I like it”, somewhat, but that means a degree of control has erupted over me: which makes this an enemy to be watched. And those who are afraid to risk a reality they do not understand: (so they run away, or gather knowledge to decide, or hide from the decision). Drugs are not a risk/ they are a fools delusion. A cowards way out from the responsibilities of being an adult.
  4. Man wants, because he sees a “trinket (to buy women with), toy (used to play with men) , or a trophy (shouting I am the superior one). PRIDE expands this into; “I am the winner/ therefore you must be the loser”. POWER expands it further asserting: if you are not equal to me/ then you must be less; and if worthless to me: then I CAN treat you like trash. [abused/ used/ etc]
  5. Male sexuality is: locked into a penis/ but that is not quite true, because it is the chemicals produced only in the testicles; that make sex pleasurable. Those chemicals make sex addictive to men, and cause them to be sexually interested in women: because nature made that possible. All other sexual activity is based in friendship, and seeks to help you enjoy the experience as woman. A vasectomy removes the chemicals/ and thereby the reward for sex; causing that sex to be stopped.
  6. Men are not going to be bought with sex; because love is not included in that. So you are only buying time. Men are not going to associate anything other than you; with sex/ they don’t carry memories for that. Either they remember YOU THE PERSON/ or they will not remember you at all; even if they do remember your body.
  7. Men all believe when they commit to a relationship with woman: there will be equity in that relationship. You will help/ you will share/ you will care/ you will do your part, even if you don’t want to; because as living goes, some things just have to be done.

The animal called woman.

  1. Woman exists: through the understanding, I am vulnerable/ a reality that cannot be avoided beyond a certain and true reality. Woman survives being vulnerable; defending as best she can/ girl cries, becomes despondent, or enslaved.
  2. Woman insists: my fear shall not be dismissed or regarded as less than what I believe it is. I know what a threat is, I need you to listen to me; and I want you to accept the value of what I am saying is. This life is too precious even to you; to lose it: protect me.
  3. There are three types of women: those who find something potentially addictive and say “I like it/ I want more”. Those who say, “I like it”, somewhat, but that means a degree of control has erupted over me: which makes this an enemy to be watched. And those who are afraid to risk a reality they do not understand: (so they run away, or gather knowledge to decide, or hide from the decision). Drugs are not a risk/ they are a fools delusion. A cowards way out from the responsibilities of being an adult.
  4. Woman wants, because she sees a “trinket (to make women jealous with/ or attract men), toy (used to play with men or women with) , or a trophy (shouting I am the superior one). PRIDE expands this into; “I am the winner/ therefore you must be the loser”. POWER expands it further asserting: if you are not equal to me/ then you must be less; and if worthless to me: then I CAN treat you like trash.
  5. Woman sexuality; is not for me to say/ however now having “female breasts; NOT my choice”. I can add, feelings sprout out of these things/ chemicals are formed in these things; and they likely contribute to the experience. When women believe “the university claim: nothing is going to be changed with a vasectomy”/ they then ask men to do it. It seems particularly tragic to white men and women who are the majority of those who accept that delusion: as they are the primary cult worshipers of “university”. The cost: divorce/ sometimes murder/ hate/ and more; because when sex ends for your mate/ it ends for you too.l
  6. Women are not going to be bought with sex; unless its “good sex”/ because they equate that with love and value. Women are going to associate anything, and everything; other than you; with sex/ they do carry memories for that. They do remember YOU THE PERSON/ and they will remember everything and anything you did do for them or against them; for a very long time. Even if they do remember your body/ it is not enough, to buy their love. Love is not for sale, but want is.
  7. Women all believe when they commit to a relationship with man: there will be complete freedom from that relationship, for them. Man will help/ man will share/ man will care/ man will do your part and more, even if you don’t want to; because as living goes, some things just have to be done. And I am worth it, because I chose you.

We then turn to the human being alive as it relates to relationships. Basically same for both male and female.

  1. The elevation of life, transforms us from animal into the creation that GOD intended for us to be; when we trade the foundation upon which we stand: from living in time/ to being alive within creation itself. “the miracle is I”.
  2. the ascension of hope, is the acceptance that life can become eternal; if the values that make life possible beyond the limits and boundaries of time can be found. Love is the essential ingredient in hope/ and hope is the essential ingredient in the desire to remain alive.
  3. Desire means: I have achieved the dimension of heart and soul. To conceive, and then construct: the disciplines, order, and balance of living as elevated by respect; into “a world beyond ourselves”. Where the distance of our souls when united, can travel beyond ourselves into eternity as my heart, alive in you/ you in me.
  4. Love is a rhythm, which lives in the treasury of joy.
  5. Happiness shares, because it cares; granting through respect, that we must then be equal; wherever love lives.
  6. Respect determines destiny, and destiny shapes the environment of your world; by the choices we make for ourselves, and each other beyond self.
  7. Faith is not belief. Faith in the truth of what we accept as the purity of miracles given to life and earth: can only conceive of thought, as the eternal construction of home exists here. Where truth learns to cope with energy/ and value learns to accept the limits and boundaries of laws meant to keep us all safe. The value of being alive shapes our soul: “where we all gather, to share everything as one”.Discipline enters as the decision called equity; to accept the limits and boundaries of what is in the best interest of all involved. Within that conception the value of being male or female expands to understand: that a heart shapes the relationship we share. Or more distinctly, the appreciation of balance in our lives, by the addition of the opposite sex, does establish a respect for living is more than just, as me. The composition of grace is: that we each contribute to a value that is greater than each individual one can be. The equity in that is: caring finds love, and love finds soul inside, where creation itself does exist. Thought eliminates the dimension of hate (focusing down into “one tiny thing”), by expanding into love beyond the limits of even this universe; because thought can take us there, where even law submits to freedom, and freedom conforms with truth. Therefore truth is a key, and a value for eternity. The spiritual world which does reside between time and eternity; is defined by our relationship with truth. ONLY what is true in you, will survive. Of eternity, the distance we share in the disciplines of love, are formed by the value of our hope. Wherever there is hope, there is a future. Wherever there is a future, there is cause for life to feel not only free, but beyond the grip of death. The question of eternity is then, found within the mystery of thought, as the decision to be free. Where happiness lives, the order of love will be balanced to achieve a respect for life. It is that respect, which opens the door to an energy we will own.

Primary to belief, is the assumption of truth; but truth is not developed or defined by belief. Belief is I want to feel safe/ so I have accepted this belief; and I am not at ease, because “I know” the answer. Even if the answer is wrong/ it is still a cage, to keep the rest out. As to vasectomy: “the universities KNOW”; DO THEY NOT do studies on “any damn thing they can think of”!  Indeed they do, and have done; as a primary study long ago: meaning government officials knew too. Which means media, or “the news” knows as well; and yet they market it, fully knowing the intensity of the damage they are going to do/ in every life that accepts their lies. And the people participate in those lies:  BECAUSE THEY WANT, other people to believe, “nothing has changed/ I am still the same”. Even though, that is absolutely not true. Hate wants you to lose too;  “so you can’t ridicule me”. So, I won’t; be discarded; as disabled and loser by you. But the foundation of it is: “as with all cult worshipers/ they believe, our gods; would not let this happen again and again to us all/ THEREFORE it must be only me”. So they hide the truth, behind the university is god, and we can’t all be wrong.   FILE LAWSUITS AGAINST THEM ALL; AND COLLECT “YOUR DAMAGES”/ for being led like sheep, to the slaughter of something valuable in you.

The primary disgrace of human existence is: “I want (you don’t matter)/ yes, I can (you can’t stop me)/ judgment (I am the superior one)/ hate (get out of my life, or world)/ fantasy (anything I want life to be)/ betrayal (you are worthless to me)/ stealing (you owe me, more than this)/ cheating (I have a right, because I say so)/ pride (I win)/ power (you lose)/ violence (you will pay)/ arrogance (I am god over you)/ gambling with the lives, or living of others (I know everything I need to know)/ laziness (truth and reality do not matter)/ gluttony (nothing is more important than self)/ belief (I want what I want)/ we can’t all be wrong (hidden inside, I need not decide anything, for myself)/ and the desire to blame the others (you chose, I only followed). Even though each of these is a decision, that combines into the truth of who you are. Or more distinctly; your chosen composition, of an eternal identity.

In the alternate world: of love, life, truth, and respect: the only thing that matters is the value you contribute, to the essence of each.

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Jim Osterbur

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